944 resultados para Perspectiva comparada
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Monográfico con el título: La tarea de enseñar: atraer, formar, retener y desarrollar buen profesorado. Texto completo sólo disponible en el CD anexo o en la versión en línea
Se trata de aportar un marco para entender la evolución de la investigación sobre la educación y sobre la política educativa utilizando la perspectiva de la sociedad mundial, algo infrecuente en el campo de la investigación comparada sobre la política educativa. La identificación de los dilemas de la actuación del Estado en materia de educación es uno de los resultados más valiosos que se pueden obtener de una revisión completa de la investigación comparada sobre la educación y política educativa. Se desarrolla el proceso o mecanismos de la política pública, donde se plantean cuestiones relativas a la secuencia, los actores, los factores ambientales, las intenciones y las consecuencias de la actividad política.
Se examina que las concepciones de las formas de saber limitan y restringen la auténtica definición de la educación comparada. Se trata la relación entre la práctica escolar y la investigación académica desde la perspectiva de los profesores o directores. Se examina la cuestión desde el punto de vista histórico.
Se muestran parte de los resultados de la investigación 'Equitat, exelúlencia i eficiéncia educativa a Catalunya. Una anàlisi comparada' realizado para la Fundación Jaume Bofill (http://www.fbofill.cat/index.php). Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar las bondades y dificultades del arbitraje comercial internacional en momentos en los que el Ecuador requiere de medios de solución de conflictos que sean aceptados por la comunidad de negocios internacionales. La dolarización exige normas jurídicas claras y mecanismos de solución de controversias que brinden seguridad jurídica a los comerciantes e inversionistas. Dentro de este escenario, el arbitraje, por las consideraciones contenidas en este trabajo, se presenta como el mecanismo de resolución de disputas internacionales más idóneo con el que contamos hoy en día. Destacamos que en Latinoamérica y en el Ecuador el arbitraje internacional permanece aún inexplorado, tanto en la doctrina como en la praxis. ¿El motivo? Parece ser por la negativa que históricamente Latinoamérica ha guardado ante la institución arbitral, reflejada en algunos casos en una incongruente legislación nacional; y, desconfianza injustificada de las cortes judiciales. Pero, hoy por hoy, el contexto latinoamericano ha cambiado significativamente. Observamos que la práctica del arbitraje nacional e internacional se va aplicándolo de manera notable, registrando un incremento en los casos que involucran a partes latinoamericanas. Por ejemplo, en el año 2002 cerca del 11% de los casos administrados por la CCI tienen relación con partes latinoamericanas, en contraste con el 3% registrado en 1993.1 Esta tesis se formula en base a una estructura de 2 capítulos: El capítulo primero trata sobre el desarrollo del arbitraje internacional desde sus orígenes, se hace una breve fundamentación histórica, se puntualiza el arbitraje y la nueva lex Mercatoria, los procesos de integración, una rápida sistematización de los tratados regionales de arbitraje, se analizan las relaciones económicas internacionales, el orden público y la arbitrabilidad, concluyendo con una visión de la perspectiva arbitral en el Ecuador. En el capítulo segundo analizamos las especificidades del proceso arbitral internacional, examinando la autonomía y los efectos jurídicos del convenio arbitral, su procedimiento e instituciones o centros de arbitraje internacionales, culminando con un análisis de las actuales expectativas del arbitraje internacional en Latinoamérica y el Ecuador. Constan 7 anexos que complementan lo aseverado.
O presente trabalho aborda o Marketing de Relacionamento, que vem conquistando destaque nas organizações em razão do crescente reconhecimento da relevância do conhecimento dos clientes e de suas necessidades. A partir dessa perspectiva, investigou-se as estratégias de Telemarketing de organizações de telefonia móvel celular do Estado de São Paulo, a fim de comparar a orientação e o posicionamento dessas empresas. O estudo também faz uma avaliação comparativa entre as organizações, tomando como base a relação entre Call Center, posicionamento, estratégias e objetivos corporativos. Quanto à metodologia adotada, optou-se por uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, partindo-se da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas.
A presente Dissertação tem como objetivo compreender os modos em que a fronteira, o Estado e a nação são vividos cotidianamente nas cidades de Rivera (Uruguai) e Santana do Livramento (Brasil), onde a fronteira política entre os Estados do Uruguai e do Brasil apresenta características excepcionais, se comparada com outras fronteiras internacionais. Para isso, estudamos algumas das práticas cotidianas dos atores fronteiriços, que estão num permanente contato com os outros através do limite respectivo. Aqueles que vivem em fronteiras políticas não só se confrontam com os controles físicos e legais do limite político entre dois ou mais Estados, mas também com limites culturais e simbólicos além do limite físico entre os Estados-nação. A geografia uruguaia freqüentemente usa a metáfora das linhas imaginárias para definir o limite político entre os marcos sucessivos da fronteira riverense-santanense; acontece que, nesta fronteira, essas linhas imaginárias parecem ser muito visíveis. É através do estudo da articulação dos limites culturais com os político-jurídicos entre os países, que podemos entender algumas das diferenças e conteúdos de entidades como Estado e nação nesta fronteira política.
Os fenômenos da tradução, assim como vários dos diversos percursos históricos e teóricos apresentados ao longo da História sobre o tema, serão explicitados e discutidos. A avaliação comparatista de duas traduções de Moll Flanders, de autoria de Daniel Defoe, será desenvolvida, levando-se em consideração as concepções mais atuais dos Estudos de Tradução, como a teoria da Reescritura de Andre Lefevere. Aspectos como o status do tradutor, assim como o sistema literário do qual este provém, são fatores que também serão pertinentes às referidas análises críticas.
There is still a lot to be said about the relationship between culture, cognition and language. Within an embodied cognition perspective to language, it may be understood that the senses generated and used in discourse are built and negotiated not only linguistically, since they also involve stereotypes, schemes, frames, etc. These cognitive structures, in turn, would emerge from subjects experiences and interactions with a sociohistorically constituted environment. With that in mind, what would happen if someone had an altered view in the perception of such environment? The objective of this master s thesis was to understand the process of meaning construction, aiming at the activation of frames, in the discourse of people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenic and have been hospitalized, that is, individuals who have their socio-environmental perception affected. With that aim in mind, a speech corpus was generated with three schizophrenic patients from Professor Severino Lopes Psychiatric Hospital. The data were collected and analyzed qualitatively, based on the theoretical and analytical premises of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, of Simulation Semantic perspective. Therefore, it was possible to identify aspects related to meaning construction processes in the discourse of schizophrenic patients, understanding that language is integrated with cognition and culture. Therefore, the alteration in the way experiences are perceived by schizophrenic patients affect the linguistic production of these subjects. Finally, if we take into consideration that the mental disturbance caused by schizophrenia results in a change in perception of reality by these individuals, we can infer an implication of such factors in language and, subsequently, the interference of such issues in the meaning construction processes in the discourse of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia
Research about teacher education, carried out in the area of Applied Linguistics (AL), reveals the importance of reflective practices in the professional development of teachers. With the aim of contributing to this area, we present this case study conducted at a technical school in Natal, RN. The corpus of the study is formed mainly from the teacher‟s discourse, generated during a stimulated recall session and the instruments used to collect the data: an initial questionnaire, a video recording of a class and the text transcript of the stimulated recall session. The central objective is to understand the way in which the reflection-on-action (SCHÖN, 1983, 1987) can contribute to raise the awareness of an English as a Foreign Language teacher (EFL) about her actions in the classroom. With this proposal, we begin our discussion presenting the origins, the presuppositions and characteristics of the concept of reflection according to Schön (1983, 1987), and supported by other authors (PERRENOUD, 2002; GÓMEZ, 1995; IMBERNÓN, 2009, among others); of critical reflection (LISTON e ZEICHNER, 1993; PIMENTA, 2002; DUTRA e MELLO, 2004, among others); and of the process of critical reflection (SMYTH, 1992). To evidence the reflections that emerge in the teacher‟s discourse, we found support in the theories and methods of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), which was initially proposed by Halliday (1985, 1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) and followers, such as, Eggins (1994), Thompson (1996), among others. We focus mainly on the subsystem of Attitude, an integral component of the system of discourse resources, Appraisal, presented by Martin (2000), Martin and Rose (2003, 2007), Martin and White (2005). The results reveal that the actions of the teacher in the classroom reflect not only her professional experiences, but also her values and concepts about teaching/learning languages. The results also show the teacher‟s awareness of the need for changes in her practices. Faced with these findings, we believe that this study reveals important concepts that can direct teacher educators to rethink new ways of approaching teacher training courses. In addition, it also reveals the importance of discourse analysis based on a systemic functional approach.
Este estudio pretende dilucidar las motivaciones que llevan a los lectores del romance Grande Sertão: Veredas a la categorización de ciertas construcciones gramaticales que se encuentran en la obra como proverbiales. Para ello, recurren a la investigación de los procesos cognitivos implicados en la configuración del patrón discursivo proverbio, teniendo como soporte teórico a la Lingüística Cognitiva. En este empeño, nos ancoramos en las nociones de construcciones corporeizadas, simulación mental, frecuencia, patrón discursivo y en la expresión idiomática. Suponemos que los proverbios constituyen un patrón discursivo cristalizado a partir de la recurrencia de uso y, en virtud de eso, indagamos: ¿Qué mecanismos cognitivos son activados por los lectores en el proceso de categorización de las expresiones dichas proverbiales? Motivados por la situación problema presentada, formulamos algunos experimentos con la intención de aclarar las cuestiones investigadas y concluimos que los lectores recurren a constituciones construccionales subyacentes a los proverbios conocidos a través de las interacciones realizadas en su entorno sociocultural, para dar cuenta de la semántica de construcciones inéditas. En ese proceso, los esquemas y frames se activan a través de simulaciones mentales instanciadas por experiencias corporales y culturales, decisivas para la concretización de los procesos de las construcciones proverbiales
In administrative settings of public institutions, many activities are conducted through writing practices. Concerning this, writing is always connected to an activity we intend to perform. Among those practices, the genre request consists of an instrument through which the requirer addresses to an institution in order to request something under the support of legislation. Considering our work experience in a public institution of higher education, we elected - as object of our research - the genre request produced by undergraduates within the administrative domain of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) due to its importance in this context. For this, the theoretical framework adopted refers to the socio-rethorical conception of genre studies, which understands the genre as forms as rhetorically typified action (MILLER, 2009a; SWALES, 1990; BAZERMAN, 2009). Regarding methodology, it is a research associated to a qualitative approach (BODGAN; BIKLEN, 1994; CHIZZOTTI, 2010) whose discussion inserts into the field of Applied Linguistics. The data were generated from samples of requests and their users replies in questionnaires, interviews and verbal protocols of writing. The data analysis is based on the ethnographic methods of genre analysis postulated by Devitt, Reiff and Bawarshi (apud JOHNS et al., 2006). These analyses indicated that the requests are not always fully accomplished due to a lack of comprehension about the genre and its rhetorical situation on the part of the producers. It must probably happen - among other reasons - because these students may not have understood that several factors, such as: context, audience and purpose, affect the text production. We believe that one possibility to make the practice of this genre more efficient is to develop a more simple and practical way of elaborating requests, taking the needs imposed by the rhetorical situation as a basis
This ethnographical research-action is included in the Applied Linguistics area and its study object is related to literacy projects (KLEIMAN, 2000), since they bring a new sense to the literacy practices in school and emphasizes the agentive writing character and the role of the discursive genres in the formation of literacy agents who aim at the action and the social change. Considering the emancipatory potential that these didactic organizations have in the civic literacy of those who live in social risk and vulnerability situations our aim in this investigation is: to reflect about the role of the redefinition of the literacy school practices and investigate how the action of teachers and students as literacy agents occur. The specific aims are: to promote literacy events which encourage the writing practice for the action and social change; to comprehend how the identity construction of the literacy student-agent occurs by the reflection of its agency process in the literacy projects; to identify teaching strategies and procedures which enable the development of emancipatory language practices; to investigate the axiological values constructed by the learners in and about the writing work in literacy projects. Our discussion is based on the language conception supported by Bakhtin (BAKHTIN/VOLOSHINOV, 2000; BAKHTIN, 1990, 2003); in literacy studies (KLEIMAN, 1995; BAYNHAM, 1995; BARTON; HAMILTON; IVANIC, 2000, LAZERE, 2005); on critical studies which defend the idea that the texts are ideological instruments able to give power to the individuals (MCLAREN, 1988, 1991, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001; FREIRE, 1971, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1992, 1996, 2001a, 2001b, 2009; GIROUX, 1983, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2003; APPLE, 1989); on the social genre approach inspired by the New Rhetoric (BAZERMAN, 2005, 2006, 2007; MILLER, 1984, 2009). The data were generated between 2006 and 2010 in the Youth and Adult Education (YAE), in public schools in Natal-RN. The research permitted us to deduce, firstly, that the redefinition of the work with discursive genres provide the learner to read and write to act discursively in the social world, earning, thus, empowerment, autonomy and emancipation; secondly, that involving the students in literacy projects goes beyond didactic competence related to specificities and content domain. It is necessary that the teacher is certain about to whom, what, why and how to teach and that he/she gets a reflexive posture, becoming a learner as well; thirdly, that through the literacy practices which were developed, the collaborators of the research have constructed a more conscious and a more critical view in relation to the language and to the world where they live through the social-political writing and they have improved as interventive and politicized citizens