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La osteocondritis de los sesamoideos es una enfermedad infrecuente, que se puede dar en cualquiera de los dos sesamoideos, siendo una patología incapacitante. A pesar de que los sesamoideos juegan un papel fundamental en la mecánica del antepié, algunos trastornos que se dan en ellos a menudo se pasan por alto o son mal diagnosticados. Se revisa y analizan las características clínicas de la enfermedad, su tratamiento y las claves diagnósticas que nos permiten establecer un correcto diagnóstico diferencial con otros procesos patológicos que afectan a los sesamoideos.


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La estucoqueratosis es una patología dérmica que cursa con tumoraciones queratósicas asintomáticas, benignas, blanco-grisáceas y de pequeño tamaño. Éstas suelen localizarse en las extremidades (especialmente en las inferiores) en torno al tobillo. Su etiología es desconocida y su diagnóstico se realiza mediante una correcta anamnesis y exploración física ya que la morfología, localización y edad de presentación son claves para poder establecer un diagnóstico diferencial con otras afecciones aunque en caso necesario también se puede recurrir a la biopsia. Constituye una entidad clínica con especial interés podológico dada su frecuente aparición en las extremidades inferiores, de ahí la necesidad de conocerla y de saber realizar un correcto diagnóstico diferencial. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 45 años sin antecedentes dermatológicos que presenta estucoqueratosis en la extremidad inferior y que acude al Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Naval de Ferrol.


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This work studies the major sports overload injuries of the lower extremities from the biomechanical point of view. At the same time, the main paradigms of podiatric biomechanics and the application of new biomechanical theories in the study of these lesions are reviewed. With current legislation, clinical gait biomechanical studies should be carried out in health centres and the only health professionals who can perform them are podiatrists and doctors (because they both can diagnose). Graduates in physical education can carry out studies in the field or in the sports court for the sole purpose of improving athletic performance, but never intended to treat a pathology overload.


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In this paper we analyze the representation of the body in blogs by women with breast cancer. Taking into account both texts and images, we study the representation of the body on the basis of the body problems proposed by Frank (1995): control, body-relatedness, other-relatedness and desire. In the blogs studied we find a desiring and dyadic body, which is understood as part of a network of affection and care. The diagnosis of cancer can generate both dissociation, when the body is experienced as a threat, and association, a wish to be connected to it. In relation to control, a clear will of predictability is observed but traces of assumption of contingency also appear.


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Chronic pain, without any organic or physical cause (DC), which in psycho-medical terminology is known as fi bromyalgia, (FM), is diagnosed each year to a considerable number of women in capitalistic societies. Our main interest in the following paper is to go in depth in the elaboration of this symptom, its treatment and the psychosocial effects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it. Our main goal in the following paper is to look deeper in the elaboration (conceptualization) of this symptom, its treatment and psychological affects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it, we are using linked speeches in Spanish magazines publications. The result has been the emergence of three hegemonic discourse positions: One position “scientist”, one “therapeutic of the conformity” position and one “economic and legalistic” position. Each of these has a specifi c feature, but on the whole, is enhanced, producing effects such as the absence of social context to explain the disease; disregard of gender differences in the management and treatment; the instrumentalization of pain to legitimize their practices and the subjection of women to the “psycho-biomedical” paradigm. In that way, a new signifi cance and politicization of the concept of pain is proposed.


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The paper presents a dynamic study of the Spanish labour market which tries to determine if it matches the characteristics of transitional labour markets from a fl exicurity approach. Employment trajectories of Spanish workers during the years 2007-2010 are studied using the Continuous Sample of Working Lives. This period covers the end of the expansion of the Spanish economy and the beginning of the current employment crisis. From the combination of the chosen topic, the approach, and the database used, this is a novel perspective in our country. The article shows evidence of the evolution of the employment and unemployment spells, the Spanish labour market turnover degree, and the diffi culties of some groups for carrying out transition between employment and unemployment. The results obtained show a labour market in which a) transitions have come to a halt, and b) there is high job insecurity.


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La Contratación Pública constituye una fuente muy importante de la demanda de bienes y servicios, especialmente en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco en donde el Gobierno Autonómico, también llamado la Administración General Vasca, desarrolla un papel capital como impulsor de dicha contratación pública. Por otro lado, la Economía Social, y especialmente el movimiento cooperativo, tiene en ese mismo ámbito geográfico un papel de gran peso en el conjunto de la Economía Vasca, por sus cifras de empleo y aportación al PIB, así como por tradición y arraigo social. Cabe preguntarse en tal caso, cuál es el papel que desempeñan las cooperativas en la Contratación Pública en aquella Comunidad Autónoma, cómo y cuáles son los contratos de los que resultan adjudicatarias, qué importes suponen esos contratos para las cuentas públicas y, en definitiva, si su papel de adjudicatarias se corresponde con el que desempeñan en el conjunto de la Economía Vasca. Del examen de los contratos publicados en el Perfil del Contratante del Gobierno Vasco, se obtienen datos suficientes que, una vez procesados y analizados, se visualizan en tablas y porcentajes que constituyen la base de un diagnóstico que responde a las preguntas planteadas y evidencia la situación de debilidad de las cooperativas en el campo de la contratación pública vasca.


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The Chilean Cooperative Sector (SCCh) can be explained as a human activity system of high complexity, which seeks to maintain an independent existence, in example, be viable. From this perspective, the Viable System Model (MSV) as conceptual reference presents a real opportunity to study the organization of the cooperative sector in Chile.The central objective of the work refers to study the feasibility of SCCh in a context of sectorial organization, considering the social, legal and economic fabric of the country today.To do this, supported by a systemic methodology were performed: a characterization of the problem situation of the sector -identifying some relevant factors in the areas of market structure, legal regulations and inter cooperation-an organizational diagnosis and proposed a set guidelines for its development.From the above it is concluded that there is relevance between the characteristics of the case study theoretical and methodological approach. The methodology takes tested in other organizational practices such as VIPLAN tools, and applies the SCCh. Its contribution in the field of study is oriented around a holistic view of the organization and promotion of their viability, thereby generating an approach that delivers specific sectorial development strategies, surpassing the approximation of descriptive characterization. Thus, we provide a diagnostic model of the Chilean Cooperative Sector and propose guidelines to support their organizational development.


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Environmental Psychology in Cuba is a new discipline that promotes a historical and cultural vision of mankind. Perception is one of the distinct processes that creates environmental consciousness. Depending on the perception of the environment, individuals interact with it, and vice versa. It means that a good perception of the significant elements of the environment also contributes to the formation of an environmental consciousness, in which perception is one of the main processes. In this transformation the school is one of the most important places for creating knowledge, skills, habits, and good attitudes towards the environment. As a result, the evaluation of the environmental perception development in students allows detecting weaknesses in the environmental education and proposing solutions based on specific problems. This study is based on different researches where the subjects were Cuban students from different educational levels and provides a first approach to the dynamic of the environmental perception development in these individuals. Recent researches have used some dimensions of the environment concept as development indicators: material, relational, intrapersonal, behavioural, cognitive, natural or ecological, and cultural. Generally speaking, different investigations show that school is the right context for environmental education.


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One of the main pillars in the development of inclusive schools is the initial teacher training. Before determining if it is necessary to make changes (and of what type) in training programs or curriculum guides related to the attention to diversity and inclusive education, the attitudes of future education professionals in this area should be analyzed. This includes the identification of the relevant predictors of inclusive attitudes. The research reported in this article pursued this objective, doing so with a quantitative survey methodology based on the use of cross-sectional structured data collection and statistical analyses related to the quality of the attitude questionnaire (factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha), descriptive statistics, correlations, hypothesis tests for difference of means, and regression analysis in order to predict attitudes towards inclusion in education. Firstly, the results show that the participants held very positive attitudes toward the inclusion of students with special educational needs. Particularly, older respondents, those with a longer training and, to a lesser extent, women and those who had been in touch with disabled people stood out within this attitude. Secondly, it is evidenced that self-transcendence values ​and, more weakly, contact, function as robust predictors of attitudes of future practitioners towards the inclusion of students with special needs. Some applications for the initial professionalization of educators are suggested in the discussion.


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El bajo rendimiento académico sigue siendo un problema de investigación de gran impacto social. Sin embargo, los resultados científicos no están teniendo repercusión en la mejora, ni en las políticas educativas. En este trabajo nos propusimos identificar, ordenar, analizar y extraer conclusiones sobre la producción española sobre rendimiento académico, con el fin de visualizarla y derivar problemas futuros objeto de investigación. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio de revisión en seis etapas, en el que se combinaron procedimientos metodológicos de investigación de síntesis y de investigación bibliométrica. Se identificaron las publicaciones en cuatro bases de datos españolas; posteriormente se analizaron y codificaron los datos extraídos alrededor de nueve indicadores: título, año, tipo de documento, editorial, autor, número autores, institución, comunidad autónoma y tema. Los resultados muestran una producción constante y creciente (1595 referencias), pero dispersa, tanto por el inmenso número de autores que publican, la mayoría con un solo trabajo, como por los lugares donde publican. Las temáticas más tratadas se refieren en primer lugar a modelos explicativos, diagnóstico y tratamiento; en segundo lugar se abordan los factores y variables determinantes del bajo y alto rendimiento académico; en tercer lugar se desarrollan estudios sobre legislación y de otras variables psicológicas y educativas en relación con el rendimiento. Este estudio supone una aproximación sintetizada de la producción sobre rendimiento académico en España, y un primer paso para investigaciones de síntesis posteriores, que nos permitan identificar buenas prácticas para el ejercicio de “prácticas basadas en la evidencia”, y otros problemas de investigación.


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In this paper we present the process and results of an investigation in which, after reflecting on the concept of Practicum and, specifically, in the Practicum in Educational Psychology degree taught at the University of A Coruña, an assessment is made taking into account the opinion of the students who have studied this matter, as to the relevance that the planned objectives are given and subsequent achievement of these. The results differ considering the area that the teacher who has tutored belongs to. Methodologicaly, it is a descriptive research, survey type, which involved a significant sample of students in their final year of the degree in the year 2012/13 through a questionnaire which validity (Teaching and content) and reliability (internal consistency) have been properly set (judgment of experts and a pilot experience for the calculation of Cronbach's alpha). The results show that the Practicum program has a good development of most of the objectives, especially those related to skills, where the average of the highest rated goals exceed the rating of 4. This suggests clear lines for innovation and improvement in the areas of conceptual and attitudinal level.


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The sense of vision is people’s main source of information acquisition, hence the importance of a right diagnosis and correction, if necessary, of any faults for proper learning, especially in the early years of schooling. This article discusses the results of a survey of teachers in Andalusian schools that aimed at highlighting their knowledge of their students’ possible visual deficiencies, and its possible impact on school performance. The results indicate that such knowledge is generally limited to the type of refractive anomalies, and that they think that such anomalies are well treated in their students. Despite the importance they attach to these deficiencies on school learning, they think that other factors may have a greater role. They also consider that better training on this topic is necessary.


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Los indicadores de sostenibilidad conforman herramientas útiles para la toma de decisiones. Las ciudades latinoamericanas, y especialmente las áreas de expansión sin planificación adecuada, enfrentan desafíos cada vez mayores para revertir problemáticas que amenazan su sostenibilidad. El presente trabajo evalúa de manera preliminar, la sostenibilidad ambiental del periurbano de Mar del Plata (Argentina) tomando como referencia algunos de los indicadores propuestos por el modelo del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en la Iniciativa Ciudades Emergentes y Sostenibles. Se construyó un índice sintético (Índice de Sostenibilidad Ambiental, ISA) que integra trece indicadores agrupados en ocho temas. Las situaciones más críticas (ISA: 0,45-0,558) se identifican fundamentalmente en zonas en las que se desarrollan actividades rurales y en las que se localizan asentamientos de carácter precario. El estudio realizado profundiza en el conocimiento de la dimensión ambiental de la sostenibilidad, enfatizando en el análisis de los contrastes internos del periurbano marplatense.


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La investigación sobre el graffiti relacionado con el arte urbano, el diseño y la comunicación visual, la cultura social y política en la ciudad de Bogotá, son temas que concentran esta investigación. Opiniones y entrevistas fueron revelando la influencia sobre la comunidad, la sociedad civil, la política, y el enfrentamiento radical con la leyes, su clasificación y su exigencia según el estrato social han hecho de los espacios públicos de Bogotá una ciudad con paredes hablantes. Aunque no es tomado como algo malo, -para algunos- vandalismo para otros, despierta en muchos, opiniones diversas y sobre todo una subestimada valoración de los artistas hacia una expresión liberal y democrática de un sistema que los aleja de cualquier exhibición del arte tradicional.