872 resultados para teacher development


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Bibliografía al final de los capítulos


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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This is a case study of a program of native speaker part-time EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers in a junior college in Japan. It has grown out of a curiosity to ascertain how the teachers have formed and continue to maintain a coordinated program in what would seem to be a disadvantageous national context where as part-time foreign teachers they are expected to do little more than just teach a few classes of mainly oral English. This study investigates the organizational culture the teachers have formed for themselves within their staffroom, and looks at the implications of this for part-time teachers in such an environment. More specifically, the study highlights that central to the program is an interactive decision-making function engaged in by all the teachers which has not only created but also continually enables an identifiable staffroom culture. This organizational culture is contingent on college and staffroom conditions, program affordances such as shared class logs and curriculum sharing, and on the interactive decision-making itself. It is postulated that the contingencies formed in this created and continually creating shared world not only offer the teachers a proficient way to work in their severely time-constricted environment, but also provide them with fertile ground for the self-regulation of a thus created zone of covert staffroom ‘on-the-job’ teacher development.


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This study investigated Microteaching Lesson Study (MLS) and three possible MLS mentor interaction structures during the debriefing sessions in relation to elementary preservice teacher development of knowledge for teaching. One hundred three elementary preservice teachers enrolled in five different sections of a mathematics methods course at a southern urban university were part of the study. This included 72 participants who completed MLS across three different mentor interaction structures as part of their course requirements and 31 elementary preservice teachers who did not complete MLS as part of their methods course and served as a comparison group for a portion of the study. A sequential mixed-methods research design was used to analyze the relationship between MLS mentor interaction structure and growth in preservice teachers' mathematics teacher knowledge. Data sources included pre and post assessments, group developed lesson plans and final reports, a feedback survey with Likert-type and open-ended questions, and transcripts of audio-recorded debriefing sessions. The pre and post assessments were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the Likert-type feedback survey questions. Group MLS lesson plans, final reports, and transcripts of debriefing sessions along with the open-ended questions from the feedback survey were coded in a three-step process as described by Miles and Huberman (1994). In alignment with findings from M. Fernandez (2005, 2010), elementary preservice teachers participating in MLS grew in content knowledge related to MLS topics taught by one another. Results from the analysis of pre and post content knowledge assessments revealed that participants grew in their understanding of the mathematics topics taught during MLS irrespective of their mentor interaction structure and when compared to the participants who did not complete MLS in their methods course. Findings from the analysis of lesson plans for growth in pedagogical content knowledge revealed the most growth in this area occurred for participants assigned to the interaction structure in which the MLS mentor participated in the first two debriefing sessions. Analysis of the transcripts of the discourse during the debriefing sessions and the feedback surveys support the finding that the elementary preservice teachers assigned to the interaction structure in which the MLS mentor participated in the first and second debriefing sessions benefited more from the MLS experience when compared to elementary preservice teachers assigned to the other two interaction structures (MLS mentor participated in only the first debriefing session and MLS mentor participated in only the last debriefing session).


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The learning community model has been an integral component of teacher development in Ontarian schools and beyond. This research was conducted to understand how teachers' personal capacity and professional, interpersonal, and organizational competencies are developed and expressed within this context. Nineteen elementary teachers and administrators participated in the study from November through January 2007. A qualitative case study methodology was used to investigate the role ofteachers' capacities and competencies in learning communities. Combined data sources from semistructured interviews, research journals, and document review were used to gather data about teachers' capacities and competencies. The study included 3 phases of analysis. In the final phase the analysis provided 3 qualities of the teachers at Jude and Mountain Schools (pseudonyms): identification as professionals, investment in others, and institutional affiliation that may explain how they differed from other educators. The data revealed these three themes, which provided an understanding of educators at Jude and Mountain Schools as dedicated professionals pushing practices to contribute to school life and address student learning needs, and as teachers who reflected on practices to continue expanding their skills. Teachers were heavily invested in creating a caring culture and in students' and team members' learning. Educators actively participated in solving problems and coplanning throughout the school levels and beyond, assumed collective responsibility for all pupils, and focused on generating school-wide consistent practices. These qualities and action patterns revealed teachers who invested time and effort in their colleagues, who committed to develop as professionals, and who affiliated closely with every aspect of school living.


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The paper reports on research into what may have influenced trainees on four post-graduate teacher training courses in England to become specialist drama teachers rather than pursue careers in the world of professional entertainment. In doing so it raises questions regarding the value of considering teaching as a performing art. The paper goes on to explore how drama trainees regard an understanding of performance, and an ability to both use and demonstrate performance techniques, as integral to their role as subject specialists. The subsequent discussion examines how a drama teacher’s professional identity may be seen as being made up of the three inter-connected elements, self, role and character. Thus, while all teaching may be considered to involve some elements of performativity , this paper suggests that, for the drama specialist, an understanding of what constitutes ‘performance’ has a particular importance. One conclusion drawn from the research is that recognising the place of performance in their practice may result in experienced teachers of drama regarding themselves as artists whose art is teaching drama; another is that recognising the different ways in which adopting a role may involve performance could be of value to all teachers and teacher educators.


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This study investigated, through a questionnaire, the stated beliefs and stated practices of 115 foreign language teachers in England regarding listening pedagogy: whether such beliefs and practices reflect the literature on listening, whether beliefs and stated practices converged, and what factors might underpin them. Responses indicated a mismatch between teachers’ stated belief in the importance of teaching learners how to listen more effectively, and the lack of evidence in their stated practice of such teaching, with a focus instead on task completion. Findings are discussed against the accountability agenda of the study’s context, and its implications for teacher development highlighted.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa Para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Supervisão em Educação


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Cette recherche avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet du dispositif de formation « Zoom sur l’expertise pédagogique », ou, plus précisément, d’évaluer l’effet d’un parcours de formation créé grâce à ce dispositif et intégrant des exemples de pratiques sur vidéo sur les apprentissages et les intentions de changement de pratique d’un groupe d’enseignants du primaire relativement à la compétence professionnelle « Piloter des situations d’enseignement-apprentissage ». La réforme des programmes scolaires, qui s’installe progressivement depuis 2001, modifie considérablement les orientations en matière d’apprentissage et d’enseignement. Sa réussite repose notamment sur l’appropriation de nouvelles compétences professionnelles souvent difficiles à développer pour le personnel enseignant. À ces besoins de formation, les modalités de formation continue proposées ne semblaient répondre que partiellement. Le dispositif a été développé dans le but de soutenir le personnel enseignant dans l’appropriation de ce renouveau pédagogique et propose de nouvelles stratégies de formation basées principalement sur l’observation et l’analyse d’exemples de pratiques sur vidéo et enrichis de divers outils stimulant la réflexion sur la pratique. Sa conception s’inscrit dans un contexte d’émergence d’initiatives similaires. Néanmoins, beaucoup de questions restaient en suspens quant aux effets réels de ces dispositifs sur le développement professionnel des enseignants. Afin de réaliser une évaluation de ce dispositif, nous avons créé un parcours de formation que six enseignants ont réalisé. Ces personnes ont ensuite participé à deux entrevues semi-dirigées et ont partagé les notes prises durant la formation. Un cadre théorique a été développé, permettant de dégager trois questions de recherche : « Quels ont été les effets du dispositif de formation sur les savoirs relatifs aux composantes de la compétence ciblée ? » ; « Quels ont été les effets du dispositif de formation sur les intentions de changement de pratique des enseignants ? » ; « Comment améliorer le dispositif pour mieux soutenir le développement professionnel des enseignants ? ». Ce cadre a par la suite guidé l’analyse et l’interprétation des données recueillies. Une quantité substantielle d’informations a été obtenue permettant de mieux comprendre et documenter le rôle d’un tel dispositif de formation en ligne et des vidéos qui le composent. Nous avons pu confirmer leur effet positif sur le développement professionnel. Nous retenons notamment que les enseignants sont en mesure de mieux définir les composantes de la compétence ciblée par la formation, ils ont confirmé leur sentiment d’avoir appris, ils ont tous exprimé l'intention d’apporter des changements dans leur pratique. Tous ont grandement apprécié le parcours et ses vidéos, notamment la possibilité qu’elles leur offraient de s’identifier à des pairs et d’envisager des pistes de mise en application plus concrètes de leurs nouvelles connaissances. Par ailleurs, les commentaires et les suggestions des participants ont permis de dégager des pistes d’amélioration telles que la diminution de la quantité de vidéos, du nombre d’éléments de compétence présentés, ou l’augmentation de compléments pédagogiques accompagnant les vidéos. Ces pistes devraient toutefois être précisées et étudiées ce qui génère de nouvelles questions de recherches.


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L'enseignement des sciences est souvent perçu, par les enseignants, comme une discipline complexe à enseigner. La formation continue permet de modifier cette perception en offrant de l'accompagnement pédagogique pour développer les pratiques d'enseignement des sciences et rehausser le sentiment d'efficacité des enseignants. Cette recherche s'intéresse aux effets d'une formation continue sur le sentiment d'efficacité des enseignants et leur enseignement des sciences au primaire. L'approche choisie est celle d'une recherche qualitative et la méthode est celle de l'étude de cas, de type exploratoire. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, six enseignants ayant suivi divers programmes de formation continue afin de développer leur pratique d'enseignement des sciences ont été rencontrés. Des entrevues et des observations (grilles basées sur l'échelle du sentiment d'efficacité des enseignants (STEBI)) sont utilisées pour la collecte de données. Les résultats de l'analyse de données indiquent, dans un premier temps, que les enseignants rencontrés perçoivent que la formation continue a des effets positifs sur leur sentiment d'efficacité, notamment en ce qui a trait à la première dimension relative à la compétence à enseigner les sciences (CE). Dans un deuxième temps, la comparaison des données des pratiques déclarées et des pratiques effectives révèlent l'apport considérable de l'engagement du milieu et de la collaboration des pairs sur le développement de la deuxième dimension relative à l'efficacité de l'enseignement (EE).


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In 2001, before the term “e-portfolio” was common parlance there was a perceived need to enable teachers in training to save, store, present and archive their electronically-based work so that it could be assessed by tutors. A Teacher Training Agency (TTA) Grant was used to design and implement an online system for trainee teachers to save evidence of their activities called Electronic Portfolio System (EPS). Over the years, its use and value has changed and, through the support of the Teacher Development Agency for schools (TDA), the system will continue to develop. The features of the system have grown organically because of technology changes and by tutors and mentors identifying affordances. This presentation will identify the principles and how they guide the development process. It will give an opportunity to elucidate the next stages in e-portfolio developments.


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El art??culo forma parte de un dossier titulado: El desaf??o de la diversidad : un est??mulo para el desarrollo profesional.


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El art??culo forma parte de un dossier titulado: El desaf??o de la diversidad : un est??mulo para el desarrollo profesional


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El art??culo forma parte de un dossier titulado: El desaf??o de la diversidad : un est??mulo para el desarrollo profesional