32 resultados para toimijuus


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Biopower, Otherness and Women's Agency in Assisted Reproduction. This sociological study analyses how, why and with what kind of consequences assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have become the primary technology for governing infertility in Finland both on the level of individuals and society. The phenomenon is construed as one the strategies of the Focaultian biopower since ART are political techniques of the beginning of life par excellence, as they are used to prepare the bodies of certain types of women to create certain kind of life, i.e. certain kind of children. Moreover, ART are interpreted to be gendered control techniques with which the pure, and at the same time prevailing, social order symbolised by a female body is maintained by naming and excluding otherness, unsuitable mother candidates and children. Finally, it is considered how the agency, subjectivity, of women experiencing infertility and seeking treatment appears in the prevailing context of ART. The introduction of IVF-based reproductive technologies to Finland and the treatment practices of the early 1990s have been studied on the basis of a clinic questionnaire, medical doctor interviews and articles of the Medical Journal Duodecim from 1969 to 2000. Opinions on the method of the treatment providers were studied by conducting a theme interview with fertilisation doctors in 1993. Experiences of women who have received treatment or experienced infertility were studied by means of a survey in 1994 and by analysing the content of messages in an online discussion forum in 2000. On the basis of the medical doctor interviews, significant criterion for choosing mother candidates turned out to be her vitality and her mental and physical health, which are considered prerequisites for a vitality of the child to be born. The hierarchies concerning children became evident. While people normally make their children on their own, this is what people experiencing infertility are trying to do as well. In the era of ART, the primary child is genetically the parents' own child, a secondary option for Finnish parents is a genetically Finnish child conceived by donated Finnish gametes or embryos and the last option is an adopted child of foreign origin. Women's agency mainly appears in their way of using ART as a technology of the self for self-control on one's own nature, which helps them to prepare their bodies in order to become pregnant in co-operation with a fertilisation doctor. Women's creative free agency exceeding governance appeared as a distinctive use of language with which they created shared meaning for their infertility experience, their own individual and group identity and distinctive reality. ART are very political techniques as they have a possibility to change the methods of having children and to shape life. Therefore, further sociological research on them is important and needed. Key words: practises of assisted reproduction, women's agency, biopower, vital politics of the beginning of life, otherness


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In this research, I examine the agency of women who has taken part in peer groups for immigrants organized by Finnish refugee council. My thesis is connected with post-colonial feminist research where difference and power have been studied especially from the view of those inferior positions. Agency is the main tool that I use in this thesis. I examine how peer groups are significant in the speech of women and how women s agency shows in their lives. My goal was to examine how women build their lives in a new environment. I also want to show an alternative view in the discussion about integration by telling about the lives of the women. My data is from single and group interviews, from one peer group meeting that I observed and conversations with the peer mentors. Altogether I interviewed 29 women from the age of 18 to elderly people. Women had emigrated from eight different countries. I also used educational material made for peer group mentors as my data. According to my study, the peer groups were significant for women especially because of the social relations made in the groups and the knowledge achieved about Finnish society. Also the language skills achieved in the peer groups were important. In the peer groups women realized to fill the competences acquired to make their space of agency wider. Women s agency was sometimes quiet and it aimed to maintain. This kind of agency made the foundation to everyday life in Finland. It was also used to create relation to the country of emigration. Agency occurred also as toleration. Especially when confronting racism or when women had to give up customs that were important to them. The sense of agency grew in peer groups. This and through perceiving their competences women pondered the paths in their future. Women spoke of themselves as foreigners and made distinction with the majority of population. In the educational material and in the speech of the mentors, the image of Finnishness was unlimited. Women did not find space for them in the concept of Finnish. The intercommunication between women and the majority of population was narrow and those were formed mainly in context of the work of the majority of population. In my research, I noticed that women have enough knowledge, skills and competences for agency, only the space for it is narrow. When speaking about integration, immigrants are seen as objects to be activated. I suggest that from this way of speaking focus should be changed from activation to deconstruction of the positions shown to women.


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Tutkielman aiheena on ammatinharjoittaja-asiatekstinkääntäjän toimijuus kahdessa yhteistyömallissa: alihankkijana tuotantoverkostossa ja kahdenvälisessä asiakassuhteessa. Tarkoituksena on saada kuuluviin kääntäjien näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia ammatillisesta asemastaan toimijana sekä siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Laadullisen tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluissa. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kolmea ammatinharjoittajana toimivaa kääntäjää, jotka kääntävät asiatekstejä sekä alihankkijana käännöstoimistoille että suoraan asiakasyrityksille. Kääntäjän asemaa toimijana analysoitiin agenttiteorian avulla kuuden teeman kautta: 1) laatunäkemykset, 2) työolot, 3) ammattietiikka ja liiketoiminnan lainalaisuudet, 4) tiedonkulku, 5) luottamus ja asiantuntijuus sekä 6) vastuu, arvostus ja näkyvyys. Oletukseni perustuu Kristiina Abdallahin (2010) sekä hänen ja Kaisa Koskisen (2007) tutkimustuloksiin, joiden mukaan kääntäjän status ja mahdollisuudet tehdä työnsä hyvin ovat olennaisesti heikommat, jos hän toimii verkostoissa agentin positiossa kuin jos hän toimisi kahdenvälisessä asiakassuhteessa. Aineistoni tukee oletusta osittain. Haastattelujen perusteella näyttää siltä, että kääntäjät kokevat toimijuutensa alisteiseksi, rajoittuneeksi ja liukuhihnamaiseksi mutta toisaalta suoraviivaiseksi toimiessaan alihankkijana tuotantoverkostossa, jossa käännöstoimisto on välittävä toimija. Haastatteluissa korostuu suorien asiakkaiden laaja kirjo, ja haastateltavat pitävät hyvän yhteistyön kulmakivinä asiakkaan kokemusta käännösten ostamisesta sekä kieli- ja viestintäalan ymmärrystä. Kääntäjät toivovat molemmissa toimintamalleissa tulevansa kuulluksi kielen asiantuntijoina ja peräänkuuluttivat avointa vuorovaikutusta. Haastattelujen mukaan kääntäjät kokevat työssään ristiriitaa ammattietiikan ja liiketoiminnallisen ajattelun välillä. Haastatteluissa ilmenee eriäviä näkemyksiä työstä maksettavan palkkion ja oman työpanoksen suhteesta. Luottamusta nakertavaksi tekijäksi mainitaan käännöstoimistojen yksipuolisiksi koetut sopimusvelvoitteet ja sanktiot. Vaikka kääntäjät eivät koe saavansa aina arvostusta osakseen, sisäinen tyytyväisyys on heille motivaation lähde molemmissa toimintamalleissa.


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Tutkielma tarkastelee zombiteemaisessa The Walking Dead -videopelissä (Telltale Games 2012) ilmeneviä pelaajan toimijuuden ja vallan ulottuvuuksia sekä niiden merkitystä pelikokemuksille pelianalyysin avulla. Keskiössä ovat pelikokemuksen aikana syntyvät kuvitteellisen vallan tuntemukset. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, mikä merkitys pelissä tehdyillä valinnoilla ja niiden seurauksilla voi pelikokemukselle olla sekä lisäksi pohtia erilaisia konkreettisen vaikuttamisen keinoja. Tutkielma tarkastelee lisäksi niitä tapoja, joilla peli itse osallistuu rakentamaan ja vahvistamaan pelaajan tuntemuksia pelitarinan ja -kokemuksen hallinnasta. Tutkielman aineistona toimivat videopeli sekä Telltale Community -verkkokeskustelupalstalta kerätyt kommentit, jotka avartavat käsiteltyjä näkökulmia sekä tuovat esille pelaajien kokemuksia. Kommenttien perusteella tehty analyysi on laadullista, eikä pyri kattavaan otantaan. Videopeli on aina jossain määrin ennalta rakennettu kokonaisuus, mutta sen tuottamia kokemuksia ei voida koskaan täysin säädellä ennalta. Vaikka pelin valinta- ja etenemismahdollisuudet ovat tarkoin rajattuja, voi peli synnyttää pelaajissa vahvoja vallassa olemisen tunteita sekä uniikkeja pelikokemuksia, joihin muilla pelaajilla ei ole pääsyä. Huomio ei kohdistu yksittäisen pelaajan kokemuksiin vaan nimenomaan siihen, millä kaikilla mahdollisilla tavoilla peli voidaan kokea. Pelissä koetuista valtatuntemuksista tulee kuvitteellisia vasta silloin, jos pelaaja tulee tietoiseksi toimijuutensa rajallisuudesta tai vaikutusvaltansa pinnallisuudesta. Illuusion rikkoutuminen vähentää tunnetta vaikutusvallasta, muttei poista pelikokemuksen ainutlaatuisuutta. Pelaajalla on vapaus päättää pelaamisestaan, tekemistään tulkinnoista sekä siitä, mitkä pelin tapahtumat ovat hänelle tärkeitä. Pelaaja on oman pelikokemuksensa herra, koska hän voi antaa pelin tapahtumille haluamansa merkitykset.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena ovat naisten toimijuus ja sukupuolen esittäminen Aristofaneen (460/50 – 386 eKr.) komedioissa Lysistrate (411 eKr.), Naisten juhla (411) sekä Naisten kansankokous (391). Tutkin aihetta sukupuolihistoriallisesta ja tilankäytön näkökulmista. Pääkysymyksiäni ovat: oliko naisten aktiivinen poliittinen toimijuus komedioissa vain naurettavaa? Mikä on sen suhde 400-luvun Ateenan yhteiskunnallisiin ja kulttuurisiin olosuhteisiin? Minkälaisia sukupuolittuneita tiloja komedioista on luettavissa ja mikä on niiden suhde naisten toimijuuden mahdollisuuksiin? Tutkielmani osallistuu 1980-luvulta virinneeseen keskusteluun alistetusta, oikokseen suljetusta kreikkalaisesta naisesta. Väitän, etteivät naiset olleet niin alistettuja ja oikokseen suljettuja, kuin mitä jotkut tekstilähteet ja tutkimusperinne antavat ymmärtää. Merkittävä aikalaistapahtuma peloponnesolaissota (431–404) on vaikuttanut komedioiden sisältöön. Väitänkin, että komediat olivat aikalaispolitiikan kommentointiareenaa. Esitän, että naisilla oli mahdollisuus osallistua komediaesityksen katsomiseen. Dionysos- ja lenaia-juhlilla esitetyt komediaesitykset olivat samalla Dionysoksen palvonnan paikkoja. Ne mahdollistivat naisille ulospääsyn oikoksesta ja yhteiskunnan vaatimasta roolista. Roolista vapautumisen ja itsenäisen toiminnan alueita olivat myös uskonnolliset juhlat, kuten brauronia ja thesmoforia. Komediat saivat käyttövoimansa sukupuolistereotypioista, joita myös analysoin tutkielmassani. Aristofaneen naiset ovat viininhimoisia, seksuaalisesti viekkaita rääväsuita. Miehet esitettiin niissä sodanhimoisina ja naisten viekoteltavissa olevina tomppeleina. Onko komedioiden sanoma se, että naiset todella johtaisivat polista paremmin kuin sodanhaluiset ja itsekkäät miehet? Vai oliko niiden tarkoitus osoittaa, kuinka absurdia olisi jos naiset saisivat Ateenassa todellisen päättämisvallan? Kuva oikoksessa pysyttelevästä kansalaisnaisesta on osaltaan yläluokkainen ateenalainen ideaali, jonka suhdetta todellisuuteen ei ole tutkittu tarpeeksi kriittisesti. Aristofaneen komediat pelasivat ideaalisen ja todellisuuden välisellä ristiriidalla. Jos tätä ristiriitaa ei olisi, eivät komediat olisi hauskoja. Tutkielmassani väitänkin, että koska komedioissa naiset ovat aktiivisia toimijoita, on otettava mahdollisuutena, että naiset toimivat itsenäisemmin ja vapaammin, kuin mitä ideaalit antaisivat ymmärtää. Tämä perustuu komedian komedian olemukseen yhteiskuntansa peilinä.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena ovat naisten toimijuus ja sukupuolen esittäminen Aristofaneen (460/50 – 386 eKr.) komedioissa Lysistrate (411 eKr.), Naisten juhla (411) sekä Naisten kansankokous (391). Tutkin aihetta sukupuolihistoriallisesta ja tilankäytön näkökulmista. Pääkysymyksiäni ovat: oliko naisten aktiivinen poliittinen toimijuus komedioissa vain naurettavaa? Mikä on sen suhde 400-luvun Ateenan yhteiskunnallisiin ja kulttuurisiin olosuhteisiin? Minkälaisia sukupuolittuneita tiloja komedioista on luettavissa ja mikä on niiden suhde naisten toimijuuden mahdollisuuksiin? Tutkielmani osallistuu 1980-luvulta virinneeseen keskusteluun alistetusta, oikokseen suljetusta kreikkalaisesta naisesta. Väitän, etteivät naiset olleet niin alistettuja ja oikokseen suljettuja, kuin mitä jotkut tekstilähteet ja tutkimusperinne antavat ymmärtää. Merkittävä aikalaistapahtuma peloponnesolaissota (431–404) on vaikuttanut komedioiden sisältöön. Väitänkin, että komediat olivat aikalaispolitiikan kommentointiareenaa. Esitän, että naisilla oli mahdollisuus osallistua komediaesityksen katsomiseen. Dionysos- ja lenaia-juhlilla esitetyt komediaesitykset olivat samalla Dionysoksen palvonnan paikkoja. Ne mahdollistivat naisille ulospääsyn oikoksesta ja yhteiskunnan vaatimasta roolista. Roolista vapautumisen ja itsenäisen toiminnan alueita olivat myös uskonnolliset juhlat, kuten brauronia ja thesmoforia. Komediat saivat käyttövoimansa sukupuolistereotypioista, joita myös analysoin tutkielmassani. Aristofaneen naiset ovat viininhimoisia, seksuaalisesti viekkaita rääväsuita. Miehet esitettiin niissä sodanhimoisina ja naisten viekoteltavissa olevina tomppeleina. Onko komedioiden sanoma se, että naiset todella johtaisivat polista paremmin kuin sodanhaluiset ja itsekkäät miehet? Vai oliko niiden tarkoitus osoittaa, kuinka absurdia olisi jos naiset saisivat Ateenassa todellisen päättämisvallan? Kuva oikoksessa pysyttelevästä kansalaisnaisesta on osaltaan yläluokkainen ateenalainen ideaali, jonka suhdetta todellisuuteen ei ole tutkittu tarpeeksi kriittisesti. Aristofaneen komediat pelasivat ideaalisen ja todellisuuden välisellä ristiriidalla. Jos tätä ristiriitaa ei olisi, eivät komediat olisi hauskoja. Tutkielmassani väitänkin, että koska komedioissa naiset ovat aktiivisia toimijoita, on otettava mahdollisuutena, että naiset toimivat itsenäisemmin ja vapaammin, kuin mitä ideaalit antaisivat ymmärtää. Tämä perustuu komedian komedian olemukseen yhteiskuntansa peilinä.


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Tämä pro gradu-työ käsittelee naisten toimijuutta uusassyrialaisessa imperiumissa. Toisin sanoen työssä tutkitaan naisten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia assyrialaisessa, patriarkaalisessa yhteiskunnassa – aihe, johon ei aiemmin ole juurikaan kiinnitetty huomiota. Täydennän työssä assyriologista näkökantaa kulttuuritieteiden ja antropologian käsitteistöllä ja teorioilla. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys liittyy yksilön, yhteiskunnan ja vallan välisiin suhteisiin, jotka kohtaavat toimijuuden käsitteessä. Vaikka työssä esittelen toimijuuden käsitettä laajemminkin, päädyin aineiston asettamien rajoitusten takia määrittelemään toimijuuden seuraavasti: toimijoita ovat ne naiset, jotka toimivat aktiivisina subjekteina yhteiskunnassa. Näin määritellyt toimijat jaoin vielä kahteen ryhmään, eksplisiittisiin (explicit agents) ja implisiittisiin (implicit agents) toimijoihin. Ensimmäisen ryhmän jäsenet selkeästi toimivat teksteissä jollain tavalla, jälkimmäisen ryhmän jäsenten toimijuus on pääteltävä asiayhteydestä. Pro graduni perustuu laajan tekstiaineiston analyysiin. Jaan imperiumin toimijanaiset kolmeen laajaan ryhmään: palatsissa, temppelissä ja niiden ulkopuolella toimineisiin naisiin. Jokaisen näistä kolmesta ryhmästä jaan vielä useisiin alaryhmiin, useimmiten ammattinimikkeen tai arvonimen mukaan. Suurimmaksi ryhmäksi osoittautuivat palatsissa toimineet naiset. Heistä erityisen aktiivisia olivat šakintut, jotka hoitivat vastuullisia hallinnollisia tehtäviä palatseissa. Myös kuningatarten ja muiden kuninkaallisten naisten rooli toimijoina oli uusassyrialaisella kaudella merkittävä. Temppeleissä toimineista naisista merkittävin ryhmä toimijuuden kannalta olivat naispuoliset profeetat, jotka toimivat aktiivisissa rooleissa ainakin toimittaessaan jumalallisia sanomia. Palatsien ja temppelien ulkopuolelle jäi vain vähän naistoimijoita: omaksi selkeäksi ryhmäkseen erottuivat ainoastaan harimtut, prostituoidut. Lopuksi pohdin jokaisen ryhmän toimijuutta ensin taulukkomuodossa (taulukot 9, 10 ja 11) sitten lyhyessä analyysikappaleessa.


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Tarkastelen tässä pro gradu –tutkielmassa kirkon ja uskonnon vaikutusta seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyteen Nicaraguassa. Työn viitekehyksenä on Suomen rahoittama seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyttä, tasa-arvoa sekä naisten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia edistävä kehitysyhteistyöhanke Nicaraguassa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kahdestakymmenestäkahdesta haastattelusta, jotka keräsin Nicaraguassa maalis-huhtikuussa 2007. Haastattelumetodiksi valitsin teemahaastattelun, jota muotoilin feministisen haastatteluperinteen mukaisesti. Selvitän tutkimuksessani Nicaraguassa keräämäni haastatteluaineistoni kautta katolisen naisen toimijuutta eli sitä, miten katolisten naisten on mahdollista irtautua niin konservatiivisten katolisten kuin maallistuneiden feministien uskovalle naiselle antamasta perinteisestä asemasta. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessa on Susan Starr Seredin luoma uskonnollisen naisen jatkumo, jonka ääripäissä ovat symbolinen nainen ja toimijanainen. Seredin mallin avulla tulkitsin haastattelemieni uskonnollisten naisten sekä heidän kertomustensa kautta heidän asiakkaittensa toimijuutta seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyteen liittyvissä kysymyksissä. Analysoin haastateltavieni kertomuksia työnsä ja uskontonsa välisistä ristiriitatilanteista tai tilanteista, joissa ristiriitaa ei ollut syntynyt kirkon virallisesta opetuksesta huolimatta. Muovasin lopulta Seredin jatkumosta ympyränmallisen uskonnollisuuden kentän, jossa symbolinen nainen on ympyrän keskellä ja naisten toimijuus ympyrän kehällä. Haastattelemani terveydenhuollon työntekijät sijoittuivat lähelle toimijuuden kehää, tasapainotellen kuitenkin ainakin puheen tasolla katolisen kirkon virallisen opin ja sitä kautta symbolisen naisen position ja oman ammattietiikkansa välissä. Aineistostani näkyi, että katolisen kirkon seksuaalimoraali vaikutti niin terveydenhuollon työntekijöiden kuin asiakkaidenkin elämään. Kirkon oppi ei kuitenkaan analyysini mukaan rajoittanut haastateltavieni toimijuutta, vaan asetti nämä uskonnolliset naiset tilanteeseen, jossa he joutuivat käymään vuoropuhelua työnsä ja uskontonsa välisten ristiriitaa synnyttävien ohjeiden ja velvoitteiden kanssa. Useimmiten haastateltavat erottautuivat kirkon virallisesta opista ja samaistuivat terveydenhuollon vaatimuksiin. Muutama haastateltava identifioi itsensä vahvasti kirkkoon, mutta erottautui kuitenkin sen virallisesta opista vedoten ammattietiikkaansa. Kirkosta ei kuitenkaan haluttu erottautua kokonaan, vaan toivottiin yhteistyötä kirkon kanssa seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden parantamiseksi. Haastattelemani terveydenhuollon työntekijät olivat kaikki aktiivisia toimijoita. Heidän uskonnollisuutensa näkyi heidän moraalisissa pohdinnoissaan, mikä samalla vahvisti heidän toimijuuttansa: he tulkitsivat haastatteluissa uskontoa ja kristillistä oppia omien moraalikäsityksiensä mukaisesti uudestaan ja oikeuttivat näin eettisesti nekin työtehtävänsä, jotka eivät ole linjassa katolisen kirkon virallisen opin kanssa. Osa haastateltavista muodosti oman uskonnontulkintansa oman moraalikäsityksensä pohjalta, osa taas vieraannutti työnsä ja uskontonsa välisen ristiriidan käsittelemällä esimerkiksi terveydellisistä syistä tehtävää aborttia vain lääketieteellisenä toimenpiteenä. Ehkäisymenetelmien käyttöön vaikutti kirkkoa ja uskontoa enemmän kulttuuri, jonka mukaan miehellä on oikeus päättää perheen asioista – ja myös puolisonsa lisääntymisestä. Useat naiset käyttävätkin ehkäisymenetelmiä salaa perheeltään. Seksuaalikasvatusta pidettiin merkittävänä kansallisen seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveysstrategian tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi haastateltavat toivoivat laajempaa yhteistyötä niin kirkkojen kuin opetusministeriönkin kanssa. Kirkolla ja uskonnolla on vaikutusta yhteiskunnan arvoihin, moraalikäsityksiin ja hyväksyttäviin käyttäytymismalleihin. Naisen yhteiskunnallinen asema, mahdollisuus päättää itse omasta seksuaalisuudestaan ja lisääntymisestään ja hänen taloudelliset mahdollisuutensa elää näiden valintojen mukaisesti vaikuttavat kaikki lisääntymis- ja seksuaalioikeuksien toteutumiseen. Vaikka useimmat haastateltavani erottautuivatkin kirkon virallisesta opista, kirkon ja uskonnon vaikutuksella on merkitystä seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveydenhuoltoa edistävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden tavoitteiden toteutumiseen.


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This book is a study of equality work, that is, the activities which have involved the promotion of gender equality in Finland. The study focuses on the period when the public sector has become more market-oriented, and business-oriented thinking has penetrated activities that have not traditionally emphasised profit-making. I have asked about the kind of power relations that have led to equality work in Finland. In addition to marketisation, publicly funded projects, especially by the European Union, have permeated the public sector. I have analysed the effects this turn has had on the aims and activities of equality work. Despite marketisation, equality work has remained for decades, and problems related to equality have also been recognised. The question of agency is a central focus of this study. I have analysed the kind of agency that has been offered and possible in equality work. With my previous “equality project career”, I have also participated in the formation of my research subject. This study also represents a description of a researcher taking on the responsibility for being involved in the formation of her own research subject. The study data includes national and EU-level political and governmental documents as well as articles and other publications related to equality issues. The data also includes documents from 99 publicly funded equality projects. Notable research data have been drawn from research interviews with 30 people who have been engaged in equality work in different parts of Finland and who have also worked in publicly funded equality projects. As a research method, I have combined Foucault’s discourse analysis and genealogical analysis as well as deconstructive reading. Political and governmental programmes have called for equality work, such as teaching, training, research and other political influencing in order to promote the political interests of the welfare state. Alliance with the state offers the opportunity to accomplish professionalism and continuity. Although equality work has not achieved similar legitimisation compared to other public sector professions. Equality work has fulfilled the interests of welfare state despite current trends towards marketisation. Publicly and budgetary funded equality work has evolved into business-oriented projects in a situation where the project itself has become a new governing mechanism for society. To analyse this trend, I have developed the concept of projectisation. The concept refers to a form of power that has directed discussions of equality in order to be heard. On the other hand, projectisation has contributed to the visibility of problems related to equality while maintaining heteronormativity and hierarchical order of societal differences, especially of gender, as well as harnessing equality for market use, thereby becoming somewhat useful and productive. Equality has been labelled as women’s work and being something that women do and continuity of the equality work has required a complex form of competence. The persistence of problems concerning equality as well as co-operation between women and the “discourse virtuosity ” of equality work has also opened up opportunities for situational change. Key words: Equality work, project, projectisation, genealogical method, discourse analysis, deconstructive reading, heteronormativity, agency, discourse virtuosity.


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Reciprocal development of the object and subject of learning. The renewal of the learning practices of front-line communities in a telecommunications company as part of the techno-economical paradigm change. Current changes in production have been seen as an indication of a shift from the techno-economical paradigm of a mass-production era to a new paradigm of the information and communication technological era. The rise of knowledge management in the late 1990s can be seen as one aspect of this paradigm shift, as knowledge creation and customer responsiveness were recognized as the prime factors in business competition. However, paradoxical conceptions concerning learning and agency have been presented in the discussion of knowledge management. One prevalent notion in the literature is that learning is based on individuals’ voluntary actions and this has now become incompatible with the growing interest in knowledge-management systems. Furthermore, commonly held view of learning as a general process that is independent of the object of learning contradicts the observation that the current need for new knowledge and new competences are caused by ongoing techno-economic changes. Even though the current view acknowledges that individuals and communities have key roles in knowledge creation, this conception defies the idea of the individuals’ and communities’ agency in developing the practices through which they learn. This research therefore presents a new theoretical interpretation of learning and agency based on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. This approach overcomes the paradoxes in knowledge-management theory and offers means for understanding and analyzing changes in the ways of learning within work communities. This research is also an evaluation of the Competence-Laboratory method which was developed as part of the study as a special application of Developmental Work Research methodology. The research data comprises the videotaped competence-laboratory processes of four front-line work communities in a telecommunications company. The findings reported in the five articles included in this thesis are based on the analyses of this data. The new theoretical interpretation offered here is based on the assessment that the findings reported in the articles represent one of the front lines of the ongoing historical transformation of work-related learning since the research site represents one of the key industries of the new “knowledge society”. The research can be characterized as elaboration of a hypothesis concerning the development of work related learning. According to the new theoretical interpretation, the object of activity is also the object of distributed learning in work communities. The historical socialization of production has increased the number of actors involved in an activity, which has also increased the number of mutual interdependencies as well as the need for communication. Learning practices and organizational systems of learning are historically developed forms of distributed learning mediated by specific forms of division of labor, specific tools, and specific rules. However, the learning practices of the mass production era become increasingly inadequate to accommodate the conditions in the new economy. This was manifested in the front-line work communities in the research site as an aggravating contradiction between the new objects of learning and the prevailing learning practices. The constituent element of this new theoretical interpretation is the idea of a work community’s learning as part of its collaborative mastery of the developing business activity. The development of the business activity is at the same time a practical and an epistemic object for the community. This kind of changing object cannot be mastered by using learning practices designed for the stable conditions of mass production, because learning has to change along the changes in business. According to the model introduced in this thesis, the transformation of learning proceeds through specific stages: predefined learning tasks are first transformed into learning through re-conceptualizing the object of the activity and of the joint learning and then, as the new object becomes stabilized, into the creation of new kinds of learning practices to master the re-defined object of the activity. This transformation of the form of learning is realized through a stepwise expansion of the work community’s agency. To summarize, the conceptual model developed in this study sets the tool-mediated co-development of the subject and the object of learning as the theoretical starting point for developing new, second-generation knowledge management methods. Key words: knowledge management, learning practice, organizational system of learning, agency


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This is an ethnographic case study of the creation and emergence of a playworld – a pedagogical approach aimed at promoting children’s development and learning in early education settings through the use of play and drama. The data was collected in a Finnish experimental mixed-age elementary school classroom in the school year 2003-2004. In the playworld students and teachers explore different social and cultural phenomena through taking on the roles of characters from a story or a piece of literature and acting inside the frames of an improvised plot. The thesis takes under scrutiny the notion of agency in education. It produces theoretically grounded empirical knowledge of the ways in which children struggle to become recognized and agentive actors in early education settings and how their agency develops in their interaction with adults. The study builds on the activity theoretical and sociocultural tradition and develops a methodological framework called video-based narrative interaction analysis for studying student agency as developing over time but manifesting through the situational material and discursive local interactions. The research questions are: 1. What are the children’s ways of enacting their agency in the playworld? 2. How do the children’s agentive actions change and develop over the spring? 3. What are the potentials and challenges of the playworld for promoting student agency? 4. How do the teachers and the children deal with the contradiction between control and agency in the playworld? The study consists of a summary part and four empirical articles which each have a particular viewpoint. Articles I and II deal with individual students’ paths to agency. In Article I the focus is on the role of resistance and questioning in enabling important spaces for agency. Article II takes a critical gender perspective and analyzes how two girls struggled towards recognition in the playworld. It also illuminates the role of imagination in developing a sense of agency. Article III examines how the open-ended and improvisational nature of the playworld interaction provided experiences and a sense of ‘shared agency’ for the students and teachers in the class. Article IV turns the focus on the teachers and analyzes how their role actions in the playworld helped the children to enact agency. It also discusses the challenges that the teachers faced in this work and asks what makes the playworld activity sustainable in the class. The summary part provides a critical literature review on the concept of agency and argues that the inherently contradictory nature of the phenomenon of agency has not been sufficiently theorized. The summary part also locates the playworld intervention in a historical frame by discussing the changing conceptions of adulthood and childhood in the West. By focusing on the changing role of play and art in both adults’ and children’s contemporary lives, the thesis opens up an important but often neglected perspective on the problem of promoting student agency in education. The results illustrate how engaging in a collectively imagined and dramatized pretend play space together with the children enabled the teachers to momentarily put aside their “knower” positions in the classroom. The fictive roles and the narrative plot helped them to create a necessary incompleteness and open-endedness in the activity that stimulated the children’s initiatives. This meant that the children too could momentarily step out of their traditional classroom positions as pupils and initiate action to further the collective play. Engaging in this kind of unconventional activity and taking up and enacting agency was, however, very challenging for the participating children and teachers. It often contradicted the need to sustain control and order in the classroom. The study concludes that play- and drama-based pedagogies offer a unique but undeveloped potential for developing educational spaces that help teachers and children deal with the often contradictory requirements of schooling.


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The research examines the process by which a sense of belonging to Finnish society is constructed among women of Russian and Estonian background who are multiply marginalised in Finnish society. It does so by analysing the encounters between their nationality and 'being Finnis'. Attention is focused on the question of what kind of "journey" they take after moving to Finland, how a sense of belonging is constructed especially along the paths followed in education and at work, and what kind of agency is available to them. The thesis is connected with post-colonial research and also draws from studies on citizenship and nationality as well as the social structures of interaction, when analysing careers. As the educational system forms the most central context of the research, the work is also focused on educational sociology. The research methodology includes life history and a narrative approach. The raw data is from thematic interviews concerning the life experiences of women of immigrant backgrounds. They were studying in Finland to be practical nurses or to complete Bachelor of Social Service degree. According to the study, the women had been encountered as alien, strange, and carrying a shade of "otherness". The experience of inclusion in Finnish communities and society turned out to be conditional, an inclusion based on the notion of a citizen worker, which is defined by national needs. The person from abroad is placed in the position of someone who fills gaps in the services of the welfare state. The choice of education in the care sector and the overall necessity of obtaining Finnish education turned out to be socially directed. Gendered structures of education and working life were found to act as a frame in which the decisions of the immigrant women were made. Although national education policy emphasis as an orientation to global labour markets, the immigrant student is placed above all in the position of an object to be made suitable for the Finnish labour market. Citizenship, a goal of education, requires consent to being "socialised" into Finnish society as well as learning to be Finnish. One s only option to negotiate appearing suitable as a member is to construct oneself into someone who adopts Finnish and Western cultural values, values which favour individuality. However, Finnish education is a resource to Finnishness. Finnish education enables a sense of being Finnish, and empowers the job applicant for example, and in addition to providing cultural, human and social capital strengthen inclusion as well. The study confirms the view that the encounter of an immigrant is still characterised by its colonial nature. It shows that encounters with Finns and Finnish society place the person of immigrant background, even one receiving a Finnish education, in the position of "the other". The journey as an immigrant continues. The immigrant has access only to certain predefined subject positions, which limits agency. When categorised as an immigrant, one becomes a per-son who is different and "other", while the sense of belonging as a member of Finnish society without conditions appears to be somewhat unreachable. Yet, new arrivals are capable of acting change. An immigrant woman can challenge the positions offered to her and present herself as strong. Her life story has often included struggle, and she has the fortitude strength to change her circumstances. Key words: life story, post-colonial encounter, nationality, citizenship, the career of immi-grant, position, agency


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The object of this study was to examine the phenomena of a long-term Knowledge Building process. The subject was OECD/ENSI/FI-project's Knowledge Building in Knowledge Forum®3.4 environment from 8.9.2000 to 8.9.2005. Research was based on socio-cognitive and socio-cultural learning approaches and the theoretical background consisted of models of collaborative learning and knowledge processing. These theoretical applications were first structured using metaphors of language and then assembled into five main theoretical motifs. The main motifs were 1) context, 2) inter-subjective, shared area, 3) community's practices and participation, 4) developing expertise and 5) the sequential construction of processes. These themes were assembled in interpreting the results using the Mutual Shaping of Technological and Social Elements by Boczkowski (1999) as a conceptual tool. The social elements of the mutual shaping process were defined as 1) community structure, 2) discourse and 3) the meanings of activity. The technological elements were defined as 1) shared artefacts, 2) features of technology-use and 3) other technological conventions perceived in activity. The five main theoretical motifs were used as the basis for creating the research problems, which were divided into three themes: 1) shared artefacts, themes of Knowledge Building and participant formation, 2) patterns of participation and interaction and 3) the meanings of activity. As methods I used content analysis of the messages, the quantitative profiling of changes in the database, social network analysis, discourse analysis of selected message threads and theme interviews of eleven participants. Based on my study it's possible to say, that a long-term setting of this kind provides a different perspective on Knowledge Building from most of the previous research. The most valuable conclusions from the data are: 1) The centralisation of interaction in this type of setting is a feature that supports the improvement in the quality of action. 2) The participation in a long-term Knowledge Building process seems to support the concious effort on professional development and the expert-identity. 3) The quality of plasticity of the technology-in-use has implication for how the communal features of activity will develop. The agency is seen to initiate processes that in turn open up new possibilities for the quality of action on both the communal and individual levels.


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The Politics of Pulp Investment and the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST) The paper industry has been moving more heavily to the global South at the beginning of the 21st century. In a number of cases the rural populations of the global South have engaged in increasingly important resistance in their scuffle with the large-scale tree plantation-relying pulp investment model. The resistance had generally not yet managed to slow down Southern industrial tree plantation expansion until 2004. After all, even the MST, perhaps the strongest of the Southern movements, has limited power in comparison to the corporations pushing for plantation expansion. This thesis shows how, even against these odds, depending on the mechanisms of contention and case-specific conflict dynamics, in some cases the movements have managed to slow and even reverse plantation expansion. The thesis is based on extensive field research in the Brazilian countryside. It outlines a new theory of contentious agency promotion, emphasizing its importance in the shaping of corporate resource exploitation. The thesis includes a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of resistance influence on the economic outcomes of all (14) Brazilian large-scale pulp projects between 2004-2008. The central hypothesis of the thesis is that corporate resource exploitation can be slowed down more effectively and likely when the resistance is based on contentious agency. Contentious agency is created by the concatenation of five mutually supporting mechanisms of contention: organizing and politicizing a social movement; heterodox framing of pulp projects; protesting; networking; and embedding whilst maintaining autonomy. The findings suggest that contentious agency can slow or even reverse the expansion of industrial plantations, whereas when contentious agency promotion was inactive, fast or even unchecked plantation expansion was always the outcome. The rule applied to all the assessed 14 pulp conflict cases. The hypothesis gained strong support even in situations where corporate agency promotion was simultaneously active. In previous studies on social movements, there has been a lack of contributions that help us understand the causal mechanisms of contention influencing economic outcomes. The thesis answers to the call by merging a Polanyian analysis of the political economy with the Dynamics of Contention research program and making a case for the impact of contentious agency on capital accumulation. The research concludes that an efficient social movement can utilize mechanisms of contention to promote the potential of activism among its members and influence investment outcomes. Protesting, for example via pioneering land occupations, seemed to be particularly important. Until now, there has been no comprehensive theory on when and how contentious agency can slow down or reverse the expansion of corporate resource exploitation. The original contribution of this research is to provide such a theory, and utilize it to offer an extensive explanation on the conflicts over pulp investment in Brazil, the globalization of the paper industry, and slowing of industrial plantation expansion in the global South.


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This study analyzes the forming of the occupational identity of the well-educated fixed-term employees. Fixed-term employment contracts amongst the well-educated labour force are exceptionally common in Finland as compared to other European countries. Two groups of modern fixed-term employees are distinguished. The first comprises well-educated women employed in the public sector whose fixed-term employment often consists of successive periods as temporary substitutes. The other group comprises well-educated, upper white-collar men aged over 40, whose fixed-term employment careers often consist of jobs of project nature or posts that are filled for a fixed period only. Method of the study For the empirical data I interviewed 35 persons (26 women and 9 men) in 33 interviews, one of which was conducted by e-mail and one was a group interview. All the interviews were electronically recorded and coded. All the interviewees have two things in common: fixed-term employment and formal high education. Thirteen (13) of them are researchers, four nurses, four midwives, four journalists, and ten project experts. I used the snowball method to get in touch the interviewees. The first interviewees were those who were recommended by the trade unions and by my personal acquaintances. These interviewees, in turn, recommended other potential interviewees. In addition, announcements on the internet pages of the trade unions were used to reach other interviewees. In analysing process I read the research material several times to find the turning points in the narrative the interviewees told. I also searched for the most meaningful stories told and the meaning the interviewees gave to these stories and to the whole narrative. In addition to that I paid attention to co-production of the narrative with the interviewees and analyzed the narrative as performance to be able to search for the preferred identities the interviewees perform. (Riesman 2001, 698-701). I do not pay much attention to the question of truth of a narrative in the sense of its correspondence with facts; rather I think a working life narrative has two tasks: On the one hand one has to tell the facts and on the other hand, he/she has to describe the meaning of these facts to herself/himself. To emphasize the double nature of the narrative about one’s working life I analyzed the empirical data both by categorizing it according to the cultural models of storytelling (heroic story, comedy, irony and tragedy) and by studying the themes most of the interviewees talked about. Ethics of the study I chose to use narrative within qualitative interviews on the grounds that in my opinion is more ethical and more empowering than the more traditional structured interview methods. During the research process I carefully followed the ethical rules of a qualitative research. The purpose of the interviews and the research was told to the interviewees by giving them a written description of the study. Oral permission to use the interview in this research was obtained from the interviewees. The names and places, which are mentioned in the study, are changed to conceal the actual identity of the interviewees. I shared the analysis with the interviewees by sending each of them the first analysis of their personal interview. This way I asked them to make sure that the identity was hidden well enough and hoped to give interviewees a chance to look at their narratives, to instigate new actions and sustain the present one (Smith 2001, 721). Also I hoped to enjoy a new possibility of joint authorship. Main results As a result of the study I introduce six models of telling a story. The four typical western cultural models that guide the telling are: heroic story, comedy, tragedy and satirical story (Hänninen 1999). In addition to these models I found two ways of telling a career filled with fixed-term employments that differ significantly from traditional career story telling. However, the story models in which the interviewees pour their experience locates the fixed term employers work career in an imagined life trajectory and reveals the meaning they give to it. I analyze the many sided heroic story that Liisa tells as an example of the strength of the fear of failing or losing the job the fixed term employee feels. By this structure it is also possible to show that success is felt to be entirely a matter of chance. Tragedy, the failure in one’s trial to get something, is a model I introduce with the help of Vilppu’s story. This narrative gets its meaning both from the sorrow of the failure in the past and the rise of something new the teller has found. Aino tells her story as a comedy. By introducing her narrative, I suggest that the purpose of the comedy, a stronger social consensus, gets deeper and darker shade by fixed-term employment: one who works as a fixed term employee has to take his/her place in his/her work community by him/herself without the support the community gives to those in permanent position. By studying the satiric model Rauno uses, I argue that using irony both turns the power structures to a carnival and builds free space to the teller of the story and to the listener. Irony also helps in building a consensus, mutual understanding, between the teller and the listener and it shows the distance the teller tells to exist between him and others. Irony, however, demands some kind of success in one’s occupational career but also at least a minor disappointment in the progress of it. Helmi tells her story merely as a detective story. By introducing Helmi’s narrative, I argue that this story model strengthens the trust in fairness of the society the teller and the listener share. The analysis also emphasizes the central position of identity work, which is caused by fixed-term employment. Most of the interviewees talked about getting along in working life. I introduced Sari’s narrative as an example of this. In both of these latter narratives one’s personal character and habits are lifted as permanent parts of the actual professional expertise, which in turn varies according to different situations. By introducing these models, I reveal that the fixed-term employees have different strategies to cope with their job situations and these strategies vary according to their personal motives and situations and the actual purpose of the interview. However, I argue that they feel the space between their hopes and fears narrow and unsecure. In the research report I also introduce pieces of the stories – themes – that the interviewees use to build these survival strategies. They use their personal curriculum vitae or portfolio, their position in work community and their work morals to build their professional identity. Professional identity is flexible and varies in time and place, but even then it offers a tool to fix one’s identity work into something. It offers a viewpoint to society and a tool to measure one’s position in surrounding social nets. As one result of the study I analyze the position the fixed-term employees share on the edge of their job communities. I summarize the hopes and fears the interviewees have concerning employers, trade unions, educational institutions and the whole society. In their opinion, the solidarity between people has been weakened by the short-sighted power of the economy. The impact the fixed-term employment has on one’s professional identity and social capital is a many-sided and versatile process. Fixed-term employment both strengthens and weakens the professional identity, social capital and the building of trust. Fixed-term employment also affects one’s day-to-day life by excluding her/him from the norm and by one’s difficulty in making long-term plans (Jokinen 2005). Regardless of the nature of the job contract, the workers themselves are experts in making the best of their sometimes less than satisfying work life and they also build their professional identity by using creatively their education, work experiences and interpersonal relations. However, a long career of short fixed-term employments may seriously change the perception of employee about his/her role. He/she may start concentrating only in coping in his/her unsatisfactory situation and leaves the active improvement of the lousy working conditions to other people. Keywords: narrative, fixed-tem employment, occupational identity, work, story model, social capital, career