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The deep centers of high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) and pseudomorphic-HEMT (P-HEMT) functional materials of ultra-high-speed microstructures grown by MBE are investigated using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique. DLTS spectra demonstrate that midgap states, having larger concentrations and capture cross sections, are measured in n-AlGaAs layers of HEMT and P-HEMT structures. These states may correlate strongly with oxygen content of n-AlGaAs layer. At the same time, one can observe that the movement of DX center is related to silicon impurity that is induced by the strain in AlGaAs layer of the mismatched AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs system of P-HEMT structure. The experimental results also show that DLTS technique may be a tool of optimization design of the practical devices.


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Gallium nitride (GaN)-based Schottky junctions were fabricated by RF-plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The GaN epitaxial layers were deposited on novel double buffer layers that consist of a conventional low-temperature buffer layer (LTBL) grown at 500 degreesC and an intermediate-temperature buffer layer (ITBL) deposited at 690 degreesC. Low-frequency excess noise and deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) were measured from the devices. The results demonstrate a significant reduction in the density of deep levels in the devices fabricated with the GaN films grown with an ITBL. Compared to the control sample, which was grown with just a conventional LTBL, a three-order-of-magnitude reduction in the deep levels 0.4 eV below the conduction band minimum (Ec) is observed in the bulk of the thin films using DLTFS measurements.


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A detailed characterisation study of GaN thin films grown by rf-plasma molecular beam epitaxy on intermediate-temperature buffer layers (ITBL) was carried out with Hall, photoluminescence (PL) and deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) techniques. The unique feature of our GaN thin films is that the GaN epitaxial layers are grown on top of a double layer that consists of an ITBL, which is grown at 690 degreesC, and a conventional low-temperature buffer layer deposited at 500 degreesC. It is observed that the electron mobility increases steadily with the thickness of the ITBL, which peaks at 377 cm(2)V(-1)S(-1) for an ITBL thickness of 800 nm. The PL also demonstrated systematic improvements with the thickness of the ITBL. The DLTFS results suggest a three-order-of-magnitude reduction in the deep level at E-c-0.40 eV in the device fabricated with the GaN films grown on an ITBL thickness of 1.25 mum in comparison with the control device without an ITBL. Our analyses indicate that the utilization of an ITBL in addition to the conventional low-temperature buffer layer leads to the relaxation of residual strain within the material, resulting in an improvement in the optoelectronic properties of the films. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.


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Infrared absorption spectroscopy, optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy are used to investigate the annealing induced evolution of defects in low-temperature (LT)-grown GaAs-related materials. Two LT samples of bulk GaAs (sample A) and GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple-quantum-well. (MQW) structure (sample B) were grown at 220 and 320 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. A strong defect-related absorption band has been observed in both as-grown samples A and B. It becomes weaker in samples annealed at temperatures above 600 degreesC. In sample A, annealed in the range of 600-800 degreesC, a large negative decay signal of the optical transient current (OTC) is observed in a certain range of temperature, which distorts deep-level spectra measured by OTCS, making it difficult to identify any deep levels. At annealing temperatures of 600 and 700 degreesC, both As-Ga antisite and small As cluster-related deep levels are identified in sample B. It is found that compared to the As cluster, the As-Ga antisite has a larger activation energy and carrier capture rate. At an annealing temperature of 800 degreesC, the large negative decay signal of the OTC is also observed in sample B. It is argued that this negative decay signal of the OTC is related to large arsenic clusters. For sample B, transient PL spectra have also been measured to study the influence of the, defect evolution on optical properties of LT GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs MQW structures. Our results clearly identify a defect evolution from AS(Ga) antisites to arsenic clusters after annealing.


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Optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS) has been used to investigate defects in the low-temperature-grown GaAs after postgrowth rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Two samples A and B were grown at 220 degreesC and 360 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. After growth, samples were subjected to 30s RTA in the range of 500-800 degreesC. Before annealing, X-ray diffraction measurements show that the concentrations of the excess arsenic for samples A and B are 2.5 x 10(19) and 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), respectively. It is found that there are strong negative decay signals in the optical transient current (OTC) for the annealed sample A. Due to the influence of OTC strong negative decay signals, it is impossible to identify deep levels clearly from OTCS. For a comparison, three deep levels can be identified for sample B before annealing. They are two shallower deep levels and the so-called As-Ga antisite defect. At the annealing temperature of 600 degreesC, there are still three deep levels. However, their structures are different from those in the as-grown sample. OTC strong negative decay signals are also observed for the annealed sample B. It is argued that OTC negative decay signals are related to arsenic clusters. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and excitonic electroabsorption spectroscopy have been used to investigate the evolution of defects in the low-temperature grown GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well structures during the postgrowth rapid thermal annealing. The sample was grown at 350 degrees C by molecular beam epitaxy on miscut (3.4 degrees off (001) towards (111)A) (001) GaAs substrate. After growth, the sample was subjected to 30s rapid thermal annealing in the range of 500-800 degrees C. It is found that the integrated PL intensity first decreases with the annealing temperature, then gets a minimum at 600 degrees C and finally recovers at higher temperatures. OTCS measurement shows that besides As,, antisites and arsenic clusters, there are several relatively shallower deep levels with excitation energies less than 0.3 eV in the as-grown and 500 degrees C-annealed samples. Above 600 degrees C, OTCS signals from As,, antisites and shallower deep levels become weaker, indicating the decrease of these defects. It is argued that the excess arsenic atoms group together to form arsenic clusters during annealing. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Al-related DX-like centers were observed in n-type Al-doped ZnS1-xTex epilayers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. The capacitance-voltage measurement, deep-level transient spectroscopy, and photoconductivity spectroscopy revealed that the behaviors of Al donors in ZnS1-xTex were similar to the so-called DX centers in AlxGa1-xAs. The optical ionization energies (E-i) and emission barriers (E-e) for the observed two Al-related DX-like centers were determined as E-i similar to 1.0 and 2.0cV and E-e similar to 0.21 and 0.39 eV, respectively. It was also shown that the formation of Al-related DX-like centers resulted in a significantly large lattice relaxation in ZnS1-xTex. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report experiments on high de current stressing in commercial III-V nitride based heterojunction light-emitting diodes. Stressing currents ranging from 100 mA to 200 mA were used. Degradations in the device properties were investigated through detailed studies of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, electroluminescence, deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy and flicker noise. Our experimental data demonstrated significant distortions in the I-V characteristics subsequent to electrical stressing. The room temperature electro-luminescence of the devices exhibited a 25% decrement in the peak emission intensity. Concentration of the deep-levels was examined by deep-level transient Fourier spectroscopy, which indicated an increase in the density of deep-traps from 2.7 x 10(13) cm(-3) to 4.2 x 10(13) cm(-3) at E-1 = E-C - 1.1 eV. The result is consistent with our study of 1/f noise, which exhibited up to three orders of magnitude increase in the voltage noise power spectra. These traps are typically located at energy levels beyond the range that can be characterized by conventional techniques including DLTS. The two experiments, therefore, provide a more complete picture of trap generation due to high dc current stressing.


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A strained SiGe/Si superlattice structure has been grown on a patterned Si substrate and its photoluminescence has been studied. The patterned substrate is composed of pyramid-like structures. It is found that there are Ge-rich SiGe quantum wires (QWR) at the crossings of adjacent planes that form the pyramid-like structure. Photoluminescence of strained the SiGe layer grown on a planar substrate and a patterned substrate was compared. The total intensity of photoluminescence from the patterned substrate was 5.2 times larger than that from the planar substrates. The result is discussed and it is believed that this increase in photoluminescence is related to the observed QWRs. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Morphology of self-assembled GeSi quantum dot grown on Si(113) by Si molecular beam epitaxy has been studied by transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Photoluminescence from the as-grown sample and annealed sample was studied. The results were analyzed and explained.


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We report experiments on hot-electron stressing in commercial III-V nitride based heterojunction fight-emitting diodes. Stressing currents ranging from 100 mA to 200 mA were used. Degradations in the device properties were investigated through detailed studies of the I-V characteristics, electroluminescence, Deep-Level Transient Fourier Spectroscopy and flicker noise. Our experimental data demonstrated significant distortions in the I-V characteristics. The room temperature electroluminescence of the devices exhibited 25% decrement in the peak emission intensity. Concentration of the deep-levels was examined by measuring the Deep-Level Transient Fourier Spectroscopy, which indicated an increase in the density of deep-traps from 2.7 x 10(13) cm(-3) to 4.21 x 10(13) cm(-3) at E-1 = E-C - 1.1eV. The result is consistent with our study of 1/f noise, which exhibited up to three orders of magnitude increase in the voltage noise power spectra. Our experiments show large increase in both the interface traps and deep-levels resulted from hot-carrier stressing.


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When liquid phase epitaxy regrowth at 780 degrees C for 2 h is applied to the samples after molecular beam epitaxy, a decrease of the threshold current density in strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum well lasers by a factor of 3 to 4 is obtained. We suggest that this improvement is attributed to the reduction of nonradiative centers associated with deep levels at the three regions of the active region, the graded layer and the cladding layer. Indeed, a significant reduction of deep center densities has been observed by using minority and majority carrier injection deep level transient spectroscopy measurements. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conduction-band offset Delta E-C has been determined for a molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs/In0.2Ga0.8As single quantum-well structure, by measuring the capacitance-voltage (C - V) profiling, taking into account a correction for the interface charge density, and the capacitance transient resulting from thermal emission of carriers from the quantum well, respectively. We found that Delta E-C = 0.227 eV, corresponding to about 89% Delta E-g, from the C - V profiling; and Delta E-C = 0.229eV, corresponding to about 89.9% Delta E-g, from the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique. The results suggest that the conduction-band discontinuity Delta E-C obtained from the C-V profiling is in good agreement with that obtained from the DLTS technique. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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We studied the dependence of photoluminescence induced by carbon contamination on the Ge/GeSi structure. It is found that a carbon and silicon defect complex may be formed in a special structure by opening the in situ high-energy electron diffraction test during growth. There is an important difference in the dependence of photoluminescence on the temperature between the defect complex in our samples and in bulk Si. where the impurity-active center is generated by high-energy electron (about several MeV) irradiation. The quenching temperature of the photoluminescence from the impurity-active center is higher in our Ge/GeSi structure than in bulk Si. The defect complex may serve as an impurity-active center for a possible application in making Si-based light-emitting diodes whose wavelength is around 1.3 mu m in the window of optical communication. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A photovoltaic quantum dot infrared photodetector with InAs/GaAs/AlGaAs structures is reported. The detector is sensitive to normal incident light. At zero bias and 78 K, a clear spectral response in the range of 2 -7 mu m has been obtained with peaks at 3.1, 4.8 and 5.7 mu m. The bandgap energies of GaAs and Al0.2Ga0.8As at 78K are calculated and the energy diagram of the transitions in the Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetector (QDIP) is given out. The photocurrent signals can be detected up to 110 K, which is state-of-the-art for photovoltaic QDIP. The photovoltaic effect in our detector is a result of the enhanced band asymmetry as we design in the structure.