26 resultados para Arte e ciencia

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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El artículo pretende definir la Historia del Arte dentro del campo de la ciencia. Entenderemos ciencia bajo el amparo de las teorías del filósofo de la ciencia Imre Lakatos. El texto quiere demostrar la posibilidad de pensar la Historia del Arte desde el punto de vista racional, con la idea de que es posible fabricar tanto reconstrucciones racionales históricas relativas a lo que la disciplina estudia, como una reconstrucción racional de la historiografía del arte.


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This article reflects on the changing environment through the passage of time and how certain technologies for a creative proposal allow the preservation and transmission of a significant part of that ephemeral heritage for future generations. The general purpose of this particular project is aimed to achieve the sound synthesis of a specific and representative cityscape as the old train station in Cuenca –located in the heart of the city– that could be preserved and reproduced as an unique document of a present time, ascertainable in the future: a memory that interpret sound as a time capsule. This soundscape was made to mark the arrival of the high speed train in 2010 to a brand new station in the outskirts of the city. Therefore, the goal of this research was focused on achieving a synthetic document that provided a sound memory capable of reflecting the significant social, cultural and logistical features, of what was until then the only railway communication symbol in the city of Cuenca from 1883 to the first decade of the 21st century.


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Objective: This essay aims at identifying, describing and analyzing possible changes both in the experience of the body and in interpersonal relations of women with breast cancer, which result from their participation in Dance Therapy group meetings.Method: This is a phenomenologically oriented qualitative research using Maria Fux´s dance therapy method for group experiences. Eight meetings are described here, and an analysis of descriptions based primarily on Merleau-Ponty and María Fux is provided.Results: The participants have been able to express pain and sorrow over the circumstances that breast cancer and its relational environments have brought to their lives. They have been able to go through moments of creation and surrender to the rhythmic body sensations and experiential environment with different emotions lived separately and jointly. They have revived memories and sensations of their childhood and adolescence, and finally, they have rediscovered their sensitive body through body resignifications marked by the absence of the breast, and by means of feelings of greater acceptance and integration of lived experiences in new gestalts.Conclusions: This project is still under way, but it is already possible to conclude that the life experiences provided in dance therapy have allowed these women to improve their integration and welfare. Likewise, they have felt positive changes in the perception of their corporality and in their way of being in the world and with other subjects, thus experiencing the body in a new and different way.


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La educación artística universitaria pública en el Ecuador adolece de materias ligadas al estudio del espacio convergente actual entre arte, ciencia y tecnología y sus respectivas prácticas creativas. Ante esta situación, que denota cierto anquilosamiento bajo técnicas y perfiles tradicionales, son los nuevos medialabs creados en los últimos años en el contexto de las Facultades de Arte de la Universidad de Cuenca y de la Universidad Central del Ecuador (Quito), los que vienen implementando las primeras prácticas en este sentido, cubriendo así las carencias curriculares de dichas carreras en lo que a cultura digital, arte y nuevos medios se refiere. Este estudio analiza las características de estos centros y la metodología seguida para introducir el arte y las nuevas tecnologías de forma pionera en el país. 


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Este artículo cuantifica la presencia de obra artística de mujeres artistas en 21 museos y centros de arte contemporáneo españoles. Los resultados constatan una nítida sub-representación de la obra exhibida, por debajo del 20 por ciento. ¿Por qué sucede esto?, ¿diferencial potencial artístico de mujeres y hombres?, ¿superioridad masculina?, ¿discriminación? o ¿un sistema de arte con sesgo androcéntrico? En estas páginas se discute sobre la presencia de varios factores para explicar la brecha de género y se reclama, de las administraciones públicas y las instituciones de gestión cultural, el cumplimiento de la Ley para la Igualdad para garantizar la paridad.


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El presente estudio tiene el objetivo de ofrecer una visión general sobre los Modelos de Desarrollo y Organización Territorial desde la perspectiva de las relaciones entre el medio urbano, “rururbano” y rural, en España. Para ello, tras conocer y valorar los enfoque conceptuales y temáticos, se estudia el crecimiento urbano en nuestro país en las últimas décadas, analizando de manera pormenorizada la importancia que ha cobrado y cobra la aplicación legislativa de leyes, planes y normas, tanto en el propio crecimiento urbano como en la demanda de viviendas en las ciudades españolas y, de igual modo, la vinculación de ambas con el precio de las viviendas, relacionándolo con la problemática de la “rururbanización”, y del medio rural.


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Se expone una fundamentación teórica, lógica y metodológica de tres modelos semióticos: los elementos y funciones de la comunicación de Jakobson; el modelo actancial de Greimas; y los mundos: real, referencia y posible de Eco, aplicados al análisis de poesía narrativa popular difundida en distintos formatos audiovisuales.


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Since remote times, certain sectors of society have been exposed to inequality and vulnerability, where adequate intervention processes have become conspicuous because of their absence. Nowadays, current societies have the responsibility of contributing, based on their experience and knowledge, with more efficient policies and programs that improve the life quality of the most disadvantaged. It is here where art and its different tools play a very important role, not only on a physical level, but also as an education tool that allows the development of emotional, mental and communicative skills. The aim of this paper is to make clear the potential of art as an instrument of social and educational intervention. It starts by showing worldwide-collected experience related to education and arts, and then, it acquaints the reader with two parallel intervention projects that worked with youths under social vulnerability conditions. These interventions were developed based on a qualitative research (Grounded theory), using as methodology “The Artistic Mediation” with emphasis on body language. This methodology helped researchers to get close to the participants and to know their experiences and emotions. At the same time, it was possible to evidence the positive effects of educative interventions through art. These workshops were based on an artistic methodology especially focused on body language. Data in this work is qualitative, and as such, it permits a special approach to the personal and emotional experiences of the participants; clearly showing the positive effects of the referenced practice on them.


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El estudio de la satisfacción de los estudiantes es fundamental para conocer los errores y aciertos de una institución educativa superior con el fin de poner en práctica estrategias que conduzcan a una mejora en la calidad de su enseñanza. Con este fin, en este artículo hemos evaluado el grado de satisfacción de los estudiantes de Interpretación Textual de la Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Córdoba “Miguel Salcedo Hierro”. Alejándonos de los modelos habituales de medir la satisfacción, principalmente de carácter cuantitativo, hemos utilizado como eje metodológico la Teoría Fundamentada en Datos, y como técnicas, la entrevista comprehensiva de Kaufmann y los grupos de discusión. Los resultados han sido muy positivos, pues han mostrado que estos estudiantes tienen un alto nivel de satisfacción, lo que resulta muy valioso para conocer la calidad de esta enseñanza en el momento presente, así como para desarrollar planes específicos que conduzcan a su mejora en el futuro cercano.


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Estudio de la capilla del Cristo de las Descalzas Reales de Madrid que analiza la historia de la obra, sus aspectos artísticos y su significado. Las circunstancias de la fundación del monasterio explican la función de la capilla como escenario de las especiales ceremonias litúrgicas del Viernes Santo y del Domingo de Resurrección instauradas en razón de su origen, lo que permite asimismo fijar su ejecución entre las obras de su etapa fundacional, probablemente entre 1560 y 1565, diseñada por artistas de los talleres reales. Se aporta noticia documental sobre Diego de Urbina y Juan de Cerecedo como pintores al servicio de Juana de Austria en ese momento.


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La doctrina de la Proliferación teórica de Paul Karl Feyerabend ha sido interpretada por sus especialistas como un intento de salvaguardar el ideal del progreso científico. Aunque tales estudios hacen justicia, en parte, a la intencionalidad de nuestro filósofo no explicitan la crítica fundamental que implica para Feyerabend el pluralismo teórico. La proliferación teórica constituye en sí misma una reductio ad absurdum de los distintos intentos del positivismo lógico y del racionalismo crítico por definir la ciencia a expensas de lo metafísico. Este artículo presenta la proliferación teórica como una reivindicación del papel positivo que ocupa la metafísica en el quehacer científico. Se consigna la defensa que hace Feyerabend de la metafísica en cuanto que ésta constituye la posibilidad de superar el conservadurismo conceptual, aumentar de contenido empírico de la ciencia y recuperar el valor descriptivo de las teorías científicas.


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One of the hardest criticism to my doctor investigation, made by a local professor considered as authority in arts, was that I was comparing Art, with capital “A”, and infant art. In that moment he remarked to me that Art have nothing in common with infant art and the last one is a discussed concept. That remark forces me to reflect about de direction of my study, but over all it confront me with mi own sense. I am one of the persons who defend the infant expression in his art value, therefore, instead of avoiding comparison, I decided to declare my posture and center my investigation in the confrontation between


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This article will reveal the experiment and the subsequent investigation work carried out with patients having chronic and severe mental illness at the Creativity and Rehabilitation Workshop of the Mental Health Service at the Health Department no. 12 of the Hospital Francisco de Borja of Gandia, Spain. The course focuses on patient training in the use of photography and image as a means of expression and as a part of psychosocial therapies to improve patients’ quality of life in front of the society. In addition, it tries to enhance the analytic capacity of the patient not only with regards to the photography aesthetically, but also personally. There are many international scientific surveys backing up the knowledge and use of Artistic and Creative Therapy in chronic patients; however, these activities are seen as pioneering actions in Spain given the current health structure, which includes few national psychiatric centers developing them continuously and being temporally monitored. This experiment demonstrates that photography significantly improves the quality of life of chronic patients and motivates them socially to communicate themselves through art, just as it helps them using creativity as a tool for social action.


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The aim of this study is the dissertation and analysis of the influence (sociological, psychological and cultural) exerted on adolescents by the concept of Apocalypse. Become a key thought of visual culture, the called doomsday theory achieves one of its highest expressions in video games, possibly the favorite entertainment for young people in their leisure time. The results obtained in this research represent a first approach to the subject through the selected samples, two secondary schools from the city of Seville with disparate locations and divergent socioeconomic backgrounds. To reinforce the comparative study, we have included issues related to parental control, principal gaming platforms used by respondents or the number of hours dedicated to this type of entertainment. The conclusions demonstrate an irremediable attraction from our youth towards apocalyptic universes, plotter consciously with leisure and entertainment as escape from their routine of everyday life.