990 resultados para legal translation


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Legal translation theory brooks little interference with the source legal text. With few exceptions (Joseph 2005; Hammel 2008; Harvey 2002; Kahaner 2005; Kasirer 2001; Lawson 2006), lawyers and linguists tend to tether themselves to the pole of literalism. More a tight elastic band than an unyielding rope, this tether constrains — rather than prohibits — liberal legal translations. It can stretch to accommodate a degree of freedom by the legal translator however, should it go too far, it snaps back to the default position of linguistic fidelity. This ‘stretch and snap’ gives legal translation a unique place in general translation theory. In the general debate over the ‘degree of freedom’ the translator enjoys in conveying the meaning of the text, legal translation theory has reached its own settlement. Passivity is the default; creativity, the ‘qualified’ exception (Hammel 2008: 275).


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The present paper aims at investigating translation techniques and publication methods of Roman imperial constitutions published in Greek in the eastern provinces of the empire, where the official Latin was not well-established. Language, being a tool for normative communication must be comprehensible to the addressees of the norm, therefore publication of a normative text in a multilingual society brings along difficulties related in particular to the translatability of legal terminology. Language problems appear, however, not only in the level of communication, but also in those of implementation and interpretation of norms. Linguistic diversity, which currently afflicts legislators in the EU, has already been a challenge for the legislators in the Roman Empire. Major difficulty was the necessity of expressing Roman legal concepts in Greek language. Centralized translation system and consequent use of terminology helped to adapt Greek for the purposes of Roman legislator creating new technical vocabulary.


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Phraseological units are complex structures that may be difficult to comprehend and transfer into other languages due to their idiomatic nature. The translator of English legal texts often comes across binomials, a type of phraseological unit that is a characteristic of this specialized discourse. Based on a specialized comparable bilingual corpus composed of legal forms and agreements, this article identifies several occurrences of this phraseological structure and extracts the most frequent examples in English and Spanish. A contrastive analysis of the data obtained from the corpus helps to establish a series of equivalencies among binomials in both languages and proposes a typology of equivalences regarding these phraseological structures.


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This paper aims at identifying and describing the current major pragmatic issues of legal translation in the context of the EU. There some facts that provide legal translation in this context with unique features, such as the binding nature of EU law for the 28 Member States and the authenticated versions of the normative acts adopted by the EU institutions. These features have led to several authors talking about a new type of legal translation that should be approached and studied independently. We aim at identifying the reasons for this as well as describing the major translation strategies and theoretical approaches that the authors have proposed in order to help EU translators and lawyerlinguists overcome the translation problems arising from divergences of legal systems and legal traditions within the Member States.


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The purpose of this paper is to identify problems when translating standard formulas of expression in English to Spanish legal translation. To achieve the goal, a total of 250 Spanish translations were analyzed of 10 sentences from legal texts in English. The degree of difficulty posed by the translation of these formulas is confirmed by the results obtained, which is related not so much to the intrinsic meaning of the words that compose them, but to their contextual meaning. An eclectic approach that combines discourse analysis with contrastive linguistics is proposed, and some specific didactic guidelines are indicated to facilitate the translation teaching of these standard formulas of expression. Lexical interpretation and contextual recreation allow the apprentice translator to make progress with the translation of these phrases and to improve his/her attitude when facing them to achieve a successful semantic and contextual interpretation, that is to say, getting the closest natural equivalent while respecting the genius of the language.


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A description is given of the structure of, theoretical background of, and experiences gained from, a course in legal English-Spanish translation taught at the University of Alicante.


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The thesis studies the translation process for the laws of Finland as they are translated from Finnish into Swedish. The focus is on revision practices, norms and workplace procedures. The translation process studied covers three institutions and four revisions. In three separate studies the translation process is analyzed from the perspective of the translations, the institutions and the actors. The general theoretical framework is Descriptive Translation Studies. For the analysis of revisions made in versions of the Swedish translation of Finnish laws, a model is developed covering five grammatical categories (textual revisions, syntactic revisions, lexical revisions, morphological revisions and content revisions) and four norms (legal adequacy, correct translation, correct language and readability). A separate questionnaire-based study was carried out with translators and revisers at the three institutions. The results show that the number of revisions does not decrease during the translation process, and no division of labour can be seen at the different stages. This is somewhat surprising if the revision process is regarded as one of quality control. Instead, all revisers make revisions on every level of the text. Further, the revisions do not necessarily imply errors in the translations but are often the result of revisers following different norms for legal translation. The informal structure of the institutions and its impact on communication, visibility and workplace practices was studied from the perspective of organization theory. The results show weaknesses in the communicative situation, which affect the co-operation both between institutions and individuals. Individual attitudes towards norms and their relative authority also vary, in the sense that revisers largely prioritize legal adequacy whereas translators give linguistic norms a higher value. Further, multi-professional teamwork in the institutions studied shows a kind of teamwork based on individuals and institutions doing specific tasks with only little contact with others. This shows that the established definitions of teamwork, with people co-working in close contact with each other, cannot directly be applied to the workplace procedures in the translation process studied. Three new concepts are introduced: flerstegsrevidering (multi-stage revision), revideringskedja (revision chain) and normsyn (norm attitude). The study seeks to make a contribution to our knowledge of legal translation, translation processes, institutional translation, revision practices and translation norms for legal translation. Keywords: legal translation, translation of laws, institutional translation, revision, revision practices, norms, teamwork, organizational informal structure, translation process, translation sociology, multilingual.


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La libéralisation des échanges a fait augmenter les richesses, mais en réalité, elles se sont concentrées dans les pays développés. La question de la distribution plus équitable des richesses s'est rapidement posée. Le système GATT/OMC a joué un rôle décisif dans la libéralisation des échanges et dans l'articulation des rapports entre les pays développés et les pays en développement (PED). L'émergence et l'incarnation juridique dans le système GATT/OMC d'un principe de justice distributive passe par l'évolution du traitement spécial et différencié (TSD). Sous le GATT, le TSD s'est d'abord manifesté par l'article XVIII et la Partie IV du GATT de 1947, la Clause d'habilitation et le Système de préférences de 1971. Le TSD ainsi proposé appartenait essentiellement à la sof law et a échoué dans sa tentative d'intégrer les PED au système SCM. Sous l'OMC, le TSD a changé de paradigme et de mandat. Le TSD est passé d'un outil voué à mettre au développement des PED à un mécanisme employé à aider les PED à mettre en œuvre les nouvelles politiques de libéralisation découlant des accords de l'OMC. Les dispositions TSD seront alors dispersées dans l'ensemble des accords de l'OMC, mais sans jamais transcender la forme «soft law» qui les caractérisait sous le GATT. L'échec de la Conférence de Seattle, en 1999, engendrera le «Programme de Doha pour le développement», en 2001. La Déclaration de Doha était alors perçue comme l'incarnation de la transformation de l'OMC en organisation qui se préoccupe désormais de justice distributive. En observant de près le texte de la Déclaration de Doha et en analysant sa valeur juridique, on ne constate pas de progrès significatifs. Encore une fois, les mesures proposées le sont sous forme de déclarations d'intention et de promesses, voire d'engagement à négocier. Actuellement, le Cycle de Doha tarde à aboutir et tout nous porte à croire que l'avènement de l'OMC n'a pas concrétisé la volonté des PED d'une répartition plus équitable des richesses.


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L’objectif principal du présent mémoire est d’observer le processus de traduction d’un texte de nature juridique mis en oeuvre par deux groupes d’étudiants, cinq étudiants inscrits au baccalauréat en traduction et quatre inscrits au baccalauréat en droit. Tout d’abord, nous analyserons les différences qui existent entre les deux groupes dans leur utilisation des ouvrages de référence. Nous observerons entre autres la diversité générale des ouvrages consultés et la connaissance antérieure des ouvrages papier, la répartition par type d’ouvrages (dictionnaire bilingue, monolingue ou autres), la répartition par support d’ouvrages (électronique ou papier), l’utilisation des correcteurs, l’intensité des recherches effectuées et, finalement, le premier ouvrage consulté selon le type et le support. Ces données seront recueillies grâce à la méthode de verbalisation à voix haute et à l’enregistrement de l’écran d’ordinateur, au moyen du logiciel WebEx. Ensuite, nous évaluerons la qualité des traductions en faisant une distinction entre deux types d’erreurs, soit les erreurs de traduction et les erreurs de langue. Nous tenterons par la suite d’établir des liens entre l’utilisation des ouvrages de référence et la qualité des traductions. Nous observerons que les deux groupes utilisent les ouvrages de référence différemment et que les traducteurs ont semblé mieux outillés que les juristes pour remettre une traduction de qualité.


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N.B. reproduced with permission of Peter Lang Verlag. For citation, please, use the original reference, that is Campos Pardillos, M.A. and Balteiro Fernández, I. 2009. “Building bridges… and properties aplenty: cultural problems in Spanish real estate marketing for prospective British buyers”. In: Guillén-Nieto, V., C. Marimón-Llorca and C. Vargas-Sierra. Eds. Intercultural Business Communication and Simulation and Gaming Methodology. Bern: Peter Lang. Pp. 155-174.


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A transcrição é uma atividade geralmente subestimada, que surge muitas vezes aliada, numa fase posterior, à tradução. O presente projeto apresenta a transcrição e a tradução como duas tarefas que se complementam, quando aplicadas à área jurídica. Por outro lado, aborda os tipos de transcrição, bem como o recurso aos softwares de reconhecimento de voz para efetuar esta tarefa. Nele se reflete, ainda, sobre os desafios da tradução jurídica e, mais concretamente, sobre as dificuldades encontradas por quem traduz um texto cujo ponto de partida é a transcrição.


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Apesar da importância reconhecida à textologia contrastiva na didática da tradução, são extremamente escassos os estudos focados no par de línguas espanhol-português. Como forma de compensar, pelo menos em parte, essa enorme lacuna, propôs-se aos alunos de Tradução Jurídica de Espanhol do MTIE do ISCAP um trabalho de análise de diversos textos jurídicos autênticos. Três desses trabalhos são aqui apresentados, os quais abordam tipos de texto bem diferenciados: os recursos de apelação, os testamentos e os contratos de trabalho.