63 resultados para Vegetable breeding


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A key component of parental care involves defending resources destined for offspring from a diverse array of potential interspecific competitors, such as social parasites, fungi and bacteria. 2. Just as with other aspects of parental care, such as offspring provisioning or brood defence, sexual conflict between parents may arise over how to share the costs of this form of care. There has been little previous work, however, to investigate how this particular burden might be shared. 3. Here, we describe a hitherto uncharacterized form of parental care in burying beetles Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species which prepares carrion for its young and faces competition from microbes for this resource. We found that parents defend the carcass with antibacterial anal exudates, and that the antibacterial activity of these exudates is only upregulated following the discovery of a corpse. At the same time, phenoloxidase activity in the anal exudates is downregulated, indicating parallels with the internal insect immune system. 4. In unmanipulated breeding pairs, females had higher antibacterial activity in their anal exudates than males, suggesting sex-specific roles in this aspect of parental care. 5. When we experimentally widowed males, we found that they increased levels of antibacterial activity in their anal exudates. Experimentally widowing females, however, led them to decrease levels of antibacterial activity in their anal exudates. Widowed beetles of each sex thus produced anal exudates of comparable antibacterial activity. We suggest that this flexible division of antibacterial activity may be coordinated by Juvenile Hormone. © 2009 British Ecological Society.


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Objective: To investigate barriers to increasing fruit and vegetable (f + v) intakes in a large sample of the older population of Northern Ireland (NI), in relation to current intakes.


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Observational evidence consistently shows that consumption of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables may offer protection against diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Assessment of dietary intake is complex and prone to many sources of error. More objective biomarkers of fruit and vegetable intake are therefore of interest. The aim of this review is to examine the usefulness of the main biomarkers of fruit and vegetable intake to act as objective indicators of compliance in dietary intervention studies. A comprehensive search of the literature was conducted using six databases. Suitable papers were selected and relevant data extracted. The papers were categorized into 3 sub-groups: whole diet interventions; mixed fruit and vegetable interventions; and studies involving individual varieties of fruits or vegetables. Ninety-six studies were included in the review. Overall, the most commonly measured, and most consistently responsive, biomarkers were the carotenoids and vitamin C. Based on the results of this systematic review, it remains prudent to measure a panel of biomarkers in fruit and vegetable intervention studies. The only possible exception to this is “fruit only” intervention studies where assessment of vitamin C alone may suffice.


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Epidemiological evidence supports a positive relationship between fruit and vegetable (FV) intake, lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Increasing FV intake may attenuate the oxidative stress and inflammation associated with COPD.

An exploratory randomised controlled trial to examine the effect of increased consumption of FV on oxidative stress and inflammation in moderate-to-severe COPD was conducted. 81 symptomatically stable patients with a habitually low FV intake (two or fewer portions of FV per day) were randomised to the intervention group (five or more portions of FV per day) or the control group (two or fewer portions of FV per day). Each participant received self-selected weekly home deliveries of FV for 12 weeks.

75 participants completed the intervention. There was a significant between-group change in self-reported FV intake and biomarkers of FV intake (zeaxanthin (p=0.034) and ß-cryptoxanthin (p=0.015)), indicating good compliance; post-intervention intakes in intervention and control groups were 6.1 and 1.9 portions of FV per day, respectively. There were no significant changes in biomarkers of airway inflammation (interleukin-8 and myeloperoxidase) and systemic inflammation (C-reactive protein) or airway and systemic oxidative stress (8-isoprostane).

This exploratory study demonstrated that patients with moderate-to-severe COPD were able to comply with an intervention to increase FV intake; however, this had no significant effect on airway or systemic oxidative stress and inflammation.


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Capsule Despite substantial inter-annual and inter-specific variance in the composition of chick diet, the breeding success of Guillemots (Common Murres) Uria aalge and Razorbills Alca torda remained constant from 2008 to 2010.
Aims To examine inter-specific and inter-annual differences in breeding success, chick provisioning behaviour and predation between two sympatric auk species.
Methods Focal observations of breeding auks at Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland, during 2008, 2009 and 2010 recorded reproductive success, reasons for breeding failure, prey composition and quality and chick provisioning rates.
Results Breeding success of both species was stable over the three years, despite significant variance in the composition and quality of the diet provided to chicks. Razorbills experienced greater rates of failure than Guillemots owing to chick loss and had lower overall breeding success.
Conclusion Guillemot and Razorbill breeding success was independent of the composition and quality of prey items delivered to chicks. Inter-specific differences in reproductive success may have been attributed to greater rates of predation at Razorbill rather than Guillemot nests.


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Several short-term studies have investigated the effects of a vegetable oil emulsion on subsequent food intake, although findings have been inconsistent. This work aimed to review all studies, and investigate differences in study outcomes based on methodology. All known studies were identified. Data were abstracted from published studies (n = 7). Details of unpublished studies were gained from investigators/sponsors (n = 5), or were unavailable for reasons of confidentiality (n = 4). Available data were combined using meta-analyses. A combined appetite suppressant effect of the emulsion compared with control was found for test meal intake at approximately 4, 12 and 36 h post-treatment: smallest combined mean difference (random effects model) = 0.53 MJ (95% confidence interval 0.20, 0.86), P < 0.01. However, considerable heterogeneity (variability) between study results was also found (smallest I2 = 94%, P < 0.01), questioning the predictive validity of the above findings. Meta-regression suggested this heterogeneity to be related to differences in the processed nature of the product, treatment dose and in particular year of study (smallest B = 0.54, 95% confidence interval 0.06, 1.03, P = 0.04), although again heterogeneity was found. The only consistent finding was a lack of effect on food intake 4 h post-preload in studies conducted after 2003. These results suggest a small but inconsistent appetite suppressant effect of the vegetable oil emulsion. However, due to the large heterogeneity, no definitive conclusions can be drawn.