865 resultados para Dispositivi medici


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Esta tesis contribuye, te??rica y emp??ricamente, a entender hasta qu?? punto el problema de endogeneidad, uno de los principales problemas observado frecuentemente en los procesos de producci??n educativos, afecta a la estimaci??n de la eficiencia t??cnica mediante el An??lisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA). Asimismo, esta investigaci??n combina ideas de la literatura de evaluaci??n de impacto con las t??cnicas de medici??n de eficiencia no param??tricas con el fin de aportar potenciales soluciones para hacer frente a este problema en aplicaciones emp??ricas educativas y obtener as?? estimaciones de la eficiencia m??s precisas. El cap??tulo 1 analiza te??ricamente en qu?? medida la presencia de endogeneidad en el proceso de producci??n puede afectar a las estimaciones DEA en muestras finitas, de modo que los investigadores que aplican esta t??cnica conozcan la precisi??n de sus estimaciones. Para ello, en primer lugar se ilustra desde un punto de vista conceptual el problema de la endogeneidad y sus implicaciones en la estimaci??n de la eficiencia. En segundo lugar, utilizando datos generados en un experimento de Monte Carlo se eval??a c??mo diferentes niveles de endogeneidad positiva y negativa pueden afectar al desempe??o de DEA. A pesar de que DEA es robusto a la presencia de endogeneidad negativa, la existencia de una endogeneidad positiva y significativa perjudica gravemente el desempe??o de DEA. A partir de los resultados hallados previamente, la siguiente pregunta que surge es ??c??mo hacer frente a este problema en una aplicaci??n emp??rica cuando se sospecha de la presencia de este tipo de endogeneidad? Esto implica responder dos cuestiones, c??mo identificar el problema y c??mo enfrentarlo. A partir de las simulaciones de Monte Carlo se propone un m??todo heur??stico sencillo que permite identificar correctamente la presencia de inputs end??genos en todos los escenarios simulados. Adem??s, a partir de la t??cnica de Variables Instrumentales (VI) ampliamente utilizada en econometr??a, se ofrece una nueva estrategia que aborda efectivamente el problema de endogeneidad en la estimaci??n de la eficiencia t??cnica, el instrumental Input DEA Adicionalmente a este ejercicio te??rico. Los cap??tulos 2 y 3 proporcionan evidencia de dos aplicaciones emp??ricas en el que el problema de endogeneidad est?? presente. En el cap??tulo 2 se aplican las estrategias propuestas en el cap??tulo 1 a datos de colegios p??blicos de Educaci??n Secundaria en Uruguay. tilizando el m??todo heur??stico, se detecta que el nivel socio-econ??mico medio de los colegios est?? alta y positivamente relacionado con la eficiencia t??cnica de los mismos, y por lo tanto se aplica la estrategia II-DEA para estimar la eficiencia t??cnica de los colegios controlando por endogeneidad. En el cap??tulo 3, tomando nuevamente ideas de la literatura de evaluaci??n de impacto, se utilizan datos de un experimento natural en las escuelas de educaci??n primaria en Espa??a para estimar la eficiencia de los maestros. Seg??n la asignaci??n aleatoria de los estudiantes a las clases en los colegios, se explota la variaci??n ex??gena de la eficiencia t??cnica entre los maestros para evaluar su desempe??o. Esta estrategia permite obtener una medida objetiva del verdadero efecto del maestro sobre los logros de los estudiantes y explorar los principales factores que explican la eficiencia de los docentes. M??s all?? de los resultados concretos de cada contexto educativo analizado (que se discuten en cada cap??tulo), ambos an??lisis proporcionan evidencia robusta de que el tomar o no en consideraci??n el problema de endogeneidad conduce a resultados radicalmente diferentes en t??rminos de las recomendaciones de pol??tica educativa p??blica para mejorar la calidad de la ense??anza.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Màster tesi què pretén determinar quins atributs han de ser considerats per a mesurar la qualitat del servei en establiments rurals amb autenticitat local. Proposa un nou instrument de medició, que l’autor ha anomenat RURALSERV. Se segueix el model SERVQUAL, però amb un format de mesura basat exclusivament en la percepció del visitant


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The aim of this work was to couple a nitrogen (N) sub-model to already existent hydrological lumped (LU4-N) and semi-distributed (LU4-R-N and SD4-R-N) conceptual models, to improve our understanding of the factors and processes controlling nitrogen cycling and losses in Mediterranean catchments. The N model adopted provides a simplified conceptualization of the soil nitrogen cycle considering mineralization, nitrification, immobilization, denitrification, plant uptake, and ammonium adsorption/desorption. It also includes nitrification and denitrification in the shallow perched aquifer. We included a soil moisture threshold for all the considered soil biological processes. The results suggested that all the nitrogen processes were highly influenced by the rain episodes and that soil microbial processes occurred in pulses stimulated by soil moisture increasing after rain. Our simulation highlighted the riparian zone as a possible source of nitrate, especially after the summer drought period, but it can also act as an important sink of nitrate due to denitrification, in particular during the wettest period of the year. The riparian zone was a key element to simulate the catchment nitrate behaviour. The lumped LU4-N model (which does not include the riparian zone) could not be validated, while both the semi-distributed LU4-R-N and SD4-R-N model (which include the riparian zone) gave satisfactory results for the calibration process and acceptable results for the temporal validation process.


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The aim of this study was, within a sensitivity analysis framework, to determine if additional model complexity gives a better capability to model the hydrology and nitrogen dynamics of a small Mediterranean forested catchment or if the additional parameters cause over-fitting. Three nitrogen-models of varying hydrological complexity were considered. For each model, general sensitivity analysis (GSA) and Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) were applied, each based on 100,000 Monte Carlo simulations. The results highlighted the most complex structure as the most appropriate, providing the best representation of the non-linear patterns observed in the flow and streamwater nitrate concentrations between 1999 and 2002. Its 5% and 95% GLUE bounds, obtained considering a multi-objective approach, provide the narrowest band for streamwater nitrogen, which suggests increased model robustness, though all models exhibit periods of inconsistent good and poor fits between simulated outcomes and observed data. The results confirm the importance of the riparian zone in controlling the short-term (daily) streamwater nitrogen dynamics in this catchment but not the overall flux of nitrogen from the catchment. It was also shown that as the complexity of a hydrological model increases over-parameterisation occurs, but the converse is true for a water quality model where additional process representation leads to additional acceptable model simulations. Water quality data help constrain the hydrological representation in process-based models. Increased complexity was justifiable for modelling river-system hydrochemistry. Increased complexity was justifiable for modelling river-system hydrochemistry.


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E. H. Gombrich and others have analysed the uses made of language and imagery from Virgil's famous fourth Eclogue in panegyrical writing by partisans of the Medici dynasty in Florence. This study examines the appropriation of the theme of the returning Golden Age and related motifs from the fourth Eclogue in other Italian courts during the same period, by supporters of the Visconti and Sforza of Milan, the Gonzaga of Mantua, Leonello d'Este and his successors in Ferrara, and the Bentivoglio of Bologna, among others. The deployment of this Virgilian material in political panegyric is seen to be a central element in the self-definition and self-promotion of dynastic rulers throughout the peninsula.


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La Coppa del Mondo è diventata l'evento sportivo in diretta streaming più seguito di sempre negli Stati Uniti. Quest'anno per la prima volta numerosi cittadini statunitensi sono entrati in sintonia con l'evento sportivo e la diffusione dei dispositivi mobili ha sicuramente contribuito a questo risultato: soprattutto i più giovani hanno seguito per la prima volta le partite proprio tramite smartphone, tablet e computer, generando numeri da record.


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Introduction: Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are related Apicomplexa parasites responsible for systemic diseases in many species of animals, including dogs. Methods: This study aimed to determine the occurrence of T. gondii and N. caninum infections in 50 dogs with neurological signs that were admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Estadual Paulista, City of Botucatu, Brazil. All animals were screened for antibodies using an immunofluorescent antibody test for both parasites. Tissues of positive animals were bioassayed in mice (T. gondii) and gerbils (N. caninum), and DNA was analyzed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive samples for T. gondii by PCR were typed using restriction fragment length polymorphism-PCR for 11 markers: SAG1, SAG2 (5'-3'-SAG2 and alt.SAG2), SAG3, Btub, GRA6, L358, c22-8, c29-6, PK1 and Apico, and CS3 marker for virulence analysis. Results: Specific antibodies were detected in 11/50 (22%; 95% confidence interval (CI95%), 12.8-35.3%) animals for T. gondii and 7/50 (14%; CI95%, 7.02-26.3%) for N. caninum. In the bioassay and PCR, 7/11 (63.6%; CI95%, 34.9-84.8%) samples were positive for T. gondii and 3/7 (42.9%; CI95% I, 15.7-75.5%) samples were positive for N. caninum. Three different genotypes were identified, but only 1 was unique. Conclusions: These data confirm the presence of T. gondii and N. caninum in dogs from Brazil, indicating the importance of this host as a sentinel of T. gondii for human beings, and the genotypic variation of this parasite in Brazil.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The mite Varroa destructor (Anderson & Treuman 2000) has caused extensive damage to beekeeping worldwide. In Brazil, weather conditions and the strains of bees do not provide ideal conditions for mite parasitism, which is reflected in the low number of deaths of colonies caused by varroatosis well as the stability of infestation levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the damage caused by the mite infestation in hives maintained in natural conditions. For this purpose the number of mites per bee was calculated and used to quantify the level of infestation in each colony. To record the mortality rates of parasitized bees during development daily checks were performed. The data were analyzed by G test of independence and a Test of Proportions. The results indicate that the rate of mortality of pupae and larvae was proportional to the degree of infestation in each colony, and all colonies showed mortality rates significantly higher than the control rate. A significant interaction among death rates recorded between the third and fourth days of larval life and the total death of larvae was found (G Test = 50.22; P < 0.0001). So, it can be concluded that bee inbreeding contributed significantly to the increase of the larval rate of mortality. In Africanized honeybee colonies infested by the mite Varroa destructor mortality rates in conditions of natural infestation varied from 6.65 to 9.89% in pupae (<(x)over bar>= 8.78%) and from 6.13 to 13.48% in larvae ((x) over bar = 9.91%), against 3.85% and 3.74% in the control colony, respectively. Therefore, in the infested colonies the average rates of mortality caused by the harmful effects of the mite were, respectively, 2.28 times and 2.65 times greater in those two developmental stages.