118 resultados para Jernström Offset


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The influence of band bending and polarization on the valence band offset measured by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is discussed, and a modification method based on a modified self-consistent calculation is proposed to eliminate the influence and thus increasing the precision of XPS. Considering the spontaneous polarization at the surfaces and interfaces and the different positions of Fermi levels at the surfaces, we compare the energy band structures of Al/Ga-polar AlN/GaN and N-polar GaN/AlN heterojunctions, and give corrections to the XPS-measured valence band offsets. Other AlN/GaN heterojunctions and the piezoelectric polarization are also introduced and discussed in this paper.


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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to measure the valence band offset (VBO) at the GaN/Ge heterostructure interface. The VBO is directly determined to be 1.13 +/- 0.19 eV, according to the relationship between the conduction band offset Delta E-C and the valence band offset Delta E-V : Delta E-C = E-g(GaN) - E-g(Ge) - Delta E-V, and taking the room-temperature band-gaps as 3.4 and 0.67 eV for GaN and Ge, respectively. The conduction band offset is deduced to be 1.6 +/- 0.19 eV, which indicates a type-I band alignment for GaN/Ge. Accurate determination of the valence and conduction band offsets is important for the use of GaN/Ge based devices.


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The valence band offset (VBO) of MgO/TiO2 (rutile) heterojunction has been directly measured by Xray photoelectron spectroscopy. The VBO of the heterojunction is determined to be 1.6 +/- 0.3 eV and the conduction band offset (CBO) is deduced to be 3.2 +/- 0.3 eV, indicating that the heterojunction exhibits a type-I band alignment. These large values are sufficient for MgO to act as tunneling barriers in TiO2 based devices. The accurate determination of the valence and conduction band offsets is important for use of MgO as a buffer layer in TiO2 based field-effect transistors and dye-sensitized solar cells.


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N+ GaAs-n GaInP lattice-matched heterostructures, grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy, have been studied by capacitance-voltage, current-voltage and current-temperature techniques. This allowed the determination of the conduction band offset in three different and independent ways. The value obtained (0.24-0.25 eV) has been verified by photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation on a 90 angstrom thick GaAs well in GaInP grown under the same conditions.


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The tunneling from an AlGaAs confined thin layer to a GaAs layer in the GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs structure during the trapped electron emission from deep level in the AlGaAs to its conduction band has been observed by deep level transient spectroscopy. With the aid of the tunneling effect, the conduction-band offset DELTAE(c) was determined to be 0.260 eV, corresponding to 63% of DELTAE(g). A calculation was also carried out based on this tunneling model by using the experimental value of DELTAE(c) = E2 - E1 = 0. 260 eV, and good agreement between the experimental and calculated curves is obtained.


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A two-section offset quantum-well structure tunable laser with a tuning range of 7 nm was fabricated using offset quantum-well inethod. The distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) was realized just by selectively wet etching the multiquantum-well (MQW) layer above the quaternary lower waveguide. A threshold current of 32 mA and an output power of 9 mW at 100 mA were achieved. Furthermore, with this offset structure method, a distributed feedback (DFB) laser was integrated with an electro-absorption modulator (EAM), which was capable of producing 20 dB of optical extinction.


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This work was supported by the 863 High Technology R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2007AA03Z402 and 2007AA03Z451), the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Project (973 program) of China (Grant No. 2006CB604907), and the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60506002 and 60776015). The authors express their appreciation to Dr. Tieying Yang and Prof. Huanhua Wang (Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) for XRD measurements and helpful discussions.


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在一种已有的角位移干涉测量技术的基础上,提出一种改进的角位移测量方法。通过选择合适的初始入射角,使从平板前后表面反射的两光束实现剪切干涉。采用一维位置探测器测量光束经透镜会聚后在探测器光敏面上的光点偏移量。根据干涉信号的相位和光点偏移量可以计算出被测物体的角位移。在该测量方案中,引入的一平面反射镜与被测物体的反射面形成光程差放大系统,提高了角位移测量灵敏度。分析了初始入射角对剪切比的影响,并讨论了基于该方案的角位移测量精度。实验结果表明,基于该技术的角位移重复测量精度达到10-8 rad数量级。


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We proposed a high accuracy image sensor technique for sinusoidal phase-modulating interferometer in the field of the surface profile measurements. It solved the problem of the CCD's pixel offset of the same column under two adjacent rows, eliminated the spectral leakage, and reduced the influence of external interference to the measurement accuracy. We measured the surface profile of a glass plate, and its repeatability precision was less than 8 nm and its relative error was 1.15 %. The results show that it can be used to measure surface profile with high accuracy and strong anti-interference ability. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Inverse symmetric Dammann grating is a special grating, whose transition points are reflection symmetric about the midpoint with inverse phase offset in one period. It can produce even-numbered or odd-numbered array illumination when the phase modulations are pi or a specific value. Numerical solutions optimized by the steepest-descent algorithm for binary phase and multilevel phases with splitting ratio from I x 4 to 1 x 14 are given. Fabrication of 1 x 6 array without the zero-order intensity and 1 x 7 array with the zero-order intensity are made from the same amplitude mask. A 6 x 6 output without the crossed zero-orders was achieved by crossing two one-dimensional 1 x 6 inverse symmetric Dammann gratings. This grating may have potential value for practical applications. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Food consumption, number of movements and feeding hierarchy of juvenile transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio and their size-matched non-transgenic conspecifics were measured under conditions of limited food supply. Transgenic fish exhibited 73 center dot 3% more movements as well as a higher feeding order, and consumed 1 center dot 86 times as many food pellets as their non-transgenic counterparts. After the 10 day experiment, transgenic C. carpio had still not realized their higher growth potential, which may be partly explained by the higher frequency of movements of transgenics and the 'sneaky' feeding strategy used by the non-transgenics. The results indicate that these transgenic fish possess an elevated ability to compete for limited food resources, which could be advantageous after an escape into the wild. It may be that other factors in the natural environment (i.e. predation risk and food distribution), however, would offset this advantage. Thus, these results need to be assessed with caution.


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Crocodilians are quite vocal relative to other reptile groups, and the alligators are among the most vocal of the crocodilians. The Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis, is usually solitary but engages in bellowing choruses in certain waters during the mating season. This paper reports the organization of Chinese alligator's bellowing choruses based upon field observations and playback experiments. Alligators of both genders engaged in the choruses, remaining immobile throughout and inclining toward bellowing synchronously (i.e., starting and finishing at about the same time). The choruses lasted about 10 min with abrupt onset and offset. Moreover, playback experiments revealed that both male and female alligators responded equally to bellowing stimuli from the same and opposite sexes and that none of the tested alligators approached the loudspeaker in spite of playback of male or female stimuli. These suggest that Chinese alligators. may not bellow to compete for or attract mates during the choruses. Instead, when their ecological behaviors, namely, dispersed inhabitation, multi-copulation, restricted mating season, etc., are considered, we hypothesize that they may synchronize bellows to enhance group detectability for assembling individuals into certain waters for subsequent copulations. (C) 2009 Acoustical Society of America. [DOI: 10.1121/1.3203667]