1000 resultados para Processo de contato por par
We study the critical behavior of the one-dimensional pair contact process (PCP), using the Monte Carlo method for several lattice sizes and three different updating: random, sequential and parallel. We also added a small modification to the model, called Monte Carlo com Ressucitamento" (MCR), which consists of resuscitating one particle when the order parameter goes to zero. This was done because it is difficult to accurately determine the critical point of the model, since the order parameter(particle pair density) rapidly goes to zero using the traditional approach. With the MCR, the order parameter becomes null in a softer way, allowing us to use finite-size scaling to determine the critical point and the critical exponents β, ν and z. Our results are consistent with the ones already found in literature for this model, showing that not only the process of resuscitating one particle does not change the critical behavior of the system, it also makes it easier to determine the critical point and critical exponents of the model. This extension to the Monte Carlo method has already been used in other contact process models, leading us to believe its usefulness to study several others non-equilibrium models
The pair contact process - PCP is a nonequilibrium stochastic model which, like the basic contact process - CP, exhibits a phase transition to an absorbing state. While the absorbing state CP corresponds to a unique configuration (empty lattice), the PCP process infinitely many. Numerical and theoretical studies, nevertheless, indicate that the PCP belongs to the same universality class as the CP (direct percolation class), but with anomalies in the critical spreading dynamics. An infinite number of absorbing configurations arise in the PCP because all process (creation and annihilation) require a nearest-neighbor pair of particles. The diffusive pair contact process - PCPD) was proposed by Grassberger in 1982. But the interest in the problem follows its rediscovery by the Langevin description. On the basis of numerical results and renormalization group arguments, Carlon, Henkel and Schollwöck (2001), suggested that certain critical exponents in the PCPD had values similar to those of the party-conserving - PC class. On the other hand, Hinrichsen (2001), reported simulation results inconsistent with the PC class, and proposed that the PCPD belongs to a new universality class. The controversy regarding the universality of the PCPD remains unresolved. In the PCPD, a nearest-neighbor pair of particles is necessary for the process of creation and annihilation, but the particles to diffuse individually. In this work we study the PCPD with diffusion of pair, in which isolated particles cannot move; a nearest-neighbor pair diffuses as a unit. Using quasistationary simulation, we determined with good precision the critical point and critical exponents for three values of the diffusive probability: D=0.5 and D=0.1. For D=0.5: PC=0.89007(3), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.573(1), =1.10(2), m=1.1758(24). For D=0.1: PC=0.9172(1), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.579(11), =1.11(4), m=1.173(4)
The pair contact process - PCP is a nonequilibrium stochastic model which, like the basic contact process - CP, exhibits a phase transition to an absorbing state. While the absorbing state CP corresponds to a unique configuration (empty lattice), the PCP process infinitely many. Numerical and theoretical studies, nevertheless, indicate that the PCP belongs to the same universality class as the CP (direct percolation class), but with anomalies in the critical spreading dynamics. An infinite number of absorbing configurations arise in the PCP because all process (creation and annihilation) require a nearest-neighbor pair of particles. The diffusive pair contact process - PCPD) was proposed by Grassberger in 1982. But the interest in the problem follows its rediscovery by the Langevin description. On the basis of numerical results and renormalization group arguments, Carlon, Henkel and Schollwöck (2001), suggested that certain critical exponents in the PCPD had values similar to those of the party-conserving - PC class. On the other hand, Hinrichsen (2001), reported simulation results inconsistent with the PC class, and proposed that the PCPD belongs to a new universality class. The controversy regarding the universality of the PCPD remains unresolved. In the PCPD, a nearest-neighbor pair of particles is necessary for the process of creation and annihilation, but the particles to diffuse individually. In this work we study the PCPD with diffusion of pair, in which isolated particles cannot move; a nearest-neighbor pair diffuses as a unit. Using quasistationary simulation, we determined with good precision the critical point and critical exponents for three values of the diffusive probability: D=0.5 and D=0.1. For D=0.5: PC=0.89007(3), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.573(1), =1.10(2), m=1.1758(24). For D=0.1: PC=0.9172(1), β/v=0.252(9), z=1.579(11), =1.11(4), m=1.173(4)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The diffusive epidemic process (PED) is a nonequilibrium stochastic model which, exhibits a phase trnasition to an absorbing state. In the model, healthy (A) and sick (B) individuals diffuse on a lattice with diffusion constants DA and DB, respectively. According to a Wilson renormalization calculation, the system presents a first-order phase transition, for the case DA > DB. Several researches performed simulation works for test this is conjecture, but it was not possible to observe this first-order phase transition. The explanation given was that we needed to perform simulation to higher dimensions. In this work had the motivation to investigate the critical behavior of a diffusive epidemic propagation with Lévy interaction(PEDL), in one-dimension. The Lévy distribution has the interaction of diffusion of all sizes taking the one-dimensional system for a higher-dimensional. We try to explain this is controversy that remains unresolved, for the case DA > DB. For this work, we use the Monte Carlo Method with resuscitation. This is method is to add a sick individual in the system when the order parameter (sick density) go to zero. We apply a finite size scalling for estimates the critical point and the exponent critical =, e z, for the case DA > DB
A grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos, oriundos da indústria de mineração e metalurgia, constitui um sério problema sócio-ambiental. As características físicoquímicas destes resíduos despertam grande interesse para outras indústrias. A indústria cerâmica pode ser uma interessante consumidora da maioria deste material, para suprir a grande escassez das reservas de matérias-primas atual. Neste contexto, este trabalho mostra os estudos realizados para a reciclagem da lama vermelha, como matéria-prima na produção de agregado sintético, visando à construção civil. A lama vermelha, principal rejeito industrial da fabricação de alumina, mostrou-se um insumo de grande interesse na fabricação de diferentes tipos de agregado para ser utilizado na produção de concreto, para a construção civil. Pelas suas características físico-químicas e a grande quantidade que é produzida anualmente (cerca de 10.000.000 t em duas fábricas, só no Norte do Brasil). Estudos realizados neste trabalho mostram a possibilidade de fabricação de agregados, com diferentes propriedades e possibilidades de aplicação, na indústria da construção civil. Estas propriedades dependem do controle de parâmetros, como o teor de sílica livre e argila, a granulometria e a temperatura de sinterização. Tais variáveis permitem controlar perfeitamente a formação de fase vítrea que é a responsável pelas propriedades dos agregados como: porosidade, resistência mecânica e densidade. Este material pode ser utilizado em concreto convencional ou em concretos especiais, para atender a demanda da construção civil.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
In this thesis, we address two issues of broad conceptual and practical relevance in the study of complex networks. The first is associated with the topological characterization of networks while the second relates to dynamical processes that occur on top of them. Regarding the first line of study, we initially designed a model for networks growth where preferential attachment includes: (i) connectivity and (ii) homophily (links between sites with similar characteristics are more likely). From this, we observe that the competition between these two aspects leads to a heterogeneous pattern of connections with the topological properties of the network showing quite interesting results. In particular, we emphasize that there is a region where the characteristics of sites play an important role not only for the rate at which they get links, but also for the number of connections which occur between sites with similar and dissimilar characteristics. Finally, we investigate the spread of epidemics on the network topology developed, whereas its dissemination follows the rules of the contact process. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the competition between states (infected/healthy) sites, induces a transition between an active phase (presence of sick) and an inactive (no sick). In this context, we estimate the critical point of the transition phase through the cumulant Binder and ratio between moments of the order parameter. Then, using finite size scaling analysis, we determine the critical exponents associated with this transition
Complex systems have stimulated much interest in the scientific community in the last twenty years. Examples this area are the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton and Contact Process that are studied in the first chapter this tesis. We determine the critical behavior of these systems using the spontaneous-search method and short-time dynamics (STD). Ours results confirm that the DKCA e CP belong to universality class of Directed Percolation. In the second chapter, we study the particle difusion in two models of stochastic sandpiles. We characterize the difusion through diffusion constant D, definite through in the relation h(x)2i = 2Dt. The results of our simulations, using finite size scalling and STD, show that the diffusion constant can be used to study critical properties. Both models belong to universality class of Conserved Directed Percolation. We also study that the mean-square particle displacement in time, and characterize its dependence on the initial configuration and particle density. In the third chapter, we introduce a computacional model, called Geographic Percolation, to study watersheds, fractals with aplications in various areas of science. In this model, sites of a network are assigned values between 0 and 1 following a given probability distribution, we order this values, keeping always its localization, and search pk site that percolate network. Once we find this site, we remove it from the network, and search for the next that has the network to percole newly. We repeat these steps until the complete occupation of the network. We study the model in 2 and 3 dimension, and compare the bidimensional case with networks form at start real data (Alps e Himalayas)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A divulgação científica é comumente associada aos conteúdos e formatos midiáticos que contemplam a temática da ciência. Além da centralidade midiática, as concepções e práticas de divulgação científica geralmente estão baseadas em um modelo linear e difusionista que separa, como que em polos opostos, os indivíduos que “têm conhecimento” (cientistas) e a sociedade em geral. Nesta dissertação, porém, questionamos o que há de comunicacional nas relações entre ciência e sociedade, que percebemos estar além da presença de um aparato tecnológico, assim como envolve relações mais complexas do que uma simples transferência de conhecimentos. Investimonos, então, a compreender as dimensões comunicacionais de uma experiência amazônica desenvolvida pelo Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: o Clube do Pesquisador Mirim. O Clube tem a proposta de oferecer a estudantes da educação básica vivências de compartilhamento e produção de conhecimento científico, de maneira interativa e colaborativa. Desafiamo-nos a realizar uma pesquisa de cunho exploratório, a partir de uma perspectiva transmetodológica, congregando procedimentos qualitativos e quantitativos na construção de um objeto de estudo na área da Comunicação. Nesse percurso, a análise dos processos comunicacionais desenvolvidos no e desencadeados pelo Clube se deu a partir da relação constante de nossos referenciais com o que o empírico nos possibilitava observar e interpretar. Trabalhamos com uma metodologia dialógica e colaborativa, por meio de procedimentos de recepção, que nos permitiram analisar os processos comunicacionais no Clube também a partir da própria percepção dos sujeitos participantes, além de poder experienciar as dimensões comunicacionais em nosso próprio processo de pesquisa. A partir de uma discussão mais ampla sobre ciência e comunicação, também realizamos a crítica da divulgação científica e de outras denominações afins, que nos levaram a trabalhar com o conceito de comunicação da ciência como processo que coloca em circulação práticas e concepções diversas, agregando o funcional e o normativo, o positivista e o pós-moderno, o funcionalista e o dialógico, o simples e o complexo, o sujeito e o objeto, em medidas e proporções variadas, em tempos imediatos e infinitos. Encontramos, na experiência do Clube, algumas dimensões comunicacionais (compartilhamento, sedução, afeto, convicção e convencimento, negociação e convivência, apropriação, papel atuante do sujeito e incomunicação) que se constituem como elementos que promovem o início e a continuidade dos fluxos comunicacionais da ciência. Compreendemos, assim, que a contribuição de nossa área para a discussão da temática da divulgação científica é refletir, evidenciar e problematizar que a comunicação não está apenas na difusão dos resultados de uma pesquisa, mas é inerente ao processo de construção de conhecimento científico, sobretudo, na contemporaneidade.
O presente trabalho teve origem na realização de pesquisa desenvolvida pela equipe do Instituto de Ciências da Educação da Universidade Federal do Pará que analisou o processo de elaboração, implantação e implementação do Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR) no estado do Pará, no período de 2008 a 2011. Esta Dissertação teve por objetivo analisar o PAR desenvolvido no Município de São Sebastião da Boa Vista e a sua configuração como instrumento para implementar o Regime de Colaboração entre os entes federados. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de caráter qualitativo que contou com trabalho de campo, com realização de entrevistas com os atores envolvidos em todo o processo de implantação do PAR. O estudo também contou com a análise das legislações (Constituição Federal 1988, LDB/9.394, Plano Nacional de Educação, PDE, Plano de Metas Compromisso Todos pela Educação, entre outras). A revisão bibliográfica realizada partiu das contribuições de estudiosos sobre a política educacional brasileira, como Carlos Roberto Jamil Cury, Luiz Fernandes Dourado, Fernando Haddad, José Carlos Libâneo e Demerval Saviani. A partir dos resultados encontrados, observamos que o PAR é um valioso instrumento para organização da gestão da educação municipal, que permite o ente federado conhecer a sua realidade, e também auxilia o Município ao sinalizar suas necessidades e propor ações e subações para mudar sua realidade. No entanto, a execução do Plano depende de fatores alheios para que o município atinja a execução total do que foi planejado, em muitas ações é necessário um aporte financeiro específico. Diante dos resultados dessa pesquisa também foi possível observar que o PAR desenvolvido no Município de São Sebastião da Boa Vista, representou uma inovação no planejamento do trabalho da Secretaria Municipal de Educação, se constituiu em um complexo desafio em termos de sua efetivação, pois revelou a fragilidade de articulação e de cumprimento das metas, e da efetividade de um legítimo regime de colaboração entre os entes federados.
The research deals with the constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer, understood as objectification of theoretical and practical unity in the teaching field. It was achieved by means of a didactic-training intervention. The research problem: as a teacher trainer in a continuous training process is a pedagogical praxis, outlined to the overall objective: investigate the establishment of the pedagogical praxis of teacher trainer in a continuous formation process. The specific objectives were: 1) outline principles and foundations theoretical-methodological course of intervention research on appropriate teaching assumptions of historical-cultural theory; 2) systematic principles of constitution of the pedagogical praxis of a teacher trainer and 3) synthesize foundations of continued training of teacher trainers in view of the historical-cultural theory, to collaborate with design of institutional policies for continuing training of university teachers. The research was developed at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro University - UFTM, with teachers who work in their degree courses. It was developed in three stages: diagnosis, didactic-formative intervention and analysis of data. In the diagnostic step attended five teacher educators of degrees in: history, geography, physics, chemistry and letters. At this stage were used identification questionnaires, interviews, classroom observation and document analysis. In the next stage, with participation of a trainer, it was held educational-training intervention understood as the collective research-training process that is involved intervening in teaching with the development of interdependent and simultaneous actions trainings, planning and implementation of educational activities and study, classroom observation and evaluation from the perspective of dialectical unity in order to contribute to the integral development of teachers and students. The intervention were also held interviews and document analysis. The last stage of the research was the analysis of the data. In the diagnosis of education, among other analyzes, three references were found of the trainer's training-action: memorized references, empirical and praxis. It was the analysis of the references of the trainer's training-action that guided referrals ways of teaching-training intervention. As a result, it was concluded that the teacher educator is their pedagogical praxis in the dialectical units theoretical and practical appropriation of concepts and imitation-creation. Were the two principles analyzed in the research. It was also systematized some essential elements of the formation of the teacher educator: the needs of trainers are decisive in the choice of concepts that will be appropriate; the organization of the training process should take place hand in hand with planning and development classes; the theory need to be experienced in training so that appropriation/objectification of education come true, and also, participants must be strengthened as a collective studies, since we have not learned by linearity but connections. It is hoped that the research will create opportunities to deepen the debate on the continuing education of teacher educators and contribute to scientific production in the area.