996 resultados para Agente etiológico
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal
Introdução: A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil, com cerca 3000 mil casos notificados anualmente. Nos últimos anos, a LV tem ampliado sua distribuição em vários estados do país, associada principalmente aos processos socioambientais, antrópicos e migratórios. A LV é causada pela infecção com Leishmania infantum chagasi, transmitida, principalmente, por Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae). Este flebotomíneo apresenta ampla distribuição nas Américas, todavia, evidências sugerem que se constitui em um complexo de espécies crípticas. A dinâmica de transmissão da LV é modulada por fatores ecológicos locais que influenciam a interação entre populações do patógeno, do vetor e dos hospedeiros vertebrados. Portanto, o estudo das variáveis associadas a esta interação pode contribuir para elucidar aspectos dos elos epidemiológicos e contribuir para a tomada de decisões em saúde pública. Objetivo: Avaliar parâmetros relacionados à capacidade vetorial da população de Lu. longipalpis presente em área urbana do município de Panorama, estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Foram realizadas capturas mensais durante 48 meses para avaliar a distribuição espaço-temporal de Lu. longipalpis e investigar a circulação de Le. i. chagasi. Também foram realizados os seguintes experimentos com o vetor: captura-marcação-soltura-recaptura para estimar a sobrevida da população e a duração do seu ciclo gonotrófico, a atratividade dos hospedeiros mais frequentes em áreas urbanas, a proporção de repasto em cão, infecção experimental e competência vetorial. Resultados: Observou-se que no município de Panorama, Lu. longipalpis apresentou as frequências mais elevadas na estação chuvosa (entre outubro e março), maior densidade em áreas com presença de vegetação e criação de animais domésticos, locais aonde também foi demonstrada a circulação natural de espécimes de Lu. longipalpis infectados com Le. i. chagasi. Além disto, foi corroborado que a população de Lu. longipalpis apresentou hábito hematofágico eclético, altas taxas de sobrevivência e que foi competente para transmitir o agente da LV. Nos experimentos de laboratório foi evidenciada a heterogeneidade na infecção de fêmeas de Lu. longipalpis desafiadas a se alimentarem em cães comprovadamente infectados por L. i. chagasi e o rápido desenvolvimento do parasita neste vetor natural. Conclusões. As observações do presente estudo corroboram a capacidade vetora de Lu. longipalpis para transmitir a Le. i. chagasi e ressaltam a importância da espécie na transmissão do agente etiológico da LV. Ações de manejo ambiental, educação e promoção à saúde são recomendadas às autoridades municipais para diminuir o risco potencial de infecção na população humana e canina, considerando-se o elevado potencial vetor de Lu. longipalpis e a presença de condições que favorecem a interação dos componentes da tríade epidemiológica da LV.
Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) é o agente etiológico causador de doenças em uma grande variedade de cultivos de grande importância econômica, causando a c1orose variegada dos citros, uma das doenças mais danosas à indústria de citros no Brasil. Os genomas de algumas cepas deste fitopatógeno foram completamente seqüenciados promovendo assim estudos funcionais do genoma em larga escala. Neste trabalho nós nos propusemos a investigar o perfil de transcrição de Xf através da técnica microarranjos (no título da dissertação microarrays, mas a partir de agora usaremos microaarranjos) de DNA usando todo o genoma do fitopatógeno e cultivando-a sob meio definido variando a concentração de glicose. O objetivo inicial deste trabalho era observar se Xf comportava-se da mesma forma que Xac, que tem a expressão de goma aumentada devido ao aumento da concentração de glicose do meio. Nossas análises revelaram que enquanto os transcritos relacionados à goma não se mostraram afetados com a concentração de glicose, genes que codificam para análogos a Colicina-V e precursores de fimbria foram induzidos em alta concentração de glicose. Baseados nestes resultados, nós propusemos um modelo de mecanismo de produção e defesa contra a Colicina em Xf.
A doença de Chagas é uma parasitose extremamente negligenciada, cujo agente etiológico é o protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi. Atualmente, 21 países da América Latina são considerados regiões endêmicas, onde 75-90 milhões de pessoas estão expostas à infecção, 6-7 milhões estão infectadas e mais de 41 mil novos casos surgem por ano. Entretanto, apenas os fármacos nifurtimox e benznidazol estão disponíveis no mercado. Estes, além da baixa eficácia na fase crônica da parasitose, apresentam diversos efeitos adversos, sendo que no Brasil apenas o benznidazol é utilizado. Este fato mostra a importância de se ampliar o número de fármacos disponíveis e propor quimioterapia mais eficaz para o tratamento da doença de Chagas. Como forma de contribuir para essa busca, este trabalho objetiva a síntese de compostos híbridos bioisostéricos N-acilidrazônicos e sulfonilidrazônicos, contendo grupo liberador de óxido nítrico, com potencial de interação com cisteíno-proteases parasitárias, tais como a cruzaína. Nestes derivados, os grupos liberadores de óxido nítrico utilizados foram os grupos furoxano (contendo substituinte metílico e fenílico) e éster nitrato. Propôs-se a variação de anéis aromáticos substituídos e não-substituídos, com o intuito de avaliar a possível relação estrutura-atividade (REA) desses análogos. Até o momento, somente os compostos da série N-acilidrazônica tiveram avaliação biológica realizada. Os valores de IC50 dos compostos na forma amastigota do parasita variaram entre >100 a 2,88 µM, sendo este último valor comparável ao fármaco de referência. A atividade inibitória frente à cruzaína foi de 25,2 µM a 2,2 µM. Já a liberação de óxido nítrico foi avaliada pelo método indireto de detecção de nitrato e os valores variaram entre 52,0 µM e 4.232,0 µM. Estes são bem inferiores ao composto padrão, além de não se identificar correlação direta entre a atividade biológica e a liberação de NO. Na sequência, os dois compostos mais ativos (6 e 14) foram submetidos a estudos de permeabilidade e de citotoxicidade. O composto 6 foi considerado o de maior permeabilidade segundo o Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica (SCB) e todos os compostos apresentaram a taxa de fluxo menor que 2, indicando a ausência de mecanismo de efluxo. Na avaliação do potencial citotóxico desses compostos em células humanas, o derivado 6 apresentou índice de seletividade superior ao do benznidazol. Em estudos de modelagem molecular usando análise exploratória de dados (HCA e PCA), propriedades estéricas/geométricas e eletrônicas foram consideradas as mais relevantes para a atividade biológica. Além disso, estudos de docking mostraram que a posição do grupo nitro no anel aromático é importante para a interação com a cruzaína. Ademais o composto 6 não provocou mudanças significativas no ciclo celular e na fragmentação de DNA em células humanas, mostrando-se como líder promissor para futuros estudos in vivo. Atividade tripanomicida, citotoxicidade, potencial de liberação de NO e estudos de permeabilidade dos 23 derivados sulfonilidrazônicos e ésteres nitrato estão sendo avaliados.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Dengue is an acute infectious disease, usually transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The etiologic agents belong to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, and occur as four antigenically related but distinct serotypes designated DENV-1, 2, 3, and 4. In Brazil, the disease represents a national public health problem. The purpose of the present study was to describe epidemiological aspects of dengue in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2013 to 2014. A total of 483 blood or serum samples, collected from January 2013 to December 2014, were studied by RT-PCR for viral detection and typing. The infection was confirmed in 36.44% (176/483) of the cases studied. This study detected the circulation of three serotypes of dengue virus in Rio Grande do Norte, DENV-1, 2, and 4. The predominant serotype in 2013-2014 was the DENV-4, representing 83.51% (81/97) and 68.35% (54/79) of the positive cases, respectively. Regarding the spatial distribution, most of the cases occurred in Natal and Caicó, with 9.28% (9/97) and 18.99% (15/79), respectively. The months with the biggest viral circulation in RN were March 2013 and May 2014. The female gender was the most affected, representing 69.07% (67/97) in 2013 and 54.43% (43/79) in 2014. The most affected age groups were 21-30 years (2013) and 11-20 years (2014) with 25.77% (25/97) and 20.25% (16/79) positive cases, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that genotype V (DENV-1) and genotype II (DENV-4) circulated in the State. Our results provide information about the dynamics of DENV in the Rio Grande do Norte, important for the development of disease control strategies.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is endemic in many countries, including Brazil. The protozoan Leishmania infantum, is the etiological agent of VL, and is transmitted by the bite of female sandflies during the blood meal. The majority of subjects when exposed to the parasite do not develop the disease, because of development of Th1 cellular responses. Those who have develop signs of VL such as fever, weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, have impairment of the cellular immune response, specific to the Leishmania antigens. We evaluated whether the specififc anergy during symptomatic VL, may be associated with changes in T cells costimulatory molecules or their ligands in CD14+ monocytes. There is an increase in CTLA-4 porcentage on CD4+ T lymphocytes (p=0.001) and ICOS on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (p=0.002 to CD4+ and p=0.003 to CD8+), after stimulation by soluble Leishmania antigen (SLA) during active visceral leishmaniasis, and that there is a higher percentage of these molecules ex vivo, when comparing symptomatic to recovered individuals (p=0.04 to CTLA-4 in CD4+, and p=0.001 to ICOS in CD4+ and p=0.026 to CD8+). Moreover, we found a high gene expression of CTLA-4, OX-40 and ICOS during active VL. CD40, CD80, CD86, HLA-DR and ICOSL molecules do not suffer changes during disease. There is IFN-γ production by the peripheral blood cells, after SLA stimulation, by peripheral blood cells in symptomatic subjects; however, there is a decrease of the ratio IFN-γ/IL-10, which is reversed after clinical recovery. The impairment of some costimulatory molecules pathways during symptomatic VL could inhibit the ability of phagocytes to kill Leishmania and could facilitate their survival and the proliferation inside macrophages.
Several studies have been developed regarding health risks associated with the recreational use of beaches contaminated with domestic sewage. These wastes contain various microorganisms, including Candida tropicalis, etiologic agent of both superficial infections such as systemic, as well as indicator of fecal contamination for the environment. In this context, the objective of this study was to characterize C. tropicalis isolates from the sandy beach of Ponta Negra, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, regarding the expression of in vitro virulence factors, adaptation to osmotic stress and susceptibility to antifungal drugs. We analyzed 62 environmental isolates of C. tropicalis and observed a great variation between them for the various virulence factors evaluated. In general, environmental isolates were more adherent to CEBH than C. tropicalis ATCC13803 reference strain, besides the fact they were also highly biofilm producers. In relation to morphogenesis, most isolates presented wrinkled phenotype in Spider medium (34 isolates, 54.8 %). When assessing enzyme activity, most isolates had higher proteinase production than C. tropicalis ATCC13803 reference strain. In addition, 35 isolates (56.4 %) had high hemolytic activity (hemolysis index > 55). With regard to C. tropicalis resistance to osmotic stress, 85.4% of the isolates were able to grow in a liquid medium containing 15% sodium chloride, corroborating to high survival capacity described for this yeast at marine environment. Finally, with regard to sensitivity to antifungal drugs, it was observed high resistance to the azoles tested, with the occurrence of the "Low-high" phenomenon and similar effect to the paradoxical growth which occurs to the echinocandins. For the three azoles tested we verified that 15 strains were resistant (24.2 %). Some strains were also resistant to amphotericin B (14 isolates, 22.6 %), while all of them were sensitive for the echinocandins tested. Therefore, our results demonstrate that C. tropicalis isolated from the sand of northeast of Brazil can fully express virulence attributes and showed a high persistence capacity on the coastal environment, in addition of being significantly resistant to most applied antifungals in current clinical practice. This constitutes a potential health risk to visitors of this environment, especially immunocompromised individuals and those with extreme age range.
Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.
Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.
Chapter I - The obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii is the causative agent of toxoplasmosis, a disease that affects humans and generates economic losses in farm animals. When prevention fails disease refers to the diagnosis and subsequent treatment if the individual is diagnosed as positive. Therefore, the development of new accurate diagnostic tools for detecting T. gondii infection is a need in particular to determine the environmental source of infection which can result in more appropriate public health policies against different routes of infection and prevent potential damage that toxoplasmosis can cause when animals are infected. Chapter II - The domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) are considered epidemiological sentinels, still representing a major source of recombinant strains when predated by cats, it is common to find them with multiple infections. We evaluate the diagnostic potential of six synthetic peptides (SAG2Y, MIC1, M2AP, GRA10, ROP2 and ROP7) predicted in silico from tachyzoites immunodominant markers of T. gondii in samples from naturally infected chickens, comparing synthetic peptides with antigen total soluble (STAg). In general, our results demonstrated that reactivity rates and positivity for these peptides are similar to the STAg, and the ROP7 peptide and the combination of peptides MIC1+ROP2 have significant sensitivity, confirming them as potential diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in chickens. Chapter III - Sheep (Ovis aries) are commonly infected with Toxoplasma gondii due to his eating habits. Infection in pregnant sheep can have serious consequences such as embryonic death, fetal resorption, mummification, and neonatal death. One concern regarding the infection in these animals is that the meat can be a source of contamination to humans and other carnivores. Therefore perform accurate diagnosis in these animals is of fundamental importance. In the present study we evaluated the potential of new synthetic peptides as a diagnostic tool. Synthetic peptides (SAG2Y, SRS52A, MIC14, GRA4, GRA10 and GRA15) were predicted in silico from immunodominant proteins of T. gondii. We determine the levels of IgG antibodies using sera obtained from two farms in the city of Uberlândia. Analyzing the results together, the peptide combination GRA10+GRA15 (Accuracy = 0,82) showed better characteristics compared with the other mixtures. This preparation could be better analyzed with an antigenic mixture potential use in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in sheep and other species.
AZEVEDO, Luciana Karla Araújo de, et al. Caracterização e correlação do fenômeno pró-zona com títulos de sororeatividade do VDRL e reação de imuno-fluorescência indireta em soros de pacientes com sífilis. Revista Brasileira de Análises Clínicas, Rio de Janeiro, v. 38, n. 2, p. 183-187, 2006.