475 resultados para Hoffmann


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The consumption of minimally processed vegetables has been growing due to consumer demand for products easy to prepare. As it is extremely manipulated, this product can be contaminated with spoilage organisms such as yeasts, that have the ability to decrease the shelf life of food. In this sense, seeking to concerns about the resistance of microorganisms to sanitation methods for food industries and given the need for more studies of the antimicrobial power of ozone, this study aimed to isolate and identify the yeasts present in minimally processed vegetables, and check their antimicrobial resistance to sodium hypochlorite and ozone. 84 samples of minimally processed vegetables were collected. From them, 47 yeast cultures were isolated and submitted for identification and testing of resistance to sodium hypochlorite sanitizers (50, 100, 200 and 400 ppm) and ozone (0.25 and 0.5 ppm). From the total yeast isolated, 85.1% corresponds to Cryptococcus laurentii, 12.8% to Arxula adeninivorans and 2.1% to Debaryomyces hansenii var. fabryii. All of them were resistant to the sanitizers sodium hypochlorite and ozone at all concentrations tested. Given these observations, some actions must be taken during processing to avoid contamination with deteriorative microbiota.


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Foods are susceptible to be contaminated with several etiologic agents, which can lead to the development of illnesses, triggered by pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins. Food prepared and improperly stored can be the diseases vehicle. This study aimed at evaluating the sanitary conditions in preparing free school meals in the nursery schools, located in a city of the state of São Paulo. This study was conducted by performing microbiological analyses of samples collected from hands of workers responsible for preparing food, and of the water samples used for cleansing and preparing foods. The kitchen physical, structural and cleaning conditions were assessed by means of a checklist. This study analyzed 31 samples from worker hands swab, and 21 samples of water collected from three school kitchens. This study pointed out that the food handlers training should be improved, and a peremptory control of the water used for food preparation purpose should be established. Also, this study showed that the evaluated schools maintain the respective kitchens in a good standard of conservation and cleanliness.


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Lately, the acceptability of fermented dairy beverages has been increased, due to the nutritional benefits, the practical consumption and the low cost of product for the manufacturers, and consequently for final market price to the consumers. During the manufacturing process, these products can be susceptible to microbiological contamination. The present study investigated the contaminant microbiota in fermented dairy beverages produced by small- and medium-sized companies, by means of analyses on moulds and yeasts counting, determination of the Most Probable Number (MPN) of total and thermo tolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. detection, and determination of pH value. In spite of the absence of Salmonella spp., a high counts of yeasts and moulds were found, and E. coli was detected in five samples (16.67 %); and the sample were classified as “products in poor sanitary conditions”, because they showed thermo-tolerant coliforms counting higher than the standard established by the legislation in force. Therefore, quality programs such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) should be employed to prevent any contamination risk, in order to provide safe products to consumers.


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In the period from July 2009 to October 2010, fecal samples from 61 animals and 154 humans from the municipality of Aracatuba (São Paulo State, Brazil) were studied. Fecal samples from animals were collected in the Municipal Animal Shelter and the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Estadual Paulista. Human fecal specimens were collected in playschools in the outskirts of the city by the private network of clinical analysis laboratories of the municipal. Diagnosis was done by optical microscopy using the Faust and Hoffmann, Pons and Janer techniques. The genotypes of Giardia intestinalis were characterized by PCR-RFLP and confirmed by sequencing the ß-giardin gene. Human specimens were positive in 25.3% (39/154) of the cases with 26.8% (36/134) of the specimens from children and 15% (3/20) from adults being positive. The frequency of G. intestinalis among the animals was 23.0% (14/61). A total of 32 isolates of G. intestinalis obtained from human feces and six from dogs and cats were characteristic of the A genotype (AI and AII/AIII). The results of this study in respect to frequency of giardiasis are similar to reported in most studies in Brazil. The prevalence observed in animal populations conforms to worldwide infection rates. G. intestinalis genotypes considered zoonotic were detected in both pets and humans from the city of Aractuba, suggesting a possible zoonotic transmission of the parasite in the northwestern region of São Paulo State. The absence of these genotypes in farm animals may imply that they are not involved in the chain of transmission to humans in this region.


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As bebidas lácteas fermentadas são produtos formulados contendo iogurte, soro de leite, polpa de frutas, além de outras matérias-primas e aditivos permitidos. O produto final deve apresentar os micro-organismos de forma viável e abundante. Sua popularidade vem aumentando significativamente, principalmente devido aos seus benefícios nutricionais, ao menor custo do produto para o fabricante, à redução do preço final para o consumidor e por apresentar baixa viscosidade, sendo consumida como bebida suave e refrescante. Apesar do processo de fabricação ser considerado simples, utilizando-se principalmente os equipamentos disponíveis nas indústrias lácteas, estes produtos podem estar sujeitos à contaminação microbiana, quando não atendidas as condições elementares de higiene e sanidade. Tal contaminação pode ser representada por leveduras, coliformes totais, termotolerantes e bolores. Considerando os aspectos mencionados, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de bebidas lácteas fermentadas, com adição de polpas de frutas, comercializadas na região de São José do Rio Preto û SP, por meio das seguintes análises microbiológicas: contagem de bolores e leveduras, determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes totais, temotolerantes e pesquisa de Escherichia coli e de Salmonella spp. Foi ainda efetuada a determinação do pH eletrométrico. Após a obtenção dos resultados verificou-se que 20% das amostras analisadas não atenderam ao padrão microbiológico estabelecido na legislação vigente, para coliforme termotolerentes, evidenciando positividade na pesquisa de Escherichia coli, sendo por este motivo, considerados como produtos em condições sanitárias insatisfatórias, portanto, produtos impróprios para o consumo humano.(AU)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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El ilustrador francés Jacques Callot (1592-1635) representó personajes de la Commedia dell’Arte en su obra Balli di Sfessania (1616-1620), compuesta por 24 figuras. Esas imágenes se caracterizan por mostrar personajes en movimiento, teniendo al fondo escenas de la realidad italiana. El romántico alemán E. T. A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) insirió en sus cuentos y romances muchos elementos que remiten a las obras tanto de otros escritores como de pintores y músicos. Callot fue visitado por por Hoffmann en varias de sus publicaciones, entre ellas el cuento “Princesa Brambilla” (1821),que posee ocho imágenes directamente elaboradas a partir del modelo de Callot en Balli di Sfessania. Esas imágenes, sin embargo, no representan meras “ilustraciones” con respecto a la historia. Mucho más que ello, las imágenes demuestran como Hoffmann interpretaba las figuras de Callot y, como ellas sintetizaron la relación del escritor con Italia ( país que siempre deseó, pero nunca logró visitarlo) y con el arte pictórica.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of residues of sodium hypo-chlorite gel, chlorhexidine gel, and EDTA gel on dentina l walls after canal preparat ion throughchemical SEM- elemental chemical microanal ys is (EDS) analysis. Forty-eight single-rootedteeth were selected. They had their crowns sectioned and were instrumented with a reciprocat-ing system. The canals were irrigated with 5 mL of saline solution during root canal preparation.After instrumentation, the root canals were irrigated with 3 mL 17% EDTA followed by 1 min ofultrasonic passive activation (33 20 sec) to remove the smear layer, and then irrigated with3 mL of saline solution. The specimens were randomized into three groups (n 5 12) accord ing tothe chemical substance that filled the root canal for 30 min: GI: 5.5% sodium hypochlorite gel;GII: 2% chlorhexidine gel; GIII: 24% EDTA gel; Negative c ontrol group: no substance was used.Then, the root canals were irrigated with 6 mL of saline solution followed by 1 min of ultrasonicpassive activation (33 20 sec). After ultrasonic activation , the canals were irrigated with 2 mLsaline. The roots were sect ioned, and the perce ntage of each chemical element present in thesamples was analyzed through chemi cal SEM-EDS microanalysis. All expe rimental groupsshowed a significantly higher percentage of chemical elements (Na and/or Cl) than the controlgroup (P < 0.03). This in vitro study has shown that, regardless of chemical solutions used evenafter the final irrigation protocol, chemical residues of d ifferent substances remained attached tothe r oot c anal wa lls. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:495–49 9, 2015.