866 resultados para Deviant peer affiliation


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Math in the Middle Institute Partnership, Action Research Project Report, In partial fulfillment of the MAT Degree. Department of Mathematics. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. July 2009.


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This is the promotional brochure from the March 2004 national conference, Making Learning Visible: Peer Review and the Scholarship of Teaching. This conference was hosted by the UNL Peer Review of Teaching project and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


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[EN]Introduction to Content Language and Integrated Learning ( CLIL) is a 60 hour on line course offered by Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria within its extracurricular courses. During three years we have had 76 students whose final assessment has been to create a CLIL lesson which was evaluated by their peers. The tool for the peer assessment has been the Moodle platform; forums. The assessment was guided by a list of questions they had to apply when evaluating the lessons, but the replies from the CLIL lesson creators did not have any predetermined structure or guidelines to be followed. We have analysed the assessments and replies by grouping them according to content similarities.


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La tesi si propone di affrontare il tema del Live Streaming in sistemi P2P con particolare riferimento a Sopcast, un applicativo di P2PTV. Viene fatto un ricorso storico riguardo alla nascita dello streaming e al suo sviluppo, vengono descritte le caratteristiche, il protocollo di comunicazione e i modelli più diffusi per il live streaming P2P. Inoltre si tratterà come viene garantita la qualità del servizio e valutate le performance di un servizio P2PTV.


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Being able to positively interact and build relationships with playmates in preschool years is crucial to achieve positive adjustment. An update review and two studies on such topics were provided. Study 1 is observational; it investigates the type of social experience in groups (N = 443) of children (N = 120) at preschool age in child-led vs. teacher-led contexts. The results revealed that in child-led contexts children were more likely to be alone, in dyads, and in small peer groups; groups were mostly characterized by same-gender playmates who engaged in joint interactions, with few social interactions with teachers. In teacher-led contexts, on the other hand, children were more likely to be involved in small, medium and large groups; groups were mostly characterized by other-gender playmates, involved in parallel interactions, with teachers playing a more active role. The purpose of Study 2 was to describe the development of socio-emotional competence, temperamental traits and linguistic skill. It examined the role of children’s reciprocated nominations (=RNs) with peers, assessed via sociometric interview, in relation to socio-emotional competence, temperamental traits and linguistic skill. Finally, the similarity-homophily tendency was investigated. Socio-emotional competence and temperamental traits were assessed via teacher ratings, linguistic skill via test administration. Eighty-four preschool children (M age = 62.53) were recruited within 4 preschool settings. Those children were quite representative of preschool population. The results revealed that children with higher RNs showed higher social competence (tendency), social orientation, positive emotionality, motor activity and linguistic skill. They exhibited lower anxiety-withdrawal. The results also showed that children prefer playmates with similar features: social competence, anger-aggression (tendency), social orientation, positive emotionality, inhibition to innovation, attention, motor activity (tendency) and linguistic skill. Implications for future research were suggested.


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La tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un'applicazione web per comporre musica tramite la tecnica del "live looping" che fornisce anche la possibilità di effettuare lo streaming di ciò che si crea in tempo reale e in maniera peer-to-peer. L'applicazione in oggetto (chiamata WebLooper) fa uso di due tecnologie web emergenti in ambito multimediale: Web Audio e WebRTC, attualmente in attesa di diventare standard W3C.


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La popolarita` dei giochi online e` in crescita, ma allo stesso tempo le architetture proposte dagli sviluppatori e le connessioni di cui sono dotati gli utenti sembrano restare non adeguate a questo. Nella tesi si descrive un'architettura peer-to-peer che riesce ad effettuare una riduzione nella perdita dei pacchetti grazie al meccanismo del Network Coding senza effetti collaterali per la latenza.


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People tend to automatically mimic facial expressions of others. If clear evidence exists on the effect of non-verbal behavior (emotion faces) on automatic facial mimicry, little is known about the role of verbal behavior (emotion language) in triggering such effects. Whereas it is well-established that political affiliation modulates facial mimicry, no evidence exists on whether this modulation passes also through verbal means. This research addressed the role of verbal behavior in triggering automatic facial effects depending on whether verbal stimuli are attributed to leaders of different political parties. Study 1 investigated the role of interpersonal verbs, referring to positive and negative emotion expressions and encoding them at different levels of abstraction, in triggering corresponding facial muscle activation in a reader. Study 2 examined the role of verbs expressing positive and negative emotional behaviors of political leaders in modulating automatic facial effects depending on the matched or mismatched political affiliation of participants and politicians of left-and right-wing. Study 3 examined whether verbs expressing happiness displays of ingroup politicians induce a more sincere smile (Duchenne) pattern among readers of same political affiliation relative to happiness expressions of outgroup politicians. Results showed that verbs encoding facial actions at different levels of abstraction elicited differential facial muscle activity (Study 1). Furthermore, political affiliation significantly modulated facial activation triggered by emotion verbs as participants showed more congruent and enhanced facial activity towards ingroup politicians’ smiles and frowns compared to those of outgroup politicians (Study 2). Participants facially responded with a more sincere smile pattern towards verbs expressing smiles of ingroup compared to outgroup politicians (Study 3). Altogether, results showed that the role of political affiliation in modulating automatic facial effects passes also through verbal channels and is revealed at a fine-grained level by inducing quantitative and qualitative differences in automatic facial reactions of readers.


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La prova informatica richiede l’adozione di precauzioni come in un qualsiasi altro accertamento scientifico. Si fornisce una panoramica sugli aspetti metodologici e applicativi dell’informatica forense alla luce del recente standard ISO/IEC 27037:2012 in tema di trattamento del reperto informatico nelle fasi di identificazione, raccolta, acquisizione e conservazione del dato digitale. Tali metodologie si attengono scrupolosamente alle esigenze di integrità e autenticità richieste dalle norme in materia di informatica forense, in particolare della Legge 48/2008 di ratifica della Convenzione di Budapest sul Cybercrime. In merito al reato di pedopornografia si offre una rassegna della normativa comunitaria e nazionale, ponendo l’enfasi sugli aspetti rilevanti ai fini dell’analisi forense. Rilevato che il file sharing su reti peer-to-peer è il canale sul quale maggiormente si concentra lo scambio di materiale illecito, si fornisce una panoramica dei protocolli e dei sistemi maggiormente diffusi, ponendo enfasi sulla rete eDonkey e il software eMule che trovano ampia diffusione tra gli utenti italiani. Si accenna alle problematiche che si incontrano nelle attività di indagine e di repressione del fenomeno, di competenza delle forze di polizia, per poi concentrarsi e fornire il contributo rilevante in tema di analisi forensi di sistemi informatici sequestrati a soggetti indagati (o imputati) di reato di pedopornografia: la progettazione e l’implementazione di eMuleForensic consente di svolgere in maniera estremamente precisa e rapida le operazioni di analisi degli eventi che si verificano utilizzando il software di file sharing eMule; il software è disponibile sia in rete all’url http://www.emuleforensic.com, sia come tool all’interno della distribuzione forense DEFT. Infine si fornisce una proposta di protocollo operativo per l’analisi forense di sistemi informatici coinvolti in indagini forensi di pedopornografia.


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Obbiettivo: Valutazione delle eventuali differenze nel trattamento ortodontico di un gruppo di bambini con particolari necessità sanitarie (SHCN) rispetto ad un gruppo di bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN. Materiali e Metodi: Il gruppo campione (SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini con SHCN. Il gruppo di controllo (NO SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN pienamente corrispondenti per età, genere e tipo di apparecchio ortodontico utilizzato con i pazienti del gruppo di studio. I dati riguardanti i gruppi SHCN e NO SHCN sono stati analizzati in modo retrospettivo, valutando: - il punteggio pre- e post-trattamento e la riduzione finale dei valori dell'indice PAR (Peer Assessment Rating), della componente DHC (Dental Health Component) e della componente AC (Aesthetic Component) dell'indice IOTN (Orthodontic Treatment Need Index), - il numero di appuntamenti, - il numero di sedute semplici e complesse, - la durata complessiva del trattamento, - l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia. Risultati: Non sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto concerne il numero di appuntamenti, la durata complessiva del trattamento, l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia ortodontica (valori del p-value:0.682, 0.458, 0.535, 0.675). Sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto riguarda i punteggi dell’indice PAR, delle componenti DHC e AC dello IOTN pre- e post-trattamento, il numero di sedute semplici e complesse (valori del p-value:0.030, 0.000, 0.020, 0.023, 0.000, 0.000, 0.043, 0.037). Per quanto concerne la riduzione finale del valore dell’indice PAR, della componente DHC e di quella AC dello IOTN non sono state riscontrate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi (valori del p-value:0.060, 0.765, 0.825). Conclusioni: Lo studio incoraggia gli ortodontisti a trattare i bambini con SHCN nell'obiettivo di migliorarne la qualità di vita, pur evidenziando la necessità di un maggior numero di sedute complesse.


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Cloud services are becoming ever more important for everyone's life. Cloud storage? Web mails? Yes, we don't need to be working in big IT companies to be surrounded by cloud services. Another thing that's growing in importance, or at least that should be considered ever more important, is the concept of privacy. The more we rely on services of which we know close to nothing about, the more we should be worried about our privacy. In this work, I will analyze a prototype software based on a peer to peer architecture for the offering of cloud services, to see if it's possible to make it completely anonymous, meaning that not only the users using it will be anonymous, but also the Peers composing it will not know the real identity of each others. To make it possible, I will make use of anonymizing networks like Tor. I will start by studying the state of art of Cloud Computing, by looking at some real example, followed by analyzing the architecture of the prototype, trying to expose the differences between its distributed nature and the somehow centralized solutions offered by the famous vendors. After that, I will get as deep as possible into the working principle of the anonymizing networks, because they are not something that can just be 'applied' mindlessly. Some de-anonymizing techniques are very subtle so things must be studied carefully. I will then implement the required changes, and test the new anonymized prototype to see how its performances differ from those of the standard one. The prototype will be run on many machines, orchestrated by a tester script that will automatically start, stop and do all the required API calls. As to where to find all these machines, I will make use of Amazon EC2 cloud services and their on-demand instances.