124 resultados para Excited electronic state


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The electronic structures of the zinc-blende GaN/Ga0.85Al0.15N compressively strained superlattices and quantum wells are investigated using a 6 x 6 Hamiltonian model (including the heavy hole, light hole and spin-orbit splitting band). The energy bands, wavefunctions and optical transition matrix elements are calculated. It is found that the light hole couples with the spin-orbit splitting state even at the k=0 point, resulting in the hybrid states. The heavy hole remains a pure heavy hole state at k=0. The optical transitions from the hybrid valence states to the conduction states are determined by the transitions of the light hole and spin-orbit splitting states to the conduction states. The transitions from the heavy hole, light hole and spin-orbit splitting states to the conduction states obey the selection rule Delta n=0. The band structures obtained in this work will be valuable in designing GaN/GaAlN based optoelectronic devices. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited


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The electronic absorption of EL2 centers has been clarified to be related to the electron acid hole photoionizations, and the transition from its ground state to metastable state, respectively. Under an illumination with a selected photon energy in the near infrared region, these three processes with different optical cross sections will show different kinetics against the illumination time. It has recently been shown that the photosensitivity (measured under 1.25 eV illumination) of the local vibrational mode absorption induced by some deep defect centers in SI-GaAs is a consequence of the electron and hole photoionizations of EL2. This paper directly measures the kinetics of the electronic transition associated with EL2 under 1.25 eV illumination, which implies the expected charge transfer among different charge states of the EL2 center. A calculation based on a simple rate equation model is in good agreement with the experimental results.


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With contributions from both three-dimensional (3D) electrons in heavily doped contacts and 2D electrons in the accumulation layer, a self-consistent calculation based on effective mass theory is presented for studying the anomalous behaviour of the quasi-bound levels in the accumulation layer and that in the central well of an asymmetric double barrier structure (DBS). By choosing the thickness of the incident barrier properly, it is revealed that these two quasi-bound levels may merge into a unique bound level in the off-resonance regime which shows a very good 2D nature in contrast to the conventional picture for level crossing. An evident intrinsic I-V bistability is also shown. It is noticeable that the effect of charge build-up in the central well is so strong that the electric field in the incident barrier even decreases when the applied bias increases within the resonant region.


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With the accumulation of experimental data, it has been recognized by many that the light-induced metastable change of a-Si:H, Staebler-Wronski effect (SWE), may be related to a structural instability of the whole a-Si:H network. However, direct evidence of such a structural change is still lacking. In the present paper, the efforts of our laboratory in this direction will be reviewed, including the light-induced changes of Si-H bond absorption, low frequency dielectric response, and an apparent photo-dilation effect.


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The ground and excited state excitonic transitions of stacked InAs self-organized quantum dots (QDs) in a laser diode structure are studied. The interband absorption transitions of QDs are investigated by non-destructive PV spectra, indicating that the strongest absorption is related to the excited states with a high density and coincides with the photon energy of lasing emission. The temperature and excitation (electric injection) intensity dependences of photoluminescence and electroluminescence indicate the influence of state filling effect on the luminescence of threefold stacked QDs. The results indicate that different coupling channels exist between electronic states in both vertical and lateral directions.


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We analyze low-temperature Raman and photoluminescence spectra of MBE-grown GaN layers on sapphire. Strong and sharp Raman peaks are observed in the low frequency region. These peaks, which are enhanced by excitation in resonance with yellow luminescence transitions, are attributed to electronic transitions related to shallow donor levels in hexagonal GaN. It is proposed that a low frequency Raman peak at 11.7 meV is caused by a pseudo-local vibration mode related to defects involved in yellow luminescence transitions. The dependence of the photoluminescence spectra on temperature gives additional information about the residual impurities in these GaN layers.


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The excited states in 22Mg have been investigated by the resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p.A 4.0 MeV/nucleon 21Na beam was separated by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) radioactive ion beam separator (CRIB) and then used to bombard a thick (CH2)n target. The energy spectra of recoiled protons were measured at scattering angles of θc.m. ≈ 172◦, 146◦, and 134◦, respectively. A wide energy-range of excitation function in 22Mg (up to Ex ∼ 8.9 MeV) was obtained simultaneously with a thick-target method, and a state at 7.06 MeV was newly observed. The resonant parameters were deduced from an R-matrix analysis of the center-of-mass (c.m.) differential cross-section data with a SAMMY-M6-BETA code. The astrophysical resonant reaction rate for the 18Ne(α,p)21Na reactionwas recalculated based on the present parameters.Generally speaking,the present rates are much smaller than the previous ones.


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An experiment of a S-29 beam bombarding a Au-197 target at an energy of 49.2 MeV/u has been performed to study the two-proton correlated emission from S-29 excited states. Complete-kinematics measurements were carried out in the experiment. The relative momentum, opening angle, and relative energy of two protons, as well as the invariant mass of the final system, were deduced by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The Si-27-p-p coincident events were picked out under strict conditions and the phenomenon of p-p correlations was observed among these events. The mechanisms of two-proton emission were analyzed in a simple schematic model, in which the extreme decay modes like He-2 cluster emission, three-body phase-space decay, and two-body sequential emission were taken into account. Associated with the Monte Carlo simulations, the present results show that two protons emitted from the excited states between 9.6 MeV and 10.4 MeV exhibit the features of He-2 cluster decay with a branching ratio of 29(-11)(+10)%.


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The excited states in 22Mg have been investigated by the resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p. A 4.0 MeV/nucleon 21Na beam was separated by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) radioactive ion beam separator (CRIB) and then used to bombard a thick (CH2)n target. The energy spectra of recoiled protons were measured at scattering angles of θc.m. ≈ 172◦ , 146◦, and 134◦, respectively. A wide energy-range of excitation function in 22Mg (up to Ex ∼ 8.9 MeV) was obtained simultaneously with a thick-target method, and a state at 7.06 MeV was newly observed. The resonant parameters were deduced from an R-matrix analysis of the center-of-mass (c.m.) differential cross-section data with a SAMMY-M6-BETA code. The astrophysical resonant reaction rate for the 18Ne(α,p)21Na reactionwas recalculated based on the present parameters. Generally speaking, the present rates are much smaller than the previous ones.


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The multi-configuration Dirac Fock (MCDF) method is implemented to study doubly excited 2s2p P-1,3(1) resonances of the helium atom and the interference between photoionization and photo excitation autoionization processes. In order to reproduce the total photoionization sprectra, the excited energies from the ground 1s(2) S-1(0) state to the doubly excited 2s2p P-1,3(1) states and the relevant Auger decay rates and widths are calculated in detail. Further more, the interference profile determined by the so-called Fano parameters q and rho(2) is also reproduced. Good agreement is found between the present results and other available theoretical and experimental results. This indeed shows a promising way to investigate the Fano resonances in photoionization of atoms within the MCDF scheme, although there are some discrepancies in the present calculations of the 2s2p P-3(1) state.


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The cross sections of the 18 electron photoionization and corresponding shake-up processes for Li atoms in the ground state 1s(2)2s and excited states 1s(2)2p, 1s(2)3p, 1s(2)3p and 1s(2)3d are calculated using the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method. The latest experimental photoelectron spectrum at hv = 100 eV [Cubaynes D et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 213004] has been reproduced by the present theoretical investigation excellently. The relative intensity of the shake-up satellites shows that the effects of correlation and relaxation become more important for the higher excited states of the lithium atom, which are explained very well by the spatial overlap of the initial and final state wavefunctions. In addition, strong dependence of the cross section on the atomic orbitals of the valence electrons are found, especially near the threshold.


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High-spin states in Ce-139 have been populated using the Te-130(C-12, 3n) reaction at beam energy of 50MeV. The level scheme of Ce-139 has been revised and extended greatly up to E=5765.0keV. The level structure of Ce-139 shows typical characteristics of spherical nucleus, and the high-spin states were formed by the excitations of valence nucleons. Energies of the yrast and near yrast high-spin states in Ce-139 have been calculated by the empirical shell model, and the multi-quasiparticle nature of high-spin excited states has been discussed.