46 resultados para Personagem vampiro
RESUMO: Em Grande sertão: veredas, de Guimarães Rosa, há uma ligação intensa entre poesia e pensamento. Pretendemos com o presente texto especular, então, em torno dessa aproximação entre a poesia e o pensamento na obra do autor, partindo da narrativa do personagem e narrador Riobaldo. A linguagem como expressão do pensamento e da poesia é na obra de Guimarães Rosa, antes de tudo, saga, isto é, linguagem que mostra, que faz aparecer o real sem que, no entanto, se comunique nada a respeito desse mesmo real. Desta forma, a linguagem é o que em Grande sertão: veredas faz exceder a realidade para além de seus contornos, de suas margens.
Este artigo analisa o conto "O espelho", de autoria de Machado de Assis, do ponto de vista da categoria do espaço. Dessa maneira, nossa análise centra-se nas questões do espelho, da casa urbana e da casa na fazenda. A personagem envolvida por esses três espaços tenta resolver-se, superando o conflito dialético entre interior e exterior.
This paper analyzes the short story "Intruge-se" within the book Tutameia (1967) from the brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa. We shall approach the relation between the main character and a mystery involving a murder he decides to solve. The tale reveals a twofold perspective, that allows, not just bare reading, but a meditation about the human nature. We will tour the tale with thorough look and proposed to find, in the intricacies of writing rosiana, the multiple meanings that involve the actions and choices of the main character and how, through them, the author seeks to represent one of the most pressing questions of humanity. We intend to show how the aesthetic element acts in the formation of the individual, providing in addition to an objective experience of leisure, also a spontaneous learning ability which inexcusably enforces the reader's restlessness and need to reflect. This work is an observation about the story and what makes it what it is. Guimarães Rosa traces this story about subjectivity worlds, worlds that involve a context that triggers the story, which want to refer the reader out of it, which provides a spiral, by nature of its form, the most varied questions about the actions and feelings humans. The experiences with this observation, as well as those arising from variations, resulting in a rich learning, in that it enables and habituate critical eye, doubt and reflection. With that purpose, literature functions as a learning gear, according to what is sustained by Antonio Candido.
The literature on female authorship as a place for questions about the female, is one of the topics discussed in feminist theory and in this article will be reviewed by the trajectory of feminist thought in the contemporary context. This analysis will give from the novel Atire em Sofia (1989), the writer Sonia Coutinho. This perspective will be appointed after the rupture of the central character, Sophie, with tradition and with the subjugation of his body. The narrative discusses the status of women, which has always worked in phallocentric discourse, the signifier always referred to the meaning, signaling that it is time to reverse the situation and take over the deed to her sign her own story. To this end, we will use as a base, feminism, women and writing changes over the centuries that resulted in gender studies.
The advertisements are a discursive genre that are meant to promote a brand, product or service attracting investors and / or customers. Its constitution strategies are varied: ranging from humor to the controversy. This feature allows each advertisement reaches the public in a different way, generating empathy, moving reviews, discussions etc. Because of this social relevance, this study aims to analyze two advertisements of Havaianas sandals, aired on television and the internet, in the months of August and September 2009. These pieces had as main character an elderly: (i) in the first interaction situation with his granddaughter; and (ii) the second to the viewer. In the latter, referred to the answer given by the public on the contents of the first piece. The interest in these parts is related to the controversy generated about the old character and his speech. From the interactionist perspective, based on the conceptual framework of Bakhtin and his Circle, proposes to examine the discursive process initiated by the enunciation of these parts in order to describe elements rooted in shared social knowledge about the elderly. Thus, we mobilized the concepts of dialogism, interaction and axiological concepts of discourse. The analysis of the specimens shows that the representation of the elderly as a partner responsible for a more liberal discourse on emotional and sexual life is not yet part of the social horizon of the Brazilian public. His appearance generates dialogue with the public (albeit to receive criticism) that concerns this brand interactions.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of Brazilian women’s search for equality, concerning cultural and social areas over five centuries. Oppression, submission and silence used to be common words for women during this period in the history. The extreme patriarchal system and the sexism in different areas of society prevented the female rights from expressing their opinions. This study process involved the research on significant articles, books and magazines related to gender equalities. The present achievements of women in the country are due to the work of feminist movements supported in Cultural Studies and Gender Theories that led women to represent an equal role in the society. As a result, women in the twentieth century got rid of the sexist oppression and besides producing remarkable writings, they improved their identities revealing themselves as skilful people able to contribute to the literary canon as well as diligent professional in education, politics and different areas of society in the postwar period.
Este artigo apresenta uma análise do fenômeno do hibridismo no romance A Terra do Fogo (2001), da escritora argentina Sylvia Iparraguirre (1947-). Este romance descreve a história por meio da percepção de John William Guevara, personagem e narrador mestiço, filho de mãe crioula argentina e de pai inglês, que relata a trajetória do iamana, Jemmy Button, personagem principal. Trata-se de uma tentativa de identificar, nessa obra literária, alguns elementos que caracterizam o hibridismo cultural, analisando-os a partir dos referenciais teóricos dos estudos históricos e sociológicos. Dentre os temas de estudo da linguagem literária e das interpretações sociológicas no romance A Terra do Fogo, destacam-se a história da colonização da América e o processo de hibridização, pelo qual o romance se constitui. Considerando a necessidade de narrar uma nova versão dessa história, Iparraguirre, em A Terra do Fogo, apresenta a dupla face da Patagônia no século XIX. De um lado, a extensão austral da região, ligada ao mapa da nação; de outro, o seu território, desligado do poder político e administrativo da Confederação Argentina, o que possibilitava que o império britânico tomasse posse desse espaço, sendo assim reconhecido como um agente que inaugura a região. A mistura cultural gerada pelo povo nativo e os recém chegados sugere o se entende como cultura hibrida. Nessa direção, as manifestações culturais oriundas dessa mistura são, contemporaneamente, denominadas também hibridas e nelas inclui-se a literatura. A leitura da obra A Terra do Fogo possibilitou refletir sobre o processo de colonização, a partir do olhar do subalterno, apresentando, ao mesmo tempo, duas culturas que se entrecruzam, a dos nativos da Patagônia e a dos ingleses, decorrendo desse entrecruzamento uma cultura hibrida.
Two Clara dos Anjos and one Rosa: identity and representation of black woman in Brazilian Literature
This article presents an analysis of identity and representations of black women in the tales Keep Secret Esmeralda Ribeiro, Rosa and Fusilier and Voices d'Rachel de Queiroz Africa. The story of Esmeralda Ribeiro black author, published in Cadernos Negros: the best short stories (1998) reexamines Clara dos Anjos, Lima Barreto's novel character written between 1904 and 1922. In this work, the author lays bare, in a confessional tone, the daily life of Rio suburbs, from the perspective of racial prejudice, and is the protagonist as a passive woman, submissive, an object. Emerald, black writer, gives Clara a condition of the subject, building an identity as a woman and as a black. It is the chronicle of belonging. Rosa and the Marine and Voices of Africa Rose protagonist appointing chronic-tale first is the outcome of its history in the second text, both published in the first Rachel de Queiroz of chronic compilation entitled The Maiden and Moura Pie (1948 ). Rachel is the text representation of black women because they can not as white women have the lived experience as black to build identity and can do it in generalizing way considering his wife condition and his experience in the feminine universe. There are relations between the texts that go beyond the theme, Space Rio suburb and similarities between Rosa and Clara, Cassi and the Marines. You can see the works a dialogue between sex and race interests, identities and stereotypes, relationships that materialize in Literature.
This article aims to analyze the book Bufo & Spallanzani (1985), of the Brazilian writer Ruben Fonseca, in order to observe how it approaches and/or departs from some characteristics attributed to the Detective Novel, particularly in light of Tzvetan Todorov's theory. For that, this reading turns to the study of the multifaceted figure of the narrator, who is, at the same time, writer and murderer. Therefore, it aims to clarify what are the implications, aesthetic and/or otherwise, of the voice given to the killer-writer, as well as what is the role of the detective in the condiction of a secondary character.
O presente trabalho procura interpretar a novela A Construção de Franz Kafka e na mesma medida estabelece relação do personagem dessa novela com o personagem JK de O Processo. Esse estudo de interpretação vale-se das cartas, diários e obras do autor, que são transfigurados em imagens e em movimento das confluências temporais do monólogo interior do personagem de A Construção. A Linguagem de Kafka é repleta de ambiguidades; nesse emaranhado universo de significações repousa uma série de alusões que consideramos fazer parte de seu mundo. Assim, os temas recorrentes em sua obra, tais como: os personagens transfigurados em animais, o sacrifício, a violência e a culpa surgem no interior desse estudo. Interpretar A Construção constitui uma experiência cultural de aproximações de mundos e linguagens tensas e, no fluxo do monólogo interior, somos transportados para uma narração dispersa que se materializa em imagens das ruínas que rodeiam o homem e a civilização.
This paper aims to discuss the construction of the image of Conchita character within the novel La femme et le Pantin, written by Pierre Louÿs in 1898, along with reference works and translations of literature, painting and film. Work genre romance unconfessable presents relational features the seduction and the making of the feminine about the subversion of the ideals of womanhood in the fin-de-sciècle, using the idiosyncrasy of the physical body and the Spanish character, before the traditional values of the time, and how about overcoming the idea of courtly love. This process meant that these elements interact continuously among themselves, establishing itself as a new perspective to the construction of the female character in his fiction. Thus, this discussion takes place on different aspects of development, from the direct reading of the authors and the novel as a basis, considering the character alive as a result of the relationship between memory, culture and time.
The question of identity is in vogue, in social theory, in the political practices, and for sure, in language studies. In many ways and under various approaches, it has been problematized. In this paper, we are especially interested in the relationship between identity and its representation as a discursive production. The identity refers to a set of own characteristics for those the subject is recognizable and known in society, while the subject is constructed by the speeches that forms itself. Thus, under the bias of Discourse Analysis and considering the perspective of Cultural Studies, we will observe the speech about the identity of genre in some strips of Muriel, a character created by Laertes, a cartoonist who in 2009 adopted the practice of crossdressing. The choice for this subject was mainly motivated by the current thematic aspects exposed in the strips, for mobilizing various discourses and discuss, through art and humor, a remarkable and controversial experience in our society. Our goal is to observe in which ways their strips reveal a need for exposure, information and affirmation about a certain identity practice, and from that, examine the discursive practices that constitute - and also contribute - to an specific identity. We understand that Laertes’ personal experience has motivated the discourse conveyed in his recent work. An expression and exposure about his identity that tells from himself and also to himself and from many people to many others.
Based on the fantastic narrative, this paper aims to present an analysis of the short story “Sonata”, from Erico Verissimo, which is part of his work Fantoches e outros contos, originally published in 1932. This is the first book published by this author, the only one of his own composed just by short stories. For the purpose of this paper, first of all, it is clarified the concept of fantastic narrative, according to the understanding of some authors – as Todorov (1979), Rodrigues (1988) and Calvino (2004) –, and, furthermore, it is briefly discussed the concepts of strange and marvelous, which contributes to the definition of fantastic. It is also mentioned aspects related to the emergence of fantastic and the reasons of its existence. To verify this element in the narrative, it is required a strange or supernatural event and, also, the hesitation of the reader and of a character. Besides, this kind of narrative involves a certain way of interpretation – the way that the reader faces the events presented by the story contributes to support the fantastic. After these considerations, it is presented a thorough analysis of the short story “Sonata”, which has music as a guide and presents the point of view of its main character, who is not named. That is the story of a young piano teacher that, in the context of World War II, moved by the desire of escaping from reality, gets immerse in old newspapers. In his reading, he finds out an ad from 1912, the year he was born, which requests the services of a piano teacher. From that moment on, a journey to the past starts, and, then, it is possible to verify the presence of several elements that point to the fantastic and allow the reader to experience the hesitation, such as the theory here in use indicates.
Marques Rebelo adopts the suburban areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro as a privileged space to situate his narratives, choosing individuals who represent the lower classes of society as characters. These characters, given the precarious nature of their condition, living in border situation between order and disorder, oscillate between hope and disillusion, sometimes glimpsing the remote possibility of upward mobility, now threatened by the fear of poverty and marginality. By doing this, the writer puts into scene two different social worlds living side by side and peacefully: those who seek to live according to the values of the bourgeois social order and those who transgress the laws and moral principles and live by artifices and illegal means. This article examines some aspects of the short story "Oscarina", trying to understand how the worlds of order and disorder, or work and trickery are configured in narrative form through the trajectory of the character Jorge, the protagonist of the story. We seek to demonstrate that the boundaries between the two supposedly antagonistic universes are eventually diluted by the movement of the protagonist, who moves between the two spaces, which communicate and intertwined dialectically.
This article analyses how John Dos Passos’s Brazil on the Move (1963) exemplifies the conventions of travel writing, on the one hand, and how it departs from them, on the other, in its representation of a foreign country and of its culture. I intend to discuss the relevance of this combination of literary genres in this book, considering the writer’s background, his writing techniques and the ideology/ies underlying his work.