996 resultados para von Wright
In this study I consider what kind of perspective on the mind body problem is taken and can be taken by a philosophical position called non-reductive physicalism. Many positions fall under this label. The form of non-reductive physicalism which I discuss is in essential respects the position taken by Donald Davidson (1917-2003) and Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003). I defend their positions and discuss the unrecognized similarities between their views. Non-reductive physicalism combines two theses: (a) Everything that exists is physical; (b) Mental phenomena cannot be reduced to the states of the brain. This means that according to non-reductive physicalism the mental aspect of humans (be it a soul, mind, or spirit) is an irreducible part of the human condition. Also Davidson and von Wright claim that, in some important sense, the mental aspect of a human being does not reduce to the physical aspect, that there is a gap between these aspects that cannot be closed. I claim that their arguments for this conclusion are convincing. I also argue that whereas von Wright and Davidson give interesting arguments for the irreducibility of the mental, their physicalism is unwarranted. These philosophers do not give good reasons for believing that reality is thoroughly physical. Notwithstanding the materialistic consensus in the contemporary philosophy of mind the ontology of mind is still an uncharted territory where real breakthroughs are not to be expected until a radically new ontological position is developed. The third main claim of this work is that the problem of mental causation cannot be solved from the Davidsonian - von Wrightian perspective. The problem of mental causation is the problem of how mental phenomena like beliefs can cause physical movements of the body. As I see it, the essential point of non-reductive physicalism - the irreducibility of the mental - and the problem of mental causation are closely related. If mental phenomena do not reduce to causally effective states of the brain, then what justifies the belief that mental phenomena have causal powers? If mental causes do not reduce to physical causes, then how to tell when - or whether - the mental causes in terms of which human actions are explained are actually effective? I argue that this - how to decide when mental causes really are effective - is the real problem of mental causation. The motivation to explore and defend a non-reductive position stems from the belief that reductive physicalism leads to serious ethical problems. My claim is that Davidson's and von Wright's ultimate reason to defend a non-reductive view comes back to their belief that a reductive understanding of human nature would be a narrow and possibly harmful perspective. The final conclusion of my thesis is that von Wright's and Davidson's positions provide a starting point from which the current scientistic philosophy of mind can be critically further explored in the future.
Inclui bibliografia
The goal of this research was to survey the self-concept and school achievement of pupils with cleft lip, cleft palate or both from juvenile age to adolescence. Longitudinal researches of self-concept and school achievement among pupils with cleft lip, cleft palate or both are uncommon. This research was the first longitudinal research ever conducted in Finland among this population. This research can be considered to be a special educational study because of the target group involved. Self-concept consists of the person s entire personality. Personality is biological and deterministic. Self-concept includes concepts, attitudes and feelings that the person has about him or her qualities, abilities and relations to the environment. The individual associates experiences to this personality with earlier observations through the social interaction. The individual will have the consciousness of the person s existence and action. The target group in this study consisted of Finnish children with clefts, who were comprised of four different age groups. The questionnaire was sent to all subjects (N1 = 419) both times. A total of 74 % of children returned the questionnaire in 1988 (N2=305). 48 % of children returned the questionnaire in 1993 (N3=203). 42% of children returned the questionnaire both times (N4=175) . These 175 children formed the research subjects. The survey was conducted in 1988, and again in 1993. In 1988, the pupils surveyed were 9 to 12 years of age, while in 1993 they were between 14 and 17 years old. The data was collected through the use of a questionnaire, which consisted of common questions and a personality inventory test that was developed for Finnish students by professor Maija-Liisa Rauste-von Wright. Quantitative analysis methods were used to examine the structure of self-concept and school achievement. Structures found in this research were observed in relation to disorder, gender and maturation. According to these results, structures of self-concepts and school achievement are in fact stable. Basic self-concept elements are seen to be formed at an early age. The developmental aspects of self-concept following puberty are observed as the stability of self-concept and as the forming of a general self. The level of school achievement is stable, but the structure of school achievement changes. From these results, it is possible to state that the gender of the child has a statistical significance regarding self-concept and school achievement. However, the experienced disorder does not have statistical significance as regards to self-concept and school achievement. Results of self-concept support the research of self-concept conducted earlier in Finland.
In the first half of the 20th century, most moral philosophers took the concept of virtue to be secondary to moral principles or emotions, though in various and mutually conflicting ways. In the early 1960s interest in the virtues was restored by the analytic philosophers Elizabeth Anscombe and Georg Henrik von Wright, the younger colleagues and friends of the late Wittgenstein. Later, Alasdair MacIntyre became a leading virtue ethicist. In 1981, MacIntyre introduced in After Virtue the concept of practices, which he based on the Aristotelian distinction between praxis and poiesis. This dissertation examines MacIntyre s characterization of the interconnectedness between practices and virtues, especially in relation to skills, education, and certain emotions. The primary position of the virtues is defended against the tendency in modern moral philosophy to overemphasize the role either of principles and rules or of emotions. The view according to which rational action and acting according to the virtues is best conceptualized as following rules or principles is criticized by arguments that are grounded by some Wittgensteinian observations, and that can be characterized as transcendental. Even if the virtues cannot be defined by, and are not based entirely on, emotions, the role of certain emotions on the learning and education of skills and virtues are studied more carefully than by MacIntyre. In the cases of resentment, indignation, and shame, the analysis of Peter Strawson is utilized, and in the case of regret, the analysis of Bernard Williams. Williams analysis of regret and moral conflict concludes in a kind of antirealism, which this study criticizes. Where education of practices and skills and the related reactive emotions are examined as conditions of learning and practicing the virtues, institutions and ideologies are examined as obstacles and threats to the virtues. This theme is studied through Karl Marx s conception of alienation and Karl Polanyi s historical and sociological research concerning the great transformation . The study includes six Finnish-published articles carrying the titles Our negative attitudes towards other persons , Authority and upbringing , Moral conflicts, regret and ethical realism , Practices and institutions , Doing justice as condition to communal action: a transcendental argument for justice as virtue , and Alienation from practices in capitalist society: Alasdair MacIntyre s Marxist Aristotelianism . The introductory essay sums up the themes of the articles and presents some central issues of virtue ethics by relating the classical Socratic questions to Aristotelian practical philosophy, as well as to current controversies in metaethics and moral psychology.
This monograph describes the emergence of independent research on logic in Finland. The emphasis is placed on three well-known students of Eino Kaila: Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003), Erik Stenius (1911-1990), and Oiva Ketonen (1913-2000), and their research between the early 1930s and the early 1950s. The early academic work of these scholars laid the foundations for today's strong tradition in logic in Finland and also became internationally recognized. However, due attention has not been given to these works later, nor have they been comprehensively presented together. Each chapter of the book focuses on the life and work of one of Kaila's aforementioned students, with a fourth chapter discussing works on logic by authors who would later become known within other disciplines. Through an extensive use of correspondence and other archived material, some insight has been gained into the persons behind the academic personae. Unique and unpublished biographical material has been available for this task. The chapter on Oiva Ketonen focuses primarily on his work on what is today known as proof theory, especially on his proof theoretical system with invertible rules that permits a terminating root-first proof search. The independency of the parallel postulate is proved as an example of the strength of root-first proof search. Ketonen was to our knowledge Gerhard Gentzen's (the 'father' of proof theory) only student. Correspondence and a hitherto unavailable autobiographic manuscript, in addition to an unpublished article on the relationship between logic and epistemology, is presented. The chapter on Erik Stenius discusses his work on paradoxes and set theory, more specifically on how a rigid theory of definitions is employed to avoid these paradoxes. A presentation by Paul Bernays on Stenius' attempt at a proof of the consistency of arithmetic is reconstructed based on Bernays' lecture notes. Stenius correspondence with Paul Bernays, Evert Beth, and Georg Kreisel is discussed. The chapter on Georg Henrik von Wright presents his early work on probability and epistemology, along with his later work on modal logic that made him internationally famous. Correspondence from various archives (especially with Kaila and Charlie Dunbar Broad) further discusses his academic achievements and his experiences during the challenging circumstances of the 1940s.
En la literatura sobre las emociones, una de las teorías con mayor fuerza es la llamada teoría James-Lange. Este texto intenta hacer una crítica a esta teoría a partir de algunas observaciones de Wittgenstein sobre el uso de conceptos psicológicos, sacando a la luz dos confusiones gramaticales que surgen en ella. Para ello, se construye primero la categoría de «programa de naturalización de las emociones» que recoge las teorías de Descartes, James y Prinz, siguiendo la metodología de Lakatos. Luego, se identifica como problema central el de la naturalización de la intencionalidad. Con esto en mente, se exponen algunas herramientas wittgensteinianas para estudiar la gramática de la pregunta por el objeto y la intencionalidad de las emociones, mostrando que las respuestas del programa de naturalización no son satisfactorias y no respetan las reglas de ciertos usos de lenguaje.
La Corte Constitucional colombiana, a través de la interpretación del texto de la carta política, ha hecho invaluables aportes al desarrollo del derecho en nuestro país. Sin embargo, este proceso de definir las palabras de la Constitución requiere la utilización de preferencias valorativas y esto, como es natural, implica un grave riesgo para la seguridad jurídica: ¿hasta dónde puede llegar el intérprete, ¿cuáles son los límites que debe respetar?. Este riesgo incrementa si tenemos en cuenta que buena parte de la doctrina constitucional colombiana contemporánea, llamada por algunos neoconstitucionalismo, ha creado una nueva jerga erudita impenetrable llena de metáforas sofisticadas, razonamientos abstrusos, argumentos con una gran carga emotiva y citas herméticas que, en cierta medida, le han permitido encubrir sus ideas y valoraciones y, de este modo, evitar que sean sensatamente escudriñadas. En un sistema como el colombiano, erigido sobre el principio de frenos y contrapesos entre los distintos poderes del Estado, si el poder político se ejerce a través de la justicia constitucional, en un lenguaje incomprensible y presentado como un argumento de última instancia, todo el equilibrio se viene abajo y, muy pronto, el derecho se convierte en el principal instrumento del despotismo., de Daniel Mendonca, es un libro perfectamente honesto que presenta sus ideas con absoluta claridad y ayuda a trazar los límites entre la discrecionalidad y la arbitrariedad de la interpretación constitucional.
Cruz, Ângela Maria Paiva. Os paradoxos de Prior e o cálculo proposicional deôntico relevante. Princípios, Natal, v. 4, p. 05-18, 1996.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Das Wolf-Hirschhorn-Syndrom (WHS) ist ein komplexes und variables Fehlbildungs- Retardierungssyndrom, das durch Deletion in der distalen Chromosomenregion 4p16.3 hervorgerufen wird und dessen Ätiologie und Pathogenese bisher weitgehend unverstanden sind. Die Zielsetzung in der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand in der Identifizierung und vorläufigen Charakterisierung neuer Gene, die an der Entstehung des Syndroms beteiligt sein könnten. Die Wolf-Hirschhorn-Syndrom-kritische Region (WHSCR) konnte zu Beginn der vorliegenden Arbeit auf einen ca. 2 Mb großen Bereich zwischen den Markern D4S43 und D4S142 eingegrenzt werden. Für die Identifizierung neuer Gene wurden zunächst drei größere genomische Cosmid-/PAC-Contigs (I-III) im Bereich der Marker D4S114 bis D4S142 erstellt und mittels Exonamplifikation auf transkribierte Bereiche (Exons) untersucht. Es konnten insgesamt 67 putative 'Exons' isoliert werden, von denen einige bereits bekannten Genen (ZNF141, PDEB, MYL5, GAK, DAGK4 und FGFR3) entsprechen. Zwei dieser Gene konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals (DAGK4) bzw. genauer (GAK) in die distale Region 4p16.3 kartiert werden. Die restlichen Exons können aufgrund von Homologievergleichen und/oder EST-cDNA-Homologien vermutlich neuen Genen oder auch Pseudogenen (z. B. YWEE1hu) zugeordnet werden. Durch die im Verlaufe der vorliegenden Arbeit publizierte weitere Eingrenzung der WHSCR auf einen 165 Kb-großen Bereich proximal des FGFR3-Gens konzentrierten sich weitere Untersuchungen auf die detaillierte Analyse der WHSCR zwischen dem Marker D4S43 und FGFR3. Mit Hilfe von Exonamplifikation bzw. computergestützter Auswertung vorliegender Sequenzdaten aus diesem Bereich ('GRAIL', 'GENSCAN' und Homologievergleiche in den EST-Datenbanken des NCBI) konnten mehrere neue Gene identifiziert werden. In distaler-proximaler Reihenfolge handelt es sich dabei um die Gene LETM1, 51, 43, 45, 57 und POL4P. LETM1 kodiert für ein putatives Transmembran-Protein mit einem Leucin-Zipper- und zwei EF-Hand-Motiven und könnte aufgrund seiner möglichen Beteiligung an der Ca2+-Homeostase und/oder der Signal-transduktion zu Merkmalen des WHS (Krampfanfällen, mentale Retardierung und muskuläre Hypotonie) beitragen. Das Gen 51 entspricht einem in etwa zeitgleich durch Stec et al. (1998) und Chesi et al. (1998) als WHSC1 bzw. MMSET bezeichnetem Gen und wurde daher nicht weiter charakterisiert. Es wird genauso wie das Gen 43, das zeitgleich von Wright et al. (1999b) als WHSC2 beschrieben werden konnte und eine mögliche Rolle bei der Transkriptionselongation spielt, ubiquitär exprimiert. Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit identifizierte Gen 45 zeigt demgegenüber ein ausgesprochen spezifisches Expressionsmuster (in Nervenzellen des Gehirns sowie in Spermatiden). Dies stellt zusammen mit der strukturellen Ähnlichkeit des putativen Genprodukts zu Signalmolekülen einen interessanten Zusammenhang zu Merkmalen des WHS (beispielsweise Kryptorchismus, Uterusfehlbildungen oder auch neurologische Defekte) her. Demgegenüber handelt es sich bei dem Gen 57 möglicherweise um ein trunkiertes Pseudogen des eRFS-Gens auf Chromosom 6q24 (Wallrapp et al., 1998). Das POL4P-Gen schließlich stellt allein aufgrund seiner genomischen Lokalisation sowie seiner möglichen Funktion (als DNA-Polymerase-ähnliches Gen) kein gutes Kandidatengen für spezifische Merkmale des Syndroms dar und wurde daher nicht im Detail charakterisiert. Um die Beteiligung der Gene an der Ätiologie und Pathogenese des Syndroms zu verstehen, ist die Entwicklung eines Mausmodells (über das Einfügen gezielter Deletionen in das Mausgenom) geplant. Um dies zu ermöglichen, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Charakterisierung der orthologen Region bei der Maus vorgenommen. Zunächst wurden die orthologen Gene der Maus (Letm1, Whsc1, Gen 43 (Whsc2h), Gen 45 und Pol4p) identifiziert. Durch die Erstellung sowie die genaue Kartierung eines murinen genomischen P1/PAC-Klon-Contigs konnte gezeigt werden, daß die murinen Gene Fgfr3, Letm1, Whsc1, Gen 43 (Whsc2h), Gen 45 und Pol4p sowie einige weitere der überprüften EST-cDNA-Klone der Maus in einem durchgehenden Syntänieblock zwischen Mensch (POL4P bis FGFR3) und Maus (Mmu 5.20) enthalten sind, der in seiner genomischen Ausdehnung in etwa den Verhältnissen beim Menschen (zwischen POL4P und FGFR3) entspricht.
Person-to-stock order picking is highly flexible and requires minimal investment costs in comparison to automated picking solutions. For these reasons, tradi-tional picking is widespread in distribution and production logistics. Due to its typically large proportion of manual activities, picking causes the highest operative personnel costs of all intralogistics process. The required personnel capacity in picking varies short- and mid-term due to capacity requirement fluctuations. These dynamics are often balanced by employing minimal permanent staff and using seasonal help when needed. The resulting high personnel fluctuation necessitates the frequent training of new pickers, which, in combination with in-creasingly complex work contents, highlights the im-portance of learning processes in picking. In industrial settings, learning is often quantified based on diminishing processing time and cost requirements with increasing experience. The best-known industrial learning curve models include those from Wright, de Jong, Baloff and Crossman, which are typically applied to the learning effects of an entire work crew rather than of individuals. These models have been validated in largely static work environments with homogeneous work contents. Little is known of learning effects in picking systems. Here, work contents are heterogeneous and individual work strategies vary among employees. A mix of temporary and steady employees with varying degrees of experience necessitates the observation of individual learning curves. In this paper, the individual picking performance development of temporary employees is analyzed and compared to that of steady employees in the same working environment.
Back and von Wright have developed algebraic laws for reasoning about loops in the refinement calculus. We extend their work to reasoning about probabilistic loops in the probabilistic refinement calculus. We apply our algebraic reasoning to derive transformation rules for probabilistic action systems. In particular we focus on developing data refinement rules for probabilistic action systems. Our extension is interesting since some well known transformation rules that are applicable to standard programs are not applicable to probabilistic ones: we identify some of these important differences and we develop alternative rules where possible. In particular, our probabilistic action system data refinement rules are new.
El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar la conexión entre reglas discursivas y normas morales en el marco de la ética del discurso. El trabajo comienza con un análisis de la diferencia entre acción y operación y con una reconstrucción del concepto de discurso. Luego es presentada la diferencia y la relación entre ley y obligación. La conclusión es que la conexión entre acción y discurso posible está implícita en la noción de responsabilidad moral.
Cruz, Ângela Maria Paiva. Os paradoxos de Prior e o cálculo proposicional deôntico relevante. Princípios, Natal, v. 4, p. 05-18, 1996.
Cruz, Ângela Maria Paiva. Os paradoxos de Prior e o cálculo proposicional deôntico relevante. Princípios, Natal, v. 4, p. 05-18, 1996.