13 resultados para Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973
em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha
Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) sedimentary succession of the Pamplona Basin are described. This succession was accumulated in the western part of the South Pyrenean peripheral foreland basin and extends from deep-marine turbiditic (Ezkaba Sandstone Formation) to deltaic (Pamplona Marl, Ardanatz Sandstone and Ilundain Marl formations) and marginal marine deposits (Gendulain Formation). The micropalaeontological content is high. It is dominated by foraminifera, and common ostracods and other microfossils are also present. The fossil ichnoasssemblages include at least 23 ichnogenera and 28 ichnospecies indicative of Nereites, Cruziana, Glossifungites and ?Scoyenia-Mermia ichnofacies. Body macrofossils of 78 taxa corresponding to macroforaminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms and vertebrates have been identified. Both the number of ichnotaxa and of species (e. g. bryozoans, molluscs and condrichthyans) may be considerably higher. Body fossil assemblages are comparable to those from the Eocene of the Nord Pyrenean area (Basque Coast), and also to those from the Eocene of the west-central and eastern part of South Pyrenean area (Aragon and Catalonia). At the European scale, the molluscs assemblages seem endemic from the Pyrenean area, although several Tethyan (Italy and Alps) and Northern elements (Paris basin and Normandy) have been recorded. Palaeontological data of studied sedimentary units fit well with the shallowing process that throughout the middle and late Eocene occurs in the area, according to the sedimentological and stratigraphical data.
The neoliberal period was accompanied by a momentous transformation within the US health care system. As the result of a number of political and historical dynamics, the healthcare law signed by President Barack Obama in 2010 the Affordable Care Act (ACA) drew less on universal models from abroad than it did on earlier conservative healthcare reform proposals. This was in part the result of the influence of powerful corporate healthcare interests. While the ACA expands healthcare coverage, it does so incompletely and unevenly, with persistent uninsurance and disparities in access based on insurance status. Additionally, the law accommodates an overall shift towards a consumerist model of care characterized by high cost sharing at time of use. Finally, the law encourages the further consolidation of the healthcare sector, for instance into units named Accountable Care Organizations that closely resemble the health maintenance organizations favored by managed care advocates. The overall effect has been to maintain a fragmented system that is neither equitable nor efficient. A single payer universal system would, in contrast, help transform healthcare into a social right.
Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensin ritual en los Textos de las Pirmides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa ms antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptlogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la coleccin y los contextos originales en los que estos textos (ritos) aparecieron. La aplicacin de la teora del ritual, principalmente la aproximacin de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de anlisis e interpretacin del corpus, su estructura y funcin. Sujeto a las reglas de la sintaxis ritual es posible exponer los mltiples niveles de significado en el corpus para la resurreccin y salvacin del difunto.
Bajo el paradigma de modernizacin y desarrollo norteamericano -y en un contexto de Guerra Fra-, durante la dcada de 1960 se adecuaron a la realidad chilena programas de control de natalidad que no slo buscaron disminuir las altas tasas de mortalidad materno infantil, sino que adems respondieron al proyecto de seguridad hemisfrica norteamericana de contencin a posibles revoluciones populares en pases del Tercer Mundo.
The relationship between rhetoric and graphic design is presented in this article. The comparison between a classical orator and a graphic designer, between a discourse and a piece of design comes from the connections between with the communication and creativity. We will see how an application of the fundamentals of rhetoric can open new doors to the professional practice, the education of graphic design and the same theory of the rhetoric of the image.By the analysis of a design is exemplified the points of union that show how the arguments, operations, figures of discourse and rhetorical phases are present in the creative process of graphic design and how designers, perhaps unconsciously, use techniques that were traditional. In other words, graphic design is a rhetorical construction.There is then a transposition of a discourse model created by linguistic signs to a discourse model consists of visual and typographic signs, causing design is seen as a discursivediscipline that goes beyond the aesthetic component.
Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses.This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a regular spherulithic prismatic microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra.Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a patchy appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra.Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.
La historia de la moneda en la Castilla medieval ha estado siempre mediatizada por la convivencia no siempre armnica entre dos sistemas monetarios muy diferentes. Uno basado en la plata, de origen europeo, otro centrado en el oro, de races rabes. La necesidad de conectar y de establecer unas equivalencias entre ellos se convirti pronto en una necesidad, mxime cuando las monedas de oro incrementaron sus variantes. En esta compleja situacin aparecen mencales y maraveds citados conjuntamente en muchos fueros: Zorita, Ucls, Cuenca,... sin que su naturaleza quede del todo clara. Este artculo compara estas referencias y analiza las equivalencias que los unen. Como colofn al trabajo podemos afirmar que los maraveds citados en cada texto corresponden a monedas ureas de distinto peso y valor mientras el mencal es identificado con un ponderal de oro que los relaciona.
Historical archaeology, in its narrow temporal sense -as an archaeology of the emergence and subsequent evolution of the Modern world- is steadily taking pace in Spanish academia. This paper aims at provoking a more robust debate through understanding how Spanish historical archaeology is placed in the international scene and some of its more relevant particularities. In so doing, the paper also stresses the strong links that have united historical and prehistorical archaeology since its inception, both in relation to the ontological, epistemological and methodological definition of the first as to the influence of socio-political issues in the latter. Such reflection is partly a situated reflection from prehistory as one of the papers authors has been a prehistorian for most of her professional life.
Deeply conflicting views on the political situation of Judaea under the Roman prefects (6-41 c.e.) have been offered. According to some scholars, this was a period of persistent political unrest and agitation, whilst according to a widespread view it was a quiescent period of political calm (reflected in Tacitus phrase sub Tiberio quies). The present article critically examines again the main available sources particularly Josephus, the canonical Gospels and Tacitus in order to offer a more reliable historical reconstruction. The conclusions drawn by this survey calls into question some widespread and insufficiently nuanced views on the period. This, in turn, allows a reflection on the non-epistemic factors which might contribute to explain the origin of such views.
Las ms elementales exigencias de rigor crtico e independencia siguen a menudo sin cumplirse hoy en da en la reconstruccin histrica de la figura del judo Yeshua ben Yosef (Jess el galileo), en parte porque el carcter inconsistente de las fuentes evanglicas no es tomado en serio. El presente artculo analiza las incongruencias de los relatos de la pasin, muestra en ellos los indicios de un proceso de despolitizacin, y seala el carcter insostenible de varias afirmaciones clave de muchos historiadores contemporneos sobre el predicador galileo.
El presente articulo intenta determinar las razones por las que el santuario de Sant Miquel de Llria, uno de los ms importantes de la actual provincia de Valencia, se consagr al arcngel guerrero. Se estudia para ello la historia de su culto en Occidente, haciendo hincapi en aspectos como su relacin con los lugares elevados y la frecuente proximidad de sus santuarios con aquellos dedicados a la Virgen. Atenderemos tambin a aspectos fundamentales del contexto histrico, como los movimientos de renovacin espiritual medievales, la influencia del mdico y telogo Arnau de Vilanova en la Valencia de principios del siglo XIV y las profecas escatolgicas vinculadas a la llegada del Anticristo.
En este trabajo se discuten los aportes de la teora sociolgica contempornea al debate filosfico y cientfico de la ontologa, para ello son cotejados los componentes ontolgicos de la Teora General de Sistemas Sociales de Niklas Luhmann, lla Teora de la Accin Comunicativa de Jrgen Habermas y la Actor-Network Theory de Bruno Latour.
El breve commentum in Statii Achilleida resulta muy interesante para el estudio de la transmisin mitogrfica de la Antigedad tarda al Medievo, pues no slo participa de las caractersticas propias de la mitografa (narraciones de mitos, exgesis racionalista y/o alegrica, interpretaciones etimolgicas, anonimato, pseudepigrafa,), sino que tambin es otro eslabn en la cadena textual de transmisin, simplificacin y canonizacin de los mitos clsicos.