52 resultados para HRs roll


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The Pedagogical Self: a narrative study of stories by prospective subject teachers of Swedish The aim of this study is to examine how prospective subject teachers of Swedish experience themselves, their lives and their studies in university context. By answering this question I try to shed light on the pedagogical self of the students, i.e. to reach a deeper understanding of the narrative construction of their teacher identity. My material consists of stories written by one group of students and of transcribed interviews with another group of students at Nordica. All these students have entered both the teacher education programme and studies in their major subject simultaneously, through the so called direct admission. My study focuses on the students first year at the university. I define teacher identity, the pedagogical self, as the part of an individual s self-concept where he/she makes an assessment of himself/herself as a teacher(-to-be). The frame of reference of this interdisciplinary narrative study is founded on phenomenology, hermeneutics, social constructionism and dialogism. The main analysis of the stories is thematic, with the addition of linguistic and metaphorical analysis. With reference to the theories of Paul Ricoeur and Katharine Young, I regard the textual world of the stories as a world of its own. This implies that the researcher can feel free to concentrate on the texts, thus being able to leave the mental processes of the writers disregarded. The theoretician that has influenced my research the most is Max van Manen. He combines a pedagogical attitude with a phenomenological-hermeneutic philosophy. My research results imply that most of these students are drawn to studying Swedish by the clear professional orientation of the studies; their identity as teachers seems to be stronger than their identity as language teachers. The image of a teacher is relatively traditional: a teacher is seen as a self-evident authority, but at the same time as a fostering educator. The students see their studies in a larger perspective: studies as well as the future profession are only one part of life, albeit an important one. Keywords: narrativity, teacher identity


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I min avhandling diskuterar jag om och hur man kan läsa Eva Wichmans novell "Kärret" (ur Molnet såg mig, 1942) som en prosamodernistisk berättelse om ett kvinnligt subjekt, och om kvinnligtskapande. Jag vill mot en prosamodernistisk bakgrund visa min tolkning med en stilistisk och entematisk analys. I min inledning markerar jag att forskare har haft svårt att avgöra vad Eva Wichman egentligen vill säga med "Kärret". De flesta definierar "Kärret" som en fabel, en moralisk berättelse. I min tolkning betonar jag att novellen kan läsas som en prosamodernistisk fabel om det kvinnliga skapandet. Eva Wichman har i många av sina verk beskrivit en kvinnlig konstnärs svårigheter i massamhället och den manliga världen. Jag anser därför att denna tolkning inte är långsökt då det gäller en naturallegori som "Kärret". Jag redovisar kort för bakgrunden till prosamodernismen; definierar stilistiska grundbegrepp i lyrikoch prosa samt diskuterar med hjälp av Peter Luthersson och Gunilla Domellöf hur den modernistiska individualiteten konstituerar sig i förhållande till samhället ochmoderniseringsprocessen. Jag tar fasta på den kvinnliga författarens skapandeprocess och poängterar, med hjälp av bl.a. Dominique Head och Domellöf, att det kvinnliga skapandet ofta är svårt att erhålla i ett traditionellt manligt samhälle. Head, Domellöf och Rachel Blau DuPlessis menar att det modernistiska skapandet hos kvinnor i stor grad sker med hjälp av stilistiska brott och luckor. I synnerhet förhållandet mellan metafor och metonymi utgör en viktig metod för den kvinnliga modernisten. I mitt tredje kapitel analyserar jag "Kärret" stilistiskt. Modernismen i "Kärret" går ut sammanställa motsatser och sinnesanalogier. Jag tar upp det lyriska och metaforiska i "Kärret"; upprepningar,parallellismer, rytm och dynamik, samt förhållandet mellan metaforer och metonymier utgående från en artikel av David Lodge. Jag demonstrerar i stilanalysen hur Eva Wichman bygger upp ett cykliskt mytiskt berättande. Detta cirkelberättande kan, enligt Domellöf, ses som en kvinnlig utmaning mot det traditionella manliga berättandet. Förhållandet mellan metaforer och metonymier spelar en stor roll också i min tematiska analys. Jag läser kärret i novellen som en symbol för ett kvinnlig subjekt. Kärret är uppbyggt av motsatser. Dessamotsatser kan ses som metaforer i min tolkning av kärret som kvinnligt subjekt. Motsatsparen yta/djup läser jag som den medvetna respektive undermedvetna nivån i det kvinnliga subjektet. Djupet, den undermedvetna nivån, analyserar jag delvis med hjälp av Julia Kristevas begrepp abjektet. Metaforerna spegel/öga ser jag som subjekt/objekt och manligt/kvinnligt i förhållande till det kvinnliga subjektet. Med hjälp av abjektet, omnipotens/känslighet, rörelse/statis samt liv/död visar jag hur Eva Wichman beskriver det konstnärliga skapandet, och den konstnärliga alieneringen i kontrast till det förtryckandet massamhället. Här baserar jag mig på Lutherssons resonemang om den modernistiska individualiteten. På så sätt drar jag slutsatsen att kärret som kvinnligt subjekt kan läsas som ett kvinnligt författarjag. "Kärret" är en berättelse om kvinnlig skaparkraft, om ett kvinnligt subjekt som skapar och verkar isamhället. Eva Wichman gestaltar det kvinnliga berättandet både tematiskt och språkligt. Därför är "Kärret" enligt mig inte en pessimistisk berättelse om ett "säkert nederlag" som många påstår, utan en storslagen fabel om ett modernistiskt subjekt i process. Nyckelord: Eva Wichman, Molnet såg mig, prosamodernism, kvinnligt subjekt, abjekt, metafor, metonymi


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I avhandlingen analyseras den finlandssvenska författaren Mikael Lybecks (1864-1925) verk Breven till Cecilia. Denna brevroman hör till Lybecks senare produktion och utkom 1920. Verket har kommit att betraktas som en klassiker inom den finlandssvenska litteraturen. Av författarensövriga produktion är det strängt taget endast Tomas Indal (1911) som haft en jämförbar genomslagskraft. Trots detta har romanen inte varit föremål för en enda mer omfattande studie. l sin Lybeckbiografi relaterar Erik Kihlman i första hand verket till det biografiska och till samhällssituationen vid tiden för romanens tillkomst. Vetenskapen, konsten och livet bildar tillsammans den triangel som utgör romanens stomme. Antiken är starkt närvarande i romanen och med begrepp som härrör från denna era kan man tala om det sokratiska, det apollinska och det dionysiska. Detta är begrepp som Friedrich Nietzsche utgår i från i sitt ungdomsverk Tragedins födelse (Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik) från 1872. Nietzsches vetenskapskritik och hans syn på den högsta konsten som ett brödraförbund mellan Dionysos och Apollon står i förvånansvärt hög grad i samklang med den övergripande tematiken i Lybecks verk. När Nietzsche därtill framhäver musiken som grunden förall konst får många inslag i romanen sin förklaring. l Breven till Cecilia skildras en vändpunkt i huvudpersonen Sven Ingelets liv. Därför ligger tyngdpunkten i den tematiska analysen vid det som gör att verket kan betraktas som en utvecklingsroman. Även om romanen skildrar en tidsperiod på endast ett och ett halvt år så hinnerhuvudpersonen ändå undergå en betydande personlighetsförändring. Nietzsches Tragedinsfödelse med dess ovannämnda grundläggande begrepp lämpar sig ypperligt som referensram för en analys av denna förändring. Avhandlingen har också strukturerats utgående från de nietzscheanska begreppen sokratiskt, dionysiskt och apollinskt vilka alltså återspeglar huvudpersonens utvecklingsfaser. Från att ha varit en renodlad förnuftsmänniska väcks Sven Ingelet genom ett kortvarigt kärleksförhållande till det dionysiska med allt vad det innebär av känslorus och lidande. Att Ingelet nästan helt uppgått i sin roll som konstteoretiker har medfört att hans förhållningssätt till omvärlden utmärks av intresselös betraktelse. Till följd av sin viljesvaghet och bristande handlingskraft måstehan försöka behålla sin älskades gunst genom magiska pseudohandlingar. Detta leder in Ingelet i myternas värld. Hans verklighetsuppfattning får andra dimensioner än den vetenskapliga. Det dionysiska uppvaknandet medför tillsammans med det efterföljande brevskrivandet att Ingeletnår fram till en självkännedom och upphör att vara en främling i tillvaron. Ingelet utvecklar ocksåen ny konstsyn som förutsätter ett samband mellan konsten och livet. Detta apollinska utvecklingsstadium kännetecknas också av sanningsförmedlande drömmar, och av en tilltagande resignation som till slut utmynnar i ett självmord. Nyckelord: brevroman, Dionysos, Apollon, främlingskap, verklighetsflykt


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I denna avhandling undersöker jag hur modersmålslärare inom den grundläggande utbildningen (åk 7–9) undervisar i litteratur. De frågor jag ställer mig är: Hur förverkligar lärarna sin litteraturundervisning i praktiken, hur förhåller de sig till den nya läroplanen i ämnet, Grunderna för läroplanen för den grundläggande utbildningen 2004, samt med vilken ämnes-, litteratur- och kunskapssyn utgår de från i sin undervisning? Undersökningsresultatet analyseras utifrån läroplan och utifrån en läsarorienterad, sociokulturell och funktionell litteratursyn och litteraturpedagogik. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och riktar sig i form av ett frågeformulär till alla modersmålslärare i högstadierna i huvudstadsregionen. Tretton lärare deltar slutligen och åtta av dessa svar uppföljs genom en tematisk intervju. Undersökningen sker våren 2005. Forskningsresultatet visar på att flera av lärarna till stor del bygger upp sin undervisning utifrån färdiga uppgifter och koncept och att undervisningen styrs av metoden, av frågan hur. Dessa lärares undervisning sker således inte utgående från en enhetlig ämnes-, litteratur- och kunskapssyn, utan ämnessynen varierar beroende på uppgift. Recensionen är den arbetsuppgift som är vanligast bland lärarna, även om flera lärare ställer sig tveksamma till den. Övriga uppgifter som förekommer bland flera lärare är uppgiftskoncept kring klassiker och litterära samtal inför klass. Tematisk litteraturundervisning används även av flera lärare, liksom Netlibris, som innebär att två klasser från olika skolor över nätet diskuterar en skönlitterär text. Både Netlibris och tematisk litteraturundervisning är metoder som lärarna förhåller sig positiva till och ser pedagogiska fördelar med. Den tematiska undervisningen sker emellertid ofta i form av koncept som återkommer i samma form år efter år. Två lärare strävar dock efter att arbeta utifrån en enhetlig ämnessyn – den erfarenhetspedagogiska. Dessa lärare använder sig av färre koncept i sin undervisning. De bygger snarare upp sin undervisning utifrån frågan varför än hur, vilket innebär att de i högre grad har möjlighet att beakta elevernas intressen och behov i utformandet av undervisningen. Detta syns bland annat i valet av böcker och teman. En av dessa lärare använder sig även av portfölj- och loggboksmetodik och låter, i enlighet med läroplanen, eleverna själva vara med och utvärdera undervisningen och den egna utvecklingen. Lärarna verkar överlag förhålla sig mera positiva till de uppgifter som bygger på dialog och som tar fasta på läsaren i läsprocessen. Trots att lärarna betonar dialogens betydelse i litteraturundervisningen, bygger undervisningen ändå ofta, och i flera fall helt och hållet, på uppgifter som saknar dialog. En av orsakerna till detta kan vara att gamla koncept, trots nya uppgifter, lever kvar i undervisningen. Att lärarna framhåller de uppgifter som utgår från läsning av gemensamma texter och som tar fasta på en läsarorienterad och sociokulturell litteratursyn, visar dock på att de nya uppgifterna håller på att omkullkasta de gamla; lärarnas litteraturundervisning befinner sig således i förändring. Samtliga lärare förhåller sig positiva till litteraturundervisning och framhåller att litteraturen sedan deras egen skoltid fått en mera framträdande roll i undervisningen. De påpekar också att modersmålsundervisningen idag är mindre färdighetsinriktad och går mot en ökad dialog.


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Avhandlingen behandlar tidigt fullständigt svenskt språkbad i Esbo. Arbetet utreder vad tidigt fullständigt språkbad innebär samt vad språkbadsföräldrars och språkbadslärares åsikter om språkbadet i Esbo är. Undersökningen omfattar 60 familjer samt samtliga lärare (14 st) som arbetar med språkbad i Esbo. Undersökningen består av två enkäter; en till språkbadsföräldrar och en tillspråkbadslärare. Av de 60 enkäter som sändes ut till språkbadsföräldrarna besvarades 45, dvs. 75%. 12 lärare av 14, dvs. 86%, besvarade den andra enkäten. Det är viktigt att känna till centrala begrepp i anslutning till tvåspråkighet, då man talar om andraspråkstillägnandet i språkbad. I detta arbete presenteras en modell (Sahi, 1999) som åskådliggör centrala begrepp i anslutning till tvåspråkighet. Tidigtfullständigt språkbad är ett program som är planerat att omfatta hela grundskolan. Språkbad är ämnat för enspråkiga majoritetsbarn i ett tvåspråkigt land. Dessa barn tillägnar sig minoritetsspråket i skolan. Språkbadet är inte enbart ett program, utan även en metod. Skillnaden mellan språkbad och traditionell undervisning i språk är att man i språkbadet betonar kommunikation framom grammatik. Målet medspråkbadet är funktionell tvåspråkighet. Många faktorer inverkar på andraspråkstillägnandet i språkbadet. I detta arbete betonas attitydernas och motivationens betydelse. Språkbad kräver en medveten och aktiv insats av föräldrarna. Vidare betonar litteraturen som behandlar språkbad undervisningsmetodernas betydelse samt språkbadslärarens viktiga roll. Föräldrarna är nöjda med språkbadsprogrammet, eftersom det givit goda resultat och motsvarat förväntningarna. Enligt föräldrarna är språkbad ett mjukt, modernt och effektivt program. Föräldrarna anser att barnen lär sig badspråket på ett naturligt sätt och även får en öppnare inställning till språk och kulturer. Föräldrarna betonar lärarnas viktiga insatser samt kontinuitetens betydelse. Vidare tycker föräldrarna att språkbadet borde inledas i ett tidigare skede och att eleverna borde ha mera kontakt med badspråket utanför skolan. Målet med att barnen går i språkbad är, enligt föräldrarna, att barnen ska förstå och tala språket flytande samtkänna kulturen som hör ihop med språket. Både föräldrarna och lärarna tycker att språkbadsklasserna är för stora och att det är brist på material. Lärarna anser att man mer än tidigare borde informera allmänheten, beslutsfattare samt föräldrar om verksamheten. Därtill tycker lärarna att samarbetet mellan daghem och skola samt specialundervisningen borde utvecklas. Lärarna betonar att språkbad inte lämpar sig för alla barn. Lärarna anser sig främst behöva praktiska råd av andra som arbetar med språkbad samt teoretisk kunskap. Både föräldrarna och lärarna tycker att språkbadsverksamheten i Esbo borde koordineras och att språkbadselevernas prestationer noggrant borde följas upp. Nyckelord: Tvåspråkighet, Språkbad, Andraspråkstillägnande Keywords: Bilingualism, Immersion, Second Language Aquisition.


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Clinical trials have shown that weight reduction with lifestyles can delay or prevent diabetes and reduce blood pressure. An appropriate definition of obesity using anthropometric measures is useful in predicting diabetes and hypertension at the population level. However, there is debate on which of the measures of obesity is best or most strongly associated with diabetes and hypertension and on what are the optimal cut-off values for body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in this regard. The aims of the study were 1) to compare the strength of the association for undiagnosed or newly diagnosed diabetes (or hypertension) with anthropometric measures of obesity in people of Asian origin, 2) to detect ethnic differences in the association of undiagnosed diabetes with obesity, 3) to identify ethnic- and sex-specific change point values of BMI and WC for changes in the prevalence of diabetes and 4) to evaluate the ethnic-specific WC cutoff values proposed by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2005 for central obesity. The study population comprised 28 435 men and 35 198 women, ≥ 25 years of age, from 39 cohorts participating in the DECODA and DECODE studies, including 5 Asian Indian (n = 13 537), 3 Mauritian Indian (n = 4505) and Mauritian Creole (n = 1075), 8 Chinese (n =10 801), 1 Filipino (n = 3841), 7 Japanese (n = 7934), 1 Mongolian (n = 1991), and 14 European (n = 20 979) studies. The prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and central obesity was estimated, using descriptive statistics, and the differences were determined with the χ2 test. The odds ratios (ORs) or  coefficients (from the logistic model) and hazard ratios (HRs, from the Cox model to interval censored data) for BMI, WC, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-stature ratio (WSR) were estimated for diabetes and hypertension. The differences between BMI and WC, WHR or WSR were compared, applying paired homogeneity tests (Wald statistics with 1 df). Hierarchical three-level Bayesian change point analysis, adjusting for age, was applied to identify the most likely cut-off/change point values for BMI and WC in association with previously undiagnosed diabetes. The ORs for diabetes in men (women) with BMI, WC, WHR and WSR were 1.52 (1.59), 1.54 (1.70), 1.53 (1.50) and 1.62 (1.70), respectively and the corresponding ORs for hypertension were 1.68 (1.55), 1.66 (1.51), 1.45 (1.28) and 1.63 (1.50). For diabetes the OR for BMI did not differ from that for WC or WHR, but was lower than that for WSR (p = 0.001) in men while in women the ORs were higher for WC and WSR than for BMI (both p < 0.05). Hypertension was more strongly associated with BMI than with WHR in men (p < 0.001) and most strongly with BMI than with WHR (p < 0.001), WSR (p < 0.01) and WC (p < 0.05) in women. The HRs for incidence of diabetes and hypertension did not differ between BMI and the other three central obesity measures in Mauritian Indians and Mauritian Creoles during follow-ups of 5, 6 and 11 years. The prevalence of diabetes was highest in Asian Indians, lowest in Europeans and intermediate in others, given the same BMI or WC category. The  coefficients for diabetes in BMI (kg/m2) were (men/women): 0.34/0.28, 0.41/0.43, 0.42/0.61, 0.36/0.59 and 0.33/0.49 for Asian Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mauritian Indian and European (overall homogeneity test: p > 0.05 in men and p < 0.001 in women). Similar results were obtained in WC (cm). Asian Indian women had lower  coefficients than women of other ethnicities. The change points for BMI were 29.5, 25.6, 24.0, 24.0 and 21.5 in men and 29.4, 25.2, 24.9, 25.3 and 22.5 (kg/m2) in women of European, Chinese, Mauritian Indian, Japanese, and Asian Indian descent. The change points for WC were 100, 85, 79 and 82 cm in men and 91, 82, 82 and 76 cm in women of European, Chinese, Mauritian Indian, and Asian Indian. The prevalence of central obesity using the 2005 IDF definition was higher in Japanese men but lower in Japanese women than in their Asian counterparts. The prevalence of central obesity was 52 times higher in Japanese men but 0.8 times lower in Japanese women compared to the National Cholesterol Education Programme definition. The findings suggest that both BMI and WC predicted diabetes and hypertension equally well in all ethnic groups. At the same BMI or WC level, the prevalence of diabetes was highest in Asian Indians, lowest in Europeans and intermediate in others. Ethnic- and sex-specific change points of BMI and WC should be considered in setting diagnostic criteria for obesity to detect undiagnosed or newly diagnosed diabetes.


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Rab8 and its interacting proteins as regulators of cell polarization During the development of a multi-cellular organism, progenitor cells have to divide and migrate appropriately as well as organize their differentiation with one another, in order to produce a viable embryo. To divide, differentiate and migrate cells have to undergo polarization, a process where internal and external components such as actin, microtubules and adhesion receptors are reorganized to produce a cell that is asymmetric, with functionally different surfaces. Also in the adult organism there is a continuous need for these processes, as cells need to migrate in response to tissue damage and to fight infection. Improper regulation of cell proliferation and migration can conversely lead to disease such as cancer. GTP-binding proteins function as molecular switches by cycling between a GTP-bound (active) conformation and a GDP-bound (inactive) conformation. The Ras super-family of small GTPases are found in all eukaryotic cells. They can be functionally divided into five subfamilies. The Ras family members mainly regulate gene expression, controlling cell proliferation and differentiation. Ras was in fact the first human oncogene to be characterized, and as much as 30% of all human tumors may be directly or indirectly caused by mutations of Ras molecules The Rho family members mainly regulate cytoskeletal reorganization. Arf proteins are known to regulate vesicle budding and Rab proteins regulate vesicular transport. Ran regulates nuclear transport as well as microtubule organization during mitosis. The focus of the thesis of Katarina Hattula, is on Rab8, a small GTPase of the Rab family. Activated Rab8 has previously been shown to induce the formation of new surface extensions, reorganizing both actin and microtubules, and to have a role in directed membrane transport to cell surfaces. However, the exact membrane route it regulates has remained elusive. In the thesis three novel interactors of Rab8 are presented. Rabin8 is a Rab8-specific GEF that localizes to vesicles where it presumably recruits and activates its target Rab8. Its expression in cells leads to remodelling of actin and the formation of polarized cell surface domains. Optineurin, known to be associated with a leading cause of blindness in humans (open-angle glaucoma), is shown to interact specifically with GTP-bound Rab8. Rab8 binds to an amino-terminal region and interestingly, the Huntingtin protein binds a carboxy-terminal region of optineurin. (Aberrant Huntingtin protein is known to be the cause Huntington s disease in humans.) Co-expression of Huntingtin and optineurin enhanced the recruitment of Huntingtin to Rab8-positive vesicular structures. Furthermore, optineurin promoted cell polarization in a similar way to Rab8. A third novel interactor of Rab8 presented in this thesis is JFC1, a member of the synaptogamin-like protein (Slp) family. JFC1 interacts with Rab8 specifically in its GTP-bound form, co-localizes with endogenous Rab8 on tubular and vesicular structures, and is probably involved in controlling Rab8 membrane dynamics. Rab8 is in this thesis work clearly shown to have a strong effect on cell shape. Blocking Rab8 activity by expression of Rab8 RNAi, or by expressing the dominant negative Rab8 (T22N) mutant leads to loss of cell polarity. Conversely, cells expressing the constitutively active Rab8 (Q67L) mutant exhibit a strongly polarized phenotype. Experiments in live cells show that Rab8 is associated with macropinosomes generated at ruffling areas of the membrane. These macropinosomes fuse with or transform into tubules that move toward the cell centre, from where they are recycled back to the leading edge to participate in protrusion formation. The biogenesis of these tubules is shown to be dependent on both actin and microtubule dynamics. The Rab8-specific membrane route studied contained several markers known to be internalized and recycled (1 integrin, transferrin, transferrin receptor, cholera toxin B subunit (CTxB), and major histocompatibility complex class I protein (MHCI)). Co-expression studies revealed that Rab8 localization overlaps with that of Rab11 and Arf6. Rab8 is furthermore clearly functionally linked to Arf6. The data presented in this thesis strongly suggests a role for Rab8 as a regulator for a recycling compartment, which is involved in providing structural and regulatory components to the leading edge to participate in protrusion formation.


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Epilysin (MMP-28) is the most recently identified member of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family of extracellular proteases. Together these enzymes are capable of degrading almost all components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and are thus involved in important biological processes such as development, wound healing and immune functions, but also in pathological processes such as tumor invasion, metastasis and arthritis. MMPs do not act solely by degrading the ECM. They also regulate cell behavior by releasing growth factors and biologically active peptides from the ECM, by modulating cell surface receptors and adhesion molecules and by regulating the activity of many important mediators in inflammatory pathways. The aim of this study was to define the unique role of epilysin within the MMP-family, to elucidate how and when it is expressed and how its catalytic activity is regulated. To gain information on its essential functions and substrates, the specific aim was to characterize how epilysin affects the phenotype of epithelial cells, where it is biologically expressed. During the course of the study we found that the epilysin promoter contains a well conserved GT-box that is essential for the basic expression of this gene. Transcription factors Sp1 and Sp3 bind this sequence and could hence regulate both the basic and cell type and differentiation stage specific expression of epilysin. We cloned mouse epilysin cDNA and found that epilysin is well conserved between human and mouse genomes and that epilysin is glycosylated and activated by furin. Similarly to in human tissues, epilysin is normally expressed in a number of mouse tissues. The expression pattern differs from most other MMPs, which are expressed only in response to injury or inflammation and in pathological processes like cancer. These findings implicate that epilysin could be involved in tissue homeostasis, perhaps fine-tuning the phenotype of epithelial cells according to signals from the ECM. In view of these results, it was unexpected to find that epilysin can induce a stable epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) when overexpressed in epithelial lung carcinoma cells. Transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) was recognized as a crucial mediator of this process, which was characterized by the loss of E-cadherin mediated cell-cell adhesion, elevated expression of gelatinase B and MT1-MMP and increased cell migration and invasion into collagen I gels. We also observed that epilysin is bound to the surface of epithelial cells and that this interaction is lost upon cell transformation and is susceptible to degradation by membrane type-1-MMP (MT1-MMP). The wide expression of epilysin under physiological conditions implicates that its effects on epithelial cell phenotype in vivo are not as dramatic as seen in our in vitro cell system. Nevertheless, current results indicate a possible interaction between epilysin and TGF-b also under physiological circumstances, where epilysin activity may not induce EMT but, instead, trigger less permanent changes in TGF-b signaling and cell motility. Epilysin may thus play an important role in TGF-b regulated events such as wound healing and inflammation, processes where involvement of epilysin has been indicated.


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This thesis reports on investigations into the influence of heat treatment on the manufacturing of oat flakes. Sources of variation in the oat flake quality are reviewed, including the whole chain from the farm to the consumer. The most important quality parameters of oat flakes are the absence of lipid hydrolysing enzymes, specific weight, thickness, breakage (fines), water absorption. Flavour, colour and pasting properties are also important, but were not included in the experimental part of this study. Of particular interest was the role of heat processing. The first possible heat treatment may occur already during grain drying, which in Finland generally happens at the farm. At the mill, oats are often kilned to stabilise the product by inactivating lipid hydrolysing enzymes. Almost invariably steaming is used during flaking, to soften the groats and reduce flake breakage. This thesis presents the use of a material science approach to investigating a complex system, typical of food processes. A combination of fundamental and empirical rheological measurements was used together with a laboratory scale process to simulate industrial processing. The results were verified by means of industrial trials. Industrially produced flakes at three thickness levels (nominally 0.75, 0.85 and 0.90 mm) were produced from kilned and unkilned oat groats, and the flake strength was measured at different moisture contents. Kilning was not found to significantly affect the force required to puncture a flake with a 2mm cylindrical probe, which was taken as a measure of flake strength. To further investigate how heat processing contributes to flake quality, dynamic mechanical analysis was used to characterise the effect of heat on the mechanical properties of oats. A marked stiffening of the groat, of up to about 50% increase in storage modulus, was observed during first heating at around 36 to 57°C. This was also observed in tablets prepared from ground groats and extracted oat starch. This stiffening was thus attributed to increased adhesion between starch granules. Groats were steamed in a laboratory steamer and were tempered in an oven at 80 110°C for 30 90 min. The maximum force required to compress the steamed groats to 50% strain increased from 50.7 N to 57.5 N as the tempering temperature was increased from 80 to 110°C. Tempering conditions also affected water absorption. A significantly higher moisture content was observed for kilned (18.9%) compared to unkilned (17.1%) groats, but otherwise had no effect on groat height, maximum force or final force after a 5 s relaxation time. Flakes were produced from the tempered groats using a laboratory flaking machine, using a roll gap of 0.4 mm. Apart from specific weight, flake properties were not influenced by kilning. Tempering conditions however had significant effects on the specific weight, thickness and water absorption of the flakes, as well as on the amount of fine material (<2 mm) produced during flaking. Flake strength correlated significantly with groat strength and flake thickness. Trial flaking at a commercial mill confirmed that groat temperature after tempering influenced water absorption. Variation in flake strength was observed , but at the groat temperatures required to inactivate lipase, it was rather small. Cold flaking of groats resulted in soft, floury flakes. The results presented in this thesis suggest that heating increased the adhesion between starch granules. This resulted in an increase in the stiffness and brittleness of the groat. Brittle fracture, rather than plastic flow, during flaking could result in flaws and cracks in the flake. These would be expected to increase water absorption. This was indeed observed as tempering temperature increased. Industrial trials, conducted with different groat temperatures, confirmed the main findings of the laboratory experiments. The approach used in the present study allowed the systematic study of the effect of interacting process parameters on product quality. There have been few scientific studies of oat processing, and these results can be used to understand the complex effects of process variables on flake quality. They also offer an insight into what happens as the oat groat is deformed into a flake.


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Quantum effects are often of key importance for the function of biological systems at molecular level. Cellular respiration, where energy is extracted from the reduction of molecular oxygen to water, is no exception. In this work, the end station of the electron transport chain in mitochondria, cytochrome c oxidase, is investigated using quantum chemical methodology. Cytochrome c oxidase contains two haems, haem a and haem a3. Haem a3, with its copper companion, CuB, is involved in the final reduction of oxygen into water. This binuclear centre receives the necessary electrons from haem a. Haem a, in turn, receives its electrons from a copper ion pair in the vicinity, called CuA. Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to clarify the charge and spin distributions of haem a, as well as changes in these during redox activity. Upon reduction, the added electron is shown to be evenly distributed over the entire haem structure, important for the accommodation of the prosthetic group within the protein. At the same time, the spin distribution of the open-shell oxidised state is more localised to the central iron. The exact spin density distribution has been disputed in the literature, however, different experiments indicating different distributions of the unpaired electron. The apparent contradiction is shown to be due to the false assumption of a unit amount of unpaired electron density; in fact, the oxidised state has about 1.3 unpaired electrons. The validity of the DFT results have been corroborated by wave function based coupled cluster calculations. Point charges, for use in classical force field based simulations, have been parameterised for the four metal centres, using a newly developed methodology. In the procedure, the subsystem for which point charges are to be obtained, is surrounded by an outer region, with the purpose of stabilising the inner region, both electronically and structurally. Finally, the possibility of vibrational promotion of the electron transfer step between haem a and a3 has been investigated. Calculating the full vibrational spectra, at DFT level, of a combined model of the two haems, revealed several normal modes that do shift electron density between the haems. The magnitude of the shift was found to be moderate, at most. The proposed mechanism could have an assisting role in the electron transfer, which still seems to be dominated by electron tunnelling.


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Individual movement is very versatile and inevitable in ecology. In this thesis, I investigate two kinds of movement body condition dependent dispersal and small-range foraging movements resulting in quasi-local competition and their causes and consequences on the individual, population and metapopulation level. Body condition dependent dispersal is a widely evident but barely understood phenomenon. In nature, diverse relationships between body condition and dispersal are observed. I develop the first models that study the evolution of dispersal strategies that depend on individual body condition. In a patchy environment where patches differ in environmental conditions, individuals born in rich (e.g. nutritious) patches are on average stronger than their conspecifics that are born in poorer patches. Body condition (strength) determines competitive ability such that stronger individuals win competition with higher probability than weak individuals. Individuals compete for patches such that kin competition selects for dispersal. I determine the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for different ecological scenarios. My models offer explanations for both dispersal of strong individuals and dispersal of weak individuals. Moreover, I find that within-family dispersal behaviour is not always reflected on the population level. This supports the fact that no consistent pattern is detected in data on body condition dependent dispersal. It also encourages the refining of empirical investigations. Quasi-local competition defines interactions between adjacent populations where one population negatively affects the growth of the other population. I model a metapopulation in a homogeneous environment where adults of different subpopulations compete for resources by spending part of their foraging time in the neighbouring patches, while their juveniles only feed on the resource in their natal patch. I show that spatial patterns (different population densities in the patches) are stable only if one age class depletes the resource very much but mainly the other age group depends on it.


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This study is a systematic analysis of mediated immediacy in the production of the Brazilian professor of theology João Batista Libanio. He stresses both ethical mediation and the immediate character of the faith. Libanio has sought an answer to the problem of science and faith. He makes use of the neo-scholastic distinction between matter and form. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, God cannot be known as a scientific object, but it is possible to predicate a formal theological content of other subject matter with the help of revelation. This viewpoint was emphasized in neo-Thomism and supported by the liberation theologians. For them, the material starting point was social science. It becomes a theologizable or revealable (revelabile) reality. This social science has its roots in Latin American Marxism which was influenced by the school of Louis Althusser and considered Marxism a science of history . The synthesis of Thomism and Marxism is a challenge Libanio faced, especially in his Teologia da libertação from 1987. He emphasized the need for a genuinely spiritual and ethical discernment, and was particularly critical of the ethical implications of class struggle. Libanio s thinking has a strong hermeneutic flavor. It is more important to understand than to explain. He does not deny the need for social scientific data, but that they cannot be the exclusive starting point of theology. There are different readings of the world, both scientific and theological. A holistic understanding of the nature of religious experience is needed. Libanio follows the interpretation given by H. C. de Lima Vaz, according to whom the Hegelian dialectic is a rational circulation between the totality and its parts. He also recalls Oscar Cullmann s idea of God s Kingdom that is already and not yet . In other words, there is a continuous mediation of grace into the natural world. This dialectic is reflected in ethics. Faith must be verified in good works. Libanio uses the Thomist fides caritate formata principle and the modern orthopraxis thinking represented by Edward Schillebeeckx. One needs both the ortho of good faith and the praxis of the right action. The mediation of praxis is the mediation of human and divine love. Libanio s theology has strong roots in the Jesuit spirituality that places the emphasis on contemplation in action.


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This thesis is an assessment of the hoax hypothesis, mainly propagated in Stephen C. Carlson's 2005 monograph "The Gospel Hoax: Morton Smith's Invention of Secret Mark", which suggests that professor Morton Smith (1915-1991) forged Clement of Alexandria's letter to Theodore. This letter Smith claimed to have discovered as an 18th century copy in the monastery of Mar Saba in 1958. The Introduction narrates the discovery story of Morton Smith and traces the manuscript's whereabouts up to its apparent disappearance in 1990 following with a brief history of scholarship of the MS and some methodological considerations. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the arguments for the hoax (mainly by Stephen C. Carlson) and against it (mainly Scott G. Brown). Chapter 2 looks at the MS in its physical aspects, and chapter 3 assesses its subject matter. I conclude that some of the details fit reasonably well with the hoax hypothesis, but on the whole the arguments against it are more persuasive. Especially Carlson's use of QDE-analysis (Questioned Document Examination) has many problems. Comparing the handwriting of Clement's letter to Morton Smith's handwriting I conclude that there are some "repeated differences" between them suggesting that Smith is not the writer of the disputed letter. Clement's letter to Theodore derives most likely from antiquity though the exact details of its character are not discussed in length in this thesis. In Chapter 4 I take a special look at Stephen C. Carlson's arguments which propose that Morton Smith hid clues of his identity to the MS and the materials surrounding it. Comparing these alleged clues to known pseudoscientific works I conclude that Carlson utilizes here methods normally reserved for building a conspiracy theory; thus Carlson's hoax hypothesis has serious methodological flaws in respect to these hidden clues. I construct a model of these questionable methods titled "a boisterous pseudohistorical method" that contains three parts: 1) beginning with a question that from the beginning implicitly contains the answer, 2) considering everything will do as evidence for the conspiracy theory, and 3) abandoning probability and thinking literally that everything is connected. I propose that Stephen C. Carlson utilizes these pseudoscientific methods in his unearthing of Morton Smith's "clues". Chapter 5 looks briefly at the literary genre I title "textual puzzle -thriller". Because even biblical scholarship follows the signs of the times, I propose Carlson's hoax hypothesis has its literary equivalents in fiction in titles like Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" and in academic works in titles like John Dart's "Decoding Mark". All of these are interested in solving textual puzzles, even though the methodological choices are not acceptable for scholarship. Thus the hoax hypothesis as a whole is alternatively either unpersuasive or plain bad science.


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The respiratory chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane of higher organisms and in the plasma membrane of many bacteria. It consists of several membrane-spanning enzymes, which conserve the energy that is liberated from the degradation of food molecules as an electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane. The proton gradient can later be utilized by the cell for different energy requiring processes, e.g. ATP production, cellular motion or active transport of ions. The difference in proton concentration between the two sides of the membrane is a result of the translocation of protons by the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from the negatively charged (N-side) to the positively charged side (P-side) of the lipid bilayer, against the proton concentration gradient. The endergonic proton transfer is driven by the flow of electrons through the enzymes of the respiratory chain, from low redox-potential electron donors to acceptors of higher potential, and ultimately to oxygen. Cytochrome c oxidase is the last enzyme in the respiratory chain and catalyzes the reduction of dioxygen to water. The redox reaction is coupled to proton transport across the membrane by a yet unresolved mechanism. Cytochrome c oxidase has two proton-conducting pathways through which protons are taken up to the interior part of the enzyme from the N-side of the membrane. The K-pathway transfers merely substrate protons, which are consumed in the process of water formation at the catalytic site. The D-pathway transfers both substrate protons and protons that are pumped to the P-side of the membrane. This thesis focuses on the role of two conserved amino acids in proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase, glutamate 278 and tryptophan 164. Glu278 is located at the end of the D-pathway and is thought to constitute the branching point for substrate and pumped protons. In this work, it was shown that although Glu278 has an important role in the proton transfer mechanism, its presence is not an obligatory requirement. Alternative structural solutions in the area around Glu278, much like the ones present in some distantly related heme-copper oxidases, could in the absence of Glu278 support the formation of a long hydrogen-bonded water chain through which proton transfer from the D-pathway to the catalytic site is possible. The other studied amino acid, Trp164, is hydrogen bonded to the ∆-propionate of heme a3 of the catalytic site. Mutation of this amino acid showed that it may be involved in regulation of proton access to a proton acceptor, a pump site, from which the proton later is expelled to the P-side of the membrane. The ion pair that is formed by the ∆-propionate of heme a3 and arginine 473 is likely to form a gate-like structure, which regulates proton mobility to the P-side of the membrane. The same gate may also be part of an exit path through which water molecules produced at the catalytically active site are removed towards the external side of the membrane. Time-resolved optical and electrometrical experiments with the Trp164 to phenylalanine mutant revealed a so far undetected step in the proton pumping mechanism. During the A to PR transition of the catalytic cycle, a proton is transferred from Glu278 to the pump site, located somewhere in the vicinity of the ∆-propionate of heme a3. A mechanism for proton pumping by cytochrome c oxidase is proposed on the basis of the presented results and the mechanism is discussed in relation to some relevant experimental data. A common proton pumping mechanism for all members of the heme-copper oxidase family is moreover considered.


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Life-history theory states that although natural selection would favour a maximisation of both reproductive output and life-span, such a combination can not be achieved in any living organism. According to life-history theory the reason for the fact that not all traits can be maximised simultaneously is that different traits compete with each other for resources. These relationships between traits that constrain the simultaneous evolution of two or more traits are called trade-offs. Therefore, during different life-stages an individual needs to optimise its allocation of resources to life-history components such as growth, reproduction and survival. Resource limitation acts on these traits and therefore investment in one trait, e.g. reproduction, reduces the resources available for investment in another trait, e.g. residual reproduction or survival. In this thesis I study how food resources during different stages of the breeding event affect reproductive decisions in the Ural owl (Strix uralensis) and the consequences of these decisions on parents and offspring. The Ural owl is a suitable study species for such studies in natural populations since they are long-lived, site-tenacious, and feed on voles. The vole populations in Fennoscandia fluctuate in three- to four-year cycles, which create a variable food environment for the Ural owls to cope with. The thesis gives new insight in reproductive costs and their consequences in natural animal populations with emphasis on underlying physiological mechanisms. I found that supplementary fed Ural owl parents invest supplemented food resources during breeding in own self-maintenance instead of allocating those resources to offspring growth. This investment in own maintenance instead of improving current reproduction had carry-over effects to the following year in terms of increased reproductive output. Therefore, I found evidence that reduced reproductive costs improves future reproductive performance. Furthermore, I found evidence for the underlying mechanism behind this carry-over effect of supplementary food on fecundity. The supplementary-fed parents reduced their feeding investment in the offspring compared to controls, which enabled the fed female parents to invest the surplus resources in parasite resistance. Fed female parents had lower blood parasite loads than control females and this effect lasted until the following year when also reproductive output was increased. Hence, increased investment in parasite resistance when resources are plentiful has the potential to mediate positive carry-over effects on future reproduction. I further found that this carry-over effect was only present when potentials for future reproduction were good. The thesis also provides new knowledge on resource limitation on maternal effects. I found that increased resources prior to egg laying improve the condition and health of Ural owl females and enable them to allocate more resources to reproduction than control females. These additional resources are not allocated to increase the number of offspring, but instead to improve the quality of each offspring. Fed Ural owl females increased the size of their eggs and allocated more health improving immunological components into the eggs. Furthermore, the increased egg size had long-lasting effects on offspring growth, as offspring from larger eggs were heavier at fledging. Limiting resources can have different short- and long-term consequences on reproductive decisions that affect both offspring number and quality. In long-lived organisms, such as the Ural owl, it appears to be beneficial in terms of fitness to invest in long breeding life-span instead of additional investment in current reproduction. In Ural owls, females can influence the phenotypic quality of the offspring by transferring additional resources to the eggs that can have long-lasting effects on growth.