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Este trabajo tiene su origen en nuestra historia profesional, en la que destacamos el rol mediador de coordinación pedagógica en la (re)construcción de nuestra actuación docente. En este contexto de vida profesional, nace la tesis que discute la problemática de la alfabetización y el rol de la escuela y de sus profesores, mediados por la acción de la coordinación pedagógica, en la construcción de una práctica alfabetizadora de jóvenes y adultos. Investigar qué saberes de la acción pedagógica son requeridos del coordinador pedagógico, en la mediación/ orientación de profesores alfabetizadores de jóvenes y adultos fue el objetivo de este trabajo. Para tejer la investigación fue escogido el abordaje caritativo de la encuesta; como metodología, el estudio de caso y como procedimiento el levantamiento de datos, la observación, el cuestionario, la entrevista y el análisis documental. Aprehendimos de la investigación que, en el desarrollo de su práctica, el coordinador pedagógico moviliza Saberes Específicos y Saberes Transversales de su acción pedagógica. En los saberes específicos, encontramos: Joven y Adulto como sujeto del conocimiento y del aprendizaje; Alfabetización del joven y del adulto: Psicogénesis de la lengua escrita; Ciclo de la acción didáctico-pedagógica. En los saberes transversales, fueron aprendidos: Respetar y se hacerse respetar por profesores y alumnos; Priorizar la dimensión pedagógica en el cotidiano escolar; Mediar la acción docente en las distintas etapas: planeamiento; ejecución y evaluación. La investigación ratifica que el trabajo pedagógico en la escuela debe ser construido en una relación entre profesores y coordinadores. Como resultados, evidenciamos, también, que los coordinadores pedagógicos se encuentran, todavía, sin una identidad profesional, inmersos en muchos quehaceres, sin darse cuenta de lo más importante: la mediación del trabajo docente. El coordinador pedagógico es un profesional que se va construyendo en las prácticas escolares y su identidad profesional aún no está definida como en el campo real de actuación. Basado en los estudios hechos, defendemos la tesis de que, la práctica del coordinador pedagógico en la escuela demanda saberes y quehaceres de acción pedagógica; estos adquieren especificidades en ejercicio de la mediación /orientación de la práctica pedagógica de profesores alfabetizadores de jóvenes y adultos. Aprehendemos como recomendación a los cursos de formación de coordinadores pedagógicos que estos deben proporcionar: Embasamiento teóricometodológico consistente sobre las Ciencias de la Educación; Prácticas Supervisadas de larga duración en la Coordinación Pedagógica de instituciones escolares y no escolares; Experiencia como profesor en sala de clase, de manera preferencial, en el nivel en que el que concluye el curso desea actuar. Fue destacada la importancia del lado humano en el ejercicio de la acción coordinadora, como forma de establecer y alimentar la comunicación con el profesor y, de este modo, coordinadores y profesores comparten la apasionante, pero difícil tarea de educar. Esperamos que el estudio, que destaca saberes necesarios para la práctica del coordinador pedagógico, pueda contribuir para ampliar la discusión del rol de este profesional en la escuela que deseamos pública, democrática y con calidad social.


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La musique, plus qu`um mot et le texte écrit, a le pouvoir de produire le déplacement du sujet en relation aux contingences du temps e deespace. Entendre de la musique est plus que de l´amusement. Comme un artifice cognitif qui ultrapasseexpérience analytique e métonymique, les formes tonales doublent la réalité, expandent les sens, actionent l´imagination, retotalisent les sentiments, amplient les expériences, permettent la rencontre du sujet avec les éssences des phénomènes qui ne sont pas traductibles par les mots. Nous écoutons de la musique pour restituer notre dignité e conférer à la vie plus de vérité, plus de concrétion (Santiago Kovadloff). La mélodie permet l´expérimentation des états de cohésion, de conéction pleine entre sens et intention, entre commencement et fin, de la finitude de la vie (Schopenhauer). Le phénomène musical provoqueexpréssion de la douleur, de la souffrance et, au même temps, du jubile et de la joie, réliant nature et homme (Nietzsche). Tenant comme base cette compréhension, la dissertation tient dans la musique une importante métaphore pour comprendre la complexité humaine, une fois qu´elle propicie une écoute sensible du monde et mobilise dans le sujet l´expérimentation de divers états de l´être. Nous pouvons dire que la musique est un opérateur de la conaissence parce qu´elle fait affleurer l´écoute intérieure, la rencontre du sujet avec lui même. Cet opérateur cognitif actione les pôles de l´ésprit qui font dialoguer sensibilité, éthique et esthétique, ordre et chaos, silence et bruit, mouvement et pause, repétition et inovation. Par l´expérience musicale, nous habitons des formes hibrides de sensibilité et raison. L´inachèvement, notre principal caractéristique comme humains, a, dans la musique, une image impair, parce que la musique est l´expression du dévir. Pour tisser ces arguments, la dissertation part des études de Schopenhauer et Nietzsche sur la musique, esthétique et métaphysique; Expose des fragments de la biographie de trois grands penseurs contemporains (Werner Heinsenberg, Ilya Prigogine et Edgar Morin) accentuant la présence de la musique en ses vies; et, par fin, présente ce que nous appelons biographies sonores de quatre artistes-musiciens brésiliens (Benedito Juarez et Gil Jardim, de São Paulo, et Ronaldo Ferreira de Lima et, Cleudo Freire, du Rio Grande do Norte)


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Demand for access to higher education to put in test the education Brazilian system in view of the surplus of selective processes of public universities, people without option to pay their studies at this education level. In this context, it has arisen the University for All(Universidade para Todos)Program, the ProUni, from Ministry of Education - MEC, created by the Federal Government in 2004, and that it aims the granting of full and partial scholarships in private higher education institutions, graduate courses in sequential specific training, low-income Brazilians students who do not have higher-level degree. Created by the Provisional Measure No 213/2004 and institutionalized by Law No. 11096 of January 13, 2005, the ProUni offers, however, the exemption of some taxes to those institutions that join the program. This is one of the privileged time for the study of Social Representations by offering the researcher, a living laboratory, natural environment, the confrontation between the established and new. In time like this people are challenged to incorporate the new system to the pre-existing one, aiming it through a strangeness of what was so familiar. It is through this game of social forces that we developed the present study with 196 entering higher education, of these are 116 of selective vestibular system and 80 of the ProUni selective system. We opt by the procedures for data collection in order to have access to the circulating senses, in addition to the streamlined responses. With foundation in Abric, we perform the test the Free Association of Words, then analysed by the software and by EVOC Content of the type theme as Bardin. Besides, we require of the subjects, a writing on the study object university later analysed by the software ALCESTE. The results point out to a representation strongly rooted in social factors such as more traditional socio-cultural elements: the beliefs, values, the symbols. It is unique in both groups of subjects: among those entering by the selective ProUni system, there was a stronger anchor in that it does not make inquiries about the program. At the same time, there is a stronger presence of objectivation, entering the selective vestibular system in order that they explained with a value judgement on the programme. It is suggested further studies considering the embryonic state of social representation, as recent as the social purpose that triggered. It would be relevant even the replication of the same research with other people in order to strengthen the power of the theorising of empiria available


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The work aims to investigate some of the educational actions developed in the differentiated Tapeba schools (CE), in their pedagogical practices. The reading of these practices as ritual of ethnic cultural resistance is accomplished by the approach of studies of experience and performance in the anthropology, as well as, the analytical perspective suggested by the dramaturgy ideas and social drama. So, taking a critical approach of the school, that conceives it, while time space privileged of possibilities of political social change, this work searches to notice the means of achievement of a differentiated education. I aim at, with that, to observe the ritual moments and performáticos of the pedagogic practices of Tapeba while important political-symbolic expressions of your collective experiences, looking at the process of construction of legitimacy of the school differentiated as scenery of creation of pedagogic rituals of resistance. Then, the Cultural Fair, Tapeba Indian Games, the Walking of Tapeba Indian`s Day and Carnauba Party by one side and the Cultural Classes, by another, promote a re-thinking on the experiences of Tapeba ethnicity, distinguishing also, in this process of identity affirmation, the political pedagogical role fulfilled by land re-taking. Finally, this work makes clear that Tapeba prove to be individuals with rights and at the same time they want to legitimate their differentiated school practices, Tapeba construct the meaning of their social actions in the educative and in other aspects of their communitarian living as well


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La recherche discute les interfaces du corps et de la corporéité dans l espace scolaire, dans une perspective freinetienne . Pour cela, un peu de l Histoire de la Pédagogie sera évoquée, en observant quel est l espace destiné au corps et à la corporéité. Pour ce dialogue, la base d une pensée pédagogique de renom a été nécessaire. Le choix s est alors porté sur la pédagogie freinetienne , pédagogie populaire progressiste qui renvoit le sujet à la nécessité de l action. Le dialogue a été établi dans le sens de comprendre le corps dans la Pédagogie Freinet, dans une interface avec l Éducation, ainsi que de la discuter, en prenant pour référence la corporéité comme paradigme éducationnel. Pour cela trois uvres de Freinet ont été fondamentalement utilisées: Essai de Psycologie Sensible; Éducation du Travail et Pour l École du Peuple. Une recherche de nature qualitative a été réalisée. Quant à la méthodologie, l Herméneutique a été choisie, puisque au travers de la recherche et de la réfléxion il a été possible d articuler des concepts qui apportèrent les réponses aux questions de l étude: quelle est la conception de corps que laisse transparaître la Pédagogie Freinet? Quelles sont les interfaces entre les études du corps et de la corporéité dans la contemporanéité avec la Pédagogie Freinet? Comment la Pédagogie Freinet comprend et valorise le corps dans le processus d apprentissage? À la fin de la recherche, il est constaté que le corps est mis en évidence dans la Pédagogie Freinet, un corps qui est considéré dans son histoire et signification. Il est perçut que les études contemporaines sur le corps et la corporéité se rapprochent du discours freinetien , principalement quand les principes de la Libre Expression et du Tâtonnement sont traités dans sa pédagogie, ce qui amène à l interprétation d un corps non comme médiateur de l apprentissage, mais bien un apprentissage qui se fait à partir du propre corps


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Cette étude appartient à l un des principaux défis de l éducation dans l actualité qui est la production de connaissances concernant la mort comme objet d investigation théorique et empirique dans le domaine éducationnel. Des recherches récentes signalent le besoin d une éducation contemplant des études sur la mort et montrent l école tel qu un lieu de débats et reflexions à propos de ce thème. Cette reflexion est relevante et fondamentale, étant donné que la mort fait partie du cycle de la vie et se trouve présente dans les contenus scolaires des différents domaines de la connaissance. Ce travail a, donc, l objectif d analyser les signification attribués à ce concept mort et la relation qui s établit entre eux et la pratique des professeurs de l enseignement fondamental. Il adopte en tant que référentiel les principes de la recherche qualitative du type étnographique (André, Chizzotti et Meksenas), dans une approche socio-historique et en ce qui concerne la formation et le développement des concepts (Vygotsky, Kopnin, Guetamanova et Ferreira). La participation des professeurs a été faite par l observation participante, registres en cahier de bord et application d un instrument de construction de données pour l appréhension des significations attribués aux concepts qui sont à la base de la pratique de cinq enseignantes des premières séries de l Enseignement Fondamental d une école publique du réseau d enseignement de l État du Rio Grande do Norte située dans la Zone Sud de Natal. De ce fait, les analyses et les interprétations des observations de la pratique dans la salle de classe et des réponses aux quinze questions liées au thème ont permis de construire les significations des concepts qui appuient les pratiques enseignantes de ces professeurs, tout en mettant en relief la fragmentation et la désarticulation entre les expressions décrites dans les questionnaires et les pratiques développées en salle de clase. Ces reflexions mettent en évidence la nécessité de re-penser l articulation entre l énnoncé et la pratique des professeurs à propos de cette thématique au cours d une formation initiale et continue


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In this dissertation, we investigate the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project in the Municipal School Ascendino de Almeida , situated in the west zone of Natal city, in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. We performed a qualitative research, using information provided by several sources as: interviews carried out in the Municipal Department of Education and also in the mentioned School, document analysis, and literature reviews, mainly with the objective of knowing more about the complexity of this particular reality. This was done in order to establish a mediation between the actual reality and the social, political, and economic context that surrounds it. We analyze the Political-Pedagogical Project according to the visions of Education theoreticians, under the political-normative plan, and also as a process of educational planning that can collaborate significantly for the introduction of changes in school Education. This instrument of the educative action, as a fruit of the participation of the school community, may constitute itself in an important learning instrument of the participation in the social sphere, demanding from the educators the development of complex abilities so that they can construct the Project. In the data analysis, we describe and analyze the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the mentioned School. We also determine how participation of the school community was constructed as well as the consequences of this envolvement. We also discuss the abilities they needed to develop, the process of studies and dialogues that gave support to the whole process, and the democratic participation in the school decisions, including a dialogical interaction


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This PH.D. thesis is an attempt to show the beginning, evolution and unfolding of the making of a pedagogical work proposal based on culturally-built knowings in the heart of a traditional community, having as one of its starting points the knowings and doings experienced by dish-making women from Maruanum living in the city of Macapá, State of Amapá, Brazil. This proposal is strongly associated with the need we have to think about the nature of (ethnological)-mathematical knowledge generated by particular communities and about the way such knowledge can be discussed, worked out, and validated in learning environments, regardless of the level of instruction and the constraints imposed by government programs and educational institutions. Among its theoretical foundations are studies on instrumental activities that are typical of the Maruanum ceramics and investigative studies from the point of view of ethnomathematics. Methodological development took place with the application of activities, where traditional and instrumental knowledge observed in the production of ceramics had been adapted for and brought into the school environment , participative observation, as well as data collecting and organization techniques, such as interviews, statements, and audio an visual recordings. Analysis of the data collected focused on the relationship between the data-generating potential and the purpose of this study. Our aim is to make and estimate of the potential contributions from local situations and/or problems it would possibly bring to the formative learning of people involved in the educational processes of these communities, with a view to a spatial and temporal transformation of reality


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O compromisso dessa pesquisa volta-se para a compreensão das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas na alfabetização de jovens e adultos, bem como se propõe a construir caminhos na busca de práticas que levem em conta as especificidades dos alunos dessa modalidade de ensino. Os aportes teóricos que nos guiaram nessa busca foram os estudos acerca de alfabetização na perspectiva do letramento, nos quais a escrita é vista como um sistema de representação, dessa forma o processo de alfabetização tem como objetivo a apropriação da escrita em toda sua complexidade e usos sociais. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa o direcionamento metodológico assume as premissas da pesquisa qualitativa do tipo etnográfico a fim de possibilitar o conhecimento da realidade a partir da sua vivência cotidiana. Nesse sentido, foram observadas as atividades desenvolvidas pelos partícipes da pesquisa e também realizadas entrevistas e questionários com o objetivo de um melhor conhecimento a respeito da realidade que os cerca. Tendo em vista as características de nossa pesquisa e a construção de nossos dados através de registros oriundos de observações e também registros verbais, encontramos na teoria da análise de conteúdo, mais especificamente na análise temática a fundamentação necessária para realizarmos nossas análises. Os dados construídos e analisados nos apontam caminhos pelos quais torna-se possível realizarmos um trabalho de alfabetização que possa efetivamente contribuir na construção do conhecimento pelo aluno jovem e adulto, respeitando suas especificidades e anseios


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The theory contemporary in the field of early children education, as well the legal discourse and official texts valid in our country point to the need for systematization of proposals pedagogic / curriculum in institutions, built and carried out by subjects that act as factor of assurance care quality. Quest us about what knowledge are required to teachers in developing a proposed curriculum for children education. Defined as an object of study, the knowledge teachers necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum for children education. As goals, assume: investigate teachers knowledge necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum in a Public Institution for children education and contribute to the (new) meaning on the part of teachers, knowledge needed to build a proposed curriculum for children education. Assuming the principles of the paradigm of qualitative research, we have developed a research institution of a children education Network Public Hall of Ceará-Mirim-RN, which serves children of four and five years old (preschool) with the participation of 17 teachers and two supervisory (teachers) that institution - subject of our research. Therefore, we have adopted the principles of action research, according to which the knowledge gained through research should build so shared / dialogue in the relationship between researcher and participants, what is the implementation of an effective action formative. As the search procedures developed observations no-teaching participants in the meetings and activities of the classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and collective) with teachers and supervisors; analysis of school documents and participant observation in the seminars of studies reflective. The latter is implemented as key moments of speech and thought, and finally to (new) meaning of knowledge, the subject of the research-action. For these knowledge, the systematization of the register built was developed based on the principles of analysis of Content that guided us to the definition of two categories 1) knowledge teachers concerning conceptions of curriculum / proposed curriculum and 2) knowledge teachers concerning specifics of children education. From these were built subs representing thematings more specific and significant, among the many that emerged in the analysis: 1.1) Definitions of curriculum and curriculum proposal; 1.2) The subjects makers / implementing a curriculum / proposed curriculum; 1.3) elements constituting a curriculum / proposed curriculum for children education and 2.1) Functions of children education and conception of child; 2.2) The space of the play in the organization of routine. Under the intervention could significant advances with regard to (new) meaning of such knowledge from the subjects, with major disruptions to their original designs. These are presented and reflected in this work. In front of this movement, transformation, made the need for a permanent work in the context of the institution of in-service training, or mediated by pedagogical coordinator or other to assume this role with teachers, in order to provide the development and effectiveness of proposed curriculum consistent and contextualized in practice effective with the children concrete envisage the service to their specificities and a quality education


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Nous avons pris comme point de départ le préssuposé que en exerçant ses practiques de lecture en salle de classe, les professeurs récuperent des signes de ses expériences socioculturelles par rapport à la lecture, construites au long de ses trajectoires. Indépendemment de sa discipline scolaire, la mémoire de ces expériences interviennent certainement, de manière positive ou négative, dans la médiation de la formation de l élève lecteur. C est donc, par l articulation entre les perspectives de ses études qui parlent sur l histoire de la lecture, narratives (auto)biographiques et formation du professeur que je prétends récupérer et reconstruire, par les narratives de lectures racontées par les professeurs de différentes disciplines scolaires, les processus d appropriation de la lecture en considérant ses tactiques d accès et d utilisation des matériels écrits en circulation dans les groupes sociaux auxquels ils appartennaient. Pour ça ce travail s inquérit : Quels models de lectures émergent dans les narratives de professeurs de différentes disciplines scolaires ? Comment se manifestent-elles les représentations sur sa performance pour la formation de l élève lecteur ? L objectif central est d inférer les rapports existants entre des expériences de lecture et la médiation dans la formation de lecteurs. Douze professeurs de l éducation de base des écoles de la ville de Belém y ont participé. Le corpus est constitué par les transcriptions de deux genres d instruments: douze interviews narratives et deux groupes de débats. Les analyses montrent deux grandes fases de la rencontre avec la lecture : une antérieure à l école et l autre à partir de l école. Ces fases montrent des pratiques et des représentations de lecture hétérogènes différenciés par rapport à ses aspects fonctionnaux. Elles revellent encore que la formation du lecteur professeur et élève se lie, d abord, à la constitution culturelle de l homme, marquée, fondamentalement, par son interlocution avec l autre. La famille, l école et le lieu de travail se présentent comme des espaces qui impriment des marques profondes dans le rapport avec la lecture. Malgré ça, le même matériel écrit, un fois mis en scène le lu dans ces espaces n ont pas de significat coincidents pour les différentes personnes qui s en approprient. Cette raison montre la possibilité de la construction d une histoire de la lecture, basée pas exclusivement à la description des matériels lus pendant le cours de leurs vies, mais surtout, sur les indicateurs de ses différentes manières de lire. Cette trajectoire exerce de cette façon une forte influence sur la prise de décision et les manifestations du travail du professeur en situation de salle de classe. Comme ça on peut conclure, premièrement, que les représentations et pratiques de lecture se sont constitués et se sont (re)configurés dans des différentes formes, concepts, temps et espaces, dans un entrecroisement de différents discours. Deuxièmement que la reflexion sur les mémoires de lecture a resulté un nouveau regard des participants sur son travail de professeur et a confirmé l hipothèse selon laquelle la production des narratives autoréférencées offre, à qui les narre, la possibilité de transformation des représentations du sujet avec lui-même, avec l autre et avec le monde, ce qui démontre l importance de la recherche (auto)biographique comme méthode d investigation en éducation et sa contribuition pour la formation des formateurs de lecteurs dans des différents domaines de la connaissance , comme territoires constitutifs du sujet et de ses pratiques sociales, à l école et ailleurs


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En el campo de la Educación en Ciencias, los estudios acerca de las concepciones de profesores sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia están en crecimiento en las últimas décadas en virtud de la importancia atribuida al saber sobre las ciencias. Manifestando preocupación con la temática, los trabajos de esta línea de pesquisa están investigando concepciones de profesores en formación como también los en ejercicio. Inserido en esa problemática, y preocupado con la formación inicial de profesores, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal investigar las concepciones de los alumnos de la Carrera de Pedagogía de UFRN (Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Norte) acerca de la naturaleza de la ciencia, una vez que los alumnos son, o lo serán, profesores que darán clases de ciencia. El aporte teórico del estudio fue el abordaje ofrecido por la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea, como también trabajos de literatura especializada sobre la temática NdC (Naturaleza de la Ciencia). En la parte empírica del trabajo utilizamos, como principal instrumento de colecta de datos, un cuestionario abierto, en el cual los alumnos marcaron posiciones sobre varios aspectos de la naturaleza de la ciencia. Fueron sujetos de la investigación 81 alumnos de Pedagogía, que estaban en el primer, quinto y noveno semestres (también dichos períodos ). Los resultados presentaron un acercamiento a las concepciones de los sujetos sobre la temática, indicando la presencia de una serie de concepciones poco satisfactorias de la ciencia, al lado de concepciones más consistentes con la epistemología contemporánea. En el comparativo entre los grupos, el quinto semestre presentó resultados un poco mejores que los demás, trayendo a la superficie elementos para evaluar el impacto de la formación en la construcción de las concepciones de ciencia por los alumnos


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In preparation for reviewing and reflect about the pedagogical practice of teaching supervisor, noting instances of continuing education in service, dialogue-based, reflective and shared as propelling in the construction of theoretical and practical knowledge is that we propose to undertake this research. Based in our professional practice and stimulated by the desire to contribute with the education in the city of Jardim de Piranhas-RN our intention was to highlight issues which arising from practice teaching, especially those guided in the principles of a continuing, dialogic and reflexive teachers training. In that sense we are encouraged to answer the following question. How has been developed the work of teaching supervisor in the city of Jardim de Piranhas and what kind of elements should be constituted by a continuing education in school if those elements are enhanced by a reflexive action and dialogue-based? Thus, we performed studies of theoretical foundation based in Nóvoa (1995, 2001, 2003), where he emphasizes the importance of take in account the practice itself as a source for the study in the construction of a new teaching practice process, in Alarcão (1999; 2001; 2002; 2003), Schön (1995, 2000), Tardif (2003) and Perrenoud (2002), Gomes (1998), Navarro (2005) and Oliveira (2006), among others, provided the basis to discuss the role of reflection and dialogue in the school and classroom. We still emphasize the ideas of Paulo Freire (1981; 1992; 1996; 2001; 2002), which is consistent with the proposal for a reflexive action and training. For this we adopted a methodology based in the qualitative research with field note, intending to observe the strategies which emerge in the educational supervisor practice. This practice should contribute to the training of teachers. In this process we chose three dimensions that provide structure and power in their work. So, we can describe as conceptual, strategic and changeable


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This collaborative research is a qualitative approach, from historical and cultural perspective, made about a teacher of third grade of basic education in the area of history, in the municipality of Caicó / RN. It has as objective to investigate, in a collaborative action, if the design process of teaching and learning the discipline of history based on the relationship before / after allows the development of critical reflective thinking of the teacher in school practices. The theoretical and methodological approaches are supported in the postulates of Vygotsky (1998), Rubinstein (1973) and Linblinskaia (1979), among others, whose understanding has led us to reflect if the teacher develops the reflective critical-thinking in history discipline classes. The complexity of the study led us to an analysis exercise, using different methodological procedures, such as: bibliographic review of the literature, considering also the literature of the history area, interviews, observation in the classroom, video recordings and reflective sessions, enabling clarify the construction and reconstruction of thought that the teacher had been developing during the process of teaching and learning. The test results point to a dichotomy between theory and practice, and also to a certain fragility in the position of professor in teaching and learning the discipline of history, at the third grade of basic education. The teacher recognizes that she requires a theoretical deepening with more intensity, as a process of continuous training to improve the practice of teaching in history school, though, stating in her speech that her teaching practice is based on critical reflection. However, she presents serious limitations in classroom practices. We conclude that, although she has shown willing to work on a critical perspective of reality, showed also poor change at school practices, starting to reflect about her own actions, pointing her limits and the changes needed that didn t become reality yet. It s necessary a formative process for her. The study therefore showed that even with the sessions and reflective of deepening theoretical studies, the teacher does not change its profile, while maintaining its traditional vision in any pedagogical action. This research recommends the formation of school groups for further studies and discussion on the practices of education in history area from a reflective-critical thought perspective as a mean of personal and professional development


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This research investigates the graphic humor, in particular the political cartoon and the cartoon, texts characterized by mixing visual-oral language, and its contribution in the formation of the reader. Recovers the main theories about the comicality in general and verifies the presence of these concepts into the texts of graphic humor and how they articulate themselves within the process of seducing the reader. Grounded in the studies of Umberto Eco about the cultural industry products and its relations with the literary theories and the aesthetics reception. After analysing texts of graphic humor, the study concludes that the triad, image-word-humor reveal a sophisticated arrangement which allows the reader to practice effectively the political cartoons and cartoons of production, of sense, cooperating in such a singular manner to the formation of a reflexive reader