22 resultados para Fragmrnt-continuity

em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo (BDPI/USP)


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In this paper we consider the strongly damped wave equation with time-dependent terms u(tt) - Delta u - gamma(t)Delta u(t) + beta(epsilon)(t)u(t) = f(u), in a bounded domain Omega subset of R(n), under some restrictions on beta(epsilon)(t), gamma(t) and growth restrictions on the nonlinear term f. The function beta(epsilon)(t) depends on a parameter epsilon, beta(epsilon)(t) -> 0. We will prove, under suitable assumptions, local and global well-posedness (using the uniform sectorial operators theory), the existence and regularity of pullback attractors {A(epsilon)(t) : t is an element of R}, uniform bounds for these pullback attractors, characterization of these pullback attractors and their upper and lower semicontinuity at epsilon = 0. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we give general results on the continuity of pullback attractors for nonlinear evolution processes. We then revisit results of [D. Li, P.E. Kloeden, Equi-attraction and the continuous dependence of pullback attractors on parameters, Stoch. Dyn. 4 (3) (2004) 373-384] which show that, under certain conditions, continuity is equivalent to uniformity of attraction over a range of parameters (""equi-attraction""): we are able to simplify their proofs and weaken the conditions required for this equivalence to hold. Generalizing a classical autonomous result [A.V. Babin, M.I. Vishik, Attractors of Evolution Equations, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992] we give bounds on the rate of convergence of attractors when the family is uniformly exponentially attracting. To apply these results in a more concrete situation we show that a non-autonomous regular perturbation of a gradient-like system produces a family of pullback attractors that are uniformly exponentially attracting: these attractors are therefore continuous, and we can give an explicit bound on the distance between members of this family. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is concerned with singular perturbations in parabolic problems subjected to nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions. We consider the case for which the diffusion coefficient blows up in a subregion Omega(0) which is interior to the physical domain Omega subset of R(n). We prove, under natural assumptions, that the associated attractors behave continuously as the diffusion coefficient blows up locally uniformly in Omega(0) and converges uniformly to a continuous and positive function in Omega(1) = (Omega) over bar\Omega(0). (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we conclude the analysis started in [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains I. Continuity of the set of equilibria, J. Differential Equations 231 (2006) 551-597] and continued in [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains II. The limiting problem, J. Differential Equations 247 (1) (2009) 174-202 (this issue)] concerning the behavior of the asymptotic dynamics of a dissipative reaction-diffusion equation in a dumbbell domain as the channel shrinks to a line segment. In [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho. G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains I. Continuity of the set of equilibria, J. Differential Equations 231 (2006) 551-597], we have established an appropriate functional analytic framework to address this problem and we have shown the continuity of the set of equilibria. In [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz. Dynamics in dumbbell domains II. The limiting problem, J. Differential Equations 247 (1) (2009) 174-202 (this issue)], we have analyzed the behavior of the limiting problem. In this paper we show that the attractors are Upper semicontinuous and, moreover, if all equilibria of the limiting problem are hyperbolic, then they are lower semicontinuous and therefore, continuous. The continuity is obtained in L(p) and H(1) norms. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we study the continuity of asymptotics of semilinear parabolic problems of the form u(t) - div(p(x)del u) + lambda u =f(u) in a bounded smooth domain ohm subset of R `` with Dirichlet boundary conditions when the diffusion coefficient p becomes large in a subregion ohm(0) which is interior to the physical domain ohm. We prove, under suitable assumptions, that the family of attractors behave upper and lower semicontinuously as the diffusion blows up in ohm(0). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper explores the structural continuum in CATH and the extent to which superfamilies adopt distinct folds. Although most superfamilies are structurally conserved, in some of the most highly populated superfamilies (4% of all superfamilies) there is considerable structural divergence. While relatives share a similar fold in the evolutionary conserved core, diverse elaborations to this core can result in significant differences in the global structures. Applying similar protocols to examine the extent to which structural overlaps occur between different fold groups, it appears this effect is confined to just a few architectures and is largely due to small, recurring super-secondary motifs (e.g., alpha beta-motifs, alpha-hairpins). Although 24% of superfamilies overlap with superfamilies having different folds, only 14% of nonredundant structures in CATH are involved in overlaps. Nevertheless, the existence of these overlaps suggests that, in some regions of structure space, the fold universe should be seen as more continuous.


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The coastal plains of the States of Parana and Santa Catarina, in Southern Brazil, were first settled around 6000 B.P. by shellmound builders, a successful fisher-hunter-gatherer population that inhabited the coastal lowlands practically unchanged for almost five thousand years. Shellmounds were typically occupied as residential sites as well as cemeteries, and are usually associated with rich alimentary zones. Around 1200 B.P., the first evidence of ceramics brought from the interior is found in coastal areas, and together with ceramics there is a progressive abandonment of shellmound construction in favor of flat cold shallow sites. Here we consider if these changes were reflected in the postmarital residence practice of coastal groups, i.e., if the arrival or intensification of contact with groups from the interior resulted in changes in this aspect of social structure among the coastal groups. To test the postmarital residence practice we analyzed within-group variability ratios between males and females, following previous studies on the topic. and between-group, correlations between Mahalanobis distances and geographic distances. The results suggest that in the pre-ceramic series a matrilocal, postmarital residential system predominated, while in the ceramic period there was a shift toward patrilocality. This favors the hypothesis that the changes experienced by coastal groups after 1200 B.P. affected not only their economy and material culture, but important aspects of their sociopolitical organization as well.


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In this work we prove that the global attractors for the flow of the equation partial derivative m(r, t)/partial derivative t = -m(r, t) + g(beta J * m(r, t) + beta h), h, beta >= 0, are continuous with respect to the parameters h and beta if one assumes a property implying normal hyperbolicity for its (families of) equilibria.


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Even among forest specialists, species-specific responses to anthropogenic forest fragmentation may vary considerably. Some appear to be confined to forest interiors, and perceive a fragmented landscape as a mosaic of suitable fragments and hostile matrix. Others, however, are able to make use of matrix habitats and perceive the landscape in shades of grey rather than black-and-white. We analysed data of 42 Chiroxiphia caudata (Blue Manakin), 10 Pyriglena leucoptera (White-shouldered Fire-eye) and 19 Sclerurus scansor (Rufous-breasted Leaftosser) radio-tracked in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil between 2003 and 2005. We illustrate how habitat preferences may determine how species respond to or perceive the landscape structure. We compared available with used habitat to develop a species-specific preference index for each of six habitat classes. All three species preferred old forest, but relative use of other classes differed significantly. S. scansor perceived great contrast between old forest and matrix, whereas the other two species perceived greater habitat continuity. For conservation planning, our study offers three important messages: (1) some forest specialist species are able to persist in highly fragmented landscapes; (2) some forest species may be able to make use of different anthropogenic habitat types to various degrees; whereas (3) others are restricted to the remaining forest fragments. Our study suggests species most confined to forest interiors to be considered as potential umbrella species for landscape-scale conservation planning.


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The open vegetation corridor of South America is a region dominated by savanna biomes. It contains forests (i.e. riverine forests) that may act as corridors for rainforest specialists between the open vegetation corridor and its neighbouring biomes (i.e. the Amazonian and Atlantic forests). A prediction for this scenario is that populations of rainforest specialists in the open vegetation corridor and in the forested biomes show no significant genetic divergence. We addressed this hypothesis by studying plumage and genetic variation of the Planalto woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes platyrostris Spix (1824) (Aves: Furnariidae), a forest specialist that occurs in both open habitat and in the Atlantic forest. The study questions were: (1) is there any evidence of genetic continuity between populations of the open habitat and the Atlantic forest and (2) is plumage variation congruent with patterns of neutral genetic structure or with ecological factors related to habitat type? We used cytochrome b and mitochondrial DNA control region sequences to show that D. platyrostris is monophyletic and presents substantial intraspecific differentiation. We found two areas of plumage stability: one associated with Cerrado and the other associated with southern Atlantic Forest. Multiple Mantel tests showed that most of the plumage variation followed the transition of habitats but not phylogeographical gaps, suggesting that selection may be related to the evolution of the plumage of the species. The results were not compatible with the idea that forest specialists in the open vegetation corridor and in the Atlantic forest are linked at the population level because birds from each region were not part of the same genetic unit. Divergence in the presence of gene flow across the ecotone between both regions might explain our results. Also, our findings indicate that the southern Atlantic forest may have been significantly affected by Pleistocene climatic alteration, although such events did not cause local extinction of most taxa, as occurred in other regions of the globe where forests were significantly affected by global glaciations. Finally, our results neither support plumage stability areas, nor subspecies as full species. (C) 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103, 801-820.


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This paper is concerned with the lower semicontinuity of attractors for semilinear non-autonomous differential equations in Banach spaces. We require the unperturbed attractor to be given as the union of unstable manifolds of time-dependent hyperbolic solutions, generalizing previous results valid only for gradient-like systems in which the hyperbolic solutions are equilibria. The tools employed are a study of the continuity of the local unstable manifolds of the hyperbolic solutions and results on the continuity of the exponential dichotomy of the linearization around each of these solutions.


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In this paper, we study the behavior of the solutions of nonlinear parabolic problems posed in a domain that degenerates into a line segment (thin domain) which has an oscillating boundary. We combine methods from linear homogenization theory for reticulated structures and from the theory on nonlinear dynamics of dissipative systems to obtain the limit problem for the elliptic and parabolic problems and analyze the convergence properties of the solutions and attractors of the evolutionary equations. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Let a > 0, Omega subset of R(N) be a bounded smooth domain and - A denotes the Laplace operator with Dirichlet boundary condition in L(2)(Omega). We study the damped wave problem {u(tt) + au(t) + Au - f(u), t > 0, u(0) = u(0) is an element of H(0)(1)(Omega), u(t)(0) = v(0) is an element of L(2)(Omega), where f : R -> R is a continuously differentiable function satisfying the growth condition vertical bar f(s) - f (t)vertical bar <= C vertical bar s - t vertical bar(1 + vertical bar s vertical bar(rho-1) + vertical bar t vertical bar(rho-1)), 1 < rho < (N - 2)/(N + 2), (N >= 3), and the dissipativeness condition limsup(vertical bar s vertical bar ->infinity) s/f(s) < lambda(1) with lambda(1) being the first eigenvalue of A. We construct the global weak solutions of this problem as the limits as eta -> 0(+) of the solutions of wave equations involving the strong damping term 2 eta A(1/2)u with eta > 0. We define a subclass LS subset of C ([0, infinity), L(2)(Omega) x H(-1)(Omega)) boolean AND L(infinity)([0, infinity), H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega)) of the `limit` solutions such that through each initial condition from H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) passes at least one solution of the class LS. We show that the class LS has bounded dissipativeness property in H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) and we construct a closed bounded invariant subset A of H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega), which is weakly compact in H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) and compact in H({I})(s)(Omega) x H(s-1)(Omega), s is an element of [0, 1). Furthermore A attracts bounded subsets of H(0)(1)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) in H({I})(s)(Omega) x H(s-1)(Omega), for each s is an element of [0, 1). For N = 3, 4, 5 we also prove a local uniqueness result for the case of smooth initial data.


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In this work we continue the analysis of the asymptotic dynamics of reaction-diffusion problems in a dumbbell domain started in [J.M. Arrieta, AN Carvalho, G. Lozada-Cruz, Dynamics in dumbbell domains I. Continuity of the set of equilibria, J. Differential Equations 231 (2) (2006) 551-597]. Here we study the limiting problem, that is, an evolution problem in a ""domain"" which consists of an open, bounded and smooth set Omega subset of R(N) with a curve R(0) attached to it. The evolution in both parts of the domain is governed by a parabolic equation. In Omega the evolution is independent of the evolution in R(0) whereas in R(0) the evolution depends on the evolution in Omega through the continuity condition of the solution at the junction points. We analyze in detail the linear elliptic and parabolic problem, the generation of linear and nonlinear semigroups, the existence and structure of attractors. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this article we introduce the concept of a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup as an intermediate concept between a gradient nonlinear semigroup (those possessing a Lyapunov function, see [J.K. Hale, Asymptotic Behavior of Dissipative Systems, Math. Surveys Monogr., vol. 25, Amer. Math. Soc., 1989]) and a nonlinear semigroup possessing a gradient-like attractor. We prove that a perturbation of a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup remains a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup. Moreover, for non-autonomous dynamical systems we introduce the concept of a gradient-like evolution process and prove that a non-autonomous perturbation of a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup is a gradient-like evolution process. For gradient-like nonlinear semigroups and evolution processes, we prove continuity, characterization and (pullback and forwards) exponential attraction of their attractors under perturbation extending the results of [A.N. Carvalho, J.A. Langa, J.C. Robinson, A. Suarez, Characterization of non-autonomous attractors of a perturbed gradient system, J. Differential Equations 236 (2007) 570-603] on characterization and of [A.V. Babin, M.I. Vishik, Attractors in Evolutionary Equations, Stud. Math. Appl.. vol. 25, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992] on exponential attraction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.