865 resultados para internship


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The effects of PMSs on the people’s behaviour represent a high degree of relevance in the context of an organization performance and success. Thus, motivational and behavioural consequences of performance measurements are far from being totally understood (Franco-Santos et al., 2012). This work project (WP) purposes going further regarding the consequences/effects on people’s behaviour of using PMSs in organizations. The researcher conducted 11 interviews to managers during a nine-month internship as a controller in a Portuguese multi-national company. The evidence from this WP suggests that the way how managers understand a PMS determines a lot the way how they behave. Data also supports that PMSs influences in several ways motivation, perceptions, participation and job-related stress of managers.


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The following report aims to present the internship developed under the Master in Legal Sciences Business in the Legal Affairs management of Caixa Geral de Depósitos S.A. Activities were developed in the field of Banking Law, focusing on the Special Revitalization Process. The aim of these activities was to promote the construction of a study that, apart from its doctrinal and jurisprudential research, also excels in the practical adequacy of the regime lectured. The revitalizing effectiveness of the Special Revitalization Process is erected in the Article 17-E, nº 1, which establishes a series of procedural – stand still effects - which aim to allow the debtor "breathing space", ie, a period during which creditors are prevented from setting up "actions for debt collection" against him, suspending the pending actions with identical purposes. Therefore, this report essentially studies these effects, considering "actions in debt collection" executive actions that are intended to recover a debt of any kind, including anticipatory precautionary procedures of an action of this nature. In addition, it is necessary to set boundaries temporally and subjectively to the standstill period, understanding that this period should be extended beyond the legally established period, in order to preserve the ratio of the process, concretely, until the recovery plan effects. In turn, we understand that the standstill effects only apply to the established material in connection with the debtor, remaining the rights of creditors unaffected over the ones of the guarantors and debtors.


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This master thesis has been developed during the internship in the Supervision Department of Supervision of the Intermediation and Market Structures of CMVM. My collaboration in such department was mainly focused on the derivatives market of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL). MIBEL embodies two organized markets – the derivatives market in Portugal and the spot market in Spain The trading activity in the derivatives market of MIBEL is processed through the trading platform of the regulated market managed by OMIP, however, much of the negotiation is over-the-counter. The aim of this work is to describe the market from a legal and economic perspective and to analyse the evolution of the negotiation, namely the impact of OTC in the regulated market trading. To achieve this, I propose to analyse also MiFID and EMIR rules over derivative contracts and the role of central counterparties, as they both are important to the discussion. In parallel, we found that OTC transactions are considerably higher than those traded in the regulated market managed by OMIP, those findings can be justified by the contractual relationships based on trust already established between the partiesarties. Nevertheless, since 2011 this trend changed by an increase of the registered OTC. Thereafter, although the parties continued to trade bilaterally, these transactions were registered in a central counterparty in order to eliminate the inherent risks related to the OTC derivatives transactions. This change in the negotiation pattern may also be influenced by the mandatory reporting of transactions imposed by EMIR, that requires for some classes of derivatives the centralized clearing and for all other requires the implementation of risk mitigation techniques.


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The personal data protection is presented as an indisputably complex and transversal subject and gives an account of this report, a result of curricular internship at the Portuguese Commission for Data Protection. The Commission is the competent authority for the control and supervision of personal data processing. The subject around which this report was prepared is the protection of personal data, analyzed in several aspects. The protection of personal data is, for some time, a topic that raises many concerns, because it is closely linked to fundamental rights constitutionally protected. Fundamental rights inherent in each of us are a result of Article 1 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, in the sense that the dignity of the human person is affirmed as the first value around which the Portuguese legal system will have to be based. In other words, is the dignity of the human person the highest value in the Portuguese legal system. Was the development of societies to the point that we know today that has led to the importance to the personal data of citizens. In modern societies, it is possible to know everything about everyone and the curiosity of others seems not to worry about the injuries that affect the rights of citizens. Where new technologies make excuses for the excessive processing of personal data and where subjects do not seem to bother about their personal data crossing the world, it is important that jurisdictions give value the protection of personal data and the implications of its misuse, in that as these are the mirror of identity each of us and can be used against their owners, causing irreparable damage to the their fundamental rights. Being understood as protection of personal data the possibility of each citizen to decide the use of their data and how they can be used, we can say that its protection depends essentially on each of us, as holders of personal data. Therefore, the protection of our data begins in ourselves.


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This work project was conducted under a Direct Research internship (DRI) that consists on an individual dissertation established on a given organization. DRI has a problem solving format to an empirical question to be addressed, «Which country has the highest potential for the next step of XY internationalization process? ». In order to achieve the project’s purpose, it was conducted a scanning process using a top-down approach over an initial list of nine countries given by XY. To do so it was developed an international scanning framework based on different domains and weights that allowed to achieve the top two countries with highest potential. After an in depth analysis over the final set, it was recommended Switzerland as the best country to make the next step of XY internationalization in Europe.


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Este relatório apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio curricular na Câmara Municipal de Almeida, como componente não letiva de formação no Mestrado de Arqueologia da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. O estágio teve como principal objetivo a elaboração da carta arqueológica do território das freguesias da Amoreira, Parada e Cabreira, uma parcela do concelho de Almeida. A carta foi elaborada a partir de evidências arqueológicas identificadas em prospeções, de análises da toponímia, da topografia, cartografia, fotografias aéreas e fontes orais do território almeidense. Paralelamente, e no quadro do Museu Histórico-Militar de Almeida, realizou-se um trabalho de organização da reserva arqueológica do município, através da inventariação de todo o espólio arqueológico existente e a elaboração de uma proposta preliminar de conservação preventiva do depósito museal, criando deste modo condições para a receção de novas coleções arqueológicas.


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The project, conducted within a direct research internship at Sonae Sierra, aims to propose innovative digital approaches for Shopping Centres (SC) to deal successfully with millennial consumer behavior concerning digital devices and online content in relation to shopping. An online survey followed by a focus group were conducted for this purpose. Results show a demand for specific digital services created by a SC and that their perception depends highly on gender of millennials. Moreover it´s a cohort seeking for personalized content, providing emotional or functional benefit. Consequently a SC must deliver services, as presented in this work satisfying those needs.


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Com o desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, as mesmas têm permitido dotar as pessoas de conhecimentos, através de formas mais rápidas e eficientes como é o caso da formação em e-learning. O número de organizações a apostar na formação em e-learning é cada vez maior, tornando-se importante perceber em que medida é que o método é eficaz e quais as vantagens que proporciona à organização, bem como o seu impacto no capital humano. Assim e visando averiguar como esta situação é vivenciada na prática decidiu-se pela realização de um estágio, na PT PRO pertencente Grupo Portugal Telecom. Para a construção deste relatório de estágio foi preciso para além da consulta e análise documental de aquivos internos e intranet, reuniões tidas com os elementos do departamento da Gestão de Formação, onde decorreu o estágio, visando dar uma resposta mais cabal à questão de partida que norteia o estágio: “Qual o impacto gerado pelas ações de e-learning, sua aplicabilidade e satisfação dos colaboradores face às mesmas na PT PRO?” O método utilizado neste estudo foi do tipo quantitativo, tendo sido aplicado um inquérito por questionário construído para o efeito. Face aos resultados obtidos, concluímos que na PT PRO, os colaboradores encontram-se globalmente satisfeitos com o conhecimento gerado e acima de tudo com a aplicabilidade do mesmo nas suas funções de trabalho.


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O presente relatório resulta do estágio efetuado na Câmara Municipal da Chamusca. O mesmo teve como objetivo a realização de um inventário do património arqueológico do concelho da Chamusca, centrado nos períodos da época Romana à Moderna, elaborando conjuntamente uma observação sobre o respetivo povoamento do território. O inventário realizado compilou toda a informação identificada nas fontes bibliográficas nos documentos da época já publicados e nas informações orais que se foram recolhendo. Posteriormente, procedeu-se à confirmação dos dados no terreno, através de uma prospeção dirigida aos sítios nos quais havia indícios de ocorrências patrimoniais. O desenvolvimento deste projeto e deste tipo de investigação possibilitou a identificação/relocalização de um número muito significativo de sítios e potenciais sítios arqueológicos, num total de 136 sítios. O seu inventário foi sistematizado e permitiu, assim, a compilação do conhecimento do património arqueológico deste município, contribuindo diretamente para a sua salvaguarda, preservação e valorização junto da comunidade. A autarquia passou agora a ter um instrumento essencial para a definição das políticas de salvaguarda do património, bem como para a definição das estratégias de desenvolvimento do seu território.


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O presente relatório resultou do estágio efetuado na DGPC, no âmbito da componente não-letiva do Mestrado em Arqueologia. O seu propósito centrou-se no Inventário e Georreferenciação das manifestações funerárias rupestres medievais, enquadradas na região do Centro de Portugal. Este trabalho possibilitou a atualização e introdução de inúmeras ocorrências, respeitantes a sepulturas e necrópoles escavadas na rocha, na base de dados da DGPC – o Endovélico. A concretização deste objetivo assentou essencialmente na consulta de bibliografia especializada, assim como de relatórios técnico-científicos. Ao constar do Endovélico, a informação inserida afigura-se como um contributo para o conhecimento e divulgação deste tipo de património medieval, auxiliando, inevitavelmente, no que concerne à sua salvaguarda e proteção. O processamento e sistematização da vasta informação inventariada e georreferenciada possibilitou o desenvolvimento de uma análise, na perspetiva das sepulturas escavadas na rocha como fenómeno funerário alto-medieval. Esta permitiu a criação de uma imagem, ainda que incompleta, dos tipos de agrupamentos existentes e da relação entre as sepulturas e as zonas envolventes, com lugar numa parte do território de Viseu.


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Companies seeking to continue growing and developing need to consider the possibility of international expansion and what that represents to their future. To tackle this challenge it becomes necessary to establish the company’s interests and priorities as well as defining and assessing the foreign market opportunities of a specific industry. This directed research internship proposes and conducts a simulation of the preliminary foreign market assessment and selection within the Juncker Plan: country filtering and ranking having as a frame of reference the second largest construction company in Brazil, Andrade Gutierrez.


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The purpose of the current internship report is to share the opportunity I have had to learn during my stay in CMVM as an intern, specifically in relation to the exercise of private equity supervision in Portugal, in order to contribute to the study of private equity legal framework. Private equity is the activity to finance or acquire enterprises with growth potential (normally consider as genuine industry), for a limited period of time, in order to support the enterprise’s development to benefit from future profit sales of participations. By observing and studying the registration procedures, as well as the specific legislation and reality of other jurisdictions, it is concluded that supervision specifically related to private equity is one of the most important aspects in this industry, as it is the best way to know and control it. To improve the performance of supervisory functions, and the very development of private equity, it is essential to have a legislative review in order to simplify the rules enforcement necessary for the proper running of the industry as well as for more efficient supervision and control of this activity, thus developing it and making it more attractive in a national and international basis.


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The main purpose of this report is to present the work developed during the curricular internship on the Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is structured in two parts. The first, in which i´ll present the CAC, its organic structure and its activities. In this part I will also show the work I´ve done during the internship, as well as i´m going to identified, and comment, the tasks performed. The second part presents a study on arbitration awards that aimed to determine the amount “split the baby awards”, that is to say those that condemn in (approximately) half of the request. In addition to these data, I collected from sentences other, such as the duration of the cases, the number of foreign persons in each process, the number of foreign arbitrators, the language of proceedings etc. What is expected with this paperwork is to be able to clarify, and make known, some aspects on Arbitration in Portugal, thus contributing to the strengthening of the role of the Arbitration and Arbitral Justice.


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Este relatório descreve o trabalho realizado no âmbito do estágio do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, no Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais. O estágio foi realizado na Clínica da Encarnação, Hospital Dona Estefânia. A Intervenção Psicomotora foi desenvolvida com crianças entre os 3 e os 12 anos. A intervenção da estagiária desenvolveu-se, essencialmente com 32 crianças. Inicialmente é apresentada uma revisão teórica sobre saúde mental, psicomotricidade e aspetos teóricos relativos às principais psicopatologias observadas. Segue-se a caracterização a instituição, bem como do serviço de psicomotricidade. São descritos dois estudos-caso, de modo a exemplificar o trabalho desenvolvido. Para cada um deles é apresentado o processo de avaliação, estruturação do processo terapêutico, resultados e a sua respetiva discussão. Em ambos os casos foram observadas melhorias, verificando-se assim o contributo da intervenção através da psicomotricidade. Por fim, é apresentada uma reflexão, no sentido de compreender e integrar as vivências relativas ao percurso realizado, destacando a importância destas na formação de uma identidade e crescimento a nível profissional e pessoal.