123 resultados para measurement and reporting intellectual capital
Various strength properties of paper are measured to tell how well it resists breaks in a paper machine or in printing presses. The most often measured properties are dry tensile strength and dry tear strength. However, in many situations where paper breaks, it is not dry. For example, in web breaks after the wet pressing the dry matter content can be around 45%. Thus, wet-web strength is often a more critical paper property than dry strength. Both wet and dry strength properties of the samples were measured with a L&W tensile tester. Originally this device was not designed for the measurement of the wet web tensile strength, thus a new procedure to handle the wet samples was developed. The method was tested with Pine Kraft (never dried). The effect of different strength additives on the wet-web and dry paper tensile strength was studied. The polymers used in this experiment were aqueous solution of a cationic polyamidoamine-epichlorohydrin resin (PAE), cationic hydrophilised polyisocyanate and cationic polyvinylamine (PVAm). From all three used chemicals only Cationic PAE considerably increased the wet web strength. However it was noticed that at constant solids content all chemicals decreased the wet web tensile strength. So, since all chemicals enhanced solid content it can be concluded that they work as drainage aids, not as wet web strength additives. From all chemicals only PVAm increased the dry strength and two other chemicals even decreased the strength. As chemicals were used in strong diluted forms and were injected into the pulp slurry, not on the surface of the papersheets, changes in samples densities did not happen. Also it has to be noted that all these chemicals are mainly used to improve the wet strength after the drying of the web.
The objective of the study is to find out how sales performance should be measured and how should sales be steered in a multinational company. The beginning of the study concentrates on the literature regarding sales, performance measurement, sales performance measurement, and sales steering. The empirical part of the study is a case study, in which the information was acquired from interviews with the key personnel of the company. The results of the interviews and the revealed problems were analyzed, and comparison for possible solutions was performed. When measuring sales performance, it is important to discover the specific needs and objectives for such a system. Specific needs should be highlighted in the design of the system. The system should be versatile and the structure of the system should be in line with the organizational structure. The role of the sales performance measurement system was seen to be important in helping sales steering. However, the importance of personal management and especially conversations were seen as really critical issue in the steering. Sales performance measurement could be based on the following perspectives: financial, market, customer, people, and future. That way the sales department could react to the environmental changes more rapidly.
This study concerns performance measurement and management in a collaborative network. Collaboration between companies has been increased in recent years due to the turbulent operating environment. The literature shows that there is a need for more comprehensive research on performance measurement in networks and the use of measurement information in their management. This study examines the development process and uses of a performance measurement system supporting performance management in a collaborative network. There are two main research questions: how to design a performance measurement system for a collaborative network and how to manage performance in a collaborative network. The work can be characterised as a qualitative single case study. The empirical data was collected in a Finnish collaborative network, which consists of a leading company and a reseller network. The work is based on five research articles applying various research methods. The research questions are examined at the network level and at the single network partner level. The study contributes to the earlier literature by producing new and deeper understanding of network-level performance measurement and management. A three-step process model is presented to support the performance measurement system design process. The process model has been tested in another collaborative network. The study also examines the factors affecting the process of designing the measurement system. The results show that a participatory development style, network culture, and outside facilitators have a positive effect on the design process. The study increases understanding of how to manage performance in a collaborative network and what kind of uses of performance information can be identified in a collaborative network. The results show that the performance measurement system is an applicable tool to manage the performance of a network. The results reveal that trust and openness increased during the utilisation of the performance measurement system, and operations became more transparent. The study also presents a management model that evaluates the maturity of performance management in a collaborative network. The model is a practical tool that helps to analyse the current stage of the performance management of a collaborative network and to develop it further.
The starting point of this study is to direct more attention to the teacher and those entrepreneurship education practices taking place in formal school to find out solutions for more effective promotion of entrepreneurship education. For this objective, the strategy-level aims of entrepreneurship education need to be operationalised into measurable and understandable teacher-level practices. Furthermore, to enable the effective development of entrepreneurship education in basic and upper secondary level education, more knowledge is needed of the state of affairs of entrepreneurship education in teaching. The purpose of the study is to increase the level of understanding of teachers’ entrepreneurship education practices, and through this to develop entrepreneurship education. This study builds on the literature on entrepreneurship education and especially those elements referring to the aims, resources, benefits, methods, and practises of entrepreneurship education. The study comprises five articles highlighting teachers’ role in entrepreneurship education. In the first article the concept of entrepreneurship and the teachers role in reflection upon his/hers approaches to entrepreneurship education are considered. The second article provides a detailed analysis of the process of developing a measurement tool to depict the teachers’ activities in entrepreneurship education. The next three articles highlight the teachers’ role in directing the entrepreneurship education in basic and upper secondary level education. Furthermore, they analyse the relationship between the entrepreneurship education practises and the teachers’ background characteristics. The results of the study suggest a wide range of conclusions and implications. First, in spite of many outspoken aims connected to entrepreneurship education, teachers have not set any aims for themselves. Additionally, aims and results seem to mix. However, it is possible to develop teachers’ target orientation by supporting their reflection skills, and through measurement and evaluation increase their understanding of their own practices. Second, applying a participatory action process it is possible to operationalise teachers’entrepreneurship education practices. It is central to include the practitioners’ perspective in the development of measures to make sure that the concepts and aims of entrepreneurship education are understood. Third, teachers’ demographic or tenure-related background characteristics do not affect their entrepreneurship education practices, but their training related to entrepreneurship education, participation in different school-level or regional planning, and their own capabilities support entrepreneurship education. Fourth, a large number of methods are applied to entrepreneurship education, and the most often used methods were different kinds of discussions, which seem to be an easy, low-threshold way for teachers to include entrepreneurship education regularly in their teaching. Field trips to business enterprises or inviting entrepreneurs to present their work in schools are used fairly seldom. Interestingly, visits outside the school are more common than visitors invited to the school. In line, most of the entrepreneurship education practices take place in a classroom. Therefore it seems to be useful to create and encourage teachers towards more in-depth cooperation with companies (e.g. via joint projects) and to network systematically. Finally, there are plenty of resources available for entrepreneurship education, such as ready-made materials, external stakeholders, support organisations, and learning games, but teachers have utilized them only marginally.
The power is still today an issue in wearable computing applications. The aim of the present paper is to raise awareness of the power consumption of wearable computing devices in specific scenarios to be able in the future to design energy efficient wireless sensors for context recognition in wearable computing applications. The approach is based on a hardware study. The objective of this paper is to analyze and compare the total power consumption of three representative wearable computing devices in realistic scenarios such as Display, Speaker, Camera and microphone, Transfer by Wi-Fi, Monitoring outdoor physical activity and Pedometer. A scenario based energy model is also developed. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250 smartphone, the Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses and the SimValley Smartwatch AW-420.RX are the three devices representative of their form factors. The power consumption is measured using PowerTutor, an android energy profiler application with logging option and using unknown parameters so it is adjusted with the USB meter. The result shows that the screen size is the main parameter influencing the power consumption. The power consumption for an identical scenario varies depending on the wearable devices meaning that others components, parameters or processes might impact on the power consumption and further study is needed to explain these variations. This paper also shows that different inputs (touchscreen is more efficient than buttons controls) and outputs (speaker sensor is more efficient than display sensor) impact the energy consumption in different way. This paper gives recommendations to reduce the energy consumption in healthcare wearable computing application using the energy model.
The value that the customer perceives from a supplier’s offering, impacts customer’s decision making and willingness to pay at the time of the purchase, and the overall satisfaction. Thus, for a business supplier, it is critical to understand their customers’ value perceptions. The objective of this thesis is to understand what measurement and monitoring system customers value, by examining their key purchasing criteria and perceived benefits. Theoretical part of this study consists on reviewing relevant literature on organizational buying behavior and customer perceived value. This study employs a qualitative interview research method. The empirical part of this research consisted of conducting 20 in-depth interviews with life science customers in USA and in Europe. Quality and technical features are the most important purchasing criteria, while product-related benefits seem to be the most important perceived benefits. At the marketing of the system, the emphasis should be at which regulations the system complies with, references of supplier’s prior experience, the reliability and usability of the system, and total costs. The benefits that should be emphasized are the better control of customer’s process, and the proof of customer’s product quality
Työn tavoitteena oli saavuttaa päällystysasemilla sama tuotantotehokkuus kuin vuonna 1999, jolloin ne hankittiin. Tällöin myös määritettiin takuuarvot aseman toiminnallisista ominaisuuksista. Työtä aloitettaessa profiilien ja päällystemäärien asettuminen kesti kuitenkin huomattavasti kauemmin kuin takuuarvoissa oli määritelty. Keinoina jolla takuuarvoihin voitaisiin taas päästä, kuuluivat pastan konekiertojen kunnon tarkastus, päällystysasemien mekaanisten vikojen korjaaminen, laatusäätöjärjestelmän uudelleen virittäminen ja parhaiden työtapojen yhtenäistäminen eri vuorojen keskuudessa. Toisena tavoitteena oli luoda pituushylyn mittaus- ja raportointijärjestelmä koko tuotantolinjalle. Paperikoneelle rakennettiin automaattinen järjestelmä jolla pystyttiin seuraamaan asemien katkon jälkeistä toimintaa ja laatu virheistä syntyvää pituushylyn määrää. Jälkikäsittelyn raportointiin tehtiin sovellus johon käyttäjät pystyivät syöttämään hylättyjä paperi metrejä ja syitä niihin.
Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan, miten luodaan tuloksellisesti toimiva tiedon jakamisen toimintaympäristö, missä virtuaaliyhteisön jäsenet voivat jakaa päivittäiset tiedon jakamisen prosessit ja luoda tietopääomaa. Tämä tutkielma luo kokonaiskäsityksen siitä, mitä tekijöitä tarvitaan ja miten tekijöiden välisellä vuorovaikutuksella luodaan tulokselliset tiedon jakamisen olosuhteet. Toisaalta virtuaaliyhteisöjen jäsenten tulee tietää kriittiset tiedon jakamisen esteet, jotka estävät tiedon jakamisen olosuhteiden kehittymistä. Kirjallisuustutkimukseen perustuen tutkielma esittää, että tuloksellisesti toimivien virtuaaliyhteisöjen tiedon jakamisen toimintaympäristö voidaan luoda tietojohtamisen sosioteknisen lähestymistavan sosioteknisten tasojen ja sosiaalisen pääoman vuorovaikutuksella. Rakentamalla sosiotekniset tasot tietojohtamisen järjestelmiin ja asettamalla ne vuorovaikutukseen sosiaalisen pääoman kanssa kyetään tiedon jakamisen olosuhteisiin myötävaikuttamaan. Samalla tiedon jakamisen esteiden vaikutusta kyetään vähentämään tai poistamaan.
Kiinnostus digitaalista sisältöliiketoimintaa ja viestintää kohtaan on kasvanut suuresti viimeisten kymmenen vuoden aikana. Niin alan yritysmäärä kuin tuotteet ovat lisääntyneet entisestään viestinnän siirtyessä yhä enemmän tietoverkkoihin. Myös Suomen valtion ja Euroopan unionin tasolla tähän kehitykseen on reagoitu voimakkaasti eri ohjelmien ja hankkeiden kautta. Suomi on tehnyt kolmannen tietoyhteiskuntastrategiansa ja Euroopan unionillakin on laadittuna omat strategiansa ja tavoitteensa tuleville vuosille. Kouvolan kaupunki on nostanut digitaalisen sisältöliiketoiminnan ja viestinnän yhdeksi tulevaisuuden kärkialueikseen, minkä vuoksi tämä tutkimus on tilattu. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin digiklusterin nykytilaa, mahdollisuuksia ja menestystekijöitä. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin syvähaastatteluita avaintoimijoille sekä vertailua aiemmin menestyneisiin ICT- ja sisältöliiketoiminnan klustereihin. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään ensin aihealueeseen teoriatiedon ja aiempien tutkimustulosten kautta. Tämän jälkeen tarkastellaan tutkittavaa aluetta tilastotiedon, hankkeiden ja haastatteluiden kautta. Lisäksi alueen osaamispääomaa on kartoitettu haastatteluiden ja selvitysten perusteella. Tutkimustuloksena havaittiin, että menestyäkseen klusterin tulee panostaa olemassa olevaan yrityskantaan sekä houkutella alueelle erityisesti kasvuvaiheen yrityksiä. Lisäksi kävi ilmi, että klusterikehitys on mahdollista vain yhteisten päämäärien ja tavoitteiden kautta. Mukana kehittämisessä tulee olla niin alueen yrittäjät kuin julkisen hallinnon edustajat. Kehitys onnistuu parhaiten, mikäli hankkeissa kiinnitetään huomiota yritysnäkökulmaan ja toimijat tietävät oman roolinsa. Korkean osaamisen klusterissa keskeisellä sijalla on alueen koulutus- ja tutkimuslaitosten, yritysten ja julkisen hallinnon saumaton yhteistyö.
Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten Tuomi Yhtiöt Oy:n aineetonpääoma ja organisaatio-osaaminen vaikuttavat yrityksen menestymiseen taantuman aikana 2008- 2009. Tutkimus ajoittuu maailman talouden kulminaatiopisteeseen, jossa voidaan tarkastella sekä mikro- että makrotalouden tunnuksilla miten yritys on menestynyt ja toiminut ajanjakson aikana. Tutkimuksen teoria on liiketaloustieteiden tutkimusmenetelmien mukaista, ja perustoiminnoiltaan normatiivista sekä empiiristä ongelmanratkaisua. Työssä käytettään laaja-alaisesti yrityksen faktatietoja, sekä aineettoman pääoman mittaamiseen tehtyä mittaristoa joka on rakennettu tutkimusta varten. Tuloksina saadaan yrityksen kannalta keskeiset organisaatio- ja aineettoman pääoman tunnusluvut, joita vertaillaan johtamisjärjestelmän tunnuslukuihin. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä on löydetty uusi asiakashallintamalli jolle ei ole saatavilla valmista sovellutusta. Yhteenvetona voidaan osoittaa yrityksen heikkoudet sekä menestyminentarkasteluajanjaksolla ja todistaa näiden yhteys kokonaisuuteen