14 resultados para Língua japonesa Análise do discurso

em Línguas


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The use of new technologies in classroom, including in foreign language learning, is becoming more and more frequent. The researches already show investigations with the use of emails, chats, blogs, hypertexts, facebook in foreign language classroom especially to develop the students’ written ability. However, there is still a lack of studies concerning educational blogs in foreign language as a digital genre. This work aim characterizing educational blog as a genre under Bakhtinian perspective. To achieve these objectives, the methodology used is characterized as exploratory-descriptive with quali-quantitative base whose collected data consist in analysis of seven educational blogs. The data analysis was done using the theoretical assumptions about textual genres under Bakhtinian perspective. The main results indicate that the analyzed blogs have thematic content, composition and style that are characteristical as digital genres. In conclusion of this work, suggestions are made for future researches into the use of blogs in the foreign language classroom.


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Este artigo pretende problematizar o conceito de língua em disciplinas aplicadas aos cursos de Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC). As ementas que atendem a esses cursos so oferecidas, desde a dcada de 70, pelo Departamento de Letras do Centro de Educao, Letras e Artes da UFAC. Partimos da hiptese de que a noo de língua que perpassa as ementas se configura como um modelo instrumental, o que, de nosso ponto de vista, tem seus efeitos no funcionamento das disciplinas. Com base nos pressupostos tericos dos Novos Estudos do Letramento e da Análise do Discurso francesa, buscamos analisar trs planos de curso, a saber: (i) Portugus Instrumental, do curso de Engenharia Agronmica; (ii) Portugus e Redao Tcnica, do curso de Engenharia Eltrica; (iii) Portugus e Redao Tcnica, do curso de Engenharia Civil. Com essa análise, nosso intento refletir sobre uma propostaque contemple outra noo de língua modelo ideolgico (STREET, 2014), a qualse mostra mais produtiva no atendimento s necessidades especficas dos referidos cursos.


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Neste estudo buscamos refletir sobre as necessidades educacionais que o sujeito que se constitui na e pela Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) possui e como o Estado, enquanto responsvel pela educao desse sujeito, se coloca frente a essa questo. Para tanto, partiremos do discurso presente na Lei n 10.436, de 24 de Abril de 2002 que dispe sobre a Língua Brasileira de Sinais e do captulo IV do Decreto n 5.626, de 22 de Dezembro de 2005, que disserta sobre o uso e a difuso da LIBRAS e da língua portuguesa para o acesso das pessoas surdas educao. A fundamentao terica tomada por base neste artigo da Análise de Discurso de Linha Francesa (AD) originada por Pcheux na Frana e estruturada no Brasil pelo grupo da professora Eni Orlandi. A AD concebe a língua funcionando para a produo de sentidos. Alm disso, tambm nos embasaro, bibliografias referentes Politica de Língua e a Histria das Ideias Lingusticas (HIL).


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This article aims at analyzing the dialogues between the publicity discourse from languages institutes, with their publicity focused on the disclosure of English language courses, established between the student (subject), potential interlocutor of these publicities, trying to understand the meaning effects which can be produced and circulate socially through these dialogues. In order to do that, this study takes into consideration the theoretical confluences between the Bakhtin Circle and the discourse theory from Michel Pêcheux, especially,  those which concern the notions of dialogue and senses produced in and by the publicity discourse from languages institutes.


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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to verify how the incidence of English language in the young discourses at non-formal spaces of education leads to individual valorization and what meaning effects are produced in English allowing new clues to formal education. For this, participative observations were made and a semi structured interview was applied for twenty three young average age 13 to 25, from the east and northeast regions of São Leopoldo city/RS. All of them were assisted by a non-governmental organization called PROAME. Since the participative observations audio recorded, were selected several discursive sequences which were analyzed based on French Discourse Analysis and concepts as language, subject, discursive and ideological formations and conditions of production. As results were found: a) many young use English to name, identify products offered in the consumption market and in places frequented by their groups; b) a reproduction of pedagogical discourse legitimated by school, which sees English as a basic necessity to apply for a job position; c) a reproduction of media and consumption discourses; d) young dislocate meanings exchanging common nouns to name objects, for proper nouns, in other words, they name objects using trades and brands of products in English. As final considerations we realized that even though the languages are mixed in the young discourses, many faults in the learning process in school period was identified and it impelled this group of young to feel included in foreign languages and in our modern society, they also have created different repertoires of answers and different meaning effects for all the vocabulary universe of English language. KEYWORDS: Discourse Analyses, English; Education


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More than understanding a speech, we need to decode it to then seek to understand how this discourse was made and what direction effects it produces. The Mentor of the Brazilians from Sao Joao del Rei - our object of study in this article - since its announcement in 1829, it was proposed to be like the newspaper's name itself shows, a Mentor, a newspaper to guide, advise women the inclusion in the political and moral life of the country, but without forgetting the family and their deveres. Para rationale of this study are taken as the essence of the studies Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi, the French Discourse Analysis (DA), trying to understand the speech of the mining journal in their production conditions in the nineteenth century. Understanding that social memory leads to a discursive memory that formulates the speeches already in place, giving rise to the social-historical context of ideological and enunciator statement. In addition, it is necessary to establish the role of the analyst in the process of understanding of the subject matter, because according to Orlandi (2008), the subject has his body tied to the body of the senses; subject and senses has its corporeality, made at the meeting of the materiality of language and history. In this perspective, enunciator and analyst embody the senses three cutouts of the weekly newsletter: a) the ad in the Astro de Minas newspaper talking about the first Mentor of the Brazilians women edition, b) the No. 1 edition and c) No.10 edition of the Mentor of the Brazilians women.


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O presente artigo pretende iniciar algumas discussões em Análise do Discurso e de Literatura a respeito da obra Viva o povo brasileiro( 1984) de João Ubaldo Ribeiro.Pontuaremos o título da obra e a releitura da História Oficial do Brasil, em cujos moldes, os fatos relativos ao negro foram encobertos. Portanto, o romance agencia os discursos ocultados pela historiografia com uma multiplicidade de vozes, que compõem a identidade nacional brasileira via o discurso oral dos negros da ilha de Itaparica – BA.


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This paper aims at investigating how and which theoretical aspects of linguistics are effective for implementing a Letters course directed across the educations of Portuguese language teachers. This study is anchored to a theoretical-methodological perspective of the French discourse analysis which dialogues with the History of Linguistic Ideas. Our analysis is carried out through a documental investigation of a corpus of analysis containing accounts on the Letters course, specifically at UNOCHAPECÓ-SC.


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The relationship between verbal and visual materiality in printed infographics is provided. The manner the verbal significant updates certain discursive memories may be understood when related to the visual significant is thus investigated. Whereas the object under investigation is an infographic of the magazine Saúde titled The virus that combats viruses; the analysis, which is based on a materialist theoretical stance, triggers the notions of memory and materiality. Content effect reiterates the functioning of the linguistic sign through the language’s literality within the word-thing relationship and it establishes itself within the visual stance while producing faithful effects with the real. When one investigates the manner discursive memory performs the relationship between the verbal and the visual in infographics, one understands that this relationship is established within the context of incompleteness of the above-mentioned types of materiality. It also occurs within the equivocation that verbal materiality may be complemented by the visual or that the image may faithfully represent the real. The formulation of infographics demands-updates-reaffirms a verbal faithfulness with the visual within a content relationship. Verbal interweaving (in explicatory graphics) with images (the visual) produces meaning effects that project language as an instrument, ideal in its transparency, and literally reveals the thing to which it refers.


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In this study we deal with the relations of constitutive powers of the ways of production of the senses for a constitution of urbanity in the Jesuitical missions. The composition of grammar of aboriginal languages permitted the uniformity and the pattern. The urbanism organized the space according to social, political and economic demands. Repetition and sequential movement made up a perfect time. The conditions of production to urbanity were made of rigorous discipline that organized chaos.


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Neste artigo, abordaremos como os modos de organizao do discurso narrativo e descritivo so engendrados na configurao discursiva das biografias. Ancorados na análise do discurso, desenvolvida por Patrick Charaudeau (1992, 2008), procuramos observar quais operaes linguageiras, narrativas e descritivas, foram adotadas para revelar a vida de um personagem. Como objeto de estudo, escolhemos as narrativas biogrficas: Olga, escrita por Fernando Morais, Condessa de Barral: a paixo do Imperador, escrita por Mary Del Priore, Carmen: uma biografia, escrita por Ruy Castro. Como resultados principais, observamos a presena dos papeis actanciais desempenhados pelos biografados em momentos centrais de suas vidas nascimento, ascenso profissional e morte. Os procedimentos de demarcao do tempo tendem a ser precisos e explcitos, principalmente pelo fato das biografias obedecerem a uma estruturao cronolgica. Quanto ao modo descritivo, nossas ponderaes recaem sobre os procedimentos de nomeao e qualificao usados para caracterizar os personagens.


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Mobilizing the notions of grammatization (AUROUX, 1992) and manualization (PUECH, 1998), we analyze two manuals in this work: Manual para o uso não sexista da linguagem: o que bem se diz bem se entende (2014, Brazil) and Nombra: la representación del femenino y el masculino en el lenguaje (1995, Spain). Both handbooks propose the use of inclusive language in which the female genre is placed in evidence in linguistic usage. Considering them as a technological tool as well as a sociocultural product of popularization of knowledge on the language, we intend to analyze how the proposal of such manuals which uphold non-sexist language, inclusive of gender, supported by laws, edicts – operates as a language policy, which seeks to control the use of language, feminizes the language and meets feminist demands that clamor for a legitimate position to women, whether in society or in its uses of the language when enunciating itself. KEYWORDS: Manuals - Non-sexist language - Woman


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Este texto apresenta uma resenha da obraFRONTEIRAS PLATINAS EM MATO GROSSO DO SUL (Brasil/Paraguai/Bolvia): biogeografias na arte, crtica biogrfica fronteiria, discurso indgena e literaturas de fronteira, escrita por Marcos Antnio Bessa-Oliveira, Edgar Czar Nolasco, Vnia Maria Lescano Guerra e Zlia Ramona Nolasco dos S. Freire. O livro,publicado pela Editora Pontes de Campinas, fruto de reflexes empreendidas ao longo dos anos por essespesquisadores do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), de diferentes universidades, acerca da crtica do pensamento fronteirio. A obra constituda de quatro captulos, alm de um prefcio e uma apresentao, em um total de seis textos. A partir de diferentes lugares enunciativos, os autores fomentam a importncia dos estudos que pensam os sujeitos marginalizados, no intuito de destacar as noes-chave que atravessam reflexes de intelectuais fronteirios e se apoiam, sobretudo, nosestudos ps-coloniais, epistemologias outras que constituem o ponto de partida para os estudos no mbito das artes, da literatura e da lingustica.


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Historicamente, o espanhol sempre esteve margem das polticas de ensino de línguas no Brasil. Entretanto, nos ltimos quatorze anos, vivenciamos dois processos que mudaram os rumos do ensino de línguas, a oficializao e a desoficializao do ensino do espanhol na educao bsica. Dessa forma, nosso objetivo discutir a(s) poltica(s) lingustica(s) que levaram oficializao e desoficializao do ensino do espanhol, bem como compreender, a exemplo do Amap, como se deu a implementao do ensino desta língua nas escolas da rede pblica. Para tanto, valemo-nos de discusses tericas de autores como Paraquett (2014, 2009), Rajagopalan (2016, 2014) e Lagares (2013). Assim, a partir dos dados que dispomos, possvel observar que a a falta de clareza da regulamentao estadual refletiu em uma dbia interpretao pelas escolas da rede pblica, o que possibilitou que o ensino do espanhol fosse utilizado inclusive para preenchimento de lacunas de horrios. Alm disso, cumprimento das polticas lingusticas est acima da preocupao com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, uma vez que a formao de professores tambm deveria fazer parte planejamento lingustico.