264 resultados para conduction


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Deep level transient spectroscopy measurements were used to characterize the electrical properties of metal organic chemical vapor deposition grown undoped, Er-implanted and Pr-implanted GaN films. Only one deep level located at 0.270 eV below the conduction band was found in the as-grown GaN films. But four defect levels located at 0.300 eV, 0.188 eV, 0.600 eV and 0.410 eV below the conduction band were found in the Er-implanted GaN films after annealing at 900 degrees C for 30 min, and four defect levels located at 0.280 eV, 0.190 eV, 0.610 eV and 0.390 eV below the conduction band were found in the Pr-implanted GaN films after annealing at 1050 degrees C for 30min. The origins of the deep defect levels are discussed. After annealing at 900 degrees C for 30min in a nitrogen flow, Er-related 1538nm luminescence peaks could be observed for the Er-implanted GaN sample. The energy-transfer and luminescence mechanism of the Er-implanted GaN film are described.


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The valence band structures of Al-N-codoped [ZnO:(Al, N)] and N-doped (ZnO:N) ZnO films were studied by normal and soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence-band maximum of ZnO:(Al, N) shifts up to Fermi energy level by about 300 meV compared with that of ZnO:N. Such a shift can be attributed to the existence of a kind of Al-N in ZnO:(Al, N), as supported by core level XPS spectra and comparison of modified Auger parameters. Al-N increased the relative quantity of Zn-N in ZnO:(Al, N), while N-N decreased that of Zn-N in ZnO:N. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the mutual passivation of shallow donor and isovalent N in GaAs. We find that all the donor impurities, Si-Ga, Ge-Ga, S-As, and Se-As, bind to N in GaAsN, which has a large N-induced band-gap reduction relative to GaAs. For a group-IV impurity such as Si, the formation of the nearest-neighbor Si-Ga-N-As defect complex creates a deep donor level below the conduction band minimum (CBM). The coupling between this defect level with the CBM pushes the CBM upwards, thus restoring the GaAs band gap; the lowering of the defect level relative to the isolated Si-Ga shallow donor level is responsible for the increased electrical resistivity. Therefore, Si and N mutually passivate each other's electrical and optical activities in GaAs. For a group-VI shallow donor such as S, the binding between S-As and N-As does not form a direct bond; therefore, no mutual passivation exists in the GaAs(S+N) system.


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The origin of spurious solutions in the eight-band envelope function model is examined and it is shown that spurious solutions arise from the additional spurious degeneracies caused by the unphysical bowing of the conduction bands calculated within the eight-band k center dot p model. We propose two approaches to eliminate these spurious solutions. Using the first approach, the wave vector cutoff method, we demonstrate the origin and elimination of spurious solutions in a transparent way without modifying the original Hamiltonian. Through the second approach, we introduce some freedom in modifying the Hamiltonian. The comparison between the results from the various modified Hamiltonians suggests that the wave vector cutoff method can give accurate enough description to the final results.


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Photoreflectance (PR) has been used to study surface electronic properties (electric field, Fermi level pinning, and density of surface states) of undoped-n(+) (UN+) GaAs treated in the solution of ammonium sulfide in isopropanol. Complex Fourier transformation (CFT) of PR spectra from passivated surface shows that the sulfur overlay on GaAs surface makes no contribution to Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs). The barrier height measured by PR is derived from surface states directly, rather than the total barrier height, which includes the potentials derived from Ga-S and As-S dipole layers. Comparing with native oxidated surface, the passivation leads to 80 meV movement of surface Fermi level towards the conduction band minimum, and reduction by more than one order in density of surface states. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spin-polarized tunneling current through a double barrier resonant tunneling diode (RTD) made with a semimagnetic semiconductor is studied theoretically. The calculated spin-polarized current and polarization degree are in agreement with recent experimental results. It is predicted that the polarization degree can be modulated continuously from + 1 to - 1 by changing the external voltage such that the quasi-confined spin-up and spin-down energy levels shift downwards from the Fermi level to the bottom of the conduction band. The RTD with low potential barrier or the tunneling through the second quasi-confined state produces larger spin-polarized current. Furthermore a higher magnetic field enhances the polarization degree of the tunneling current. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Based on the band anticrossing model, the effects of the strain-compensated layer and the strain-mediated layer on the band structure, gain and differential gain of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum well lasers have been investigated. The results show that the GaNAs barrier has a disadvantage in increasing the density of states in the conduction band. Meanwhile, the multilayer quantum wells need higher transparency carrier density than the GaInNAs/GaAs single quantum well with the same wavelength. However, they help to suppress the degradation of the differential gain. The calculation also shows that from the viewpoint of band structure, the strain-compensated structure and the strain-mediated structure have similar features.


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Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) layers of boron-doped increasing step by step was deposited on n-type crystalline silicon substrate using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) system. After evaporating Ohm contact electrode on the side of substrate and on the side of nc-Si:H film, a structure of electrode/ (p)nc-Si:H/(n)c-Si/electrode was obtained. It is confirmed by electrical measurement such as I-V curve, C-V curve and DLTS that this is a variable capacitance diode. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stoichiometric ZnSe nanowires have been synthesized through a vapor phase reaction of zinc and selenium powder on the (100) silicon substrate coated with a gold film of 2 nm in thickness. The microstructures and the chemical compositions of the as-grown nanowires have been investigated by means of electron microscopy, the energy dispersive spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The results reveal that the as-grown materials consist of ZnSe nanowires with diameters ranging from 5 to 50 nm. Photoluminescence of the sample demonstrates a strong green emission from room temperature down to 10 K. This is attributed to the recombination of electrons from conduction band to the medium deep Au acceptors. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Optical and electrical characterization of the ZnS self-organized quantum dots (QDs) embedded in ZnS by molecular beam epitaxy have been investigated using photoluminescence (PL), capacitance-voltage (C-V), and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) techniques. The temperature dependence of the free exciton emission was employed to clarify the mechanism of the PL thermal quenching processes in the ZnSe QDs. The PL experimental data are well explained by a two-step quenching process. The C-V and DLTFS techniques were used to obtain the quantitative information on the electron thermal emission from the ZnSe QDs. The correlation between the measured electron emission from the ZnSe QDs in the DLTFS and the observed electron accumulation in the C-V measurements was clearly demonstrated. The emission energy for the ground state of the ZnSe QDs was determined to be at about 120 meV below the conduction band edge of the ZnS barrier, which is in good agreement with the thermal activation energy, 130 meV, obtained by fitting the thermal quenching process of the free exciton PL peak. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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The reverse I(V) measurement and analytic calculation of the electron transport across a Ti/6H-SiC Schottky barrier are presented. Based on the consideration of the barrier fluctuations and the barrier height shift caused by image charge and the applied voltage drop across Ti/SiC interfical layer, a comprehensive analytical model for the reverse tunneling current is developed using a WKB calculation of the tunneling probability through a reverse biased Schottky barrier. This model takes into account the main reverse conduction mechanism, such as field emission, thermionic field emission and thermionic emission. The fact that the simulated results are in good agreement with the experimental data indicates that the barrier height shift and barrier fluctuation can lead to reverse current densities orders of magnitude higher than that obtained from a simple theory. It is shown that the field and thermionic field emission processes, in which carries can tunnel through the barrier but cannot surmount it with insufficient thermal energy, dominate the reverse characteristics of a SiC Schottky contacts in a normal working condition.


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A quantum chemistry based Green's function formulation of long-range charge transfer in deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) double helix is proposed. The theory takes into account the effects of DNA's electronic structure and its incoherent interaction with aqueous surroundings. In the implementation, the electronic tight-binding parameters for unsolvated DNA molecules are determined at the HF/6-31G* level, while those for individual nucleobase-water couplings are at a semiempirical level by fitting with experimental redox potentials. Numerical results include that: (i) the oxidative charge initially at the donor guanine site does hop sequentially over all guanine sites; however, the revealed rates can be of a much weaker distance dependence than that described by the ordinary Ohm's law; (ii) the aqueous surroundings-induced partial incoherences in thymine/adenine bridge bases lead them to deviate substantially from the superexchange regime; (iii) the time scale of the partially incoherent hole transport through the thymine/adenine pi stack in DNA is about 5 ps. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The heteroepitaxial growth of n-type and p-type 3C-SiC on (0001) sapphire substrates has been performed with a supply of SiH4+C2H4+H-2 system by introducing ammonia (NH3) and diborane (B2H6) precursors, respectively, into gas mixtures. Intentionally incorporated nitrogen impurity levels were affected by changing the Si/C ratio within the growth reactor. As an acceptor, boron can be added uniformly into the growing 3C-SiC epilayers. Nitrogen-doped 3C-SiC epilayers were n-type conduction, and boron-doped epilayers were p-type and probably heavily compensated.


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Positron lifetime, photoluminescence (PL), and Hall measurements were performed to study undoped p-type gallium antimonide materials. A 314 ps positron lifetime component was attributed to Ga vacancy (V-Ga) related defect. Isochronal annealing studies showed at 300 degreesC annealing, the 314 ps positron lifetime component and the two observed PL signals (777 and 797 meV) disappeared, which gave clear and strong evidence for their correlation. However, the hole concentration (similar to2x10(17) cm(-3)) was observed to be independent of the annealing temperature. Although the residual acceptor is generally related to the V-Ga defect, at least for cases with annealing temperatures above 300 degreesC, V-Ga is not the acceptor responsible for the p-type conduction. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Longitudinal spin transport in diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices is investigated theoretically. The longitudinal magnetoconductivity (MC) in such systems exhibits an oscillating behavior as function of an external magnetic field. In the weak magnetic-field region the giant Zeeman splitting plays a dominant role that leads to a large negative magnetoconductivity. In the strong magnetic-field region the MC exhibits deep dips with increasing magnetic field. The oscillating behavior is attributed to the interplay between the discrete Landau levels and the Fermi surface. The decrease of the MC at low magnetic field is caused by the s-d exchange interaction between the electron in the conduction band and the magnetic ions. The spin polarization increases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and the longitudinal current becomes spin polarized in strong magnetic field. The effect of spin-disorder scattering on MC is estimated numerically for low magnetic fields and found to be neglectible for our system.