509 resultados para COUPLED QUANTUM-WELLS


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Tunneling escape of electrons from quantum wells (QWs) has systematically been studied in an arbitrarily multilayered heterostructures, both theoretically and experimentally. A wave packet method is developed to calculate the bias dependence of tunneling escape time (TET) in a three-barrier, two-well structure. Moreover, by considering the time variation of the band-edge profile in the escape transient, arising from the decay of injected electrons in QWs, we demonstrate that the actual escape time of certain amount of charge from QWs, instead of single electron, could be much longer than that for a single electron, say, by two orders of magnitude at resonance. The broadening of resonance may also be expected from the same mechanism before invoking various inhomogeneous and homogeneous broadening. To perform a close comparison between theory and experiment, we have developed a new method to measure TET by monitoring transient current response (TCR), stemming from tunneling escape of electrons out of QWs in a similar heterostructure. The time resolution achieved by this new method reaches to several tens ns, nearly three orders of magnitude faster than that by previous transient-capacitance spectroscopy (TCS). The measured TET shows an U-shaped, nonmonotonic dependence on bias, unambiguously indicating resonant tunneling escape of electrons from an emitter well through the DBRTS in the down-stream direction. The minimum value of TET obtained at resonance is accordance with charging effect and its time variation of injected electrons. A close comparison with the theory has been made to imply that the dynamic build-up of electrons in DBRTS might play an important role for a greatly suppressed tunneling escape rate in the vicinity of resonance.


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Lattice matched GaInP/GaAs heterostructures were grown by atmospheric pressure-metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (AP-MOVPE). Compositional intermixing of As/P and Ga/In near the heterointerfaces was studied by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Indium segregation, memory effect of In into GaAs and the carry-over of As in the GaInP layer during the growth process were considered as three major factors giving rise to the anomalous emissions in the PL spectra. Both thermal annealing and zinc doping strongly enhanced the compositional interdiffusion near the heterointerfaces.


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The relationship between Ge content of Si1-xGex layers and growth conditions was investigated via UHV/CVD system at relative low temperature of 500℃. Si1-xGex layers were in a metastable state in this case. 10-period strained 3.0 nm- Si0.5Ge0.5/3.4 nm- Si multi quantum wells were obtained directly on Si substrate. Raman Measurement, high resolution electron microscopy and photoluminescence were used to characterize the structural and optical properties. It is found that such relative thick Si0.5Ge0.5/Si multi quantum wells are still near planar and free of dislocations, that makes it exploit applications to electrical and optical devices.


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Under short pulse laser excitation, it has been observed, for the first time, a new high-energy photoluminescence emission from GaNx As1- x/GaAs SQWs. This new emission has totally different optical properties compared with the localized exciton transition in GaNx As1-x, and is attributed to the recombination of delocalized excitons in QWs. At the same time, a competition process between localized and delocalized exciton emissions in GaNx As1-x/GaAs quantum wells is observed in the temperaturedependent PL spectra under the short pulse excitation. This competition process for the first time, reveals the physical origin of the temperature-induced S-shaped PL peak shift, which was often reported in the disordered alloy semiconductor system under continuous-wave excitation and puzzled people for a long time. We have also investigated a set of GaNx As1- x samples with small nitrogen composition( x < 1% )by PL, and time-resolved PL. After the PL dependence on temperature and excitation power and PL dynamics were measured, the new PL peak was identified as an intrinsic transition of alloy, rather than N-related bound states. This is the first observation in PL, showing that alloy state exists in GaNx As1- x materials even when N composition is smaller than 0.1%. Finally by selective excitation,both type-Ⅰ and type-Ⅱ transitions were observed simultaneously in GaAs1-xSbx/GaAs SQWs for the first time.


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Studies on first GaN-based blue-violet laser diodes(LDs) in China mainland are reported.High quality GaN materials as well as GaN-based quantum wells laser structures are grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition method.The X-ray double-crystal diffraction rocking curve measurements show the full-width half maximum of 180" and 185" for (0002) symmetric reflection and (10(-1)2) skew reflection,respectively.A room temperature mobility of 850cm2/(V·s) is obtained for a 3μm thick GaN film.Gain guided and ridge geometry waveguide laser diodes are fabricated with cleaved facet mirrors at room temperature under pulse current injection.The lasing wavelength is 405.9nm.A threshold current density of 5kA/cm2 and an output light power over 100mW are obtained for ridge geometry waveguide laser diodes.


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Two quaternary InAlGaN films were grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire (0001) substrates with and without high-temperature GaN interlayer, respectively. The structural and optical properties of the quaternary films were investigated by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM), temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy. According to the HRXRD and PL results, it is demonstrated that two samples have the same crystal quality. The TRPL signals of both samples were fitted well as a stretched exponential decay from 14 K to 250 K, indicating significant disorder in the materials, which is attributed to recombination of excitons localized in disorder quantum nanostructures such as quantum dots or quantum disks originating from indium (In) clusters or In composition fluctuation. The cross-section HREM measurement further proves that there exist disorder quantum nanostructures in the quaternary. By investigating the temperature dependence of the dispersive exponent beta, it is shown that the stretched exponential decays of the two samples originate from different mechanisms. (C) 2003 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Optical modes of AlGaInP laser diodes with real refractive index guided self-aligned (RISA) structure were analyzed theoretically on the basis of two-dimension semivectorial finite-difference methods (SV-FDMs) and the computed simulation results were presented. The eigenvalue and eigenfunction of this two-dimension waveguide were obtained and the dependence of the confinement factor and beam divergence angles in the direction of parallel and perpendicular to the pn junction on the structure parameters such as the number of quantum wells, the Al composition of the cladding layers, the ridge width, the waveguide thickness and the residual thickness of the upper P-cladding layer were investigated. The results can provide optimized structure parameters and help us design and fabricate high performance AlGaInP laser diodes with a low beam aspect ratio required for optical storage applications.


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Taking advantages of short pulse excitation and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL), we have studied the exciton localization effect in a number of GaAsN alloys and GaAsN/GaAs quantum wells (QWs). In the PL spectra, an extra transition located at the higher energy side of the commonly reported N-related emissions is observed. By measuring PL dependence on temperature and excitation power along with PL dynamics study, the new PL peak has been identified as a transition of the band edge-related recombination in dilute GaAsN alloy and delocalized transition in QWs. Using selective excitation PL we further attribute the localized emission in QWs to the excitons localized at the GaAsN/GaAs interfaces. This interface-related exciton localization could be greatly reduced by a rapid thermal annealing.


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The in-plane optical anisotropy of several GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well samples with different well widths has been measured at room temperature by reflectance-difference spectroscopy (RDS). The RDS line shapes are found to be similar in all the samples examined here, which dominantly consist of two peak-like signals corresponding to 1HH-->1E and 1LH-->1E transition. As the well width is decreased, or the 1 ML InAs layer is inserted at one interface, the intensity of the anisotropy increases quickly. Our detail analysis shows that the anisotropy mainly arises from the anisotropic interface roughness. The results demonstrate that the RDS technique is sensitive to the interface structures.


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GaAs1-xNx alloys with small N composition (x<1%) and GaAsN/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) were studied by continuous wave photoluminescence (PL), pulse wave excitaiton PL and time-resolved PL. In the PL spectra an extra transition located at the higher energy side of the commonly reported N-related emissions was observed. By measuring the PL dependence on temperature and excitation power, the new PL peak was identified as a transition of alloy band edge-related recombination in GaAsN and delocalized transition in QWs. The PL dynamics further confirms its intrinsic nature of band edge states rather than N-related bound states.


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We show that the observed temperature dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) features can be consistently explained in terms of thermally activated carrier transfer processes in a multilayer structure of the self-organized Ge/Si(001) islands. The type II (electron confinement in Si) behavior of the Ge/Si islands is verified. With elevated temperature, the thermally activated electrons and holes enter the Ge islands from the Si and from the wetting layer (WL), respectively. An involvement of the type I (spatially direct) into type II (spatially indirect) recombination transition takes place at a high temperature.


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Polarization-insensitive semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA's) with tensile-strained multi-quantum-wells as actice regions are designed and fabricated. The 6x6 Luttinger-Kohn model and Bir-Pikus Hamiltonian are employed to calculate the valence subband structures of strained quantum wells, and then a Lorentzian line-shape function is combined to calculate the material gain spectra for TE and TM modes. The device structure for polarization insensitive SOA is designed based on the materialde gain spectra of TE and TM modes and the gain factors for multilayer slab waveguide. Based on the designed structure parameters, we grow the SOA wafer by MOCVD and get nearly magnitude of output power for TE and TM modes from the broad-area semiconductor lasers fabricated from the wafer.


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A normal-incident SiGe/Si multiple quantum wells (MQWs) photodetector was reported. The structure and fabrication process of the photodetector were introduced. The photocurrent spectra measurement showed that the response spectra was expanded to 1.3 mu m wavelength. The quantum efficiency of the photodetector was 0.1% at 1.3 mu m and 20% at 0.95 mu m.


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A novel silicon-on-reflector substrate for Si-based resonant-cavity-enhanced photodetectors has been fabricated by using Si-based sol-gel and smart-cut techniques. The Si/SiO2 Bragg reflector is controlled in situ by electron beam evaporation and the thickness can be adjusted to get high reflectivity. The reflectance spectra of the silicon-on-reflector substrate with five pairs of Si/SiO2 reflector have been measured and simulated by transfer matrix model. The reflectivity at operating wavelength is close to 100%. Based on the silicon-on-reflector substrate, SiGe/Si multiple quantum wells resonant-cavity-enhanced photodetectors for 1.3 mu m wavelength have been designed and simulated. Ten-fold enhancement of the quantum efficiency of resonant-cavity-enhanced photodetectors compared with conventional photodetectors is predicted.