848 resultados para Infinite solutions
We consider a two dimensional lattice coupled with nearest neighbor interaction potential of power type. The existence of infinite many periodic solutions is shown by using minimax methods.
In this work we introduce and analyze a linear size-structured population model with infinite states-at-birth. We model the dynamics of a population in which individuals have two distinct life-stages: an “active” phase when individuals grow, reproduce and die and a second “resting” phase when individuals only grow. Transition between these two phases depends on individuals’ size. First we show that the problem is governed by a positive quasicontractive semigroup on the biologically relevant state space. Then we investigate, in the framework of the spectral theory of linear operators, the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the model. We prove that the associated semigroup has, under biologically plausible assumptions, the property of asynchronous exponential growth.
We characterize the Walrasian allocations correspondence by means offour axioms: consistency, replica invariance, individual rationality andPareto optimality. It is shown that for any given class of exchange economiesany solution that satisfies the axioms is a selection from the Walrasianallocations with slack. Preferences are assumed to be smooth, but may besatiated and non--convex. A class of economies is defined as all economieswhose agents' preferences belong to an arbitrary family (finite or infinite)of types. The result can be modified to characterize equal budget Walrasianallocations with slack by replacing individual rationality with individualrationality from equal division. The results are valid also for classes ofeconomies in which core--Walras equivalence does not hold.
Given a Lagrangian system depending on the position derivatives of any order, and assuming that certain conditions are satisfied, a second-order differential system is obtained such that its solutions also satisfy the Euler equations derived from the original Lagrangian. A generalization of the singular Lagrangian formalism permits a reduction of order keeping the canonical formalism in sight. Finally, the general results obtained in the first part of the paper are applied to Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics for two charged point particles up to order 1/c4.
Several problems in the theory of photon migration in a turbid medium suggest the utility of calculating solutions of the telegrapher¿s equation in the presence of traps. This paper contains two such solutions for the one-dimensional problem, the first being for a semi-infinite line terminated by a trap, and the second being for a finite line terminated by two traps. Because solutions to the telegrapher¿s equation represent an interpolation between wavelike and diffusive phenomena, they will exhibit discontinuities even in the presence of traps.
We consider second kind integral equations of the form x(s) - (abbreviated x - K x = y ), in which Ω is some unbounded subset of Rn. Let Xp denote the weighted space of functions x continuous on Ω and satisfying x (s) = O(|s|-p ),s → ∞We show that if the kernel k(s,t) decays like |s — t|-q as |s — t| → ∞ for some sufficiently large q (and some other mild conditions on k are satisfied), then K ∈ B(XP) (the set of bounded linear operators on Xp), for 0 ≤ p ≤ q. If also (I - K)-1 ∈ B(X0) then (I - K)-1 ∈ B(XP) for 0 < p < q, and (I- K)-1∈ B(Xq) if further conditions on k hold. Thus, if k(s, t) = O(|s — t|-q). |s — t| → ∞, and y(s)=O(|s|-p), s → ∞, the asymptotic behaviour of the solution x may be estimated as x (s) = O(|s|-r), |s| → ∞, r := min(p, q). The case when k(s,t) = к(s — t), so that the equation is of Wiener-Hopf type, receives especial attention. Conditions, in terms of the symbol of I — K, for I — K to be invertible or Fredholm on Xp are established for certain cases (Ω a half-space or cone). A boundary integral equation, which models three-dimensional acoustic propaga-tion above flat ground, absorbing apart from an infinite rigid strip, illustrates the practical application and sharpness of the above results. This integral equation mod-els, in particular, road traffic noise propagation along an infinite road surface sur-rounded by absorbing ground. We prove that the sound propagating along the rigid road surface eventually decays with distance at the same rate as sound propagating above the absorbing ground.
A mathematical model describing the heat budget of an irradiated medium is introduced. The one-dimensional form of the equations and boundary conditions are presented and analysed. Heat transport at one face of the slab occurs by absorption (and reflection) of an incoming beam of short-wave radiation with a fraction of this radiation penetrating into the body of the slab, a diffusive heat flux in the slab and a prescribed incoming heat flux term. The other face of the slab is immersed in its own melt and is considered to be a free surface. Here, temperature continuity is prescribed and evolution of the surface is determined by a Stefan condition. These boundary conditions are flexible enough to describe a range of situations such as a laser shining on an opaque medium, or the natural environment of polar sea ice or lake ice. A two-stream radiation model is used which replaces the simple Beer’s law of radiation attenuation frequently used for semi-infinite domains. The stationary solutions of the governing equations are sought and it is found that there exists two possible stationary solutions for a given set of boundary conditions and a range of parameter choices. It is found that the existence of two stationary solutions is a direct result of the model of radiation absorption, due to its effect on the albedo of the medium. A linear stability analysis and numerical calculations indicate that where two stationary solutions exist, the solution corresponding to a larger thickness is always stable and the solution corresponding to a smaller thickness is unstable. Numerical simulations reveal that when there are two solutions, if the slab is thinner than the smaller stationary thickness it will melt completely, whereas if the slab is thicker than the smaller stationary thickness it will evolve toward the larger stationary thickness. These results indicate that other mechanisms (e.g. wave-induced agglomeration of crystals) are necessary to grow a slab from zero initial thickness in the parameter regime that yields two stationary solutions.
The goal of this paper is study the global solvability of a class of complex vector fields of the special form L = partial derivative/partial derivative t + (a + ib)(x)partial derivative/partial derivative x, a, b epsilon C(infinity) (S(1) ; R), defined on two-torus T(2) congruent to R(2)/2 pi Z(2). The kernel of transpose operator L is described and the solvability near the characteristic set is also studied. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We construct exact vortex solutions in 3+1 dimensions to a theory which is an extension, due to Gies, of the Skyrme-Faddeev model, and that is believed to describe some aspects of the low energy limit of the pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Despite the efforts in the last decades those are the first exact analytical solutions to be constructed for such type of theory. The exact vortices appear in a very particular sector of the theory characterized by special values of the coupling constants, and by a constraint that leads to an infinite number of conserved charges. The theory is scale invariant in that sector, and the solutions satisfy Bogomolny type equations. The energy of the static vortex is proportional to its topological charge, and waves can travel with the speed of light along them, adding to the energy a term proportional to a U(1) No ether charge they create. We believe such vortices may play a role in the strong coupling regime of the pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.
We consider a four dimensional field theory with target space being CP(N) which constitutes a generalization of the usual Skyrme-Faddeev model defined on CP(1). We show that it possesses an integrable sector presenting an infinite number of local conservation laws, which are associated to the hidden symmetries of the zero curvature representation of the theory in loop space. We construct an infinite class of exact solutions for that integrable submodel where the fields are meromorphic functions of the combinations (x(1) + i x(2)) and (x(3) + x(0)) of the Cartesian coordinates of four dimensional Minkowski space-time. Among those solutions we have static vortices and also vortices with waves traveling along them with the speed of light. The energy per unity of length of the vortices show an interesting and intricate interaction among the vortices and waves.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We characterize the existence of periodic solutions of some abstract neutral functional differential equations with finite and infinite delay when the underlying space is a UMD space. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we explicitly construct an infinite number of Hopfions (static, soliton solutions with nonzero Hopf topological charges) within the recently proposed (3 + 1)-dimensional, integrable, and relativistically invariant field theory. Two integers label the family of Hopfions we have found. Their product is equal to the Hopf charge which provides a lower bound to the soliton's finite energy. The Hopfions are explicitly constructed in terms of the toroidal coordinates and shown to have a form of linked closed vortices.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper we consider nonautonomous optimal control problems of infinite horizon type, whose control actions are given by L-1-functions. We verify that the value function is locally Lipschitz. The equivalence between dynamic programming inequalities and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) inequalities for proximal sub (super) gradients is proven. Using this result we show that the value function is a Dini solution of the HJB equation. We obtain a verification result for the class of Dini sub-solutions of the HJB equation and also prove a minimax property of the value function with respect to the sets of Dini semi-solutions of the HJB equation. We introduce the concept of viscosity solutions of the HJB equation in infinite horizon and prove the equivalence between this and the concept of Dini solutions. In the Appendix we provide an existence theorem. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.