582 resultados para INAS QUANTUM DOTS


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Hybrid organic/inorganic white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were fabricated of semiconductor polymer poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) doped with CdSe/CdS core-shell semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). The device, with a structure of indium-tin-oxide (ITO)vertical bar 3,4-polyethylene-dioxythiophene- polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS)vertical bar PVK:CdSe/CdS vertical bar Al, emitted a pure white light spanning the whole visible region from 400 to 800 nm. The Commission Internationale del'Eclairage coordinates (CIE) remained at x = 0.33, y = 0.34 at wide applied voltages. The maximum brightness and electroluminescence (EL) efficiency reached 180 cd m(-2) at 19 V and 0.21 cd A(-1) at current density of 2 mA cm(-2), respectively. The realization of the pure white light emission is attributed to the incomplete energy and charge transfer from PVK to CdSe/CdS core-shell QDs.


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Self-assembled quantum dots and wires were obtained in the InxGa1-xAs/GaAs and InAs/In0.52Al0.48As/InP systems, respectively, using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Uniformity in the distribution, density, and spatial ordering of the nanostructures can be controlled to some extent by adjusting and optimizing the MBE growth parameters. In addition, some interesting observation on the InAs wire alignment on InP(001) is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Self-assembled quantum dots and wires were obtained in the InxGa1-xAs/GaAs and InAs/In0.52Al0.48As/InP systems, respectively, using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Uniformity in the distribution, density, and spatial ordering of the nanostructures can be controlled to some extent by adjusting and optimizing the MBE growth parameters. In addition, some interesting observation on the InAs wire alignment on InP(001) is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity with InAs quantum dots (QDs) emitters and analyzes the optical characteristics of cavity modes at room temperature. The micro-luminescence spectrum recorded from the nanocavities exhibits a narrow optical transition at the lowest order resonance wavelength of about 1137 nm with about 1 nm emission linewidth. In addition, the spectra of photonic crystal nanocavities processed under different etching conditions show that the verticality of air hole sidewall is an important factor determing the luminescence characteristics of photonic crystal nanocaivties. Finally,,the variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed at improving the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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The growth of ordered self-assembled nanoislands on stepped substrates is studied systematically by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. As the terrace width is small, the formation of nanoislands is confined in the steps and nanoislands ordered in lines or nanowires can be obtained. The Schwoebel barrier at the step edges has a great influence on the evolution of both the size and space distributions of the islands. When the terrace width is relatively large, self-ordering of nanoislands in the center regions of the terraces happens. An unexpected trend of the nanoisland self-ordering is found as the deposition thickness is larger than 0.2 ML, which can be related to the attractive migrations between nearby islands.


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The gain recoveries in quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers (QD SOAs) are numerically studied by rate equation simulation. Similar to the optical pump-probe experiment, the injection of double 150 fs optical pulses is used to simulate the gain recovery of a weak continuous signal under different injection levels, inhomogeneous broadenings, detuning wavelengths, and pulse signal energies for the QD SOAs. The obtained gain recoveries are then fitted by a response function with multiple exponential terms to determine the response times. The gain recovery can be described by three exponential terms with the time constants, which can be explained as carrier relaxation from the excited state to the ground state, carrier captured by the excited state from the wetting layer, and the supply of the wetting layer carriers. The fitted lifetimes decrease with the increase of the injection currents under gain unsaturation, slightly decrease with the decrease of inhomogeneous broadening of QDs, and increase with the increase of detuning wavelength between continuous signal and pulse signal and the increase of the pulse energy.


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We report on the single photon emission from single InAs/GaAs self-assembled Stranski-Krastanow quantum dots up to 80K under pulsed and continuous wave excitations. At temperature 80 K, the second-order correlation function at zero time delay, g((2))(0), is measured to be 0.422 for pulsed excitation. At the same temperature under continuous wave excitation, the photon antibunching effect is observed. Thus, our experimental results demonstrate a promising potential application of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots in single photon emission at liquid nitrogen temperature.


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On the basis of the finite element approach, we systematically investigated the strain field distribution of conical-shaped InAs/GaAs self-organized quantum dot using the two-dimensional axis-symmetric model. The normal strain, the hydrostatic strain and the biaxial strain components along the center axis path of the quantum dots are analyzed. The dependence of these strain components on volume, height-over-base ratio and cap layer (covered by cap layer or uncovered quantum dot) is investigated for the quantum grown on the (001) substrate. The dependence of the carriers' confining potentials on the three circumstances discussed above is also calculated in the framework of eight-band k (.) p theory. The numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental data of published literature.


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For InAs/GaAs quantum dot system, the evolution of the wetting layer (WL) with the InAs deposition thickness has been studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS). Two transitions related to the heavy-and light-hole in the WL have been distinguished in RD spectra. Taking into account the strain and segregation effects, a model has been presented to deduce the InAs amount in the WL and the segregation coefficient of the indium atoms from the transition energies of heavy-and light-holes. The variation of the InAs amount in the WL and the segregation coefficient are found to rely closely on the growth modes. In addition, the huge dots also exhibits a strong effect on the evolution of the WL. The observed linear dependence of In segregation coefficient upon the InAs amount in the WL demonstrates that the segregation is enhanced by the strain in the WL.


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Broadband superluminescent diodes are fabricated by using InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots as an active region. The devices exhibited properties of 110 run bandwidth with the centre of 1.1 mu m and above 30 mW output under pulse injection at room temperature.


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In the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory, the valence energy subbands and optical transitions of the InAs/GaAs quantum ring are calculated by using a four-band valence band model. Our model can be used to calculate the hole states of quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots. The effect of finite offset and valence band mixing are taken into account. The energy levels of the hole are calculated in the different shapes of rings. Our calculations show that the effect of the difference between effective masses of holes in different materials on the valence subband structures is significant. Our theoretical results are consistent with the conclusion of the recent experimental measurements and should be useful for researching and making low-dimensional semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The time evolution of the quantum mechanical state of an electron is calculated in the framework of the effective-mass envelope function theory for an InAs/GaAs quantum dot. The results indicate that the superposition state electron density oscillates in the quantum dot, with a period on the order of femtoseconds. The interaction energy E-ij between two electrons located in different quantum dots is calculated for one electron in the ith pure quantum state and another in the jth pure quantum state. We find that E-11]E-12]E-22, and E-ij decreases as the distance between the two quantum dots increases. We present a parameter-phase diagram which defines the parameter region for the use of an InAs/GaAs quantum dot as a two-level quantum system in quantum computation. A static electric field is found to efficiently prolong the decoherence time. Our results should be useful for designing the solid-state implementation of quantum computing. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We report the effect of InchiGa1-chiAs (0 less than or equal to chi less than or equal to0.4) capping layer on photoluminescence (PL) properties of 1.3 mum wavelength self-assembled InAs quantum islands, which are formed via depositing 3.5 monolayers (ML) InAs on GaAs (1 0 0) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Compared with the InchiGa1-chiAs capping layer containing a larger In mole fraction chi greater than or equal to0.2 and the GaAs capping layer (chi = 0), the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As layer show PL with lower emission energy, narrower full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), and quite stronger intensity. The PL peak energy and FWHM become more temperature dependent with the increase of In content in the InchiGa1-chiAs capping layer (chi greater than or equal to0.2), while the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As layer is much less temperature sensitive. In addition, the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As capping layer show room temperature PL wavelength at about 1.3 mum. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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In the framework of effective mass envelope function theory, the electronic states of the InAs/GaAs quantum ring are studied. Our model can be used to calculate the electronic states of quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons in rings and out rings are included. The energy levels of the electron are calculated in the different shapes of rings. The results indicate that the inner radius of rings sensitively changes the electronic states. The energy levels of the electron are not sensitively dependent on the outer radius for large rings. If decreasing the inner and outer radii simultaneously, one may increase the energy spacing between energy levels and keep the ground state energy level unchanged. If changing one of two radii (inner or outer radius), the ground state energy level and the energy spacing will change simultaneously. These results are useful for designing and fabricating the double colors detector by intraband and interband translations. The single electron states are useful for studying the electron correlations and the effects of magnetic fields in quantum rings. Our calculated results are consistent with the recent experimental data of nanoscopic semiconductor rings. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Quantum-confined Stark effects in InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots are investigated theoretically in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The electron and hole energy levels and optical transition energies are calculated in the presence of perpendicular and parallel electric field. In our calculation, the effect of finite offset, valence band mixing, and strain are all taken into account. The results show that the perpendicular electric field weakly affects the electron ground state and hole energy levels. The energy levels are affected strongly by the parallel electric field. For the electron, the energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state decreases as electric field increases. The optical transition energies have clear redshifts in electric field. The theoretical results agree well with the available experimental data. Our calculated results are useful for the application of quantum dots to photoelectric devices. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)11001-7].