600 resultados para Winthrop University


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This report examines the process used to evaluated faculty and staff, including the evaluation timeline, administrative oversight, technological tools, and performance management trainings for faculty and staff managers. Additionally, this report describes how administrators use annual performance evaluations to award merit-based pay.


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If conducted poorly and without support from all employee levels, performance management programs at institutions may devolve into annual evaluations that represent a staff burden rather than an ongoing career development opportunity. This brief analyzes the key components of successful performance evaluation systems for non-academic staff, incorporating insights from employers outside of the higher education sector as well. It examines the importance of midyear check-in meetings; employee goal-setting; simplified rating scales on evaluation forms; and core staff competencies that reflect institutional priorities. It also describes how institutions communicate modifications to the evaluation system and offers recommendations for the implementation of process change.


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In awarding salary raises to faculty and staff university leaders must consider merit pay, market data, and salary equity of internal positions. This brief examines how institutions balance these considerations along with budget limitations to determine salary raises for all employees, and how several institutions have used raises to incentivize institutional achievement of strategic goals such as enrollment and retention.


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After receiving tenure, faculty acquire new responsibilities, experience less pressure to produce research, and receive significantly less guidance than during the probationary period. Despite these changes, few institutions provide intensive support to newly-tenured faculty. This report highlights institutional efforts to support this faculty cohort and to encourage newly-tenured faculty to craft professional goals that will lead to outstanding research and promotion to full professor. Differences between pre-tenure and tenured faculty responsibilities and professional challenges are also explored.


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Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Faculty and Staff (Business Affairs Forum, attached): Many institutions face limitations on the salary rates they can offer faculty and staff due to decreases in state funding, which can create challenges in recruitment and retention of qualified employees. This brief explores strategies institutions use to lessen the impact of budget limitations on faculty and staff salaries and to recruit and retain faculty in spite of limited salary offerings.


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As institutions strive to grow their research enterprises, selection and recruitment of faculty is critical. The Council presents strategies for determining a recruitment approach, selecting the appropriate level of faculty to recruit, and targeting specific faculty members. In addition, research explores practices for attracting faculty to the campus and supporting faculty through the transition.


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This brief details institutional support structures and program structures for experiential learning at small colleges. It also examines credit structures associated with experiential learning, experiential learning as a graduation requirement, and program assessments.


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At many institutions, program review is an underproductive exercise. Review of existing programs is often a check-the-box formality, with inconsistent criteria and little connection to institutional priorities or funding considerations. Decisions about where to concentrate resources across the portfolio can be highly politicized. This report profiles how academic planning exemplars use program review as a strategic tool, integrating data on academic quality, student demand, and resource utilization to improve the economics of challenged programs and prioritize programs for investment and expansion.


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Universities that offer dual enrollment programs for high school students must manage increasing student demand in the face of changing state legislation. This brief examines how institutions finance their dual enrollment programs, and how they ensure academic rigor as their programs continue to grow. The report also considers how dual enrollment programs ensure that students can transfer credits, and what strategies they use to encourage DE students to matriculate as undergraduates.


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As institutions seek in to increase enrollments, they create centralized marketing offices that oversee all institutional branding. This report examines staff and technology resources necessary to support centralized marketing efforts. It also describes advertising spend mixes and the assessment of integrated marketing initiatives.


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Institutions seeking to increase graduate enrollment consider incentivizing program growth. This report outlines ways that institutions allow graduate programs to keep surplus revenue, including tuition rebates, funding proportional to credit-hours, and decreased tax rates. It also examines scholarship programs created to increase admitted graduate student yield, new program offerings, and ongoing unit review.


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As graduate schools seek to increase enrollment, faculty and staff must consider the impacts of enrollment increases on program curricula, faculty workloads, and course delivery methods. This brief examines how other institutions prepare for and implement increases in graduate enrollment. More specifically, the report reviews how graduate enrollment goals and rates impact faculty workloads, program curriculum and course delivery methods.


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Program directors and department chairs require different means of assessing faculty quality due to the unreliability of student course evaluation data. This report outlines alternative strategies for review committees to assess faculty instructional quality. This report also details incorporation of annual performance reviews for tenure-track faculty into tenure decisions.


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Expediting new program development can help universities meet student and employer demand while gaining an edge over competitors, but coordinating program development and approval requires careful preparation and execution. This report profiles strategies to measure market demand for new programs, choose programs for accelerated development, and leverage internal resources. The report also suggests ways to structure and staff program development to maximize speed and effectiveness.


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This brief examines compensation policies for department chairs and program directors at public institutions, with a particular focus on the factors that determine compensation. The report includes an analysis of department chairs and program director responsibilities, monetary compensation, and non-monetary compensation.