881 resultados para frameworks organization
Kunnissa eletään muutosten aikaa, ja osaamisen johtamisella pyritään vastaamaan kehityksen mukanaan tuomiin haasteisiin. Osaamisen johtamista pidetäänkin tärkeänä asiana kuntien kehittämisessä. Viime vuosina osaamisen johtaminen on ollut voimakkaasti esillä myös yksityisellä sektorilla, jossa se on nähty tärkeänä elementtinä kilpailukyvyn kehittämisessä. Osaamisen johtaminen on toimintaa, jolla kehitetään yksilöiden ja organisaation osaamista sekä organisaation yhteistyövalmiutta. Osaamisen johtamisessa huomioidaan myös organisaatiolle asetetut strategiset tavoitteet. Tässä tutkimuksessa osaamisen johtaminen ankkuroidaan tietojohtamisen, henkilöstövoimavarojen johtamisen (HRM:n) ja oppivan organisaation viitekehyksiin. Tutkimusotteeksi on valittu kvantitatiivinen tutkimusote. Kvantitatiivinen tutkimusote mahdollistaa osaamisen johtamisen rakenteellisen analyysin ja kuvaamisen. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä ovat kaikki Suomen 444 kuntaa vuonna 2004. Tutkimuksen tiedonkeruu suoritettiin lomakekyselyn avulla, ja tutkimus kohdistettiin kuntien henkilöstöasioiden asiantuntijoille. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli mallintaa ja kuvata osaamisen johtamista Suomen kunnissa. Tutkimusongelma liittyy kuntien osaamisen johtamisen nykytilaan ja tavoitteisiin sekä siihen, missä vaiheissa kunnat ovat osaamisen johtamisessaan. Kyselyn avulla tutkittiin myös kuntien halukkuutta kehittää osaamisen johtamistaan. Vastausten pohjalta analysoitiin lisäksi, mitkä asiat kunnissa vaikuttavat osaamisen johtamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa tulevat esille neljä erilaista kunnissa vallitsevaa osaamisen johtamisen orientaatiota: Strategiaohjattu yhteisöllinen orientaatio, Innovatiivinen orientaatio, Teknologinen orientaatio ja Strategialähtöinen järjestelmäorientaatio. Nämä neljä orientaatiota ovat tunnistettavissa myös taustakirjallisuudessa. Kunnat ryhmiteltiin orientaatioiden perusteella neljään ryhmään, jotka nimettiin seuraavasti: Innostuneet aloittelijat, Tekniset aloittelijat, Edistyneet ja Kehittyvät. Innostuneiden aloittelijoiden ryhmässä korostuu innovatiivinen orientaatio, mutta muut osaamisen johtamisen orientaatiot tulevat esille heikosti. Teknisten aloittelijoiden ryhmässä korostuu teknologinen orientaatio, mutta muut osaamisen johtamisen orientaatiot tulevat esille heikosti. Edistyneiden ryhmässä kaikki osaamisen johtamisen orientaatiot tulevat hyvin esille. Kehittyvien ryhmässä korostuvat sekä innovatiivinen että teknologinen orientaatio. Kuntien osaamisen johtamisen nykytilanne on murroksessa. Osaamisen johtaminen on suuressa osassa kunnista hyvässä vauhdissa, mutta kehitettävääkin on. Tietotekniset välineet osaamisen johtamisessa ovat hyvät useimmissa kunnissa. Tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeina pidetään erityisesti vuorovaikutustaitoja ja oman ammattialan osaamista. Kunnissa on myös huomioitu ainakin tavoitteiden tasolla tulevaisuus ja sen tuomat haasteet.
Globalization has increased transport aggregates’ demand. Whilst transport volumes increase, ecological values’im portance has sharpened: carbon footprint has become a measure known world widely. European Union together with other communities emphasizes friendliness to the environment: same trend has extended to transports. As a potential substitute for road transport is noted railway transport, which decreases the congestions and lowers the emission levels. Railway freight market was liberalized in the European Union 2007, which enabled new operators to enter the markets. This research had two main objectives. Firstly, it examined the main market entry strategies utilized and the barriers to entry confronted by the operators who entered the markets after the liberalization. Secondly, the aim was to find ways the governmental organization could enhance its service towards potential railway freight operators. Research is a qualitative case study, utilizing descriptive analytical research method with a normative shade. Empirical data was gathered by interviewing Swedish and Polish railway freight operators by using a semi-structured theme-interview. This research provided novel information by using first-hand data; topic has been researched previously by utilizing second-hand data and literature analyses. Based on this research, rolling stock acquisition, needed investments and bureaucracy generate the main barriers to entry. The research results show that the mostly utilized market entry strategies are start-up and vertical integration. The governmental organization could enhance the market entry process by organizing courses, paying extra attention on flexibility, internal know-how and educating the staff.
Chemical research in Brazil has grown significantly in the past 20 years, largely thanks to the Brazilian S&T Development Program of the federal government (PADCT). However, the newly achieved levels of highly qualified manpower and research infra-structure require new research organization frameworks to make science, technology and innovation really useful and meaningful for the citizens. The current requirements for creating viable networks of academic and industry researchers are presented and discussed as well as some structural and procedural bottlenecks that have to be eliminated, to achieve maximum high-quality science, technology and relevant innovation output.
The objectives of this Master’s Thesis were to find out what kind of knowledge management strategy would fit best an IT organization that uses ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework for IT Service Management and to create a knowledge management process model to support chosen strategy. The empirical material for this research was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews of a case organization Stora Enso Corporate IT. The results of the qualitative interviews indicate that codification knowledge management strategy would fit best for the case organization. The knowledge management process model was created based on earlier studies and a literature of knowledge management. The model was evaluated in the interview research and the results showed that the created process model is realistic, useful, and it responds to a real life phenomenon.
Current e-business standards have been developed and used by large organizations to reduce clerical costs in business transactions by increased automation and higher level of business-to-business integration. Small and medium enterprises (SME's), however, cannot easily adopt these standards due to the SME's lacking the technical expertise and resources for implementing them. Still, large organizations increasingly require their business partners, most of which are SME's, to be able to interoperate by their chosen e-business standards. The research question for the study was, first, which of the existing e-business technologies are most SME-adoptable, and, second, how could those e-business technologies be made easier for SME's to implement. The study was conducted as a literature study that evaluated the available e-business frameworks and SME-oriented e-business architectures based on the implementation complexity and costs incurred for the SME adopter. The study found that only few e-business solutions are SMEadoptable. The technological approaches used in the solutions need to be improved on a number of areas, the most important of which is implementation complexity. The study revealed that this also applies to the special, SME-oriented e-business architectures, which are also still too difficult for SME's to implement. Based on these findings, a high-level e-business interoperability framework concept was proposed as the basis for future research to overcome the found implementation complexities for SME's.
Metastatic bone lesions are commonly associated with prostate cancer affecting approximately 60-80% of the patients. The progression of prostate cancer into an advanced stage is a complex process and its molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. So far, no curative treatment is available for advanced stages of prostate cancer. Bisphosphonates (BPs) are synthetic pyrophosphate analogues, which are used as therapeutics for various metabolic bone diseases because of their ability to inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption. Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates block the function of osteoclasts by disturbing the vesicular traffic and the mevalonate pathway -related enzymes, for example farnesyl diphosphate synthase, which is involved in post-translational isoprenylation of small GTPases. In addition, the anti-proliferative, anti-invasive and pro-apoptotic effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on various cancer cell lines have been reported. The aim of this thesis work was to clarify the effects of bisphosphonates on prostate cancer cells, focusing on the mechanisms of adhesion, invasion and migration. Furthermore, the role of the mevalonate pathway and prenylation reactions in invasion and regulation of the cytoskeleton of prostate cancer cells were examined. Finally, the effects of alendronate on cytoskeleton- and actin-related proteins in prostate cancer cells were studied in vitro and in vivo. The results showed that the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate alendronate inhibited the adhesion of prostate cancer cells to various extracellular matrix proteins and migration and invasion in vitro. Inhibition of invasion and migration was reversed by mevalonate pathway intermediates. The blockage of the prenylation transferases GGTase I and FTase inhibited the invasion, migration and actin organization of prostate cancer cells. The marked decrease of cofilin was observed by the prenylation inhibitors used. Inhibition of GGTase I also disrupted the regulation of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin. In addition, alendronate disrupted the cytoskeletal organization and decreased the level of cofilin in vitro and in vivo. The decrease of the cofilin level by alendronate could be one of the key mechanisms behind the observed inhibition of migration and invasion. Based on the effects of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates on tumor cell invasion and cytoskeletal organization, they can be suggested to be developed as therapeutics for inhibiting prostate cancer metastasis.
Interactional Perspectives on Discourse. Proceedings from the Organization in Discourse 3 Conference
Information technology service management has become an important task in delivering information for management purposes. Especially applications containing information for decision making need to be agile and ready for changes. The aim of this study was to find a solution for successful implementation of an ITIL based change management process to enterprise resource management applications managed by the target organization. Literature review of the study introduces frameworks that are important for success of an IT project implementation. In addition an overview of ITIL and ITIL based change management process is presented. The result of the study was a framework of actions that are needed to accomplish to be successful in change management process implementation. It was noticed that defining success criterions, critical success factors and success measures is important for achieving the goals of the implementation project.
Several recent works in history and philosophy of science have re-evaluated the alleged opposition between the theses put forth by logical empiricists such as Carnap and the so-called "post-positivists", such as Kuhn. Although the latter came to be viewed as having seriously challenged the logical positivist views of science, recent authors (e.g., Friedman, Reisch, Earman, Irzik and Grünberg) maintain that some of the most notable theses of the Kuhnian view of science have striking similarities with some aspects of Carnap's philosophy. Against that reading, Oliveira and Psillos argue that within Carnap's philosophy there is no place for the Kuhnian theses of incommensurability, holism, and theory-ladenness of observations. This paper presents each of those readings and argues that Carnap and Kuhn have non-opposing views on holism, incommensurability, the theory-ladenness of observations, and scientific revolutions. We note at the very end - without dwelling on the point, however - that they come apart on other matters, such as their views on metaphysics and on the context of discovery/justification distinction.
This case study examined how productivity and renewal are combined in a production organization operating in process industry through the antecedents of organizational ambidexterity; structure, culture, and management. The empirical material consisted of semi-structured interviews, observations and case organization documents. The findings suggest that the case organization structurally separates exploitation and exploration to separate units. However, it was found that the units focusing on exploration also devote resources to exploitation. External networks, such as customers, suppliers, and other factories seemed to play a role in the exploration activities, as well as in learning activities, which were connected to renewal. Productivity was seen as a natural part of a production organization and pursued at manufacturing units. Process management techniques appeared to be spread across the organization and having positive impact on exploitation and negative impact on exploration. The managerial culture and management’s capability to communicate goals, vision and strategy was found to be unsatisfactory. This thesis contributes to the new research paradigm of organizational ambidexterity by providing unique results on how the antecedents of organizational ambidexterity are accomplished in a production organization. Furthermore, the thesis extends the previous research of organizational renewal capability by connecting it to the ambidexterity theory.
It has been shown in organizational settings that trust is a crucial factor in different kinds of outcomes, and consequently, building employee trust in the employer is a goal for all kinds of organizations. Although it is recognized that trust in organizations operates on multiple levels, at present there is no clear consensus on the concept of trust within the organization. One can have trust in particular people (i.e. interpersonal trust) or in organized systems (i.e. impersonal trust). Until recently organizational trust has been treated mainly as an interpersonal phenomenon. However, the interpersonal approach is limited. Scholars studying organizational trust have thus far focused only on specific dimensions of impersonal trust, and none have taken a comprehensive approach. The first objective in this study was to develop a construct and a scale encompassing the impersonal element of organizational trust. The second objective was to examine the effects of various HRM practices on the impersonal dimensions of organizational trust. Moreover, although the “black box” model of HRM is widely studied, there have been only a few attempts to unlock the box. Previous studies on the HRM-performance link refer to trust, and this work contributes to the literature in considering trust an impersonal issue in the relationship between HRM, trust, and performance. The third objective was thus to clarify the role of impersonal trust in the relationship between HRM and performance. The study is divided into two parts comprising the Introduction and four separate publications. Each publication addresses a distinct sub-question, whereas the Introduction discusses the overall results in the light of the individual sub-questions. The study makes two major contributions to the research on trust. Firstly, it offers a framework describing the construct of impersonal trust, which to date has not been clearly articulated in the research on organizational trust. Secondly, a comprehensive, psychometrically sound, operationally valid scale for measuring impersonal trust was developed. In addition, the study makes an empirical contribution to the research on strategic HRM. First, it shows that HRM practices affect impersonal trust and the contribution is to consider the HRM-trust link in terms of impersonal organizational trust. It is shown that each of the six HRM practices in focus is connected to impersonal trust. A further contribution lies in unlocking the black box. The study explores the impersonal element of organizational trust and its mediating role between HRM practices and performance. The result is the identification of the path by which HRM contributes to performance through the mediator of impersonal trust. It is shown that the effect on performance of HRM designed specifically to enhance employees’ impersonal trust in the organization is positive.
The costs of health care are increasing, and at the same time, population is aging. This leads health care organizations to focus more on home based care services. This thesis focuses on the home care organization of the South Karelian District of Social and Health Services (Eksote), which was established in 2010; how its operation is organized and managed, and which problem types are faced in the daily operation of home care. This thesis examines home care services through an extensive interview study, process mapping and statistical data analysis. To be able to understand the nature of services and special environment theory models, such as service management and performance measurement, service processes and service design are introduced. This study is conducted from an external researcher‟s point of view and should be used as a discussion opener. The outcome of this thesis is an upper level development path for Eksote home care. The organization should evaluate and build a service offering, then productize home care services and modularize the products and identify similarities. Service processes should be mapped to generate efficiency for repeating tasks. Units should be reasonably sized and geographically located to facilitate management and operation. All this can be done by recognizing the different types of service products: runners repeaters and strangers. Furthermore, the organization should not hide behind medical issues and should understand the legislative, medical and operational frameworks in health care.
In a modern dynamic environment organizations are facing new requirements for success and competitive advantage. This also sets new requirements for leaders. The term of ambidexterity is used in relation with organizations that are able to manage short-term efficiency and long-term innovation simultaneously. Ambidextrous leaders have the same capability at an individual level. They are able to balance between efficiency and flexibility. This study examined the confrontation of these two competing concepts in the leadership perspective. The aim of the study was to understand this recently arisen concept and its antecedents and examine what is currently known about ambidextrous leadership. This was a case study with data collected through theme interviews in a result orientated customer centre organization that has a cultural change at hand when it comes to leadership and empowerment. Organization wants to be efficient and flexible at the same time (a.k.a. ambidextrous) and that requires new type of leadership. In this study the aim was to describe the capabilities and criteria for ambidextrous leader and examine the leadership roles related to ambidextrous leadership in different hierarchical levels. The case organization had also created systematic means to support this cultural change and the effects of the process related to leadership were studied. This study showed that the area is yet widely unexplored and contradictory views are presented. This study contributes to the deprivation of study of ambidexterity in leadership and individuals. The study presents a description of ambidextrous leadership and describes the capabilities of ambidextrous leader. Ambidextrous leaders are able to make cognitive decisions between their leadership style according to situation that requires either leadership related to efficiency such as transactional leadership or leadership related to flexibility such as transformational leadership. Their leadership style supports both short-term and long-term goals. This study also shows that the role of top management is vital and operational leaders rely on their example.