286 resultados para service-oriented business networks
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on analysoida kokonaisratkaisuja tarjoavan järjestelmätoimittajan suorituskyvyn mittaamisen suunnittelua johdon päätöksenteon tukivälineeksi. Alitavoitteena oli suunnitella mittaristo case-yrityksen valitulle yksikölle sekä konsernitasolle. Tutkimuksen myötä havaittiin tarpeelliseksi tunnistaa järjestelmätoimittajan toimialatason vahvimmat ydinkyvykkyydet ja esittää ratkaisuja niiden mittaamiselle. Tutkimuksesta rajattiin mittariston hyödyntäminen yksilötason ohjauksessa. Tutkimusta lähestyttiin toiminta-analyyttisenä tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä määriteltiin järjestelmätoimittaja teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan toimijaksi, jonka mittaus painottuu asiakaslähtöisen toiminnan edistämiseen. Suurimmat haasteet muodostuivat aineettoman pääoman, pääosin uudistuvan ja uuden liiketoiminnan verkostojen mittaamisesta. Tutkimustuloksena voitiin havaita, että toimialatason keskeisimpiin ydinkyvykkyyksiin ja case-yrityksen linjaamiin menestystekijöihin pohjautunut tarkastelu onnistui tunnistamaan keskeisiä ongelmakohtia järjestelmätoimittajan mittariston suunnittelussa. Merkittävimmät toimenpidesuositukset ja laaditut mittariehdotukset painottavat asiakkaan prosessien tuntemista, oman osaamisen johtamista asiakkaan prosesseihin soveltuviksi, uusien innovaatioiden ja kyvykkyyksien luomista, erilaisten verkostojen tunnistamista ja kehittämistä, kyvykkyyksien johtamista ja tuotekeskeisen myynnin kehittämistä palvelukeskeiseen suuntaan. Tutkimus esittää näihin tuloksiin pohjautuvan mittariston ja prosessin aikana syntyneet mittariehdotukset.
Target company of this study is a large machinery company, which is, inter alia, engaged in energy and pulp engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) supply business. The main objective of this study was to develop cost estimation of the target company by providing more accurate, reliable and up-to-date information through enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Another objective was to find cost-effective methods to collect total cost of ownership information to support more informed supplier selection decision making. This study is primarily action-oriented, but also constructive, and it can be divided in two sections: theoretical literature review and empirical study on the abovementioned part of the target company’s business. Development of information collection is, in addition to literature review, based on nearly 30 qualitative interviews of employees at various organizational units, functions and levels at the target company. At the core of development was to make initial data more accurate, reliable and available, a necessary prerequisite for informed use of the information. Certain development suggestions and paths were presented in order to regain confidence in ERP system as information source by reorganizing work breakdown structure and by complementing mere cost information with quantitative, technical and scope information. Several methods to use the information ever more effectively were also discussed. While implementation of the development suggestions outreached the scope of this study, it was forwarded in test environment and interest groups.
For the past two decades the music digitalization has been considered the most significant phenomenon in the music industry as the physical sales have been decreasing rapidly. The advancement of the digital technology and the internet have facilitated the digitalization in the music industry and affected all stages of the music value chain, namely music creation, distribution and consumption. The newly created consumer culture has led to the establishment of novel business models such as music subscriptions and à-la-carte downloads websites and live streaming. The dynamic digital environment has presented the music industry stakeholders with the challenge to adapt to the requirements of the constantly changing modern consumers’ needs and demands. The purpose of this study was to identify how music digitalization can influence change in the Finnish music industry value chain; i.e. how digitalization affects the music industry stakeholders, their functions and inter-relatedness and how the stakeholders are able to react to the changes in the industry. The study was conducted as a qualitative research based entirely on primary data in the form of semi-structured interviews with experts from different units of the Finnish music industry value chain. Since the study offers assessment of diverse viewpoints on the value chain, it further provides an integrated picture of the Finnish music industry current situation and its competitive environment. The results suggest that the music industry is currently in a turbulent stage of experimentation with new business models and digital innovations. However, at this point it is impossible to determine which business model will be approved by the consumers in the longer run. Nevertheless, the study confirmed the claim that consumption of music in its digital form is to become dominant over the traditional physical copies sales in the nearest future. As a result the music industry is becoming more user-oriented; that is the focus is shifting from music production towards artist branding and management and visibility to the audience. Furthermore, the music industry is undergoing the process of integration with other industries such as media, social networks, internet services providers and mobile phone manufacturers in order to better fulfill the consumers’ needs. The previously underrated live music and merchandising are also increasing their significance for the revenues in the stagnant music markets. Therefore, the music industry is developing at present towards becoming an integrated entertainment industry deeply penetrating every point of modern people’s leisure activities.
The purpose of this thesis is to study factors that have an impact on the company’s capabilities to identify and analyze the value of digitalization of services during the early stages of service development process and evaluate them from the perspective of a case company. The research problem was defined: “How digitalization of services affects delivering the services of the future?” The research method of this thesis was based on the qualitative case study which aimed to study both company’s and customer’s set of values. The study included a literature review and a development study. The empirical research part consisted of analyzing three existing services, specifying a new digital service concept and its feasibility analysis as part of a business requirement phase. To understand the set of values, 10 stakeholder interviews were conducted and earlier customer surveys were utilized, and additionally, a number of meetings were conducted with the case company representatives to develop service concept, and evaluate the findings. The impact of the early stages of service development process discovered to reflect directly in the capabilities of the case company to identify and create customer value were related to the themes presented in the literature review. In order to specify the value achieved from the digitalization the following areas of strategic background elements were deepened during the study: Innovations, customer understanding and business service. Based on the findings, the study aims to enhance the case company’s capability to identify and evaluate the impact of the digitalization in delivering services of the future. Recognizing the value of digital service before the beginning of the development project is important to the businesses of both customer and provider. By exploring the various levels of digitalization one can get the overall picture of the value gained from utilizing digital opportunities. From the development perspective, the process of reviewing and discovering the most promising opportunities and solutions is the key step in order to deliver superior services. Ultimately, a company should understand the value outcome determination of the individual services as well as their digital counterparts.
Intellectual assets have attained continuous attention in the academic field, as they are vital sources of competitive advantage and organizational performance in the contemporary knowledge intensive business environment. Intellectual capital measurement is quite thoroughly addressed in the accounting literature. However, the purpose of the measurement is to support the management of intellectual assets, but the reciprocal relationship between measurement and management has not been comprehensively considered in the literature. The theoretical motivation for this study rose from this paradox, as in order to maximise the effectiveness of knowledge management the two initiatives need to be closely integrated. The research approach of this interventionist case study is constructive. The objective is to develop the case organization’s knowledge management and intellectual capital measurement in a way that they would be closely integrated and the measurement would support the management of intellectual assets. The case analysis provides valuable practical considerations about the integration and related issues as the case company is a knowledge intensive organization in which the know-how of the employees is the central competitive asset and therefore, the management and measurement of knowledge are essential for its future success. The results suggest that the case organization is confronting challenges in managing knowledge. In order to appropriately manage knowledge processes and control the related risks, support from intellectual capital measurement is required. However, challenges in measuring intellectual capital, especially knowledge, could be recognized in the organization. By reflecting the knowledge management situation and the constructed strategy map, a new intellectual measurement system was developed for the case organization. The construction of the system as well as its indicators can be perceived to contribute to the literature, emphasizing of the importance of properly considering the organization’s knowledge situation in developing an intellectual capital measurement system.
A strategy process was completed in the ESF project “Promotion of Work-related Immigration”, which was implemented at Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Ostrobothnia, and an immigration strategy was drawn up for Northern Ostrobothnia on the basis of the process. Information was collected about the situation in Northern Ostrobothnia from the point of view of immigration and the future availability of labour. The intention was to use the information as background material for the strategy. Employers’ need for support in recruiting foreign labour was investigated with a broad inquiry, to which 1000 respondents replied. The strategy process was carried out together with an outside consultant (Net Effect Oy) by arranging three workshops and a seminar where the workshop results were summarised. A large number of companies, authorities, municipalities, associations, project actors and immigrants engaged in immigration issues participated in the workshops. The draft strategy is based on their experiences about immigration and on statistical data, background inquiries and surveys. To ensure the accuracy of the draft strategy, comments were requested from several parties and received from 64 organisations. The core of the immigration strategy consists of an initial analysis, values, a vision and priorities. The strategy is composed of three priorities. The key aim of the priority Internationalisation and Supporting Diversity is to support diversity in schools, workplaces and people’s everyday lives e.g. through attitude development and by promoting internationalisation in companies and education institutions. The aim of the priority Supporting Entrepreneurship and Recruiting Foreign Labour is to promote entrepreneurship among immigrants and the recruitment of foreign labour and to develop the forecasting of educational needs. The priority Developing Integration Services, Regional Cooperation and Networks, in turn, seeks to develop the service structure and policies of immigrant integration and to increase cooperation and exchange of information between regional actors engaged in integration issues. The aim is to use the strategy as a guideline document for immigration issues in Northern Ostrobothnia. The strategy is used to coordinate the existing organisations and operations dealing with immigration issues. In addition, it contains a future-oriented focus and underlines the management of new immigration projects and operations. The main party responsible for the implementation of the strategy is the Immigration Committee. In addition, responsible parties have been assigned to each measure. The implementation of the immigration strategy will be monitored annually on the basis of indicators.
The objective of this study was research the shared knowledge and the means of sharing with the help of social network analysis. The purpose of this study was to give descriptive information to case-organization about its situational network status in different units. The premise of the study is the success of organizational competences and networks, especially when it comes to the sharing of knowledge. The research was accomplished in a TEKES –projects, Developing Network-Based Services – The Role of Competences and Networks COMNET –projects case-organization. Lappeenranta School of Business and the case-organization started the project in co-operation. The baseline for the study was organizational competencies and organizational networks as success factors, especially from the knowledge sharing’s point of view. The research was based on triangulation, which included pre-interviews, network analyses accomplished by Webropol –e-mail survey and qualitative interviews. The results indicated that regular unit meetings were experienced to be the most important method of knowledge sharing along with e-mailing, intranet and weekly bulletins. The co-operation between units was also experienced to be important when evaluating knowledge sharing and communication. The intrafirm network was experienced tight. Dispersed units and partly unclear means of information sharing were the biggest obstacles for information communication. Knowledge sharing, communication with others and trainings were seen important in the case-organization.
Supply chain finance, a financial product provided by the bank, has gained increasing attention and popularity over the last few years. Supply chain finance helps the corporate clients to optimize their financial flows along the supply chain. One characteristic of supply chain finance is that it aims to provide automated solutions. Therefore, the business process automation of supply chain finance is a very interesting and important topic for study. In this study, the business process automation of supply chain finance within the case organization, ING, is analysed. The purpose is to: (1) Identify the benefits to understand the importance to automate supply chain finance business process; (2) Find out the existing automation degree in the supply chain finance business process within the case bank to see what’s the situation now and how to improve in the future; (3) Discover the challenges in the further automation of supply chain finance business process. Firstly, the study finds out that supply chain finance business process automation can bring many benefits to the bank. Automation can improve productivity by using less time and human labour in the business process, and by providing scalable solutions. Automation can also improve quality of the service by reducing the human errors. Last but not least, automation can improve internal governance by providing enhanced visibility of the business process. Because of these potential benefits, many banks are actively seeking solutions to automate their supply chain finance business process. Then, the current automation situation with the case bank is analysed with the help of business process modelling. The supply chain finance business process within the case bank can be further divided into several sub processes: daily transaction, buyer sales and setup, supplier onboarding, contract management, customer services and supports, and contract termination. The study finds out that the daily transaction process is already a highly automated, which is carried out through the web-based trading platform. However, for other business the automation degree is relatively low. Among these business processes, supplier onboarding is most needed for further automation. Then, some solutions are also suggested to automate the supplier onboarding business process. In the end, the study also foresees some challenges during the further automation of supply chain finance business process in the case bank. Some suggestions are also given to deal with these challenges.
IT service catalog is an increasingly important issue as many IT organizations have been realizing it as a central communication and visualization tool to bridge the gap between IT and the business. This study reviews relevant literature on IT service catalog and related issues on IT services delivery. Furthermore, the study shows how IT service catalog can enhance IT effectiveness as well as provide more benefits when integrating with Configuration Management Database. In order to analyze whether IT service catalog is needed to be implemented in a Pan-Nordic Insurance Company, this study also investigates the current IT services delivery of a case study. The findings of the study show the problems in the current situation of IT services delivery in the case. The characteristics of IT service catalog are recommended in order to help with the mentioned flaws.
Liiketoimintaa tukevien palvelujen etätuotanto edustaa uutta kansainvälistymisen muotoa. Kehittyvien markkinoiden nousu yhdistettynä yritysten arvoketjutoimintojen kansainvälistymiseen on luonut yrityksille kasvavan paineen etsiä parasta sijaintia toiminnoilleen. Monikansalliset yritykset ovat yhä useammin korvanneet paikallisia henkilöstöpalvelujaan siirtymällä globaaliin malliin jaettujen palvelujen tuotannossa. Tämä diplomityö on toteutettu tukeakseen UPM:n henkilöstöhallintoa globaalin palvelukeskuksen perustamisessa Puolaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on laajentaa käsitystä henkilöstöpalvelujen tarjontamallin uudistamiseen johtaneista tekijöistä ja motiiveista. Empiirisen tutkimuksen tärkein tavoite on tukea rekrytoinnin hallinnollisten töiden siirtoa globaaliin palvelukeskukseen palvelun laadun säilyessä vähintään aikaisemmalla tasolla. Tutkimuksen tulokset painottavat strategista näkökulmaa muutokseen. Strategiset syyt UPM:n henkilöstöhallinnon globaalin palvelukeskuksen perustamiselle sisältävät ylikapasiteetin ja päällekkäisten toimintojen vähentämisen eri maissa. Muutos lisää palvelun joustavuutta sekä edesauttaa toiminnan läpinäkyvyyttä, ennustettavuutta ja kustannusten valvontaa. Onnistuneesti toteutetut jaetut palvelut voivat toimia hyvänä lähtökohtana tehokkaiden henkilöstöpalvelujen tuottamiselle.
Työn tavoitteina oli (1) laatia prosessimalli teollisuuden palveluliiketoiminnan mahdollisuuksien kartoittamiseen sekä (2) rakentaa tuoteorientoituneelle yritykselle soveltuva palveluliiketoimintapolku, jota seuraamalla tunnistettu palveluliiketoiminnan potentiaali pystytään muuntamaan tulokselliseksi liiketoiminnaksi. Diplomityö toteutettiin Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnoiman LEKA-hankkeen palveluliiketoiminnan tutkimusalueelle Pohjois-Savon teollisuusyrityssektorin tarpeet huomioiden. Työn teoreettisessa osiossa tarkasteltiin teollisuuden palveluliiketoiminnan perusteita, palveluliiketoiminnan kehittämistä tuoteorientoituneen yrityksen näkökulmasta sekä tunnettuja palvelujen kehittämisprosesseja ja työkaluja erityisesti konseptoinnin osalta. Empiirinen osuus keskittyi palveluliiketoiminnan kehittämiseen tapaustutkimuskohteena toimineessa tuoteorientoituneessa yrityksessä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi tapauskohtaisesti räätälöityvä konseptointiprosessimalli työkaluineen. Asiakkaat, työntekijät ja verkostokumppanit osallistuttavalla prosessilla palveluliiketoiminnan mahdollisuudet pystytään selvittämään luotettavasti riskit minimoiden. Lisäksi työn tuloksena luotiin tuoteorientoituneille yrityksille soveltuva palveluliiketoiminnan kehittämispolku, jossa palvelukonseptit toimivat alustana polun eri vaiheissa tehtäville päätöksille ja valinnoille sekä tarvittaville muutostoimenpiteille.
The intent of this research was to develop a model that describes the extent to which customer behavioral intentions are influenced by service quality, customer satisfaction and customer perceived value in the business-to-business service context. Research on customer behavioral intentions is quite fragmented and no generalized model has been presented. Thus, there was need for empirical testing. This study builds on the services marketing theory and assesses the relationships between the identified constructs. The data for the empirical analysis was collected via a quantitative online survey and a total of 226 usable responses were obtained for further analysis. The model was tested in an employment agency service setting. The measures used in this survey were first assessed by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) after which the hypothesized relationships were further verified using structural equation modeling (SEM) in LISREL 8.80. The analysis identified that customer satisfaction played a pivotal role in the model as it was the only direct antecedent of customer behavioral intentions, however, customer perceived value showed a strong indirect impact on buying intentions via customer satisfaction. In contrast to what was hypothesized, service quality and customer perceived value did not have a direct positive effect on behavioral intentions. Also, a contradicting finding with current literature was that sacrifice was argued to have a direct but positive impact on customer perceived value. Based on the findings in this study, managers should carefully think of their service strategies that lead to their customers’ favorable behavioral intentions.
Services are getting more complex and difficult to manage, but much less attention and resources are directed towards service development than product development both in literature and business life. The paper sheds light on how productization together with modularization and service blueprinting would help make consultancy services more manageable, scalable and efficient while retaining their customer focus. The research was qualitative and based on active research and participant observation. A theoretical framework was constructed on the basis of relevant literature and was then evaluated in two steps: first the overall framework was evaluated by mirroring it to a real life case at QPR Software. Then a service blueprint was created of a selected service, and its benefits and challenges were evaluated. The framework reflected the case company's situation well. Service blueprinting proved to be a valuable tool for facilitating discussion and knowledge sharing. The characteristics of consultancy services provide many challenges for productization. They are highly heterogeneous and people-centric whereas productization is based on standardizing the offering, the delivery processes and managing the service's tangible properties. The research indicated that by modularizing services, both customer focus and standardization can be achieved by creating variety.
The objective of this thesis was to study organizational renewal from the customer orientation perspective. Customer orientation is divided into customer relationship management and customer knowledge, which both are important components of customer related organizational renewal capabilities. The study was conducted in knowledge intensive business service firms, which are required to renew their strategy, operations and processes constantly in order to gain and sustain competitive advantage. In the empirical research, two companies were studied, both offering services to their customers. The analysis was done in two phases; first each case was analyzed individually and then the cases were compared in a cross-case analysis. The most important finding was that customer orientation is considered important but it is not being utilized for organizational renewal in full capacity.
The aim of this master’s thesis is to analyze the mining industry customers' current and future needs for the water treatment services and discover new business development opportunities in the context of mine water treatment. In addition, the study focuses on specifying service offerings needed and evaluate suitable revenue generation models for them. The main research question of the study is: What kind of service needs related to water treatment can be identified in the Finnish mining industry? The literature examined in the study focused on industrial service classification and new service development process as well as the revenue generation of services. A qualitative research approach employing a case study method was chosen for the study. The present study uses customer and expert interviews as primary data source, complemented by archival data. The primary data was gathered by organizing total of 13 interviews, and the interviews were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. The abductive-logic was chosen as the way of conducting scientific reasoning in this study. As a result, new service proposals were developed for Finnish mine industry suppliers. The main areas of development were on asset efficiency services and process support services. The service needs were strongly associated with suppliers’ know-how of water treatment process optimization, cost-effectiveness as well as on alternative technologies. The study provides an insight for managers that wish to pursue a water treatment services as a part of their business offering.