70 resultados para TRADUTOR
E o relato de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre as traduções do Conto Branca de Neve dos Irmãos Grimm, realizadas por Monteiro Lobato e Tatiana Belinky. Enfoca a importância da tradução de contos infantis no começo do século vinte e de Monteiro Lobato nesse exercício. Realizamos uma análise comparativa das traduções com base em referenciais teóricos sobre tradução. Abordamos também o uso dessas traduções como importante ferramenta pedagógica.
O artigo aborda os problemas decorrentes da tradução de textos machadianos, tarefa que, via de regra, esbarra no estilo peculiar do autor e na visão preconcebida do tradutor.
Seeking to contribute to the research of classical Greek and Roman translations into Portuguese and to the reception of these texts in Brazilian literature, this study intends to inventory, study and promote the work of translation of José Feliciano de Castilho, a distinguished Luso-Brazilian who has lived in Rio de Janeiro from 1847 until his death in 1879. Focusing on the poetic translations of Catullus, this study shows our intent to put together the learning of Latin language and approaches of history of translation
This paper analyzes the growing adoption of translation tools by the contemporary translator working for markets such as the localization industry. The fast turnaround pace of translation of electronic texts ends up conditioning the employment of translators to their ability to use the resources provided by tools such as translation memories systems efficiently. These systems, as envisioned in their early conception, would allow users to increase productivity and, simultaneously, standardize their terminological production. Seeking to go beyond the predominantly descriptive approaches of these tools, some theoretical assumptions upholding the use of translation memories are examined. From this perspective, the translator’s involvement with the work in progress is analyzed, mainly when this professional is part of a larger process of production and distribution of information by electronic means and for diverse audiences. Ultimately, the consequences of the employment of these tools are taken into consideration, such as those between translator/translation and translator/client, as well as the extension of the responsibility of the translator dedicated to developing partially automated translations.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the paratexts, mainly prefaces and notes, written by translators on writings of foreigners' travels in Brazil, with the purpose of evidencing which perspective guided their translations, if the perspective of the foreign author is adopted or if it is that of the domestic reader. The works examined were published by the Brazilian publishing house Companhia Editora Nacional in the Brasiliana Colllection. Most of the translators adopted a welcoming discourse to the author in their prefaces, but their prefaces, translations and notes reveal a certain tension between what they stated and what was effectively done, with moments of rupture in which the author's meanings are questioned and even denied. According to my analysis, this happens because the several forces acting on the translation, the author, the translator and the text to be translated, the languages involved, the reader are not working linearly, but in constant tension. As a result, different perspectives are adopted in different translations, but in the same translation there are moments in which the foreign pole is privileged and moments in which the domestic pole emerges.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the translation of the work by the translator-traveller Richard Francis Burton, Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil, with a full account of the gold and diamond mines, made by Américo Jacobina Lacombe, trying to relate the work of the latter to the editorial goals of the Brasiliana Collection. As a subseries of the Biblioteca Pedagógica Brasileira [Brazilian Pedagogical Library] published by Companhia Editora Nacional, Brasiliana was conceived in agreement with the 1930s and 1940s policies to expand lay education and make it possible for Brazilians to get to better know the greatness of their country. The paper will focus on the numerous translator’s notes, since many of them reveal Lacombe’s didactic purpose of informing readers about Brazilian history and geography. The analysis also examines the effacement of Burton’s translations from Portuguese into English in his book.
This paper analyzes how machine translation has changed the way translation is conceived and practiced in the information age. From a brief review of the early designs of machine translation programs, I discuss the changes implemented in the past decades in these systems to combine mechanical processing and the accessory work by the translator.
The present article gets organized around two main axles. The first one briefly presents a discussion of aspects related to the study of epistolary documents as research source and discusses some issues of the correspondence exchanged between João Guimarães Rosa and his German translator Curt Meyer-Clason. In the sequence, elements are presented that, on basis of an analysis of published and unpublished letters, lead one to the consideration of work points and author’s poiësis aspects not yet openly considered by the specialized criticism on him.
Within the De optimum genere oratorum we can find the statements of a Rhetoric of Translation (106-43 B. C.) where Cicero defines a set of discursive rules considered necessary for an efficient translatorial act. As his ideas about translation are reviewed, this article aims to present some important theoretical aspects of Cicero’s thought and to display his practice through the commentary of a short excerpt from Homer translated by him.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Por meio da utilização de corpus de textos técnicos, jornalísticos e literários escritos originalmente em inglês e traduzidos para o português, pode-se efetuar uma análise das soluções propostas pelos tradutores ao lidarem com semelhanças e diferenças lingüísticas e culturais dos textos de partida e de chegada. Com esse intuito, aplicou-se o modelo descritivo-comparativo sugerido por Aubert (1984, 1998), o qual se origina das categorias de Vinay e Darbelnet ([1958, 1977] 1995), a fim de, primeiramente, identificar e, depois, classificar os procedimentos ou modalidades empregadas na tradução desses gêneros textuais. Registraram-se como modalidades de maior incidência nos três corpora: a tradução literal, a transposição e a modulação. em virtude de a alta freqüência da tradução literal ocorrer em textos técnicos e, contrariamente ao esperado, incidir com proporção ainda maior em textos jornalísticos, poder-se-ia inferir uma tendência para automatismos na tradução desses dois tipos de textos. Já a necessidade de um emprego acentuado da modulação e da transposição com modulação em textos literários poderia ser decorrente de uma participação mais ativa do tradutor na tentativa de escapar da literalidade e proceder a uma maior reelaboração, a fim de passar características normalmente associadas à linguagem do romance.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE