779 resultados para inclusive markets


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Bioenergy came to Russia through wood pellets. On account of prevalence of oil and gas in the Russian economy «bioenergy» has come with a great delay. Certainly, there were many woodworking enterprises and even municipal boiler-houses using wood waste and fire wood for energy reception, but this activity was not purposeful. More likely it was connected with necessity of waste recycling and with the organization of heat supply in the remote areas of the country. However, in 2001 was founded the first pellet plant in Russia. The purpose of this work was to analyze wood pellets market in Russia, investigate current situation on the home and export market, evaluates supply and demand development, opportunities for wood pellets manufactures in Russia, the main manufactures in Russian market; cost and prices for wood pellets in Russia. Also the work was intended to give better understanding of the main problems of wood pellets industry in Russia. Besides, this work had updated information about Russian customs and logistic systems.


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This study investigates the over and underreaction effects in nine emerging stock markets of Europe. Especially, the possible behavioral aspects behind them are an area of interest. These aspects would link them strongly to behavioral finance. Second, our aim is to provide more evidence of the similar or dissimilar behavior in general among these countries. Third, the possibility to gain abnormal returns from these markets is also under investigation. Data from nine emerging stock market indexes in Europe is gathered from January 1, 1998 to January 1, 2008 to find answers to the stated questions. Studies for the over and underreaction effects are done using a variant of the event study methodology which in this case includes two different calculation methods for the expected returns. Studies are performed using 60 day time intervals. The results between the two different methods used are relatively similar concerning the over and underreaction effects. Another of the methods, however, suggests there to be behavioral aspects behind the effects interpreted. On the other hand, the another method does not support this suggestion. However, a conclusion can be made that the factors driving these countries' behavior are related to their geographical location and to the fact that they are emerging countries.


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The objective of this paper is to examine whether informal labor markets affect the flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and also whether this effect is similar in developed and developing countries. With this aim, different public data sources, such as the World Bank (WB), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) are used, and panel econometric models are estimated for a sample of 65 countries over a 14 year period (1996-2009). In addition, this paper uses a dynamic model as an extension of the analysis to establish whether such an effect exists and what its indicators and significance may be.


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The purpose of the thesis is to analyze whether the returns of general stock market indices of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania follow the random walk hypothesis (RWH), and in addition, whether they are consistent with the weak-form efficiency criterion. Also the existence of the day-of-the-week anomaly is examined in the same regional markets. The data consists of daily closing quotes of the OMX Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius total return indices for the sample period from January 3, 2000 to August 28, 2009. Moreover, the full sample period is also divided into two sub-periods. The RWH is tested by applying three quantitative methods (i.e. the Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test, serial correlation test and non-parametric runs test). Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression with dummy variables is employed to detect the day-of-the-week anomalies. The random walk hypothesis (RWH) is rejected in the Estonian and Lithuanian stock markets. The Latvian stock market exhibits more efficient behaviour, although some evidence of inefficiency is also found, mostly during the first sub-period from 2000 to 2004. Day-of-the-week anomalies are detected on every stock market examined, though no longer during the later sub-period.


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This article explores the possibilities offered by visual methods in the move towards inclusive research, reviewing some methodological implications of said research and reflecting on the potential of visual methods to meet these methodological requirements. A study into the impact of work on social inclusion and the social relationships of people suffering from severe mental illness (SMI) serves to illustrate the use of visual methods such as photo elicitation and graphic elicitation in the context of in-depth interviews with the aim of improving the aforementioned target group’s participation in research, participation understood as one of the basic elements of inclusive approaches. On the basis of this study, we reflect on the potential of visual methods to improve the inclusive approach to research and conclude that these methods are open and flexible in awarding participantsa voice, allowingpeople with SMI to express their needs, and therefore adding value to said approach


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A steady increase in practical industrial applications has secured a place for linear motors. They provide high dynamics and high positioning accuracy of the motor, high reliability and durability of all components of the system. Machines with linear motors have very big perspectives in modern industry. This thesis enables to understand what a linear motor is, where they are used and what situation there is on their market nowadays. It can help to understand reasonability of applying linear motors on manufacture and benefits of its application.


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The objective of this thesis is to examine the market reaction around earnings announcements in Finnish stock markets. The aim is to find out whether the extreme market conditions during the financial crisis are reflected in stock prices as a stronger reaction. In addition to this, the purpose is to investigate how extensively Finnish listed companies report the country segmentation of revenues in their interim reports and whether the country risk is having a significant impact on perceived market reaction. The sample covers all companies listed in Helsinki stock exchange at 1.1.2010 and these companies’ interim reports from the first quarter of 2008 to last quarter of 2009. Final sample consists of 81 companies and 630 firm-quarter observations. The data sample has been divided in two parts, of which country risk sample contains 17 companies and 127 observations and comparison sample covers 66 companies and 503 observations. Research methodologies applied in this thesis are event study and cross-sectional regression analysis. Empirical results indicate that the market reaction occurs mainly during the announcement day and is slightly stronger in case of positive earnings surprises than the reactions observed in previous studies. In case of negative earnings surprises no significant differences can be observed. In case of country risk sample and negative earnings surprise market reaction is negative already in advance of the disclosure contrary to comparison sample. In case of positive surprise no differences can be observed. Country risk variable developed during this study seems to explain only minor part of the market reaction.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena on arvioida riskipääomasijoittamisen kehitystä ja kasvua Venäjällä, sekä antaa kuva siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Se myös arvioi Venäjän valtion toimintaa niin säätelijänä, kuin myös itsenäisenä sijoittajana. Saavutetut tulokset perustuvat haastatteluihin ja olemassa olevien tilastojen analysointiin. Vuoden 1998 rupla kriisin jälkeen riskipääomasijoittaminen lähti kasvuun joka on jatkunut tasaisella rauhallisella tahdilla. Alueellisista riskipääomarahastoista on siirrytty myös yksityisrahoitteisiin ja yksityishallinnoituihin rahastoihin omine kohde aloineen ja portfolioineen. Silti markkinat ovat säilyneet kyllästymättöminä. Kuluttajavetoiset toimialat ovat keränneet eniten investointeja talouden ja ostovoiman kasvusta johtuen. Alueellisesti Moskova erottuu sijoituskohteena, muiden suurempien kasvukeskusten seuratessa perässä. Venäjällä on vielä paljon heikkouksia jotka vaikuttavat sen houkuttelevuuteen sijoittajan näkökulmasta. Heikot instituutiot ja lainsäädäntö yhdistettynä riskipääomasijoittamisen luonteeseen tekevät Venäjästä arvaamattoman markkina-alueen. Se kuitenkin tarjoaa menestyville sijoittajille korkeat tuotot. Nähtäväksi jää kuinka valtion toiminta vaikuttaa markkinoiden kehitykseen lyhyellä ja pitkällä tähtäimellä, ja kuinka se onnistuu kehittämään Venäjän yleistä kilpailukykyä globaaleilla markkinoilla.


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The purpose of this study is to define what determinants affect the Credit spread. There are two theoretical frameworks to study this: structural models and reduced form models. Structural models indicate that the main determinants are company leverage, volatility and risk-free interest rate, and other market and firm-specific variables. The purpose is to determine which of these theoretical determinants can explain the CDS spread and also how these theoretical determinants are affected by the financial crisis in 2007. The data is collected from 30 companies in the US Markets, mainly S&P Large Cap. The sample time-frame is 31.1.2004 – 31.12.2009. Empirical studies indicate that structural models can explain the CDS spreads well. Also, there were significant differences between bear and bull markets. The main determinants explaining CDS spreads were leverage and volatility. The other determinants were significant, depending on the sample period. However, these other variables did not explain the spread consistently.


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The main purpose of this study is to examine whether accounting-based variables can be used to measure systematic risk of a company using Finnish data. When the fundamental sources of systematic risk are known, companies are able to manage these risks and increase company value. Accounting beta was formed based on OLS regression models. Theoretical background for the study was based on the findings of studies according to which business risk, financial risk, operating risk and growth risk can be theoretically regarded as determinants of the systematic risk. The results reveal that accounting variables describe systematic risk of a company. The accounting beta is found to be particularly sensitive to the changes in the risk components. The investigation is confidential until 15.10.2012.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka CRM-järjestelmä otetaan käyttöön asiakkuuksienhallinnan tueksi yritysten välisillä markkinoilla. Tutkielma keskittyy erityisesti käyttöönoton varhaisiin vaiheisiin selvittämällä, mikä on järjestelmien rooli asiakkuudenhallinnassa ja miten ne tukevat erilaisia käyttäjätasoja, jotka työssä jaettiin strategiseksi, operatiiviseksi ja analyyttiseksi tasoksi. Lisäksi työ esittelee käyttöönottoon yleisimmin liittyviä sudenkuoppia. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus ja siinä on kuvattu CRM-järjestelmän käyttöönottoon liittyviä kysymyksiä yritysten välisillä markkinoilla toimivan caseyrityksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että CRM-järjestelmän onnistunut käyttöönotto vaatii mahdollisimman yksinkertaista ja helppokäyttöistä järjestelmää. Käyttöönoton ei myöskään tulisi vaatia monimutkaista koulutusta, vaikkakin koulutusten tärkeys tunnistettiin. Tutkimus osoitti, että vaikka tämänhetkiset CRM-järjestelmät keskittyvät enemmän yksityiskohtaisten asiakasanalyysien tekoon, järjestelmä voi myös palvella asiakkaisiin liittyvän tiedon yhteisenä tallennus- ja jakamispaikkana. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa todettiin, että useimmiten potentiaaliset sudenkuopat olivat luonteeltaan hyvin käytännönläheisiä, kuten järjestelmän käyttämättömyys sekä huono motivointi ja sitouttaminen.