900 resultados para Educação de Infância
The aim of this study was to analyze the social representation of the sensible among teachers of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, attempting to identify its constituents and understand the dynamics that gives functionality to your organization. The study is significant considering that the professional conduct can not be delineated in its complexity without unraveling the social representations that teachers themselves have of their being and doing professional. The theoretical and methodological framework of the research is the theory of social representation. 107 teachers from various backgrounds participated. To collect the data were used as instruments : a questionnaire listing, which subsidizes the characterization of the subjects , the TALP - technique of free association of words ( ABRIC , 1994) , the PCM - Procedure for Multiple Ratings ( ROAZZI , 1995) ; questionnaire redemption of sensitive memories of the subjects in their school experiences of childhood , adolescence, youth and teaching practice . The PCM data, in which the slogan was directed at rating Give class, were submitted to multidimensional statistical analysis. Already TALP was analyzed by EVOC 2000 software, the profile questionnaire received descriptive statistical analysis and the memories received the questionnaire analysis of thematic content, Bardin (2004). Taken together, the results point to a social representation of sensitive teaching (the game, the fun, the touch, the smile, the relaxation) are not in the classroom. The sensitive pure still fits in school, but only in the courtyard, on the playground, in the intervals, therefore, outside of space-time class, playful perch that lives in each of us is totally strange to this world of the classroom . After doing the Approximation of ideas , we realized three discourses evident in the reports of teachers : the discourse of Numbness in which we perceive the distance of the teacher in relation to sensitive component as a facilitator in the learning process , the discourse of Feeling , in which we can discern small approximation to the sensitive dialogues and proposed in this study , the speech of reflection in which teachers analyze, evaluate and establish a discourse on the importance of education in sensitive , but not actualize in their teaching practice
The present study had the purpose of examining the disabled children s way of playing on everyday situations in the CMEIs (acronym in Portuguese for City s Early Childhood Education Center ) of Natal/RN, by watching and listening to three children and their teachers, trying to understand how the games existent in these contexts involve the different subjects of the learning process, and which contributions emerge for a valuable pedagogic work, capable of providing the children s inclusion in the Early Childhood Education. This qualitative investigation was built as a case study, collecting data through watching and interviews. Throughout the observations, it was indispensable to look into the different contexts of the school routine, to capture and analyze events that could answer to what was being studied. The accessibility conditions of the school spaces were also observed. The interviews made possible to extract from the subjects what they think and how they perceive themselves when playing. The acquired data were analyzed having as counterparts contemporary studies and theories about playing, childhood and school inclusion, and published documents from the Education and Culture Department that treat of this theme as the guiding axis of the pedagogic proposes aimed to the Early Childhood Education. The revelations of the research show that is necessary to put effort on the disabled children s playing inside the context of the Early Childhood Education, regarding the accomplishment of accessibility laws that treat of school spaces and providing of equipment and resources that respect those children s characteristics, as well as providing opportunities for initial and continued training for the teachers, under the perspective of inclusive education and playing
El trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio la percepción de profesores de la infancia respecto sus itinerarios de formación y proyectos de inserción institucional, y como objetivo analizar como los participantes de la investigación articulan, narrativamente, sus itinerarios de formación y proyectos de actuación profesional para inserción institucional en un Colegio de Aplicación. Adopta principios epistemológicos y métodos de la investigación (auto)biográfica: Ferrarotti 2010); Delory-Momberger (2008, 2011, 2012); Josso (2010); Nóvoa (2007); Nóvoa y Finger (2010); Dosse (2009); Passeggi (2011, 2012, 2013); Souza (2004, 2010, 2013). El corpus está constituido por diez memoriales académicos; diez proyectos de actuación profesional; la transcripción de entrevistas realizadas en dos grupos de discusión y el diario de campo de la investigadora. Las analises se basan en las contribuciones de Jovchelovitch y Bauer (2010), Schütze (2010) y Weller (2006). Los resultados de la investigación permitiran concluir que el proceso de biografización y el proyecto de actuación profesional introduce una doble función: constituirse en una herramienta de evaluación y como dispositivo de formación, permitiendo a los profesores la reflexión sobre las particularidades del proceso de biografización en el contexto de injunción institucional y el conocimiento de las potencialidades de sus percursos de formación. Permitiran, todavia, la definición de tres eixos organizadores de una cartografía de formación, tomando lo que Nóvoa (2007) sugiere sobre los procesos de Adesión, Acción y Autoconsciencia en la constitución de la identidad docente. Ao relatar sus percursos de formación los profesores reconstituyen adesiones a los principios, valores y proyectos en diferentes contextos de formación, revisitan acciones desarrolladas en el ejercicio de la profesión y elaboran reflexiones que resultan en la autoconciencia de potencialidades y limitaciones de sus acciones en la institución. El trabajo contribuye para pensar la producción de memoriales y proyectos académicos de experiencia profesional como espacio fundador de reflexión sobre la formación del profesorado de la infancia
Kindergarten teachers training gains the spotlight with the passing of Law number 9.394/96 (Guidelines and Basis Law) that defines this segment as the initial step of basic education, with pedagogical function. In this spectrum, the discussion about teacher training unravels to ensure social quality to education as well as the teacher s specificities towards child singularities. Adding to that, the growing propagation of Pedagogy in an undergraduate level, given that such course has been continually transformed by the National Curriculum Guidelines for Pedagogy (2006), highlighting the addition of curriculum components that are specific to upbringing. The complex debate circa kindergarten teachers training has advancements and hardships that need to be unveiled in order to improve both formation and social quality of education in the 0- 5 years old range. This investigation inserts itself in said context and aims to analyze which knowledge, specific to kindergarten teaching are constructed, according to undergraduate trainees, in Pedagogy s supervised internship. The study was conducted alongside the discipline: Supervised Internship in Child Education ministered by the Advanced Campus of Rio Grande do Norte s State University s in the municipality of Patu-RN (CAP-UERN-Patu) and was conducted through 2012 by accompanying four undergraduate interns. We first assumed that the development of teaching knowledge is a complex process of appropriation of cultural-social practices and is symbolically mediated by interactions that occur in the formation context, and the supervised internship can be understood as a space for the articulation and enlargement of theoretical and practical knowledge, directly related to the specificities of child education. The theoretical-methodological foundation was based upon the historiccultural approach of L. S. Vygotsky and M. Bakhtin s dialogism on human sciences research, as well as his postulates on learning and developmental processes, conceived as both essentially social and discursive. The investigation approached the principles of the qualitative perspective and to the construction and analysis of data, involved documental analysis and, specially, semi-structured interviews, both individual and collective, whose fundamental premise was the production-comprehension of meanings in a dialogical perspective. The participants texts/speeches produced a synthesis that points to the occurrence, within the supervised internship at CAP/UERN, of internalization/appropriation processes and, as such, of formulation of meanings that are pertinent to child education: child, childhood, kindergarten and teacher signification and this stage s specific teaching knowledge. It stood out that the internship, alongside other curriculum components, is, in fact, one of the primeval formation environment for the teachers, in which the interns interact with their colleagues, supervisor professor, collaborator professor, and of course, the children to construct their erudition. Such interactions allow the undergraduate interns to develop attitudes and procedures to reflect on what they know, what they ve done and what they can achieve. We have concluded that the undergraduate internship can constitute itself as an articulatorconsolidator environment in the future teacher s formation process and, since well oriented, can provide the effective initiation, not only to the practice, but to the praxis as a movement of non dissociability between theory and practice
This study investigates the contributions of reading literature for the development of creative thinking in childhood. Its relevance consists in exploring practices that contemplate the creative thinking development in apprentices at school space and understanding the literature like a significant way to promote the creative thinking. The study is connected to the qualitaty strand. The exploratory observation and the intervention were adopted as research techniques. The field diary and the audio and video recording of the reading sections were adopted as methodological instruments. The research was conducted in the application s college from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in a 1th grade class, with 18 students between 6 and 7 years old. During the intervention, 8 readind class happened, with varied strategies and literary genres. The reading sessions were conducted through the principles of scaffolding, defended by Graves and Graves (1995). The corpus is made of speaks episodes, whose encoding semantics allowed the grouping into two central categories: divergent thinking and coauthoring of literary reader. It was taken as a theoretical framework the studies of Amarilha (2011; 2006; 2001; 1991; 1993; 1994), Alencar (2001), Coelho (2000; 1997), Culler (1999), De Masi (2005), Gallo (2000), Guilford (1977), Iser (1996), Jouve (2002), Kneller (1978), Martínez (1997), Smith (2003), Stierle (1979), Vigotski (2009; 1998), Wechsler; Nakano (2003; 2002). The analysis points to the formation of creative individuals in the classroom, through the reading of literature. Reposition the literary education front of the new social demands. Resizes the function of school in children s development, considering the children s skill in exploring, testing hypotheses and making use of their creative thinking, in climate of freedom mental. It signals, in this way, the teacher like a mediator, promoting a favorable to the development of creative thinking environment, a stimulating atmosphere, which enhances the expression of creative thinking in community
Esta investigación es un análisis del contexto actual que rodea a la publicidad brasileña, más concretamente, la publicidad discurso televisivo dirigido a los niños en Brasil. Análisis de los documentos se basa en la revisión retórica (Leach, 2004) (SODRE, 2006) A partir de la primera supuesta inadecuación de algunos de sus contenidos al público para que se comunican. También investiga las posibilidades de regulación y la educación del consumidor y el papel de los medios de comunicación en la sociedad mediante la movilización exigiendo el cumplimiento y la mejora de la legislación vigente, evitando los posibles abusos y distorsiones de las secciones generales de la ley. Hemos llevado a cabo por separado se analiza en los niños y sus conceptualizaciones y la función social, abordando también el juguete y el acto de jugar hoy y su sede histórica en un intento de crear una fundación que apoya el análisis de la relación entre la infancia y la publicidad y el consumo, basado en obras de Roger Silverstone, Kapferer, Leontiev y Walter Benjamin. También se hicieron inferencias basadas en estudios de Pablo Del Río, sobre las posibles consecuencias psicológicas del consumo de medios por los niños, sin embargo, en arvorarmos llevar a cabo investigaciones en el estudio de la recepción. Se enfrentarán, tanto en acciones a favor de la aprobación de la Ley 5.921/2001 N º Suplente sugiere que la prohibición de la publicidad infantil en todo el país, los enfoques ampliamente "integrado" y por lo tanto, favorables a la continuidad de la actividad publicitaria en el país bajo la acción de la CONAR de autorregulación, lo que demuestra sin embargo, la viabilidad de ambas propuestas. Tambien relativa a el CONAR se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre su Consejo Asesor, dando a entender su composición y características. Por último, se estudian las posibilidades y el concepto de la educación para el consumo de los medios de comunicación, a partir de la utilización de los recursos de los propios medios de comunicación, como una propuesta para un cambio de paradigma en el mercado de la publicidad en Brasil. En conclusión, vemos que a partir del análisis de la publicidad comercial de los niños atendidos por la Red Globo de Televisión, en una muestra de 170 inserciones, todavía existen graves lagunas, pero que los desequilibrios se pueden resolver con medidas relativamente sencillas que incluyan campañas de educación y la exigencia de adecuación de los pocos grandes anunciantes que violan la ley. Afortunadamente, una nueva entrega de los anunciantes mostró la responsabilidad social en sus acciones
The first years of the twentieth century in Natal is characterized by several urban interventions that aim was to change the feature of the city basically rural to another that was in line with cities as models of modernity and civilization. In this case all individuals would have to play important social roles, which included men, women and especially children. It was in this atmosphere of bright future that the children were taken as key parts of an idealized society. Some processes were essential in triggering changes in natal s childhood, among them, operated within the families, that this historic moment in public life sought other possibilities of existence, the school education and the construction of which would be the model for urban education the School Groups, propagators of science as mediators of all knowledge, and finally, the medical interventions that disseminating health and hygiene practices has enabled not only the conservation of child life, but also the possibility of building their individuality in a body healthy. If these processes on the one hand tried to crystallize an ideal image of a child making a child identity directly linked to education and the "body hygiene" on the other, giving specific reflexive autonomy to children, providing them see the world through eyes of subject.
Music can be found in peculiar historical and social context with distinct functions, such as religious rituals, ethic-esthetic education of subjects, therapeutic elements, critic and maintenance of established patterns, among others. Considered as language, music acts on dialogue dimensions of the body, the senses, the affectionate-cognitive and of social interactions. Their uses reveal the social forces that cross the culture and constitution of subjectivities. The attribution of senses by the subjects to musical production reveals the cultural voices in dialogue, that circumscribe determined social places to them. Our aim in this work is to investigate the child musical appreciation, with children about 7 to 9 years old, and, by attributing uses and senses to music, unveil the voices that settle the places intended and assumed by infancy in contemporaneity The child constructs its musical appreciation through cultural access and mediation, possible by circulation in several socializing groups like family, school, church, infant groups, community groups and, more recently, publicity and media These last two spheres, enabled by the development of the technological means of communication, contributed to the dissemination of the set of consume ideas and for the emergence of the cultural industry, characteristic of the capitalistic production way in its present configuration. They develop new possibilities of perception of the world, in which the limits between childhood and adulthood are not anymore the same that have been established in previous centuries. So, the child musical appreciation is constituted by homogeneity regarding the senses built and disseminated by cultural industry and by the logical merchandizing, and singularities, associated to the construction of senses in interaction with global, local, and multiple contexts, through which the subject circulates and constitutes himself polyphonically
The childhood has being highlighted by the great concern about the several contexts in which children are inserted, amongst them, commercial sexual exploitation (CSE). The experience of this violence process brings implications to the person constitution. Thus, this research aimed to understand how commercial sexual exploited adolescents to signify the childhood. Participated of this research four female adolescents that had been assisted by Programa de enfrentamento ao Abuso e Exploração Sexual de Crianças e Adolescentes (Sentinela) , with ages between 12 and 17 years. The corpus was composed by the combination of the semi-structured interview and other procedures, like childish stories, draws and photography. Moreover, we used another instruments to constitute the corpus, like the documental research and we proposed the construction of a life story book of each participant. The corpus was analyzed through the Thematic Content Analysis. Five thematic axes emerged from the participants discourse and theoretical perspective: dynamical of family, scholar process, ludic behavior, conception of childhood and insertion on CSE process. The participants presented a conception about childhood as been a preparation and education phase to ingress in adult life. In other words, while children do not grown up, they go to the school, plays, lives with family, are happy and do not have any responsibilities. Nevertheless, the life experience of these girls was implicated by negligence, sexual abuse, child labor, institutionalization and, evidently, the commercial sexual exploitation. Understanding that the childhood experienced by adolescent, as well as, her insertion on CSECA, constitutes her, while person, we investigated how the interrelation expresses it on participants future perspectives. Their goals are defined based on family constitution and professional improvement, although feelings of disillusion and pessimism had been showed up in some moments. According these results, we pointed to the necessity of the effective proposals that promote real improvement of adolescents life quality, through, in which they could to create alternatives to get over the several risks in which they are exposed, mainly, the CSECA condition
El estudio presenta el problema de la violencia doméstica contra los niños de hasta cinco años en el contexto de los centros municipales de Educación Infantil (CMEI) en la ciudad de Natal-RN. Constituye un análisis bajo el enfoque teórico y metodológico de carácter cualitativo, en vista de la totalidad, con la asunción de la violencia doméstica contra los niños en su guía sociales, legales, históricos y culturales con el tema. Tiene como objetivo investigar si los profesionales que trabajan en Educación Infantil son capaces de identificar las posibles situaciones de violencia doméstica contra los niños que están bajo su responsabilidad, e incluso si, en los casos de los casos sospechosos o reales de la identidad de saber que las referencias deben ser adoptadas. La ruta entre el conocimiento y el método establecido implica el análisis conceptual de la infancia, la educación infantil y violencia doméstica contra los niños, además de la realización de grupos focales con los participantes de la encuesta con sus registros en un diario de campo. Perciben a sí mismos para el estudio de las contradicciones en la lucha contra la violencia doméstica contra los niños. Incluso con los conocimientos teóricos sobre el tema, los profesionales no pueden dar referencias adecuadas para proteger a los niños y detener la violencia. Nos encontramos con que las condiciones objetivas del trabajo de los profesionales que trabajan en CMEI, asociados con poco conocimiento sobre el tema, no contribuyen a las referencias. Llegamos a la conclusión de que es necesario la participación de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación, sin olvidar que todas las acciones tienen limitaciones como la violencia doméstica contra los niños también se relaciona con problemas estructurales de la sociabilidad capitalista.
Éste trabajo se inserta en el ámbito de los cambios en la Enseñanza Fundamental (EF) brasileño que, por la Ley Federal n.º 11.114/2005 anticipa el EF para seis años de edad, y de la Ley n.º 11.274/2006 que amplia el mismo nivel de enseñanza de ocho para nueve años Tales cambios tienen sido respaldados por el argumento de la importancia de se anticipar y promover un mayor acceso a la educación y garantizar una permanencia bien sucedida del alumno en la etapa obligatoria de la Educación Básica. La inclusión de los niños de seis años en el EF puede ser considerada una conquista en el ámbito de las políticas públicas brasileñas destinadas a la educación de niños. Sin embargo, la sencilla simples anticipación/ampliación de matrículas en el EF puede constituirse en más una forma de exclusión, si no fueren garantizadas las condiciones necesarias para se ofrecer una educación de calidad que considere las peculiaridades de una práctica pedagógica de alfabetización con niños más jóvenes. Evidentemente, muchos son los factores que pueden influenciar la calidad de la educación y el tratamiento escolar financiamiento, gestión, organización del espacio escolar pero la acción del profesor, en ése sentido, es un factor primordial entre otros determinantes. Así pensando, definimos como objetivo de éste trabajo investigar saberes docentes requeridos de el profesor para el desarollo de una práctica pedagógica que tiene por meta la apropiación de la lengua escrita, por el niño de seis años recién-ingresa en la Enseñanza Fundamental respetando su condición de ser niño . Para tanto, en el ámbito del enfoque cualitativo de la encusta, realizamos un estudio de caso en dos instituciones públicas: Escola Municipal Professora Emilia Ramos y Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil Marise Paiva, ambas ubicadas en la Zona Este en la ciudad de Natal. De la análisis del contenido de los datos, emergió la temática Saberes Docentes para la Alfabetización de Niños de seis años en la Enseñanza Fundamental que, a la vez, cubre dos categorías de saberes, con suyas respectivas subcategorías: Saberes Docentes Transversales a las Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización y Saberes Docentes Específicos a la Práctica Pedagógica de Alfabetización. Entre tantos aprendizaje proporcionadas por el estudio, comprendemos que, sea en la Educação Infantil, sea en la Enseñanza Fundamental, el trabajo con el niño no debe constituirse en la negación de su infancia. Sin embargo, en se tratando de el EF, el esfuerzo para no desvirtuar la voluntad política de proporcionar al niño oportunidades de alfabetización debe ser redoblado, una vez que ésa etapa de la educación podrá ser la marca de un rico y agradable proceso de alfabetización, como puede ser motivo para que el niño se torne desinteresado y acobardado para aprender a leer y a escribir, si no fueren respetadas las necesidades y especificidades propias de ése momento de su desarollo. El estudio también ratificó nuestra comprensión de que la Alfabetización es un proceso peculiar, no constituyéndose, por lo tanto, en tarea simple para el docente, ni tampoco para el niño, visto que la lengua escrita, por si misma, ya es un objeto de estudio bastante complejo. Comprendemos, sin embargo, que esa complejidad no puede tornarse obstáculo para que, también en la escuela pública, ya a los seis años, se permita al niño un trabajo de calidad que tiene por meta su alfabetización, hasta porque, mientras participantes de una sociedad letrada, antes de ingresar a la escuela, los niños ya construyeran concepciones previas sobre la lectura y la escrita, a las cuales el profesor debe estar muy atento
A violência contra crianças é apontada como uma das principais causas de morbi-mortalidade na infância e deve ser identificada por todos os profissionais que lidam com esse público, inclusive os professores. Objetivou-se avaliar o preparo dos professores de educação infantil, no que se refere à percepção e notificação dos casos de violência contra criança. Foram visitadas todas as instituições de ensino infantil de Araçatuba-SP, e os profissionais que consentiram (n=236), os quais responderam a um questionário sobre o tema. Os dados foram analisados quanti-qualitativamente. 91,1% se consideram responsáveis pela notificação e 86,9% se dizem capazes de identificar agressões. 80,9% declararam ter recebido informações a respeito da violência contra criança, entretanto, 67,7% sentem-se inseguros quanto à identificação dos casos. Conclui-se que, mesmo possuindo formação para proceder ante a violência, a maioria dos pesquisados ainda não se sente preparada, o que pode gerar negligência.
O texto analisa a ordenação do tempo nas escolas primárias paulistas no final do século XIX e início do século XX, período em que se institui e se consolida a arquitetura temporal escolar. Compreende, pois, as primeiras prescrições detalhadas sobre o tempo constantes na reforma republicana da instrução pública de 1892, as regulamentações instituídas no decorrer da Primeira República, até o momento de criação do Código de Educação de São Paulo em 1933, quando se inaugura uma nova fase da instrução pública no estado. O texto busca mostrar como o tempo constitui uma ordem que se experimenta e se aprende na escola. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizadas fontes documentais, especialmente a legislação e textos oficiais da administração do ensino. As análises incidem sobre dois aspectos: a formulação política do tempo escolar e a organização pedagógica e disciplinar do tempo na escola. em relação ao primeiro aspecto, mostra como a ordenação do tempo pautou-se pela aspiração de uniformização e controle. Nesse sentido, as autoridades do ensino público procuraram regulamentar a obrigatoriedade do ensino, a freqüência, a duração do curso primário e a jornada escolar. em relação à organização pedagógica e disciplinar do tempo, põe em destaque a ordenação minuciosa do emprego do tempo compreendendo a racionalização curricular - a seleção e distribuição do conhecimento por séries, aulas, lições, e a definição dos horários.
O texto compreende um estudo sobre as práticas de militarização da infância, isto é, práticas de natureza patriótica, cívico-militar que predominaram no ensino primário, no início do século XX. Nesse sentido, destaca a introdução da disciplina Ginástica e exercícios militares nos programas de ensino e seus desdobramentos mediante a criação dos Batalhões Infantis. Analisa, também, o escotismo escolar, movimento efervescente no estado de São Paulo nas décadas de 1910 e 1920, identificando-o como mais uma expressão do militarismo e do nacionalismo na educação brasileira. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizadas fontes manuscritas encontradas no Arquivo do Estado de São Paulo e periódicos educacionais da época.
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