62 resultados para Cidadão

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The public management reform in Brazil, since 1995, provoked new experiences in public administration. Among the new models of public service the one-stop shopping has distinguished and was adopted at Rio Grande do Norte with the Citizens Center Program. The one-stop shopping assembles in the same place many public services with appropriate structure, enabled human resources and citizens focus processes. The goal of this research was understand how citizens focus processes help to explain Citizens Center Program s longevity. It was made a case study and the research tools were applied with Citizen Center Programs workers and citizen-users at South Unit of Citizen Center Program placed at Via Direta Mall, Natal. The major contributions for Citizen Center Program s longevity were imputed to Basic Operation Processes. The most spoken features in Citizen Center Program mentioned were quality, efficiency, celerity e personal appearance, what demonstrate concern and care with citizen-users. Worker s personal appearance, accommodation, celerity, politeness and attending capacity planning were high evaluated by citizen-users revealing the wisely choice of use a large quality concept and citizenship concept in public administration. Citizen-users also pointed the necessity of refine and enlarge the communication ways that form an essential mechanism to public citizen focus administration. Not ignoring the policy aspect citizen focus processes were noticed like especial management actions that make easier citizen s activities and public service access, what generate satisfaction to citizen-users. It s possible to conclude that the high level approving evaluation of Citizen Center Program consolidates it an especial public policy that serves citizen s necessities e create appropriate legitimacy conditions of the public policy making harder the choice of ending the policy even in more fragile moments strongly contributing for its longevity


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The study analyzes the changes occurring in the professional qualification of the Nursing Technician in the Natal School of Nursing. It provides a historical discussion of Brazilian professional education, of the pertinent legislation in this type of teaching, and the repercussions related to the institutionalization of the Educational Directives Law. It interprets the discourse of the graduates of the complementary course of nursing auxiliary to nursing technician, for the year 2002, using the collective subject analysis and individual interviews. These revealed changes in the areas of knowledge-learning, knowledge-doing, knowledge-being, and an awakening to other changes besides the challenges being confronted. In this sense, nursing as a participant in a society that is effervescent with process changes, interacts socially, politically and professionally in this context, able to experience advances and retrogrades, depending on its political competency


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This thesis deals with the quality dimensions and factors affecting citizens satisfaction in the participatory budgeting process in a major city of Brazil. Participatory budgeting was introduced as a usual practice in many Brazilian cities since the 1990s. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of customer satisfaction and loyalty antecedent factors with constructs related to governance also included, to evaluate the quality perception and satisfaction rates by citizens representatives in the participatory budgeting process. It is conducted a survey with a sample of 84 citizens representatives of the seven city regions of Natal, the capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil. It is applied descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to quality and governance constructs are that the quality factors are the main factors affecting satisfaction but also the tax construct is significative to satisfaction. More regarding it was found that for different perspective of the satisfaction there are different set of factors affecting it


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Los cambios sociales y culturales que caracterizan el mundo contemporáneo sorprendieron estudiosos de todas las áreas. Los avances tecnológicos principalmente en el área de transmisión de informaciones revolucionaron las nociones de tiempo y espacio. Nuevos medios de comunicación, favorecidos principalmente por la llegada de Internet, abrieron espacios de expresión para ciudadanos deseosos de ser oídos. Aún coexistiendo con los medios de comunicación tradicionales, los nuevos espacios representan una oportunidad de libertad de expresión, de interacción sin mediaciones y de construcción de contenidos independientes. Movimientos sociales se organizan a través de estos nuevos medios de comunicación y desarrollan un activismo que comienza en forma virtual y se extiende a movilizaciones presenciales. Castells (2009) llama de auto comunicación de masas a ese proceso de producir y difundir informaciones que antes era propiedad exclusiva de los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Natal, fue escenario de la gestación y articulación virtual de un movimiento denominado Fora Micarla cuyo objetivo ha sido lograr el impeachment de la alcaldesa de la ciudad, Micarla de Souza. Aunque el objetivo principal no fue alcanzado, el movimiento formó parte de los procesos de cambio social que llevaron los ciudadanos al ciberactivismo. El Fora Micarla se constituye también como un cambio social en sí mismo al colaborar en la consolidación de la identidad colectiva de un grupo de jóvenes universitarios en busca de justicia social. El Twitter fue el principal canal de expresión del grupo y responsable por la rápida expansión de las movilizaciones. El Abordaje Sociológico y Comunicacional del Discurso (ASCD) ha aportado el marco teórico de referencia utilizado en esta investigación. La Comunicación para el Cambio Social (GUMUCIO, 2008) y la Sociología Aplicada al Cambio Social (SACO, 2006) así como los estudios del sujeto y de las identidades (BAJOIT, 2006) forman la base de la ASCD para un estudio más completo de las prácticas discursivas. Considerando que el objeto de estudio son las manifestaciones discursivas de los usuarios simpatizantes del Movimiento Fora Micarla , y que la ASCD es un brazo del Análisis Crítico del Discurso, se hace necesario un análisis lingüístico de los textos. La Gramática Sistémica Funcional, a través del Sistema de Evaluación desarrollado por Martin and White (2004), ofrece los recursos para evaluar las manifestaciones por medio de tuítes de los integrantes del movimiento. La representación de los actores sociales (VAN LEUWEEN, 1998) complementa el análisis discursivo crítico de la ASCD. El empoderamiento ciudadano se materializa por medio de los cambios conquistados a través de los nuevos medios


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Among the numerous policy changes that the world has experienced in recent years, occupies a prominent place in the quest for greater transparency of public agencies. Transparency has been an important tool in the accountability of the State to promote greater participation of the society by providing information that was previously restricted knowledge of public agencies. Brazil, following this trend, promulgated in May 2012 the Access to Information Act that seeks to disclose the actions of the State at all levels, in all public administration agencies. On the same day of the enactment of the law is provided society with a site that is empowering citizens to make their requests for information to government agencies. The Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which at that time had no a tool to assist them in managing this demand. This project has the objective to describe, build and implement a solution to solve this problem using Design Science Research as methodology. As result, the solution built in this research became a new module of the institution s ERP became it capable to control the entire process, and will be helpful to others partners which use our system ERP


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Nos últimos anos, o tema velhice tem despertado mais a atenção de diversos setores da sociedade. O resultado disso é o aumento de reportagens, artigos, monografias, dissertações e teses sobre ele.O Brasil está caminhando para se tornar a sexta população de idosos no mundo, fruto do grande avanço tecnológico, intensificado na segunda metade do século XX, facilitando as conquistas da medicina, da saúde e da genética. Vale salientar que essa problemática está inserida em um contexto social, político e econômico específico, que é o da resignificação do poder local. É nessa conjuntura que situamos o presente trabalho, que é um estudo sobre a avaliação de políticas públicas. Nesse sentido, procuramos analisar a efetividade do Programa Idoso Cidadão, da Prefeitura Municipal de Mossoró. O quadro de referência teórico-metodológico situa-se na revisão da literatura sobre terceira idade, poder local e avaliação de políticas públicas, observação assistemática; e entrevista semi-estruturada com os gestores, os profissionais envolvidos e particularmente com os usuários do Programa, tendo como meta averiguar como esses agentes percebem a implementação e os resultados do Programa. Com este tratamento conceitual foi possível apreender as condições em que se deu o estudo sobre a efetividade do referido programa para o processo de inclusão dos idosos na sociedade. O Programa Idoso Cidadão é, sem dúvida, um avanço no trabalho com os idosos e na inclusão destes na sociedade. É um espaço para a construção da cidadania, embora apresente muitas limitações, principalmente na área física e no quadro profissional. Constatou-se que, de modo geral, o Programa atende às necessidades básicas de sua clientela. Portanto podemos dizer que a avaliação da efetividade dessa política de atendimento ao idoso se mostrou eficaz, uma vez que podemos perceber o quanto o programa é importante para a vida de seus usuários, promovendo a elevação de sua auto-estima e de sua aceitação como categoria social


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The public management reform in Brazil, since 1995, provoked new experiences in public administration. Among the new models of public service the one-stop shopping has distinguished and was adopted at Rio Grande do Norte with the Citizens Center Program. The one-stop shopping assembles in the same place many public services with appropriate structure, enabled human resources and citizens focus processes. The goal of this research was understand how citizens focus processes help to explain Citizens Center Program s longevity. It was made a case study and the research tools were applied with Citizen Center Programs workers and citizen-users at South Unit of Citizen Center Program placed at Via Direta Mall, Natal. The major contributions for Citizen Center Program s longevity were imputed to Basic Operation Processes. The most spoken features in Citizen Center Program mentioned were quality, efficiency, celerity e personal appearance, what demonstrate concern and care with citizen-users. Worker s personal appearance, accommodation, celerity, politeness and attending capacity planning were high evaluated by citizen-users revealing the wisely choice of use a large quality concept and citizenship concept in public administration. Citizen-users also pointed the necessity of refine and enlarge the communication ways that form an essential mechanism to public citizen focus administration. Not ignoring the policy aspect citizen focus processes were noticed like especial management actions that make easier citizen s activities and public service access, what generate satisfaction to citizen-users. It s possible to conclude that the high level approving evaluation of Citizen Center Program consolidates it an especial public policy that serves citizen s necessities e create appropriate legitimacy conditions of the public policy making harder the choice of ending the policy even in more fragile moments strongly contributing for its longevity


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The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power


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New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los avances y límites de las políticas de accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal. Se investigan las políticas publicas municipales de accesibilidad implantadas en los diez años subsecuentes, a partir de la sanción de la Ley Municipal de Accesibilidad Nº 4.090 del 03 de junio de 1992, que torna obligatorio la eliminación de las barreras arquitectónicas para personas con discapacidades en los lugares de circulación de peatones y edificios de uso público de la ciudad. Accesibilidad, en los proyectos de arquitectura y urbanismo es la condición esencial para asegurar a cualquier ciudadano su derecho a ir y venir con seguridad, dignidad y autonomía. Esta investigación se concentra en los barrios de: ciudad alta, Petrópolis y Ribeira, ya que esta área, en el período ya mencionado, fue la que tuvo una mayor concentración del presupuesto de inversiones públicas municipales de la ciudad de Natal, en la eliminación de barreras arquitectónicas en vías urbanas. El método adoptado fue el hipotético deductivo, a partir de la formulación de dos hipótesis de trabajo: la primera, una divergencia entre los objetivos propuestos por la Ley Nº 4.090 y sus aplicaciones prácticas y, la segunda, de las diferencias que existen en el grado de entendimiento del concepto de accesibilidad, para eso, se realizó una colecta y análisis de datos tanto empíricos como teóricos. Este estudio también retrata en el año de 2004, con el uso de la técnica de la fotografía, la realidad actual de la ciudad sirviendo como un parámetro comparativo con los proyectos asociados a la Coordinación para integración de las personas con discapacidades. Se utiliza la técnica de entrevista con especialistas en accesibilidad envueltos a lo largo del proceso de implantación de las políticas públicas en la ciudad de Natal, durante los años mencionados, obteniendo así un testimonio sobre las directrices adoptadas en ese período, con base en la legislación vigente. En la investigación documental y fotográfica se realiza una evaluación de la dimensión real de lo propuesto y ejecutado en un periodo de diez años, y se concluye sobre todos los avances y retrocesos de las políticas de gestiones públicas adoptadas con relación a la accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal


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Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, située dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,étant le premier établissement d enseignement primaire à l état du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement républicain. On cherche à comprendre la représentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme équipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modèle éducationnel pour l état entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des études historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brésiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et pendant la première décennie du vingtième siècle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte général et spécifique. On reconstitue les aspects économiques, sociaux et politiques déterminants des interventions publiques réalisées dans cette ville par les gouvernements républicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hygiénique et civilisée. Située au quartier Ribeira, principal scénario de la modernité de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilité du paysage urbain de l époque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d énergie et d un tram électrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arborisé et une station ferroviaire. A côté, il y avait le théâtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranhão). Par suíte de son imposante architecture, raffiné style éclectique,on reflète l idéal républicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et éducative de surveillance et contrôle, caractéristiques de l école graduée républicaine


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This work aims to study the performance of Juizados Especiais Fedrais (JEF) in Rio Grande do Norte and its contribution to the facilitation of access to justice by ordinary citizens. Created in 2001, the JEF looks simplify and reduce the procedural steps and reduce the number of appeals referred to the courts so that justice is possible to provide a more agile. In this sense, are designed to contribute to the democratization of access to justice. In Rio Grande do Norte, the JEF was established and began operating in January 2002, serving in causes civil pension. From 2005, the Court began to receive all types of civil cases and have a virtual system of processing of cases. Among the methodological procedures used in conducting research, highlight the documentary survey in the virtual site of the Federal Justice of RN, to obtain data on the shares tried and sentenced in the years 2005, 2006 and 2007, using the quantitative research. Were also conducted interviews with federal judges, using the qualitative research method. Among the results, we conclude that the Juizado Especial Federal in Rio Grande do Norte is complying with its objective of making justice more accessible and responsive to ordinary citizens, especially the short time that an action leads to the entry in the Court to be given the sentence


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This work basically achieve three goals. Critically investigate the liberal democratic regime and its historical reformulation, rejecting the popular power and popular self-organization, limiting the entry of normal citizen in decision-making, believing in the market as a mediating body in regulating of the different life spheres of social. Starting from the critical liberal democracy, it discussed the concept of popular participation in the democracy, searching new democratically horizons, where the masses could have the opportunity to make decisions about their own destiny. On the basis of theoretical discussion on participation, we discuss a concrete instrument of participation, the Participatory Budgeting, comparing two participatory experiences in North and South


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The recent democratic process in Brazil made it as element for its consolidation the idea of participation. It requires a state model that included on its agenda democratic society participation in decision-making process, and a society that has as a principle based participatory civic consciousness. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the level of political participation in two Brazilian state capitals , Natal and Porto Alegre. Data were obtained through quantitative data from the application of 384 questionnaires in both capitals. We chose some variables that will form the basis for our study; Duties of a good citizen, a good citizen rights, Confidence, Index of socialization, exposure to media, degree of interest in politics; Mobilization; Associations. Already qualitative research sought to address the political, cultural and institutional of the two municipalities


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This study has as a goal to establish a relationship between public sidewalk characteristics of Lagoa Nova District (neighborhood), in Natal and the kind of citizens whose constructions and maintenance layouts reflects. It‟s understood here as public sidewalk, specifically, the place reserved for passers-by traffic, located between public lots and vehicles pavements. It‟s a concern to make a brief survey about the occupation of this particular region and a detailed description over physical characteristic of its sidewalks that shows several obstacles for passers-by accessibility, trying to find possible factors that explain the problematic format , once, at the first sight, most of accessibility of passers-by is compromised. It‟ also, searched, local population thoughts regarding occupation notions about this environment, just like as cultural, political and economical aspects that might influence upon snatching these hybrid places located between private and public border line. It‟s confirmed that the nowadays sidewalks‟ shapes is not only citizenship reflection or a lack of it but shows it as an active agent related with the construction of this set of fundamental rights and duties vital for harmonical co-living local citizens