118 resultados para SAI-E
Uusi hermoston rappeumasairaus MIRAS: Suomessa kantajia joka 125. väestöstä Tässä väitöskirjatyössä on kuvattu uusi peittyvästi periytyvä hermoston rappeumasairaus, MIRAS (mitochondrial recessive ataxia syndrome), ja sen geenitausta. Tauti osoittautui tutkimuksessamme Suomen yleisimmäksi perinnölliseksi ataksiasairaudeksi. Tutkimuksessa on tutkittu perinnöllisiä aivosairauksia, joissa yhtenä oireena on ataksia (kävelyn epävarmuus, tasapainovaikeus ja liikkeiden haparointi), sekä lukuisia muita aivojen toimintahäiriöstä johtuvia oireita. Seuloessamme suomalaisilta ataksiapotilailta MIRAS-geenivirhettä, 27 potilasta sai diagnoosin aikaisemmin tuntemattomalle, etenevälle ataksiasairaudelleen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kyseisen geenivirheen DNA-diagnostiikka on otettu käyttöön suomalaisissa ja eurooppalaisissa laboratorioissa, ja toista sataa potilasta ympäri maailman on saanut diagnoosin. Suomen väestössä joka 125. kantaa MIRAS geenivirhettä, mutta taudin saa vain, jos perii geenivirheen molemmilta vanhemmiltaan. MIRAS on taudinkuvaltaan vaihteleva, mutta vaikea etenevä neurologinen sairaus. Useilla potilailla esiintyvät oireet ovat ataksia, puheen puuromaisuus (dysartria), ääreishermorappeuma (neuropatia), pakkoliikkeet, psykiatriset oireet sekä vaikea epilepsia. Erityisen tärkeää MIRAS-taudin tunnistaminen on siihen liittyvän epilepsian hoitopäätöksessä: valproaatti-lääkitys voi aiheuttaa MIRAS-potilaille vaikean maksavaurion. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksena selvisi, että kaikki suomalaiset, norjalaiset, belgialaiset, englantilaiset, australialaiset ja uusi-seelantilaiset MIRAS potilaat olivat kaukaista sukua samalle, tuhansia vuosia sitten eläneelle eurooppalaiselle esivanhemmalle. Ataksiasairauksien tautimekanismeja selvitimme tutkimalla MIRAS-ataksiaa ja sitä muistuttavaa IOSCA sairautta (infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia), jonka aiheuttaa peittyvästi periytyvä geenivirhe Twinkle-geenissä. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin myös uusi, Twinkle-geenin geenivirheestä johtuva taudinkuva: vaikea-asteinen, varhaisella iällä alkava aivosairaus, jossa on lisäksi viitteitä maksasairaudesta. Löysimme potilaiden aivoista muutoksia mitokondrioiden eli solun voimalaitosten perimän määrässä. Nämä tulokset antavat arvokasta lisätietoa ataksiasairauksien taustalla olevista muutoksista, joiden ymmärtäminen on välttämätön edellytys hoitomahdollisuuksien tutkimiselle tulevaisuudessa.
Vertigo in children is more common than previously thought. However, only a small fraction of affected children meet a physician. The reason for this may be the benign course of vertigo in children. Most childhood vertigo is self-limiting, and the provoking factor can often be identified. The differential diagnostic process in children with vertigo is extensive and quite challenging even for otologists and child neurologists, who are the key persons involved in treating vertiginous children. The cause of vertigo can vary from orthostatic hypotension to a brain tumor, and thus, a structured approach is essential in avoiding unnecessary examinations and achieving a diagnosis. Common forms of vertigo in children are otitis media-related dizziness, benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood, migraine-associated dizziness, and vestibular neuronitis. Orthostatic hypotension, which is not a true vertigo, is the predominant type of dizziness in children. Vertigo is often divided according to origin into peripheral and central types. An otologist is familiar with peripheral causes, while a neurologist treats central causes. Close cooperation between different specialists is essential. Sometimes consultation with a psy-chiatrist or an ophthalmologist can lead to the correct diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and clinical characteristics of vertigo in children. We prospectively collected general population-based data from three schools and one child wel-fare clinic located close to Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH). A simple questionnaire with mostly closed questions was given to 300 consecutive children visiting the welfare clinic. At the schools, entire classes that fit the desired age groups received the questionnaire. Of the 1050 children who received the questionnaire, 938 (473 girls, 465 boys) returned it, the response rate thus being 89% (I). In Study II, we evaluated the 24 vertiginous children (15 girls, 9 boys) with true vertigo and 12 healthy age- and gender-matched controls. A detailed medical history was obtained using a structured approach, and an otoneurologic examination, including audiogram, electronystagmography, and tympanometry, was performed at the HUCH ear, nose, and throat clinic for cooperative subjects. In Study III, we reviewed and evaluated the medical records of 119 children (63 girls, 56 boys) aged 0-17 years who had visited the ear, nose, and throat clinic with a primary complaint of vertigo in 2000-2004. We also wanted information about indications for imaging of the head in vertiginous children. To this end, we reviewed the medical records of 978 children who had undergone imaging of the head for various indications. Of these, 87 children aged 0-16 years were imaged because of vertigo. Subjects of interest were the 23 vertiginous children with an acute deviant finding in magnetic resonance images or com-puterized tomography (IV). Our results indicate that vertigo and other balance problems in children are quite common. Of the HUCH area population, 8% of the children had sometimes experienced vertigo, dizziness, or balance problems. Of these 23% had vertigo sufficiently severe to stop their activity (I). The structured data collection approach eased the evaluation of vertiginous children. More headaches and head traumas were observed in vertiginous children than in healthy controls (II). The most common diagnoses of ear, nose, and throat clinic patients within the five-year period were benign paroxysmal vertigo of child-hood, migraine-associated dizziness, vestibular neuronitis, and otitis media-related vertigo. Valuable diagnostic tools in the diagnostic process were patient history and otoneurologic examinations, includ-ing audiogram, electronystagmography, and tympanometry (III). If the vertiginous child had neurologi-cal deficits, persistent headache, or preceding head trauma, imaging of the head was indicated (IV).
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are known to increase the risk for patient morbidity and mortality in different healthcare settings and thereby to cause additional costs. HAIs typically affect patients with severe underlying conditions. HAIs are prevalent also among pediatric patients, but the distribution of the types of infection and the causative agents differ from those detected in adults. The aim of this study was to obtain information on pediatric HAIs in Finland through an assessment of the surveillance of bloodstream infections (BSIs), through two outbreak investigations in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and through a study of postoperative HAIs after open-heart surgery. The studies were carried out at the Hospital for Children and Adolescents of Helsinki University Central Hospital. Epidemiological features of pediatric BSIs were assessed. For the outbreak investigations, case definitions were set and data collected from microbiological and clinical records. The antimicrobial susceptibilities of the Serratia marcescens and the Candida parapsilosis isolates were determined and they were genotyped. Patient charts were reviewed for the case-control and cohort studies during the outbreak investigations, as well as for the patients who acquired surgical site infections (SSIs) after having undergone open-heart surgery. Also a prospective postdischarge study was conducted to detect postoperative HAIs in these patients. During 1999-2006, the overall annual BSI rate was 1.6/1,000 patient days (range by year, 1.2–2.1). High rates (average, 4.9 and 3.2 BSIs/1,000 patient days) were detected in hematology and neonatology units. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were the most common pathogens both hospital-wide and in each patient group. The overall mortality was 5%. The genotyping of the 15 S. marcescens isolates revealed three independent clusters. All of the 26 C. parapsilosis isolates studied proved to be indistinguishable. The NICU was overcrowded during the S. marcescens clusters. A negative correlation between C. parapsilosis BSIs and fluconazole use in the NICU was detected, and the isolates derived from a single initially susceptible strain became less susceptible to fluconazole over time. Eighty postoperative HAIs, including all severe infections, were detected during hospitalization after open-heart surgery; 34% of those HAIs were SSIs and 25% were BSIs. The postdischarge study found 65 infections that were likely to be associated with hospitalization. The majority (89%) of them were viral respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, and these often led to rehospitalizations. The annual hospital-wide BSI rates were stable, and the significant variation detected in some units could not be seen in overall rates. Further studies with data adequately adjusted for risk factors are needed to assess BSI rates in the patient groups with the highest rates (hematology, neonatology). The outbreak investigations showed that horizontal transmission was common in the NICU. Overcrowding and lapses in hand hygiene probably contributed to the spreading of the pathogens. Following long-term use of fluconazole in the NICU, resistance to fluconazole developed in C. parapsilosis. Almost one-fourth of the patients who underwent open-heart surgery acquired at least one HAI. All severe HAIs were detected during hospitalization. The postdischarge study found numerous viral infections, which often caused rehospitalization.
Painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis (PBS/IC) is a chronic urinary bladder disorder of unknown etiology characterized by symptoms of bladder pain and urinary frequency. PBS/IC is a chronic disease in which drug therapy has not led to significant success over the course of time. If the symptoms of PBS/IC are refractory to standard treatments, a possible cure might demand surgical intervention involving cystectomy. The eventual autoimmune etiology in mind, immunosuppressive drug therapy with cyclosporine A (CyA) was started to patients with refractory PBS/IC. CyA is a potent anti-inflammatory drug, a calcineurin inhibitor which inhibits T lymphocyte IL-2 produc-tion. T cells are present in abundance in inflammation of the bladder in PBS/IC. On the basis of a pilot, short-term study with CyA on PBS/IC, use of CyA was continued empirically over the long term. We conducted a prospective, randomized, six-month study in 64 patients comparing the effect of CyA with the FDA approved treatment, pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS). We measured the drug effect on patient s symptoms, the potassium sensitivity test, and on urinary biomarkers. We further tested the impact of CyA, PPS, DMSO and BCG therapy on a health-related quality of life questionnaire and evaluated the response rate to treatment with these therapies. Long-term use of CyA was safe and effective in PBS/IC patients. The good clinical effect matured individually during the years in which CyA was continued. Cessation of medication led to the reappearance of symptoms, and restarting CyA to renewed alleviation, so that CyA was administered as continuous medication. The response rate to CyA increased during the study period, comprising 75% of CyA patients at six months. 19% of patients responded to PPS therapy. Adverse effects were more common in the CyA group, underlining the importance of monitoring the drug safety and appropriate titration of the dose. The potassium sensitivity test is positive in the majority of PBS/IC patients. Successful therapy of PBS/IC can alter nerve sensitivity to external potassium. This effect was seen more often after CyA therapy. Successful treatment of PBS/IC with CyA resulted to decreasing urinary levels of EGF. IL-6 levels in urine were higher among older patient with a longer history of PBS/IC. In these patients, reduced levels of urinary IL-6 were measured after CyA therapy. Patients who experience the best treatment response have improved quality of life according to the post-treatment health-related quality of life (HRQOL) questionnaire. CyA had more impact on the ma-jority of the aspects of QoL than PPS. Despite DMSO therapy being more successful than BCG in the count of responders, DMSO and BCG had equal effects on the HRQOL questionnaire.
Epidemiological and experimental studies suggest that changes in gut microbial balance are associated with increases in the prevalence of allergic diseases. Probiotics are proposed to provide beneficial immunoregulatory signals which aid in oral tolerance achievement and alleviation of symptoms of allergic diseases. The present study evaluates both the immunological mechanisms of probiotics in infants with allergic diseases and their preventive aspect among infants prone to allergy. Furthermore, the purpose of the study was to characterise the immunological features of cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMCs) in infants at high genetic risk for allergy. GATA-3 expression (p = 0.03), interleukin (IL) -2(p = 0.026), and IL-5 (p = 0.013) secretion of stimulated CBMCs were higher in IgE-sensitized infants at age 2 than in non-allergic, non-sensitized infants. Lactobacillus GG (LGG) treatment increased secretion of IFN-γ by PBMCs in vitro in infants with cow s milk allergy (CMA) (p = 0.006) and in infants with IgE-associated eczema (p = 0.017), when compared to levels in the placebo group. A probiotic mixture, increased secretion of IL-4 by PBMCs in vitro in infants with CMA (p = 0.028), when compared with placebo-group levels. The LGG treatment induced higher plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.021) and IL-6 (p = 0.036) levels in infants with IgE-associated eczema than in the placebo group. The probiotic mixture induced higher plasma IL-10 levels in infants with eczema (p = 0.016). In the prevention study of allergic dis-eases, the infants receiving the probiotic mixture had higher plasma levels of CRP (p = 0.008), total IgA (p = 0.016), total IgE (p = 0.047), and IL-10 (p = 0.002) than did infants in the placebo group. Increased CRP level at age 6 months was associated with a decreased risk for eczema at age 2 not only in the infants who received probiotics but also in the placebo group (p = 0.034). In conclusion, the priming of the GATA-3 and IL-5 pathway can occur in utero, and a primary feature of T-cells predisposing to IgE-sensitization seems to directly favour Th2 deviation. LGG treatment induced increased plasma levels of CRP and IL-6 in infants with IgE-associated eczema, suggesting an activation of innate immu-nity. The probiotic mixture, when given to allergy-prone infants, induced inflammation, detected as increased plasma CRP levels, which at age 6 months was associated with decreased risk for eczema at age 2.The probiotic-induced response in allergy prone infants was characterized by their higher plasma IL-10, total IgE, and CRP levels, without induction of an allergen-specific IgE response. In this respect, the probiotics in infancy appear to induce protective immune profiles that are characteristic for chronic low-grade inflammation, a response resembling that of helminth-like infections.
Holistic physics education in upper secondary level based on the optional course of physics Keywords: physics education, education, holistic, curriculum, world view, values A physics teacher s task is to put into practice all goals of the curriculum. Holistic physics education means in this research teaching, in which the school s common educational goals and the goals particular to the physics curriculum are taken into account. These involve knowledge, skills and personal value and attitude goals. Research task was to clarify how the educational goals involving student s values and attitudes can be carried out through the subject content of physics. How does the physics teacher communicate the modern world view through the content of the physics class? The goal of this research was to improve teaching, to find new points of view and to widen the perspective on how physics is taught. The teacher, who acted also as a researcher, planned and delivered an optional course where she could study the possibilities of holistic physics education. In 2001-2002 ten girls and two boys of the grade 9th class participated in that elective course. According to principles of action research the teacher-researcher reflected also on her own teaching action. Research method was content analysis that involved both analyzing student feedback, and relevant features of the teacher s knowledge, which are needed for planning and giving the physics lessons. In this research that means taking into account the subject matter knowledge, curriculum, didactic and the pedagogical content knowledge of the teacher. The didactic includes the knowledge of the learning process, students motivation, specific features of the physics didactics and the research of physics education. Among other things, the researcher constructed the contents of the curriculum and abstracted sentences as keywords, from which she drew a concept map. The concept maps, for instance, the map of educational goals and the mapping of the physics essence, were tools for studying contents which are included in the holistic physics education. Moreover, conclusions were reached concerning the contents of physics domains by which these can be achieved. According to this research, the contents employing the holistic physics education is as follows: perception, the essence of science, the development of science, new research topics and interactions in physics. The starting point of teaching should be connected with the student s life experiences and the approach to teaching should be broadly relevant to those experiences. The teacher-researcher observed and analyzed the effects of the experimental physics course, through the lens of a holistic physics education. The students reported that the goals of holistic physics education were achieved in the course. The discourses of the students indicated that in the experimental course they could express their opinions and feelings and make proposals and evaluations. The students had experiences about chances to affect the content of the course, and they considered the philosophical physics course interesting, it awakened questions, increased their self-esteem and helped them to become more aware of their world views. The students analytic skills developed in the interactive learning environment. The physics teacher needs broad knowledge for planning his or her teaching, which is evaluated in this research from contents maps made for the tools of the teaching. In the holistic physics education the teacher needs an open and curious mind and skills for interaction in teaching. This research indicates the importance of teaching physics in developing attitudes and values beside substance of the physics in class environment. The different points of view concerning human beings life make it possible to construct the modern world view of the students and to develop analytic skills and the self-esteem and thus help them in learning. Overall and wide points of view also help to transfer knowledge to practice. Since such contents is not employed by teaching the physics included in the standard curriculum, supplement relevant teaching material that includes such topics are needed.
This study examines gendered housework in India, particularly in Bihar. The perspective adopted in the study was in part derived from the data but also from sociological literature published both in Western countries and in India. The primary attention is therefore paid to modern and traditional aspects in housework. The aim is not to compare Indian practices to those of Western societies, but rather to use Western studies as a fruitful reference point. In that light, Indian housework practices appear to be traditional. Consequently, traditions are given a more significant role than is usually the case in studies on gendered housework, particularly in Western countries. The study approaches the topic mainly from the socio-cultural perspective; this provides the best means to understand the persistence of traditional habits in India. To get a wide enough picture of the division of labour, three methods were applied in the study: detailed time-use data, questionnaire and theme interviews. The data were collected in 1988 in two districts of Bihar, one rural and the other urban. The different data complement each other well but also bring to light contradictory findings: on a general level Biharian people express surprisingly modern views on gender equality but when talking in more detail (theme interviews) the interviewees told about how traditional housework practices still were in 1988. In the analysis of the data set four principal themes are discussed. Responsibility is the concept by which the study aims at understanding the logic of the argumentation on which the persistence of traditional housework practices is grounded. Contrary to the Western style, Biharian respondents appealed not to the principle of choice but to their responsibility to do what has to be done. The power of tradition, the early socialization of children to the traditional division of labour and the elusive nature of modernity are all discussed separately. In addition to the principle of responsibility, housework was also seen as an expression of affection. This was connected to housework in general but also to traditional practices. The purity principle was the third element that made Biharian interviewees favour housework in general, but as in the case of affection it too was interwoven with traditional practices. It seems to be so that if housework is in general preferred, this leads to preferring the traditional division of labour, too. The same came out when examining economic imperatives. However, the arguments concerning them proved to be rational. In analysing them it became clear that the significance of traditions is also much dependent on the economics: as far as the average income in India is very low, the prevalence of traditional practices in housework will continue. However, to make this work, cultural arguments are required: their role is to mediate more smoothly the iron rules of the economy. Key words: family, gendered housework, division of labour, responsibility, family togetherness, emotion, economy of housework, modernity, traditionality
The first year at the university is critical in shaping the student s future academic development. Student integration has been shown to affect learning, motivation, persistence, and ultimately, graduation. Most importantly, however, integration affects how students academic expertise develops. In this study a social-psychological assumption was made: one cannot grow into academic expertise in isolation, without interaction with teachers and peers. Integration happens via engagement. In this research, social and academic integration among Finnish freshmen was studied. How much did freshmen interact with their teachers and peers; how interested did they think their teachers were in students; how committed did they feel; and how did they assess their own academic development? In addition to integration, students were asked about their identification with the university and the frequency of actual contacts with teachers and peers. Lastly, students personal epistemologies were studied to see if they were related to integration or frequency of contacts. The data was collected at the University of Helsinki in the autumn of 2001 and spring of 2002 at three faculties: the faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Science. In the autumn, 270 freshmen, and in the spring, 400 freshmen, completed the questionnaire. In addition to the cross-sectional data a longitudinal data was formed from 77 of the respondents. The results showed differences in how students were integrated. Freshmen at the faculty of Science were the least integrated whereas freshmen at the faculty of Humanities were the most integrated. Identification to the university was positively related to integration. The frequency of contacts with faculty and peers was positively related to integration and identification. A more developed personal epistemology was also positively related to integration and frequency of contacts. Differences were also found between the sexes in frequency of peer interaction and level of epistemology. This study has both theoretical and practical implications. Positive correlations between integration, identification, frequency of contacts and personal epistemology were found. The guiding assumption of the significance of social interaction was thus supported. The practical relevance of the study is for how teaching is carried out. In this data, over 50% of new university students at the end of their first year said they had never received feedback from an exam, never had a discussion with their teacher about a scientific topic, and had never discussed with a teacher how their studies were going.
This study investigates primary and secondary school teachers’ social representations and ways to conceptualise new technologies. The focus is both on teachers’ descriptions, interpretations and conceptions of technology and on the adoption and formation of these conceptions. In addition, the purpose of this study is to analyse how the national objectives of the information society and the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools reflect teachers’ thinking and everyday practices. The starting point for the study is the idea of a dynamic and mutual relationship between teachers and technology so that technology does not affect one-sidedly teachers’ thinking. This relationship is described in this study as the teachers’ technology relationship. This concept emphasises that technology cannot be separated from society, social relations and the context where it is used but it is intertwined with societal practices and is therefore formed in interaction with the material and social factors. The theoretical part of this study encompasses three different research traditions: 1) the social shaping of technology, 2) research on how schools and teachers use technology and 3) social representations theory. The study was part of the Helmi Project (Holistic development of e-Learning and business models) in 2001–2005 at the Helsinki University of Technology, SimLab research unit. The Helmi Project focused on different aspects of the utilisation of ICT in teaching. The research data consisted of interviews of teachers and principals. Altogether 37 interviews were conducted in 2003 and 2004 in six different primary and secondary schools in Espoo, Finland. The data was analysed applying grounded theory. The results showed that the teachers’ technology relationship was diverse and context specific. Technology was interpreted differently depending on the context: the teachers’ technology related descriptions and metaphors illustrated on one hand the benefits and the possibilities and on the other hand the problems and threats of different technologies. The dualist nature of technology was also expressed in the teachers’ thinking about technology as a deterministic and irrevocable force and as a controllable and functional tool at the same time. Teachers did not consider technology as having a stable character but they interpreted technology in relation to the variable context of use. This way they positioned or anchored technology into their everyday practices. The study also analysed the formation of the teachers’ technology relationship and the ways teachers familiarise themselves with new technologies. Comparison of different technologies as well as technology related metaphors turned out to be significant in forming the technology relationship. Also the ways teachers described the familiarisation process and the interpretations of their own technical skills affected the formation of technology relationship. In addition, teachers defined technology together with other teachers, and the discussions reflected teachers’ interpretations and descriptions.
This dissertation concerns the Punan Vuhang, former hunter-gatherers who are now part-time farmers living in an area of remote rainforest in the Malaysian state of Sarawak. It covers two themes: first, examining their methods of securing a livelihood in the rainforest, and second looking at their adaptation to a settled life and agriculture, and their response to rapid and large-scale commercial logging. This study engages the long-running debates among anthropologists and ecologists on whether recent hunting-gathering societies were able to survive in the tropical rainforest without dependence on farming societies for food resources. In the search for evidence, the study poses three questions: What food resources were available to rainforest hunter-gatherers? How did they hunt and gather these foods? How did they cope with periodic food shortages? In fashioning a life in the rainforest, the Punan Vuhang survived resource scarcity by developing adaptive strategies through intensive use of their knowledge of the forest and its resources. They also adopted social practices such as sharing and reciprocity, and resource tenure to sustain themselves without recourse to external sources of food. In the 1960s, the Punan Vuhang settled down in response to external influences arising in part from the Indonesian-Malaysian Confrontation. This, in turn, initiated a series of processes with political, economic and religious implications. However, elements of the traditional economy have remained resilient as the people continue to hunt, fish and gather, and are able to farm on an individual basis, unlike neighboring shifting cultivators who need to cooperate with each other. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Punan Vuhang face a new challenge arising from the issue of rights in the context of the state and national law and large-scale commercial logging in their forest habitat. The future seems bleak as they face the social problems of alcoholism, declining leadership, and dependence on cash income and commodities from the market.
This study Someone to Welcome you home: Infertility, medicines and the Sukuma-Nyamwezi , looks into the change in the cosmological ideology of the Sukuma-Nyamwezi of Tanzania and into the consequences of this change as expressed through cultural practices connected to female infertility. This analysis is based on 15 months of fieldwork in Isaka, in the Shinyanga area. In this area the birth rate is high and at the same time infertility is a problem for individual women. The attitudes connected to fertility and the attempts to control fertility provide a window onto social and cultural changes in the area. Even though the practices connected to fertility seem to be individualized the problem of individual women - the discourse surrounding fertility is concerned with higher cosmological levels. The traditional cosmology emphasized the centrality of the chief as the source of well-being. He was responsible for rain and the fertility of the land and, thus, for the well-being of the whole society. The holistic cosmology was hierarchical and the ritual practices connected to chiefship which dealt with the whole of the society were recursively applied at the lower levels of hierarchy, in the relationships between individuals. As on consequence of changes in the political system, the chiefship was legally abolished in the early years of Independence. However, the holistic ideology, which was the basis of the chiefship, did not disappear and instead acquired new forms. It is argued that in African societies the common efflorence of diviner-healers and witchcraft can be a consequence of the change in the relationship between the social reality and the cosmological ideology. In the Africanist research the increase in the numbers of diviner-healers and witchcraft is usually seen as a consequence of individualism and modernization. In this research, however, it is seen as an altered form of holism, as a consequence of which the hierarchical relations between women and men have changed. Because of this, the present-day practices connected to reproduction pay special attention to the control of women s sexuality.
From Strangers to Peer Acquaintances Mothers and Fathers with a First Born and their Experiences of the New Family Training Process in Espoo This research is composed of two interrelated case studies. The first case was a family training experiment conducted in the City of Espoo during 2003 2005. In the experiment, the content, duration and procedures were modified from the previous family training policy. The new family training system stressed peer group activities and the peer support formed between the participating mothers and fathers. The second case comprised the stories of 14 parents about the family training process. The aim of the research was to find out whether peer group activities and support was demonstrated between the participating parents during the family training process. The second case and its narrative material constituted the main research material. The narrative material was collected by interviews. Eight mothers and six fathers were interviewed twice within a year between their sessions. The parents also filled in questionnaires about their daily life and participated in a drawing exercise, in which they visualized how they experienced the family training during the antenatal period, labour and the postnatal period. A narrative approach was applied to the analysis of the narrative material. The analysis consisted of several stages. In the final stage, the fathers main story was combined with all the participating fathers personal stories. The mothers main story was also constructed from their personal stories. The study implicated that in some parts the mothers and fathers main stories were similar. During the family training, previously unacquainted parents became peer acquaintances. In particular, the first born as a focus created interaction and cooperation among the parents. Parents in similar circumstances became significant to each other. Different figurations formed during the family training. However, the main stories did not always entwine. The mothers were in contact with the other mothers almost daily using mobile phones, email and mother-child activities. The fathers employed outside home met each other only during the family training meetings, but felt being supported by the other fathers. Some families visited one another outside of the family training. This new type of family training had characteristics typical of the project society. The parents peer activities were based on trust, negotiation and contracts between partners. The parents evaluated the benefits of participation in the family training. If they appreciated the activities with peers and peer compassion, they were willing to participate in the family training during the postnatal period. Keywords: family training, parenthood, motherhood, fatherhood, peer, peer group, peer support, social support, social relationships, figurations, the project society, pastoral power, epistolary power
Increasing antimicrobial resistance in bacteria has led to the need for better understanding of antimicrobial usage patterns. In 1999, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) recommended that an international ad hoc group should be established to address human and animal health risks related to antimicrobial resistance and the contribution of antimicrobial usage in veterinary medicine. In European countries the need for continuous recording of the usage of veterinary antimicrobials as well as for animal species-specific and indication-based data on usage has been acknowledged. Finland has been among the first countries to develop prudent use guidelines in veterinary medicine, as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry issued the first animal species-specific indication-based recommendations for antimicrobial use in animals in 1996. These guidelines have been revised in 2003 and 2009. However, surveillance on the species-specific use of antimicrobials in animals has not been performed in Finland. This thesis provides animal species-specific information on indication-based antimicrobial usage. Different methods for data collection have been utilized. Information on antimicrobial usage in animals has been gathered in four studies (studies A-D). Material from studies A, B and C have been used in an overlapping manner in the original publications I-IV. Study A (original publications I & IV) presents a retrospective cross-sectional survey on prescriptions for small animals at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Helsinki. Prescriptions for antimicrobial agents (n = 2281) were collected and usage patterns, such as the indication and length of treatment, were reviewed. Most of the prescriptions were for dogs (78%), and primarily for the treatment of skin and ear infections most of which were treated with cephalexin for a median period of 14 days. Prescriptions for cats (18%) were most often for the treatment of urinary tract infections with amoxicillin for a median length of 10 days. Study B (original publication II) was a retrospective cross-sectional survey where prescriptions for animals were collected from 17 University Pharmacies nationwide. Antimicrobial prescriptions (n = 1038) for mainly dogs (65%) and cats (19%) were investigated. In this study, cephalexin and amoxicillin were also the most frequently used drugs for dogs and cats, respectively. In study C (original publications III & IV), the indication-based usage of antimicrobials of practicing veterinarians was analyzed by using a prospective questionnaire. Randomly selected practicing veterinarians in Finland (n = 262) recorded all their antimicrobial usage during a 7-day study period. Cattle (46%) with mastitis were the most common patients receiving antimicrobial treatment, generally intramuscular penicillin G or intramammary treatment with ampicillin and cloxacillin. The median length of treatment was four days, regardless of the route of administration. Antimicrobial use in horses was evaluated in study D, the results of which are previously unpublished. Firstly, data collected with the prospective questionnaire from the practicing veterinarians showed that horses (n = 89) were frequently treated for skin or wound infections by using penicillin G or trimethoprim-sulfadiazine. The mean duration of treatment was five to seven days. Secondly, according to retrospective data collected from patient records, horses (n = 74) that underwent colic surgery at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Helsinki were generally treated according to national and hospital recommendations; penicillin G and gentamicin was administered preoperatively and treatment was continued for a median of three days postoperatively. In conclusion, Finnish veterinarians followed well the national prudent use guidelines. Narrow-spectrum antimicrobials were preferred and, for instance, fluoroquinolones were used sparingly. Prescription studies seemed to give good information on antimicrobials usage, especially when combined with complementary information from patient records. A prospective questionnaire study provided a fair amount of valuable data on several animal species. Electronic surveys are worthwhile exploiting in the future.
Leeuwenhoekin kokeilut mikroskoopilla 1600-luvun lopulla olivat G. W. Leibnizille suuri innoituksen lähde. Monadologia-teoksessaan Leibniz hehkutti keksinnön merkitystä ja antoi ymmärtää, että sillä löydetyt pikkuruiset eliöt todistivat hänen metafyysisen pluralisminsa oikeaksi. Hänen mukaansa "huomataan, että pienimmässäkin osasessa ainetta on kokonainen elävien olioiden, eläinten, entelekhioiden ja sielujen maailma." Näin Leibnizin ajatus elämän jatkumosta sai uutta pontta. Keksinnön vaikutus näkyy myös Leibnizin teoksessa Uusia esseitä inhimillisestä ymmärryksestä, jossa hän esittelee pienet perseptiot, joita voidaan pitää tietoteoreettisena vastineena pieneliöille. Tarkastelen esitelmässäni Leibnizin reaktioita mikroskooppiin ja sen antamaan uuteen kuvaan elämästä ja keskustelen joistakin Leibnizin filosofian piirteistä, joissa voidaan huomata uuden keksinnön vaikutusta.
Tutkielma kuvaa lapsuusiän kantasolusiirtojen merkittävimmät tulokset ja komplikaatiot keskeisissä tautiryhmissä modernin hoidon aikakaudella HUS:ssä. Aineistona on HUS:n Lasten ja nuorten sairaalan veri- ja syöpätautien sekä kantasolusiirtoyksikön potilaista kerätty, vuonna 1993 perustetun ProLapsi-rekisterin sisältämä kliininen kantasolusiirtoaineisto vuosilta 1993-2006. Aineisto sisältää runsaat 90% Suomessa tehdyistä lasten allogeenisista kantasolusiirroista (n=233) sekä kaikki HUS:in autologiset siirrot (n=117) ko. aikajaksolla. Tutkielma on toteutettu kvantitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä käyttäen. Suurin allogeenisen kantasolusiirron saaneiden potilaiden diagnoosiryhmä oli akuutti lymfoblastileukemia, ja suurin autologisen kantasolusiirron saaneiden ryhmä neuroblastoomapotilaat. Allogeenisista kantasolusiirroista 38% tehtiin HLA-identtiseltä sukulaisluovuttajalta ja 53% rekisteriluovuttajan soluilla. Kumulatiivinen kokonaisselviytyminen oli merkitsevästi parempaa sukulaisluovuttajan soluilla tehdyissä siirroissa kuin rekisteriluovuttajan (p=0,003). Allogeenisen kantasolusiirron saaneista potilaista 71% sai jonkin asteisen akuutin ja 42% kroonisen käänteishyljinnän (GVHD). Sekä akuutin että kroonisen GVHD:n vaikeus puolestaan korreloi kuolleisuuteen. Allogeenisen kantasolusiirron pitkäaikaisvaikutusta arvioitiin seurantatietojen perusteella. 58%:lla elämänlaatu arvioitiin normaaliksi, 35%:lla hieman rajoittuneeksi ja 7%:lla heikoksi.