286 resultados para Education research
This research explored perceptions of Indo-Caribbean protégés in cross-cultural mentoring experiences with White, Black, Black Cherokee, Indian and Hispanic mentors. Environmental forces, mentor influences, and knowledge sharing shaped these relationships. This research implies that mentors’ and protégés’ understanding of each others’ values, beliefs, and attitudes enhance outcomes of the relationship.
The purpose of this study was to develop knowledge domains and an instrument to assess probation officers’ knowledge levels of offenders with intellectual disabilities by utilizing a synthesis of subject matter analysis technique and a comprehensive review of literature. Results can be used to develop effective training for probation officers.
This research creates a literature review. It investigates the viability of a using Foucauldian critical analysis in creating an educational history. It examines historical methods in education and Foucauldian theory looking for commonalities and offers suggestions on the usage of Foucault in creating history in education.
This paper offers an overview of existing definitions and theoretical frameworks for digital literacy. The researcher makes recommendations for an agreed upon definition and theoretical framework and discusses implications for a relationship between digital and visual literacy skills.
Societal norms for gender and sexual identity and practices tend to be heteronormative or homonormative, often privileging individuals belonging to the normative population. Viewing human resource development through a queer lens can suggest ways to support work environments that welcome all identities.
Bullying is a pervasive phenomenon. This study examined what teachers think encourages bullying among young people, and what effects teachers believe reader response strategies would have on their students. The study found teachers implementing reader response strategies in discussing literature were able to influence behavior in students and reduce bullying.
Through action research, the researchers engaged a group of third grade children in a project that offered a variety of learning activities to develop the children’s perspective-taking ability. As a result the teachers found a significant increase in the emotional connection of the students to the characters in the literature.
The literary experience allows for subjectivities of individuals to flourish, a characteristic which makes this experience essential to readers’ self-concept development. This paper gives an overview of the empirical and theoretical literature that relates the literary experience (including both narrative literature and narratives of the self) to readers’ personal growth.
Some were born to do math, some persevered past fearful environments, while others withdrew. In this qualitative study, adults describe life with algebra and the meaning they sought. For all, pedagogy was critical, either positively or negatively; and all found salvation in intervention.
Today, individuals communicate easier and faster due to accessibility of the Internet. However, when employees are distracted with social media, it can become a concern for organizations. This paper reviews literature concerning social media and its implications at workplaces, and provides recommendations to control it, using Adams’ equity theory (1963).
Rising health care costs are causing some employers to assess and regulate the health behaviors of their employees. Different approaches and levels of non-smoking regulations are discussed, and the legal parameters and challenges of regulating employees’ private behaviors are explored.
A Learning Assistant program that recruits strong STEM undergraduates to become mathematics teachers was explored through a qualitative study. Three program participants were purposely selected and interviewed. The program reaffirmed one participant’s choice to become a teacher and clarified for one that it might be a career for him.
Using a multiple baseline across subject areas design, the effect of a package intervention consisting of the Picture Exchange Communication System and differential reinforcement of alternative behavior to decrease screaming behavior of a child with autism was examined. Results showed that the intervention decreased the screaming behavior of the participant.
This study investigated the proposition density, sentence and clause type usage and non-finite verbal usage in two college textbooks. The teaching implications are presented.
Formal education programs in prisons have had success in reducing recidivism, but the introduction of informal learning can have additional benefits and longer lasting effects. This paper addresses recidivism and its effects on inmates and society at large and how prison educators can facilitate self-directed learning in prisons through Garrison’s model.