989 resultados para Interactive art


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Citizen Coombs Wins! appears to be a standard arcade game placed within the gallery. Mortal Kombat is displayed on the screen inviting the viewer to press play. The ‘player’ selects their character and awaits the commencement of the game; at first move however, the player dies – sound and text informs them that ‘Citizen Coombs Wins!’. By altering the expected play of the game, this work exploring notions of play, control, the institution and expectation. This work seeks to invite, engage and repel the viewer in order to question, critique and play with the role of the artist and the viewer within the context of the institution. The work was included in the international group show 'Ceci n'est pas une Casino!', curated by Kevin Muhlen and Jo Kox for the Casino Luxembourg and later toured to Villa Merkel, Esslingen, Germany.


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Bystander is a multi-user, immersive, interactive environment intended for public display in a museum or art gallery. It is designed to make available heritage collections in novel and culturally responsible ways. We use its development as a case study to examine the role played in that process by a range of tools and techniques from participatory design traditions. We describe how different tools were used within the design process, specifically: the ways in which the potential audience members were both included and represented; the prototypes that have been constructed as a way of envisioning how the final work might be experienced; and how these tools have been brought together in ongoing designing and evaluation. We close the paper with some reflections on the extension of participatory commitments into still-emerging areas of technology design that prioritise the design of spaces for human experience and reflective interaction.


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Emergence has the potential to effect complex, creative or open-ended interactions and novel game-play. We report on research into an emergent interactive system. This investigates emergent user behaviors and experience through the creation and evaluation of an interactive system. The system is +-NOW, an augmented reality, tangible, interactive art system. The paper briefly describes the qualities of emergence and +-NOW before focusing on its evaluation. This was a qualitative study with 30 participants conducted in context. Data analysis followed Grounded Theory Methods. Coding schemes, induced from data and external literature are presented. Findings show that emergence occurred in over half of the participants. The nature of these emergent behaviors is discussed along with examples from the data. Other findings indicate that participants found interaction with the work satisfactory. Design strategies for facilitating satisfactory experience despite the often unpredictable character of emergence, are briefly reviewed and potential application areas for emergence are discussed.


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The interactive art system +-NOW captures moments in the past and present for dreamy, reflective play. It is composed of sand, imagery and interaction. This paper traces the creative process from initial landscape studies to museum installation in 2008. Key design concepts discussed include the origin and use of sand and emergence.


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Iterative Intersectioning is a body of art works that comes out of the collaboration between author and electronic artist Jen Seevinck and a community of print artists, most particularly Elizabeth Saunders (EJ) and Robert Oakman. The work shown here is concerned with the creative process of collaboration, specifically as this informs visual forms. This is through our focus on process. This process has facilitated a 'conversational' exchange between all artists and a corresponding evolution in the artworks. In each case the dialogue is either between the author, Jen and EJ or between Jen and Robert. It consists of passing work between parties, interpreting it and working into it, before passing it back. The result is a series of art works including those shown here. The concept evolves in parallel to this. Importantly, at each of her iterations of creative work, the author Jen determines a similar 'treatment' or 'interpretation' across both print artists works at that time. A synthesis of EJ and Robert's creative interpretation -- at a high level -- occurs. In this sense the concept and works can be understood to intersect with one another.


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Increasingly the fields of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and art are intersecting. Interactive artworks are being evaluated by HCI methods and artworks are being created that employ and repurpose technology for interactive environments. In this paper we steer a path between empirical and critical–theoretical traditions, and discuss HCI research and art works that also span this divide. We address concerns about ‘new’ ethnography raised by Crabtree et al. (2009) in “Ethnography Considered Harmful”, a critical essay that positions ethnographic and critical-theoretical views at odds with each other. We propose a mediated view for understanding interactions within open-ended interactive artworks that values both perspectives as we navigate boundaries between art practice and HCI.


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Interactive art system +-now has a tangible interface augmented and real-time computer graphics elements. It concerns creative audience experiences facilitated through perceptual emergence.


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Digital interactive artwork concerned with drawing, mark-making and emergence as a mechanism to facilitate creative experiences. The artwork comes from a concept developed during a collaboration with community artists EJ Saunders and Robert Oakman at Cerebral Palsy League.


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This research draws on theories of emergence to inform the creation of an artistic and direct visualization. This is an interactive artwork and drawing tool for creative participant experiences. As is discussed, emergence is characteristically creative. It is also debated across and within disciplines, resulting in a range of understandings as well as models. This paper shows how one field’s understanding of emergence (complexity theory) can be used to facilitate emergence in another domain (design research) and, importantly provide the opportunity for someone to act creatively. This paper begins with a brief review of some theories of emergence to show how they interrelate and can effect the perception of emergent structures in an observer, and, correspondingly, the design for creative experience. This is subsequently demonstrated in the second section of the paper where an interactive artwork and drawing application, Of me with me, is presented. This artwork by the author was created during collaboration with community artists from Cerebral Palsy League. The discussion covers the application of emergence theories to create this visualization in order facilitate the perception of structures and creative behaviours in a participant and to facilitate self-efficacy in the community artist user group.


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Interactive art installation Artist in Residence Queensland Government grant. Awarded June 2011 for period July-September 2011. This project involved co-creating an interactive artwork on site and in the forest with Grovely Primary school children aged 6-10, some with high needs. Affiliated with the United Nations International Year of the Forest. Final work is tangible, real-time visualization created using participatory design methods.


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Weblog of participatory arts Community interactive art project with Cerebral Palsy League. Regional Arts Development grant, Queensland Government. Awarded June 2012. This project has involved exploring and visualising participants’ movements through their drawings and co-designing an interactive, visualisation artwork based on these gestures and images.


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The Our True Colours project brought together a group of four young women from refugee backgrounds to explore life narratives using visual arts and participatory video. The video is a celebration of their strengths and insights into the resettlement process. The Our True Colours storytelling project included an interactive art exhibition, a public screening event on International Women’s Day in 2014 and the creation of a website to permanently host the project: ourtruecolours.org


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This paper explores the current conventions and intentions of the game jam - contemporary events that encourage the rapid, collaborative creation of game design prototypes. Game jams are often renowned for their capacity to encourage creativity and the development of alternative, innovative game designs. However, there is a growing necessity for game jams to continue to challenge traditional development practices through evolving new formats and perspectives to maintain the game jam as a disruptive, refreshing aspect of game development culture. As in other creative jam style events, a game jam is not only a process but also, an outcome. Through a discussion of the literature this paper establishes a theoretical basis with which to analyse game jams as disruptive, performative processes that result in original creative artefacts. In support of this, case study analysis of Development Cultures: a series of workshops that centred on innovation and new forms of practice through play, chance, and experimentation, is presented. The findings indicate that game jams can be considered as processes that inspire creativity within a community and that the resulting performances can be considered as a form of creative artefact, thus parallels can be drawn between game jams and performative and interactive art.


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La musique aujourd’hui est régulièrement accompagnée d’environnements visuels. Depuis les propositions en provenance du vidéoclip jusqu’aux œuvres installatives en passant par l’art web ou le cinéma, l’audiovisuel occupe une place considérable dans notre monde médiatisé et constitue un foyer important du développement des pratiques musicales. L’alliage entre son et image est souvent rattachée à l’histoire du cinéma mais les prémisses entourant l’audiovisuel remontent en réalité à l’Antiquité. Les correspondances entre sons et couleurs ont pris racine en premier chez les Pythagoriciens et cet intérêt se poursuit encore aujourd’hui. L’avènement de différentes technologies est venu reformuler au fil des siècles cette recherche qui retourne du décloisonnement artistique. L’arrivée de l’électricité permet au XIXe siècle le développement d’une lutherie expérimentale avec entre autres l’orgue à couleur d’Alexander Rimington. Ces instruments audiovisuels donnent naissance plus tard au Lumia, un art de la couleur et du mouvement se voulant proche de la musique et qui ne donne pourtant rien à entendre. Parallèlement à ces nouvelles propositions artistiques, il se développe dès les tout début du XXe siècle au sein des avant-gardes cinématographiques un corpus d’œuvres qui sera ensuite appelé musique visuelle. Les possibilités offertes par le support filmique vient offrir de nouvelles possibilités quant à l’organisation de la couleur et du mouvement. La pratique de cet art hybride est ensuite reformulée par les artistes associés à l’art vidéo avant de connaitre une vaste phase de démocratisation avec l’avènement des ordinateurs domestiques depuis les années 1990. Je retrace le parcours historique de ces pratiques audiovisuelles qui s’inscrivent résolument sur le terrain du musical. Un parcours appuyé essentiellement sur des œuvres et des ouvrages théoriques tout en étant parsemé de réflexions personnelles. Je traite des enjeux théoriques associés à ces propositions artistiques en les différenciant d’un autre format audiovisuel majeur soit le cinéma. Cet exposé permet de préparer le terrain afin de présenter et contextualiser mon travail de création. Je traite de deux œuvres, Trombe (2011) et Lungta (2012), des propositions qui héritent à la fois des musiques visuelles, de l’art interactif et de l’art cinétique.