570 resultados para Orbits.
This paper presents the second part in our study of the global structure of the planar phase space of the planetary three-body problem, when both planets lie in the vicinity of a 2/1 mean-motion resonance. While Paper I was devoted to cases where the outer planet is the more massive body, the present work is devoted to the cases where the more massive body is the inner planet. As before, outside the well-known Apsidal Corotation Resonances (ACR), the phase space shows a complex picture marked by the presence of several distinct regimes of resonant and non-resonant motion, crossed by families of periodic orbits and separated by chaotic zones. When the chosen values of the integrals of motion lead to symmetric ACR, the global dynamics are generally similar to the structure presented in Paper I. However, for asymmetric ACR the resonant phase space is strikingly different and shows a galore of distinct dynamical states. This structure is shown with the help of dynamical maps constructed on two different representative planes, one centred on the unstable symmetric ACR and the other on the stable asymmetric equilibrium solution. Although the study described in the work may be applied to any mass ratio, we present a detailed analysis for mass values similar to the Jupiter-Saturn case. Results give a global view of the different dynamical states available to resonant planets with these characteristics. Some of these dynamical paths could have marked the evolution of the giant planets of our Solar system, assuming they suffered a temporary capture in the 2/1 resonance during the latest stages of the formation of our Solar system.
The goal of this paper is study the global solvability of a class of complex vector fields of the special form L = partial derivative/partial derivative t + (a + ib)(x)partial derivative/partial derivative x, a, b epsilon C(infinity) (S(1) ; R), defined on two-torus T(2) congruent to R(2)/2 pi Z(2). The kernel of transpose operator L is described and the solvability near the characteristic set is also studied. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We consider semidynamical systems with impulse effects at variable times and we discuss some properties of the limit sets of orbits of these systems such as invariancy, compactness and connectedness. As a consequence we obtain a version of the Poincare-Bendixson Theorem for impulsive semidynamical systems. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We show a scenario of a two-frequeney torus breakdown, in which a global bifurcation occurs due to the collision of a quasi-periodic torus T(2) with saddle points, creating a heteroclinic saddle connection. We analyze the geometry of this torus-saddle collision by showing the local dynamics and the invariant manifolds (global dynamics) of the saddle points. Moreover, we present detailed evidences of a heteroclinic saddle-focus orbit responsible for the type-if intermittency induced by this global bifurcation. We also characterize this transition to chaos by measuring the Lyapunov exponents and the scaling laws. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigated the transition to spatio-temporal chaos in spatially extended nonlinear dynamical systems possessing an invariant subspace with a low-dimensional attractor. When the latter is chaotic and the subspace is transversely stable we have a spatially homogeneous state only. The onset of spatio-temporal chaos, i.e. the excitation of spatially inhomogeneous modes, occur through the loss of transversal stability of some unstable periodic orbit embedded in the chaotic attractor lying in the invariant subspace. This is a bubbling transition, since there is a switching between spatially homogeneous and nonhomogeneous states with statistical properties of on-off intermittency. Hence the onset of spatio-temporal chaos depends critically both on the existence of a chaotic attractor in the invariant subspace and its being transversely stable or unstable. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In a 2D parameter space, by using nine experimental time series of a Clitia`s circuit, we characterized three codimension-1 chaotic fibers parallel to a period-3 window. To show the local preservation of the properties of the chaotic attractors in each fiber, we applied the closed return technique and two distinct topological methods. With the first topological method we calculated the linking, numbers in the sets of unstable periodic orbits, and with the second one we obtained the symbolic planes and the topological entropies by applying symbolic dynamic analysis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We revisit the problem of an otherwise classical particle immersed in the zero-point radiation field, with the purpose of tracing the origin of the nonlocality characteristic of Schrodinger`s equation. The Fokker-Planck-type equation in the particles phase-space leads to an infinite hierarchy of equations in configuration space. In the radiationless limit the first two equations decouple from the rest. The first is the continuity equation: the second one, for the particle flux, contains a nonlocal term due to the momentum fluctuations impressed by the field. These equations are shown to lead to Schrodinger`s equation. Nonlocality (obtained here for the one-particle system) appears thus as a property of the description, not of Nature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have studied Shubnikov de Haas oscillations and the quantum Hall effect in GaAs-double well structures in tilted magnetic fields. We found strong magnetoresistance oscillations as a function of an in-plane magnetic field B(parallel to) at nu = 4N + 3 and nu = 4N + 1 filling factors. At low perpendicular magnetic field B(perpendicular to), the amplitude of the conventional Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations also exhibits B(parallel to)-periodic dependence at fixed values of B(perpendicular to). We interpret the observed oscillations as a manifestation of the interference between cyclotron orbits in different quantum wells.
Hypercycles are information integration systems which are thought to overcome the information crisis of prebiotic evolution by ensuring the coexistence of several short templates. For imperfect template replication, we derive a simple expression for the maximum number of distinct templates n(m). that can coexist in a hypercycle and show that it is a decreasing function of the length L of the templates. In the case of high replication accuracy we find that the product n(m)L tends to a constant value, limiting thus the information content of the hypercycle. Template coexistence is achieved either as a stationary equilibrium (stable fixed point) or a stable periodic orbit in which the total concentration of functional templates is nonzero. For the hypercycle system studied here we find numerical evidence that the existence of an unstable fixed point is a necessary condition for the presence of periodic orbits. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We analyze the stability properties of equilibrium solutions and periodicity of orbits in a two-dimensional dynamical system whose orbits mimic the evolution of the price of an asset and the excess demand for that asset. The construction of the system is grounded upon a heterogeneous interacting agent model for a single risky asset market. An advantage of this construction procedure is that the resulting dynamical system becomes a macroscopic market model which mirrors the market quantities and qualities that would typically be taken into account solely at the microscopic level of modeling. The system`s parameters correspond to: (a) the proportion of speculators in a market; (b) the traders` speculative trend; (c) the degree of heterogeneity of idiosyncratic evaluations of the market agents with respect to the asset`s fundamental value; and (d) the strength of the feedback of the population excess demand on the asset price update increment. This correspondence allows us to employ our results in order to infer plausible causes for the emergence of price and demand fluctuations in a real asset market. The employment of dynamical systems for studying evolution of stochastic models of socio-economic phenomena is quite usual in the area of heterogeneous interacting agent models. However, in the vast majority of the cases present in the literature, these dynamical systems are one-dimensional. Our work is among the few in the area that construct and study analytically a two-dimensional dynamical system and apply it for explanation of socio-economic phenomena.
Given a compact manifold X, a continuous function g : X -> IR, and a map T : X -> X, we study properties of the T-invariant Borel probability measures that maximize the integral of g. We show that if X is a n-dimensional connected Riemaniann manifold, with n >= 2, then the set of homeomorphisms for which there is a maximizing measure supported on a periodic orbit is meager. We also show that, if X is the circle, then the ""topological size"" of the set of endomorphisms for which there are g maximizing measures with support on a periodic orbit depends on properties of the function g. In particular, if g is C(1), it has interior points.
We consider a 1-dimensional reaction-diffusion equation with nonlinear boundary conditions of logistic type with delay. We deal with non-negative solutions and analyze the stability behavior of its unique positive equilibrium solution, which is given by the constant function u equivalent to 1. We show that if the delay is small, this equilibrium solution is asymptotically stable, similar as in the case without delay. We also show that, as the delay goes to infinity, this equilibrium becomes unstable and undergoes a cascade of Hopf bifurcations. The structure of this cascade will depend on the parameters appearing in the equation. This equation shows some dynamical behavior that differs from the case where the nonlinearity with delay is in the interior of the domain. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Let f be a homeomorphism of the closed annulus A that preserves the orientation, the boundary components and that has a lift (f) over tilde to the infinite strip (A) over tilde which is transitive. We show that, if the rotation numbers of both boundary components of A are strictly positive, then there exists a closed nonempty unbounded set B(-) subset of (A) over tilde such that B(-) is bounded to the right, the projection of B to A is dense, B - (1, 0) subset of B and (f) over tilde (B) subset of B. Moreover, if p(1) is the projection on the first coordinate of (A) over tilde, then there exists d > 0 such that, for any (z) over tilde is an element of B(-), lim sup (n ->infinity) p1((f) over tilde (n)((z) over tilde)) - p(1) ((z) over tilde)/n < - d. In particular, using a result of Franks, we show that the rotation set of any homeomorphism of the annulus that preserves orientation, boundary components, which has a transitive lift without fixed points in the boundary is an interval with 0 in its interior.
This paper pursues the study carried out in [ 10], focusing on the codimension one Hopf bifurcations in the hexagonal Watt governor system. Here are studied Hopf bifurcations of codimensions two, three and four and the pertinent Lyapunov stability coefficients and bifurcation diagrams. This allows to determine the number, types and positions of bifurcating small amplitude periodic orbits. As a consequence it is found an open region in the parameter space where two attracting periodic orbits coexist with an attracting equilibrium point.
We prove that given a compact n-dimensional connected Riemannian manifold X and a continuous function g : X -> R, there exists a dense subset of the space of homeomorphisms of X such that for all T in this subset, the integral integral(X) g d mu, considered as a function on the space of all T-invariant Borel probability measures mu, attains its maximum on a measure supported on a periodic orbit.