944 resultados para incentive compatability


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As in the standard land assembly problem, a developer wants to buy two adjacent blocks of land belonging to two different owners. The value of the two blocks of land to the developer is greater than the sum of the individual values of the blocks for each owner. Unlike the land assembly literature, however, our focus is on the incentive that each lot owner has to delay the start of negotiations, rather than on the public goods nature of the problem. An incentive for delay exists, for example, when owners perceive that being last to sell will allow them to capture a larger share of the joint surplus from the development. We show that competition at point of sale can cause equilibrium delay, and that cooperation at point of sale will eliminate delay. This suggests that strategic delay is another source for the inefficient allocation of land, in addition to the public-good type externality pointed out by Grossman and Hart [Bell Journal of Economics 11 (1980) 42] and O'Flaherty [Regional Science and Urban Economics 24 (1994) 287]. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Most models currently used to determine optimal foreign reserve holdings take the level of international debt as given. However, given the sovereign`s willingness-to-pay incentive problems, reserve accumulation may reduce sustainable debt levels. In addition, assuming constant debt levels does not allow addressing one of the puzzles behind using reserves as a means to avoid the negative effects of crisis: why do not sovereign countries reduce their sovereign debt instead? To study the joint decision of holding sovereign debt and reserves, we construct a stochastic dynamic equilibrium model calibrated to a sample of emerging markets. We obtain that the reserve accumulation does not play a quantitatively important role in this model. In fact, we find the optimal policy is not to hold reserves at all. This finding is robust to considering interest rate shocks, sudden stops, contingent reserves and reserve dependent output costs. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The main arguments in favor and against nominal and indexed debts are the incentive to default through inflation versus hedging against unforeseen shocks. We model and calibrate these arguments to assess their quantitative importance. We use a dynamic equilibrium model with tax distortion, government outlays uncertainty, and contingent-debt service. Our framework also recognizes that contingent debt can be associated with incentive problems and lack of commitment. Thus, the benefits of unexpected inflation are tempered by higher interest rates. We obtain that costs from inflation more than offset the benefits from reducing tax distortions. We further discuss sustainability of nominal debt in developing (volatile) countries. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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One of the primary personality dimensions or traits that has consistently been linked to substance abuse is impulsivity. However, impulsivity is not a homogenous construct and although many of the measures of impulsivity are correlated, the most recent review of published factor analytic studies has proposed two independent dimensions of impulsivity: reward sensitivity, reflecting one of the primary dimension of J. A. Gray's personality theory, and rash impulsiveness. These two facets of impulsivity derived from the field of personality research parallel recent developments in the neurosciences where changes in the incentive value of rewarding substances has been linked to alterations in neural substrates involved in reward seeking and with a diminished capacity to inhibit behavior due to chronic drug exposure. In this paper, we propose a model that integrates the findings from research into individual differences with recent models of neural substrates implicated in the development of substance misuse. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article considers the impact of electoral quotas for women. Most studies have either focused on whether particular policies increase the numbers of women elected or assessed the extent to which a greater number of women in the legislature produces more gender-sensitive legislation. However, little attention has been paid to the cultural changes that can result from adopting gender quotas. This article argues that, although increasing the number of women in legislatures may improve the attention to gender issues, broader processes are involved. Latin American women`s activism and alliances have been critical in ensuring the expansion of women`s rights and increasing the number of women elected. Quotas, and the debate surrounding their adoption, have provided an incentive for women`s collective action and fostered the politicization of gender issues. An analysis of the impact of quotas, therefore, must recognize these broader impacts.


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Objective: The aim of this paper is to study the respiratory muscle strength by evaluating the maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) and lung volume before and 3 and 6 months after adenotonsillectomy. This is an interventional, before and after trial. It was set at the Department of Otolaryngology. University of Sao Paulo, School of Medicine. We included 29 children (6-13 years old), both genders, consecutively recruited from the waiting list for adenotonsillectomy. Children were submitted to maximal inspiratory pressures (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) evaluation using an analog manovacuometer, lung volume, using incentive expirotometer and thoracic and abdominal perimeter using a centimeter tape. Children were evaluated in 3 different moments: 1 week before and 3 and 6 months after surgery. Results: MIP improved significantly 3 months (p < 0.001) after adenotonsillectomy and MEP did not change (p = 1). There were increases in lung volume (p = 000), chest (p = 0.017) and abdominal perimeter (p = 0.05). Six months after surgery, all parameters improved. MIP (p = 0), MEP (p = 0), lung volume (p = 0.02), chest (p = 0.034) and abdominal perimeter (p = 0.23). Conclusion: This study suggests that there was an improvement in respiratory muscular strength, once there was a significant improvement in maximal inspiratory pressure, lung volume and other parameters after adenotonsillectomy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wildlife tourism has the potential to contribute to conservation through a variety of mechanisms. This chapter presents a preliminary assessment of the extent to which this potential is currently being realised, comparing tourism based on viewing of animals in captive settings (with a focus on federated zoos) with that in free-ranging situations (wildlife watching). The key mechanisms involved are: direct wildlife management and research; use of income derived from wildlife tourism to fund conservation; education of visitors to behave in a more conservation-friendly manner; political lobbying in support of conservation; and provision of a socio-economic incentive for conservation. All of these occur in at least some zoos and wildlife-watching situations, and collectively the contribution of non-consumptive wildlife tourism to conservation is significant, though impossible to quantify. The key strengths of the zoo sector in this regard are its inputs into captive breeding and its potential to educate large numbers of people. in contrast, wildlife watching provides significant socio-economic incentives for conservation of natural habitats. There seem to be significant opportunities for expanding the role of non-consumptive wildlife tourism in conservation.


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Some believe that provision of private property rights in wildlife on private land can provide a powerful economic incentive for nature conservation because it enables property owners to market such wildlife or its attributes. If such marketing is profitable, private landholders will conserve the wildlife concerned and its required habitat. But land is not always most profitably used for exploitation of wildlife, and many economic values of wildlife (such as non-use economic values) cannot be marketed. The mobility of some wildlife (their fugitive nature) adds to the limitations of the private property approach. While some species may be conserved by this approach, it is suboptimal as a single policy approach to nature conservation. Nevertheless, it is being experimented with in the Northern Territory of Australia where landholders have the possibility of harvesting on their properties a quota of eggs and chicks of red-tailed black cockatoos for commercial sale. This scheme is expected to provide an incentive to private landholders to retain hollow trees essential for the nesting of these birds. Aspects of this approach are analysed using this case, and related ones, from Northern Australia. It is noted that the private property rights approach adopted in southern Africa is unlikely to be equally successful everywhere. The long-term survival of some species depends on their ability to use private lands without severe harassment, either for their migration or to supplement their available resources, for example, the Asian elephant in Sri Lanka. Nature conservation on private land is often a useful, if not essential, supplement to conservation on public lands. Community and public incentives for such conservation are outlined.


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The reasons for the spectacular collapse of so many centrally-planned economies are a source of ongoing debate. In this paper, we use detailed farm-level data to measure total factor productivity (TFP) changes in Mongolian grain and potato farming during the 14-year period immediately preceding the 1990 economic reforms. We measure TFP growth using stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) methods. Our results indicate quite poor overall performance, with an average annual TFP change of - 1.7% in grain and 0.8% in potatoes, over the 14-year period. However, the pattern of TFP growth changed substantially during this period, with TFP growth exceeding 7% per year in the latter half of this period. This suggests that the new policies of improved education, greater management autonomy, and improved incentives, which were introduced in final two planning periods in the 1980s, were beginning to have a significant influence upon the performance of Mongolian crop farming. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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O artigo analisa a problem??tica da moderniza????o do Estado vista como um processo de constitui????o de cidadania e de otimiza????o dos recursos p??blicos. Os autores focalizam, por um lado, o atendimento aos usu??rios, a qualidade dos servi??os e a transpar??ncia. Por outro lado, a incorpora????o de t??cnicas de gest??o avan??adas ?? considerada indispens??vel para o aumento da efic??cia e da efici??ncia no setor p??blico. Os principais problemas discutidos no artigo incluem: racionalidade do setor p??blico racionalidade das empresas privadas; incentivos e motiva????o dos servidores p??blicos; rigidez dos procedimentos administrativos; margem de decis??o dos gestores; sistemas de acesso a informa????o; import??ncia da gest??o de pessoal e da valoriza????o do trabalho no setor p??blico; papel dos gerentes na moderniza????o das institui????es p??blicas; cargos de carreira, cargos de confian??a; mecanismos de recrutamento e reten????o e sistemas de capacita????o dos servidores p??blicos. Os autores concluem que, devido ??s inova????es constantes em mat??ria de ger??ncia p??blica, n??o existe hoje um perfil gerencial definitivo como resposta ??s necessidades do Estado. Pelo contr??rio, o que se observa ?? uma crescente complexidade da gest??o p??blica que continuar?? oscilando entre a pol??tica e a tecnocracia, entre a maior flexibilidade e as exig??ncias de controle, entre a ado????o das t??cnicas de gest??o e a recupera????o da tradi????o administrativa e a cultura da fun????o p??blica.


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O artigo pretende mostrar as dificuldades de sustentabilidade da atividade cinematogr??fica brasileira. Com base na an??lise da cadeia produtiva, na estrutura tribut??ria e nas falhas da legisla????o de incentivo fiscal, prop??e-se a exist??ncia de um ciclo vicioso de depend??ncia aos incentivos fiscais. Tendo em vista as dificuldades de acesso a salas de cinema, devido, entre outros fatores, ao baixo poder aquisitivo da popula????o e ?? concentra????o geogr??fica de cinemas nas grandes cidades, prop??e-se uma parceria efetiva entre cinema e televis??o, facilitada pela tecnologia digital. Isso implicar?? altera????es na legisla????o atual, bem como a cria????o de regras regulat??rias, como forma de ampliar o acesso de filmes nacionais ?? grade de programa????o televisiva e tamb??m de viabilizar, em termos industriais, essa atividade econ??mica.


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Este artigo visa desenvolver algumas quest??es sobre os contratos de gest??o, e sobre o movimento pela ???contratualiza????o??? tanto nas rela????es entre o Estado e o setor privado, quanto nas rela????es intra-estatais. A ???contratualiza????o??? ?? ent??o abordada desde duas tradi????es: uma ?? a tradi????o advinda da administra????o p??blica, que enfatiza aspectos relacionados ?? identidade, socializa????o, sistema de cren??as e capacita????o da burocracia p??blica; a outra corresponde ?? tradi????o disciplinar da economia, mais preocupada com os aspectos microecon??micos relativos ?? estrutura de incentivos com que se deparam os atores em uma organiza????o burocr??tica. A experi??ncia nacional e internacional em ???contratualiza????o??? ?? brevemente analisada, e conclu??mos propondo algumas recomenda????es e indicando novos rumos de pesquisa.


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Com o advento da administra????o gerencial no ??mbito do aparelho do Estado, em complementa????o ?? administra????o burocr??tica, verifica-se certa turbul??ncia na gest??o de pessoal na administra????o p??blica, decorrente da s??bita aus??ncia de fundamentos conceituais s??lidos que permitam pensar a administra????o do capital humano do Estado em um contexto de transforma????o. Este artigo procura estabelecer as bases para a recupera????o destes fundamentos, propondo tr??s crit??rios de design de carreiras: a estrutura de incentivos, os mecanismos de governan??a e a gest??o do conhecimento. Em seguida, exemplifica-se a utiliza????o destes crit??rios pela an??lise de seis temas pr??prios ?? discuss??o sobre carreiras no servi??o p??blico: remunera????o, sele????o, recrutamento e desenvolvimento, mobilidade, promo????o, carreiras para ag??ncias executivas e controle social da burocracia.


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Este artigo apresenta o caso do modelo de mensura????o de desempenho existente na Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda do Rio Grande do Sul. Mediante abordagem explorat??ria e descritiva, baseada em entrevistas em profundidade, comparamos as similaridades entre o modelo vigente na Secretaria e as principais caracter??sticas citadas nos estudos desses modelos aplicados ?? iniciativa privada. Encontramos como semelhan??as: a dissocia????o entre recompensa e esfor??o; negocia????o de metas; e mecanismos sociais de puni????o. A an??lise das s??ries trimestrais dos indicadores de desempenho, na compara????o meta/realizado entre 2005-2008 (14 trimestres, at?? junho/2008), fornece evid??ncias iniciais de que os funcion??rios da Secretaria t??m atingido em m??dia 91,46% das metas. Isso sugere a exist??ncia de folga or??ament??ria e, portanto, de baixo incentivo ao desempenho.


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Esse texto tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados parciais do projeto ???Mapeamento da Oferta de Capacita????o nas Escolas de Governo??? e debater as possibilidades que se abrem para a gest??o do conhecimento e para o gerenciamento das informa????es estrat??gicas visando ?? tomada de decis??es e a otimiza????o dos recursos dispon??veis para a capacita????o. O projeto mapeamento tem por objetivo coletar dados da oferta existente de capacita????o em escolas de governo brasileiras, em n??vel municipal, estadual e federal. Foi concebido em tr??s fases: coleta das informa????es cadastrais e sobre a disponibilidade de cursos; constru????o do vocabul??rio controlado e classifica????o dos cursos; e transposi????o dessas informa????es para um sistema de informa????es com interface web: o Sistema Mapa. O Sistema Mapa, se efetivamente incorporado e utilizado, poder?? constituir um sistema de informa????o que auxilie os gestores e dirigentes a planejar e realizar planos de capacita????o, utilizando de forma eficiente a oferta existente nas escolas de governo. Al??m disso, poder?? contribuir para melhor coordena????o das atividades de capacita????o, incentivo ?? complementaridade, redu????o de duplicidades e incentivo ?? amplia????o da comunica????o entre as institui????es da Rede.