236 resultados para TE and TM polarisations
Customer relationship management has been one essential part of marketing for over 20 years. Today’s business environment is fast changing, international and highly competitive, and that is why the most important factor for long-term profitability is one-to-one customer relationships. However, managing relationships and serving customers that are profitable has been always challenging. In this thesis the objective was to define the main obstacles that the case company must overcome to succeed in CRM. Possible solutions have also been defined. The main elements of the implementation i.e. people, processes and technologies, can clearly be found behind these matters and solutions. This thesis also presents theoretical information about CRM and it is meant to act as a guide book inside the organisation to spread information about CRM for those who are not so familiar with the topic.
Business actions do not take place in isolation. Complementary competencies and capabilities are the most important resources in the exponential knowledge growth. These resources are partially accessed via business partners. A company needs partners and the capability to cooperate, but also the awareness of the competitive tension, when operating in the market with multiple actors. The co-opetition research studies the occurrence and the forms of simultaneous cooperation and competition between companies or their units. Public sector’s governmental and municipal organs have been transformed into companies over the past years. Despite of their non-profit nature, public sector and public companies are adopting business doctrines from private sector towards efficient business operations. This case study aims to show, how co-opetition concept can be observed within public sector companies and in their operations with others, how public companies cooperate but also compete with others and why this happens. This thesis also explicates advantages and disadvantages of the co-opetition phenomenon.
The objective of this research was to understand and describe what corpo-rate social and regional responsibility is in SMEs and define the meaning of these concepts to the community and region. Corporate social respon-sibility (CSR) creates a basis for regional responsibility. Regional respon-sibility is a new concept and this research examines it from SMEs’ view-point. This is a theoretical research and the aim is to create a theoretical framework of SMEs’ corporate social and regional responsibility. This framework supports the future research on the subject. The research results show that CSR of SMEs is practical, informal and dependent on the scarce resources of SMEs. CSR is a complex and deep concept and SMEs have their own way of interpreting it. It can be stated that CSR-practises in SMEs are closely connected to employment, envi-ronment, community and supply chain. The challenge is to find motivation to socially and regionally responsible behaviour in SMEs. Benefiting from responsible behaviour and the attitude of SME’s owner-manager are the key reasons for SMEs to involve in CSR and regional responsibility. The benefits of this involvement are for example improved image, reputation and market position. CSR can also be used in SMEs as risk management tool and in cost reduction. This study indicates also that creation of strate-gic partnerships, local government participation, a proper legal system and financial support are the basic issues which support CSR of SMEs. This research showed that regional responsibility of SMEs includes active participation in regional strategy processes, L&RED initiatives and regional philanthropy. For SMEs regional responsibility means good relationships with the community and other related stakeholders, involvement in L&RED initiatives and acting responsibly towards the operating environment. In SMEs’ case this means that they need to understand the benefits of this kind of involvement in order to take action and participate. As regional responsibility includes the relationships between firm and the community, it can be stated that regional responsibility extends CSR’s view of stakeholders and emphasises both, the regional stakeholders and public-private partnerships. Community engagement and responsible be-haviour towards community can be seen as a part of SMEs’ social and regional responsibility. This study indicates that social and regional re-sponsibility of SMEs have a significant influence on the community and region where they are located. Better local and regional relationships with regional and community actors are the positive impacts of social and re-gional responsibility of SMEs. Socially and regionally responsible behav-iour creates a more positive environment and deepens the involvement of SMEs to community and L&RED initiatives.
Pertussis or whooping cough is a highly contagious vaccine-preventable disease of the human respiratory tract caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. In Finland, pertussis vaccinations were started in 1952 leading to a dramatic decrease in the morbidity and mortality. In the late 1990s, the incidence of pertussis increased despite the high vaccination coverage. Strain variation has been connected to the re-emergence of pertussis in countries with long history of pertussis vaccination. In 2005, the pertussis vaccine and the vaccination schedule were changed in Finland. The molecular epidemiology and the strain variation of the B. pertussis isolates were examined in Finland and in countries with similar (France) and different (Sweden) vaccination history. Continuous evolution of the B. pertussis population in Finland was observed since the 1950s, and the recently circulating isolates were antigenically different from the vaccine strains. Comparison of the circulating isolates from Finland, France and Sweden did not refer to significant differences. Certain type of strains noticed in France already in 1994 mainly caused the recent epidemics in Sweden (1999) and in Finland (2003-4). On several occasions, a new type of strains first appeared in Sweden and some years later in Finland. The B. pertussis isolates from the infants were shown to be similar to those from the other age groups. It is suggested that the strains originate from the same reservoir among adolescents and adults. The strain variation does not seem to have a major effect on the morbidity among recently vaccinated individuals, but it might play a role among those who are in the waning phase of immunity. The incidence of pertussis in Finland has remained low since the change of the vaccination programme. This might be related to the epidemic nature of pertussis and the near future will show the real effectiveness of the new vaccination programme. At present, many infants are infected because they are too young to be immunised with the current schedule. New strategies or vaccines are needed to protect those who are the most vulnerable.
The aim of this Thesis is to study how to manage the front-end of the offering planning process. This includes actual process development and methods to gather and analyze information to achieve the best outcome in customer oriented product offering. Study is carried out in two parts: theoretical part and company related part. Theoretical framework is created introducing different types of approaches to manage product planning processes. Products are seen as platforms and they are broken down to subsystems to show different parts of the development. With the help of the matrix-based approaches product platform related information is gathered and analyzed. In this kind of analysis business/market drivers and cus-tomer/competitor information are connected with product subsystems. This gives possibilities to study product gaps/needs and possible future ideas/scenarios in different customer segments. Company related part consists of offering planning process development in real company environment. Process formation includes documents and tools that guide planning from the information gathering to the prioritization and decision making.
The purpose of this comparative study is to profile second language learners by exploring the factors which have an impact on their learning. The subjects come from two different countries: one group comes from Milwaukee, US, and the other from Turku, Finland. The subjects have attended bilingual classes from elementary school to senior high school in their respective countries. In the United States, the subjects (N = 57) started in one elementary school from where they moved on to two high schools in the district. The Finnish subjects (N = 39) attended the same school from elementary to high school. The longitudinal study was conducted during 1994-2004 and combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A Pilot Study carried out in 1990-1991 preceded the two subsequent studies that form the core material of this research. The theoretical part of the study focuses first on language policies in the United States and Finland: special emphasis is given to the history, development and current state of bilingual education, and the factors that have affected policy-making in the provision of language instruction. Current language learning theories and models form the theoretical foundation of the research, and underpin the empirical studies. Cognitively-labeled theories are at the forefront, but sociocultural theory and the ecological approach are also accounted for. The research methods consist of questionnaires, compositions and interviews. A combination of statistical methods as well as content analysis were used in the analysis. The attitude of the bilingual learners toward L1 and L2 was generally positive: the subjects enjoyed learning through two languages and were motivated to learn both. The knowledge of L1 and parental support, along with early literacy in L1, facilitated the learning of L2. This was particularly evident in the American subject group. The American subjects’ L2 learning was affected by the attitudes of the learners to the L1 culture and its speakers. Furthermore, the negative attitudes taken by L1 speakers toward L2 speakers and the lack of opportunities to engage in activities in the L1 culture affected the American subjects’ learning of L2, English. The research showed that many American L2 learners were isolated from the L1 culture and were even afraid to use English in everyday communication situations. In light of the research results, a politically neutral linguistic environment, which the Finnish subjects inhabited, was seen to be more favorable for learning. The Finnish subjects were learning L2, English, in a neutral zone where their own attitudes and motivation dictated their learning. The role of L2 as a means of international communication in Finland, as opposed to a means of exercising linguistic power, provided a neutral atmosphere for learning English. In both the American and Finnish groups, the learning of other languages was facilitated when the learner had a good foundation in their L1, and the learning of L1 and L2 were in balance. Learning was also fostered when the learners drew positive experiences from their surroundings and were provided with opportunities to engage in activities where L2 was used.
The purpose of this work was to study the characteristics of the most commonly used filter aid materials and their influences on the design of proportioning, mixing, and feeding system for polishing filter family. Based on the literature survey and hands-on experience a system was designed with defined equipment and capital and operating costs. The system was designed to serve precoating and bodyfeeding applications and is easily extended to be used in multiple filter processes. Also a test procedure was carried out where influences of flux and filter cloths to accumulated cake were studied. Filter aid is needed in challenging conditions to improve filtration efficiency and cleaning, and thus extend the operating life of the filter media. Filter aid preparation and feeding system was designed for the use of two different filter aids; precoat and bodyfeed. Precoating is used before the filtration step initiates. If the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to clog the filter bag easily, precoat is used on the filter bag to obtain better filtration efficiency and quality. Diatomite or perlite is usually used as a precoating substance. The intention is to create a uniform cake to the overall surface of the filter cloth, with predetermined thickness, 2 – 5 mm. This ensures that the clogging of the filter cloth is reduced and the filtration efficiency is increased. Bodyfeed is used if the solids in the filterable solution have a tendency to form a sticky impermeable filter cake. The cake properties are enhanced by maintaining the permeability of the accumulating cake by using the filter aid substance as bodyfeed during the filtration process.
Varhaislapsuuden virusinfektioiden, lehmänmaitopohjaisen äidinmaitovastikeen ja geneettisen alttiuden merkitys diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin kehittymisessä Tyypin 1 diabetes on autoimmuunisairaus, joka syntyy haiman insuliinia tuottavien beta-solujen tuhouduttua elimistön oman immuunipuolustusjärjestelmän hyökkäyksen seurauksena. Sekä perimän että ympäristötekijöiden arvellaan vaikuttavan tautiprosessiin, mutta taudin tarkkaa syntymekanismia ei tunneta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaislapsuuden ympäristötekijöiden vaikutusta beta-soluautoimmuniteetin syntyyn, erityispaino tutkimuksessa oli ympäristötekijöiden yhteisvaikutuksessa sekä geneettisten riskitekijöiden ja ympäristötekijöiden vuorovaikutuksessa. Varhaislapsuudessa sairastettu sytomegalovirus- tai enterovirusinfektio ei lisännyt beta-soluautoimmuniteetin riskiä lapsilla, joilla on geneettisesti kohonnut riski sairastua tyypin 1 diabetekseen. Ennen puolen vuoden ikää sairastettu rotavirusinfektio lisäsi hieman tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin riskiä. Tarkemmassa analyysissa varhaislapsuuden enterovirusinfektio osoittautui kuitenkin autovasta-aineiden muodostumisen riskitekijäksi niiden lasten joukossa, jotka olivat saaneet lehmänmaitopohjaista äidinmaidon vastiketta ensimmäisten elinkuukausien aikana. Tämä löydös viittaa enterovirusinfektion ja lehmänmaitopohjaisen vastikkeen yhteisvaikutukseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Löydösten mukaan PTPN22 geenin C1858T polymorfismi vaikuttaa CD4+ T solujen aktivaatioon ja proliferaatiovasteeseen, 1858T alleeliin liittyy alentunut T-soluresepto-rivälitteinen aktivaatio. 1858T alleelin kantajuuteen liittyy lisäksi lisääntynyt autovasta-aineiden ja kliinisen diabeteksen ilmaantuvuus. Tämä yhteys rajoittui yksilöihin, jotka olivat altistuneet lehmänmaitopohjaiselle vastikkeelle ennen kuuden kuukauden ikää. Tulosten mukaan sekä ympäristötekijöiden väliset yhteisvaikutukset että perimä vaikuttavat yksittäisen ympäristötekijän merkitykseen tyypin 1 diabetekseen liittyvän autoimmuniteetin synnyssä. Nämä yhteisvaikutukset ympäristötekijöiden kesken ja perimän ja ympäristötekijöiden välillä selittävät aiemmin julkaistujen tulosten ristiriittaisuutta tutkimuksissa, joissa on analysoitu vain yhden ympäristötekijän vaikutusta diabeteksen ilmaantuvuuteen.
The Kenyan forestry and sawmilling industry have been subject to a changing environment since 1999 when the industrial forest plantations were closed down. This has lowered raw material supply and it has affected and reduced the sawmill operations and the viability of the sawmill enterprises. The capacity of the 276 registered sawmills is not sufficient to fulfill sawn timber demand in Kenya. This is because of the technological degradation and lack of a qualified labor force, which were caused because of non-existent sawmilling education and further training in Kenya. Lack of competent sawmill workers has led to low raw material recovery, under utilization of resources and loss of employment. The objective of the work was to suggest models, methods and approaches for the competence and capacity development of the Kenyan sawmilling industry, sawmills and their workers. A nationwide field survey, interviews, questionnaire and literature review was used for data collection to find out the sawmills’ competence development areas and to suggest models and methods for their capacity building. The sampling frame included 22 sawmills that represented 72,5% of all the registered sawmills in Kenya. The results confirmed that the sawmills’ technological level was backwards, productivity low, raw material recovery unacceptable and workers’ professional education low. The future challenges will be how to establish the sawmills’ capacity building and workers’ competence development. Sawmilling industry development requires various actions through new development models and approaches. Activities should be started for technological development and workers’ competence development. This requires re-starting of vocational training in sawmilling and the establishment of more effective co-operation between the sawmills and their stakeholder groups. In competence development the Enterprise Competence Management Model of Nurminen (2007) can be used, whereas the best training model and approach would be a practically oriented learning at work model in which the short courses, technical assistance and extension services would be the key functions.
The problem concerning livestock waste handling in the Leningrad region has been subjected to a number of research works. However, the requirements for use of manure and sewage sludge as well as for treatment processes are not certain. So, this problem remains relevant and, therefore, further investigation ought to be made. Currently a large amount of sewage sludge and manure is generated in the Leningrad region. These livestock wastes have to be obligatory treated. The most common methods for treatment in the region, such as anaerobic digestion, composting and aging as well as the most potential methods are described in the thesis. The most potential methods for the Leningrad region are anaerobic digestion, composting and combustion. Each method has strengths and weaknesses, which are also considered in the paper. Aging was not considered as potential treatment method because it does not meet the sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Furthermore, the work gives an overview and comparison of Finnish and Russian legislative and normative acts concerning livestock wastes handling. On the whole the requirements of the Russian Federation concerning sewage sludge and manure are not much different from the Finnish ones.
Validation and verification operations encounter various challenges in product development process. Requirements for increasing the development cycle pace set new requests for component development process. Verification and validation usually represent the largest activities, up to 40 50 % of R&D resources utilized. This research studies validation and verification as part of case company's component development process. The target is to define framework that can be used in improvement of the validation and verification capability evaluation and development in display module development projects. Validation and verification definition and background is studied in this research. Additionally, theories such as project management, system, organisational learning and causality is studied. Framework and key findings of this research are presented. Feedback system according of the framework is defined and implemented to the case company. This research is divided to the theory and empirical parts. Theory part is conducted in literature review. Empirical part is done in case study. Constructive methode and design research methode are used in this research A framework for capability evaluation and development was defined and developed as result of this research. Key findings of this study were that double loop learning approach with validation and verification V+ model enables defining a feedback reporting solution. Additional results, some minor changes in validation and verification process were proposed. There are a few concerns expressed on the results on validity and reliability of this study. The most important one was the selected research method and the selected model itself. The final state can be normative, the researcher may set study results before the actual study and in the initial state, the researcher may describe expectations for the study. Finally reliability of this study, and validity of this work are studied.
Chorioamnionitis is known to be an important risk factor underlying preterm delivery, and it has also been suggested to associate with brain lesions and deviant neurological development in both preterm and term infants. Cytokines are believed to be the link causing the deleterious effects of inflammation to the nervous system. Their genetic regulation has also been suggested to play a role, as interleukin (IL)-6 -174 and -572 genotypes, which partly regulate IL-6 synthesis responses, have been connected with deviant neurological development in preterm infants. We evaluated the association of histological chorioamnionitis with brain lesions, regional brain volumes, and the functioning of the auditory pathway in very low birth weight/very low gestational age (VLBW/VLGA) infants. In addition, we investigated the association between IL-6 -174 and -572 genotypes and histological chorioamnionitis, neonatal infections, and brain lesions and regional brain volumes in VLBW/VLGA infants. This study is a part of a larger multidisciplinary project PIPARI (Development and Functioning of Very Low Birth Weight Infants from Infancy to School Age), in which the survivors of a 6-year cohort of VLBW/VLGA infants (n=274) are being followed until school age in Turku University Central Hospital, Finland. Placental samples were collected in the delivery room, and were analyzed for histological inflammatory findings. Blood samples from the infants were collected and DNA was genotyped for IL-6-174 and -572 polymorphisms (GG/GC/CC). Brain ultrasound examinations were performed repeatedly in the neonatal intensive care unit and at term age, and were analysed for structural brain lesions. Brain magnetic resonance imaging was performed at term age, and was analysed for regional brain volumes. In addition, diffusion tensor imaging was performed at term, and was used to analyse fractional anisotrophy and the apparent diffusion coefficient of inferior colliculus. The brainstem auditory evoked potential recordings were carried out according to the routine clinical procedure at median age of 30 days after term age. In our study, we found that histological chorioamnionitis was not an independent risk factor for brain lesions, reduced regional brain volumes or abnormal functioning of the auditory pathway in VLBW/VLGA infants. In addition, we found that IL-6 -174 GG and -572 GC genotypes were associated with a higher incidence of histological chorioamnionitis, and that -174 CC genotype associated with higher incidence of septicaemia. The analysed IL-6 genotypes were not associated with other brain lesions, but a reduced volume of basal ganglia and thalami was associated with IL-6 -174 CC and -572 GG genotypes. In conclusion, our findings suggest that histological chorioamnionitis is not an independent risk factor for the brain development of VLBW/VLGA infants, or that the risk caused by inflammation does not exceed the risks attributed to other underlying pathologies behind preterm deliveries. In addition, our findings give reason to propose that IL-6 promoter genotypes have a role in the defence against serious infections and in the brain development of VLBW/VLGA infants.
This thesis describes the process of the integration of a real-time simulator environment with a motion platform and a haptic device as a part of the Kvalive project. Several programs running on two computers were made to control the different devices of the environment. User tests were made to obtain information of needed improvements to make the simulator more realistic. Also new ideas for improving the simulator and directions of further research were obtained with the help of this research.
This thesis studies capital structure of Finnish small and medium sized enterprises. The specific object of the study is to test whether financial constraints have an effect on capital structure. In addition influences of several other factors were studied. Capital structure determinants are formulated based on three capital structure theories. The tradeoff theory and the agency theory concentrate on the search of optimal capital structure. The pecking order theory concerns favouring on financing source over another. The data of this study consists of financial statement data and results of corporate questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to find out the effects of several determinants. Regression models were formed based on the presented theories. Short and long term debt ratios were considered separately. The metrics of financially constrained firms was included in all models. It was found that financial constrains have a negative and significant effect to short term debt ratios. The effect was negative also to long term debt ratio but not statistically significant. Other considerable factors that influenced debt ratios were fixed assets, age, profitability, single owner and sufficiency of internal financing.
This thesis deals with improving international airport baggage supply chain management (SCM) by means of information technology and new baggage handling system. This study aims to focus on supply chain visibility in practice and to suggest different ways to improve the supply chain performance through information sharing. The objective is also to define how radio frequency identification (RFID) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) can make processes more transparent. In order to get full benefits from processes, effective business process management and monitoring as well as the key performance indicators must be defined, implemented and visualized through e.g. dashboard views for different roles. As an outcome of the research the need for the use of information technology systems and more advanced technologies, e.g. RFID in the supply chain management is evident. Sophisticated ERP is crucial in boosting SCM business processes and profitability. This would be beneficial for dynamic decision making as well in the airport and airline supply chain management. In the long term, economic aspects support the actions I have suggested in order to make production more flexible in reacting to quick changes.