163 resultados para garantias


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This research proposes a study about the interpretative techniques application that are compatible with the national legal system under the principles for Sustainable Development characterized in Brazilian Constitution. It verifies the actual possibility of reconciliation between national development and environment protection, with reflections under the water legal protection. It was proposed, therefore, to point subsidies for jurisdictional decisions involving development and the environmental goods, protected as constitutionally guaranteed principles. It was assumed that, both development and environment protection represents basic rights that are eventually placed in conflict situations, considering the many legitimate economic activities within the Brazilian State. A representative case analysis was elected within the current national scene, detailing the judicial and political conflict involving the Transboundery water Project from the São Francisco River Basin to another Northeastern river basin in Brazil. The implementation of several constitutional principles with elements from legal hermeneutics provides subsidies for the legal analysis about the conflict between development and environmental protection. It was assumed that the main discussion item about rights due to development today is the institutions influence and their results, among them the rules, laws and interpretative elements for the constitutional text objectivity, as the institutions credibility and the Supreme Courts interpretations. The use of interpretative resources for specific conflict situations about constitutional principles by Superior Courts, on the search, would bring a contributory factor for decision safety, related to sustainable development principles, elimination of inequalities and regional protecting for the environment. Specific aspects of Law No. 9.433/97 that introduced the National Water Resources Policy were examined, with its instruments, in order to specifically contextualize aspects of the Brazilian water resources management politics


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The apportionment of natural resources between sovereign States is a subject that relates many aspects of International law, as long as Constitutional Law, at the execution and application phases of international treaties that regulates the exploration of common goods. In this sense, because of their natural characteristics that creates an environment of constant migration and fixation in transboundary regions, terrestrial or maritime, the petroleum and the natural gas bound a complex juridical apparatus that can control the sovereign rights involved. This research is aim at accomplishing a study concerning the international agreements that enable the non-unilateral action, specifically the unitization treaties between sovereign States, as a manner to resolve situations related to the individualization of oil and/or gas reservoirs that go across their national borders. These agreements will be analyzed considering the international public law sources theory, bearing in mind yet the already existed experiences in this sense, not disregarding the way that this fact could affect Brazil. It will begin with an historical incursion over the unitization institute, covering its main characteristics and its formation and execution procedures, and finally it will address the Brazilian legal system and the comparative law threats the institute. The clauses of these relevant agreements will be analyzed in details, concerning its particularities and its contents. Because these agreements are international obligatory rules of law, it is indispensable that they are considered under the auspices of the international law system, focusing their nature and the subjects of international law and establishing them as sources of the international law, analyzing them, then, as international rules and the applicable law to these juridical relations, the conventional established, the consolidated international custom and the applicable International Law principles, appearing the State s responsibility as an important subject for the verification of the acts lawful practiced by States. The analysis of the apportionment of these natural resources ends with the individualization of possible exploitable marine oil fields located between the exclusive economic zone and the continental platform ends and the region administrated by the International Seabed Authority. At last, the Brazilian constitutional system appears as the mechanism of integration, application and execution of the international unitization agreements in Brazil, detaching the format and the proceedings that the international treaties take to acquire validity at the national legal system, passing through the treaties interpretation and the applicable constitutional principles, coming to its application in Brazil, considering the existing constitutional peculiarities and the role played by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and bio-fuel ANP


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The work presented here is about aspects of the constitutional extension in which is the public civil action with the objective of verifying its aptitute in tutelaging subjective situations derived from fundamental rights, especially right to health assistance. Thus, it offers a clear analysis of the practical functioning of most aspects of the public civil action (lawsuit), with philosophical foundation and necessary doctrinaire to your comphehension. How it once was (history), how it could be (reform suggestion), how it is (current interpretation of the law) and how it should be (critic analysis of the microsystem of collective tutelaging of rights, its perspectives, as well as the efficacy of the public cilvil action about accomplishment of the right to health as supraindividual right). The objective is to analyse the main version of the theme (for instance: the impacts caused to the dissociation of the Procurations theory), so that it can be extracted the philosophy and the general theory, of the public civil action and collective tutelaging in general, pragmatically applicable to study purposes. With this theorical fountain, the reader will be in a more solid position, not only being able to understand the subtilities of the public civil action, but mainly being able to recognize its faults and present solid reform proposals and improvement. It is know that the Juridical Power (Procuration) does not allow any more inactivity about negating accession to health in its collective dimension (lato sensu: spread, collective stricto sensu and homogeneous individuals), being imputed to it novel usage that consolidates in the assumption of the role instrument set aside to be used by all with organized instancy of solution to collective conflicts in large sense. This happens, overall, because of the current justice politization, understood as juridical activism, connected to the struggle between the groups defending their interests and the acceptance of the constitution about solidifying the public politics of quality health


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The Federal Constitution states that the reduction of social and regional inequalities is one of the goals to be achieved by the Brasilian State. The economic constitution states that the national economy must be developed so as to achieve, amongst other objectives, the reduction of those inequalities. In this paper, we aim to demonstrate the duty, imposed by the Constitution to the State, of acting in the national economy so as to promote the achievement of the constitutional goals, among wich we highlight the reduction of inequalities. One of the instruments that can be used by the State to achieve this objective is its fiscal policy. It is also an aim in this paper to demonstrate that inducing tax norms can be used by the State, because it can encourage the economic agents to bring about the reduction of social and regional inequalities. Therefore, after bibliographic and jurisprudential research, we conclude that the duty, imposed to the State, of acting in the national economy so as to promote the achievement of the constitutional goals exists. We also conclude that this acting must be planed and constant, because the consequences are slow and that, within the limits of the constitution, the inducing tax norms can be an instrument for the State in order to reduct the social and regional inequalities


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In a country of continental dimensions as Brazil, one of the top challenges to its economic growth is the logistic related to energetical demand supply. We live now in the era of environmental protection and, in this new context of priorizations, it passes trough the search for alternative energies for the energetic matrix, due the petroleum elevated costs in the global market (and its finitude), but also due its pollution over the environment. This attempt of substitution needs solutions related to the national reality, into a national long term developing plan and based at a juridical-economic analysis of its realization. This study will look for, also based in an economical analysis, the juridical legitimity of choosing natural gas as the new protagonist of national economic growth (as a substitute of petroleum) and the necessary boost that must be done by law, based on an economic policy focused strictly for that fact, as a modifying agent of this reality. This study, therefore, will always be turned to a constitutional aspect, respecting the principles of economic order and the goal of reducing regional inequalities, which must influence the making off of a developing plan. At the end, it will try to demonstrate the juridical viability of such undertaking, tuned in jus-economical criteria. Another goal is related to the analysis of the natural gas industry, due the regulation of its transport has a major importance for national energetic integration, not only because this activity be characterized as a net industry, still under control of a natural monopoly, but also because the competitive or cooperative profile that should be priorized at the beginning of the economic planning for this activity (such as investment policies and its own rules that will submit private agents)


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Since the second half of the 20th century, mankind concerns about life quality and environment preservation began to grow. In Brazil, the edition of the Law nº 6.938/81, that instituted the National Policy of the Environment (Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente PNMA), contributing significantly to the singular treatment towards the environment by the Federal Constitution of 1988 (Constituição Federal de 1988), can be appointed as a landmark of this awareness. The Law nº 6.938/81, following the line observed on the legislation of some Brazilian States, predicted on its 9th article the instruments of PNMA, among which the environmental licensing can be highlighted. This instrument presents itself as indispensable to the construction, installation, extension and operation of enterprises and activities that utilize environmental resources, seen as effective and potentially polluter industries, or even to those that can cause environment degradation. On a parallel way and as a consequence of this awareness, the concept of development begins to acquire a new shape. The development of a country or a region begins to consider not only economical factors, but also environmental, political, cultural and social aspects. Ecodevelopment, or sustainable development, then, arises. In this way, through research on legislation and on theme related doctrine, this work has the intention of analyzing environmental licensing as a PNMA instrument responsible for uniting economical development and the right to an ecologically balanced environment, that is, by the consecution of a truly sustainable development


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The present paper aims at analysing the constitutional principle which foretells lawsuit s rational run warranty. We came from a principle standard-constitutional analysis, showing its historical descent, its position and hermeneutical extent which can be given to the dispositive text. Being based on the institute standard examination, we then went to infraconstitutional analysis of the rules related. We noticed that there are specks of legal and practical advancements, however there are also some clear limitations for the lawsuit s rational run judicial development and accomplishment. In short, it is about a principle-logical constitutional standard which must be more and more compacted


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It presents a study about the control of constitutionality, its requirements and beddings. It brings, at first, notions about the concept of constitution, in its most varied aspects, as well as the systems of Control of Constitutionality. It emphasizes, considering the actual Brazilian situation, which passes through constitutional reforms and, therefore, assenting the appearance of an enormous amount of ordinary laws, the legal instability that has formed itself within the national panoram. Because of this situation, the institute of the Control of Constitutionality gains inmportancy as a way of protection of our Great Letter, against possible violations which can unfortunately happen. More ahead in the difuse control of constitutionality argues the new trend of generalization, especially after the recent reform that introduced the general repercussion as new requirement of admissibilidade of the appeal to the Brazilian Supreme Court. In the final chapter brings an analysis on the institute of amicus curiae, arguing its historical origins and its evolution, in the comparative jurisprudence, and the Brazilian right. From then is gone deep the paper of amicus curiae in the constitutionality control and, after quarrel on the difficulties of the Brazilian population to materialize its right before the judiciary, as this new institute could contribute in basic way for the materialization of the constitutional rule of access to justice


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The performance of the State in the economic area is only legitimized when to be given in virtue of the protection of the principles established constitutionally. Thus, the economic intervention of the State prioritizes the formation of a joust economic order and in this context, it fulfills to us to define, to the long one of this work, the contours of the intervention of the State in the economic domain in the presence of the Federal Constitution of the Republic of 05 of October of 1988, and, more specifically, in the petroliferous economic sector by means of the interventive contribution instituted after the Constitutional amendment 33/2001, with Law 10.336/2001. With the creation of this institute, in Brazil, emerged innumerable quarrels concerning its constitutional legitimacy, directing uncurling of the research to the study of the state intervention through this contribution and its constitutional limits, in the purpose to demonstrate the parameters for its institution and application. In this way, the interventive contribution in the fuel sector (CIDE-Combustíveis) shows itself as an intervention instrument on the economic domain, acting in way to finance the indirect performance of the State, specially in what concerns to the promotion of the principle of sustainable development principle. Therefore, CIDE-Combustíveis is an able instrument to concretizes the mentioned constitutional principle. Thus, the division of its incomes promotes the consolidation of the principle of the cooperative federalism. In this direction, from premises of the environmental tax law, this intends to demonstrate the utility and constitutionality of this exaction tax, primordially with regard to the realization of the basic right to the balanced environment


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The way of organization of the constitutional jurisdiction implies the possibility to extend the democratization of the same one in function of the popular participation in the active legitimacy to constitutional process (procedimentalist model) e, at the same time, to assure technical viable decisions fast and to the complex problems of the constitucional law (substancialist model). The comparison with the constitutional jurisdiction of U.S.A. becomes interesting from the knowledge of the wide power to decide experience of Supreme the Court that for a methodology of construction of rights and not simply of interpretation of the Constitution, brought up to date and reconstructed throughout its historical evolution the direction of the norms of basic rights and the North American principles constitutional. Construction while constitutional hermeneutic method of substancialist matrix works with techniques as the measurement of principles, the protection of interests of minorities and the entailing of the basic rights with values politicians, what it can be brought to evidence of the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction in order to improve the construction of basic rights that comes being carried through for the judicial ativism in control of the diffuse and abstract constitutionality. To define the limits of construction is to search, on the other hand, a dialogue with the procedimentalists thesis, aiming at the widening of the participation of the citizen in the construction of the basic rights for the constitutional process and to argue forms of the society to evaluate the pronounced decisions activist in the controls diffuse and abstract of constitutionality


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As can be inferred by the title of its study The constitutional principle of sustainable development and the utilization of hidrical resources in the oil industry the transcribed pages are dedicated to the approach of the mentioned subjects which, despite being apparently different, will be shown intrinsically connected as goes by the study. The superation of this first step by the reader will lead to an important perception of the title: that the situation requires, urgently, a defined posture, a complete conduct change and, therefore, a modification of the paradigms currently establisheds. To brake barriers, modifying what is lived by, is the ultimate goal. For that, there is no unique path, linear, but there were broached the development themes, the hidrical resources theme and oil and natural gas industry at the necessary points to achieve, by the end, a comprehension for the Brazilian Federal Republic goals in the search for the application of these juridical norms. The ones whom lay down over this study shall notice that, more than a simple approach over these themes (which are still less worked and searched in Brazil), the heavy critic of an instituted and pacifically accepted reality, directly offensive of the constitutional principles. The debate evolves from punctual and specific aspects, it gains life, flies, searching how the juridical order equalizes the economic model to the environment defense. Standing by the possibility of conciliation among constitutional principles, the remodeling of an economic segment is defended, aligning it to the sustainable limits. Development, sustainable, becomes means and goals to the implementation of liberty, capacitating everyone to achieve their goals of life, their libertments, fruit of the inherent antagonism of the Constitution the sustainable development offers, while an axiological vector, a new reality to the economic order, turning it into a motriz element to the fortification of constitutional normative force and for the national development


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It is a fact that the fundamental rights of citizens are being recognized and guaranteed by the state over time, regardless of the belief that if these rights has always been part of the heritage of subjective individuals, or whether they will be aggregated during the course of human history. In that, emerged the rights of freedom of men and, subsequently, the rights to create a situation of equality between the humans, the so-called social rights. In turn, as these rights known as social, to be implemented, need a positive action by the state, more precisely by the state power whose function is to manage public money and create policies for implementation of fundamental rights. Given this, pay attention to the right to health, was created the Programa de Medicamentos de Dispensação Excepcional, which aims to provide high-cost medicines to citizens Brazilian carriers of serious diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Mal Hepatitis C. Also on the program, it provides a way which will be mandatory that the drugs will be offered in such situations, and does not include a means of updating the list predicted able to monitor the progress of medicine that have been in the interest of the program. Given that, at present it is necessary to mention the recognition of another fundamental right: the right to development, which is the right of access to positive actions being implemented by the State, which are nothing more than public policy, gender which the Programa de Medicamentos de Dispensação Excepcional is kind. Thus, through the search in legislation and doctrine in relation to the theme, this work has the aim to examine the extent of the state to provide exceptional dispensing of medicines. Specifically, if the State in attention to the right to development and the implementation of the right to health, can really list exhaustively the drugs to be provided by the State, and what are the elements guiding this choice and how to control the same


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The present study deals with the caution measure in the direct action of inconstitutionality. The treatment given to the approach is through the principle of access to justice. For this, a construction of the juridical content in the principle of access to justice is proposed, without losing the focus of its characteristic as a metajuridical principle, which is presented in the constitutional field as a fundamental right, generator of a new universality, destined to guarantee the prevalence of an adequate juridical tutelage. Some challenges of the concretizing hermeutics are still shown to give way to principle of access to justice, dealing with certain limitations and proposals. The direct action of inconstitutionality in face of the dissertation, begins to focus on the presentation of the tutelage of urgency, differentiating it from the other brief tutelage and elevating it to the condition of instrument which is indispensable to the principle of access to justice. In the most specific field of the abstract control of constitutionality, the characteristics of the objective process are defined, their sources, amongst which the regimental norms of the Federal Supreme Court and their role in the new constitutional reality. Finally, the caution measure in the direct action of inconstitutionality is presented by the perspective of principle of access to justice, identifying some points: the interpretations of the principle of the natural judge to adapt him to the aspect of continuous and temporarily adequate juridical account, especially when concerned to emergency; the analysis of facts in the direct action; the bonding objective effects and the erga omnes; the effect over the factual and normative plan; the effect of the caution measure over other processes and over the prescriptional course; the polemic of the possibility of caution measure in direct action of inconstitutionality through omission


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The Article 225 of Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in its main body, stipulates that everyone is entitled to ecologically balanced environment and the use of common people and essential to the healthy quality of life, should be imposed on public authorities and the community the duty to defend it and preserve it for present and future generations. Following a universal trend, the letter raised the Brazilian environment the category of one of those values ideals of social order, dedicating it, along with a constitution of rules sparse, a chapter, itself, which definitely, institutionalized the right to healthy environment as a fundamental right of the individual. The national public policies and state should be in line with modern theories of Sustainable Development, outlined within the international society, and certainly instruments that should be made effective through the mobilization of civil society as a whole. The implementation of Human Rights, in fact, depends on a strong political action and not just a legal problem. Thus, this work of theoretical-descriptive nature we will address various dimensions of sustainable development, such as environmental education, water, sanitation, health and sustainable development plans, evaluating its current stage in our state


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The state s evolution, after its liberal and the social stages, arrives at the post-social state, also regarded as regulatory state, which, in order to accomplish the state s aims, employs indirect interventions in the economy. The new model of administration adapts principles and concepts form the private sector such as the quest for efficience and tangible results, also striving for the decentralization of state s power to improve effectiveness before the new paradigm of handling of affairs of public interest. Present state derives its legitimacy from the efficiency principle, the legitimacy of the public administration cannot be limited to an analysis of legality, but the fulfillment of the ends envisaged by the public authority on its policies. These public policies have the objective of satisfying fundamental rights of the citizens. The access to public policies set by states as a way of enjoyment of the aforementioned rights constitute a legal and demandable path of development. The creation of public policies and the access to them must abide to the efficiency principle. This access must be taken unther the principles of legal and material equality, inasmuch as the liberty and real liberty. The access must also be observed as a matter of limited resources to grant, in reality, the access and enjoyment of these rights. The demandable nature of the access to public policies binds the public authority into broadening the range of these policies to every one who needs them. Thus, in this spectrum, the role of the Regulatory State, as the legal instruments for access of public policies as a legal path to development, is analyzed in the present work