985 resultados para technological literacy


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One way to consider Technology as other than an add-on might be to consider the opportunities to learn literacies opened by participation in technology. In this commentary Vinesh Chandra considers this in light of robotics lessons with primary school students as part of his work in the UR Learning project.


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Current workplace demands newer forms of literacies that go beyond the ability to decode print. These involve not only competence to operate digital tools, but also the ability to create, represent, and share meaning in different modes and formats; ability to interact, collaborate and communicate effectively using digital tools, and engage critically with technology for developing one’s knowledge, skills, and full participation in civic, economic, and personal matters. This essay examines the application of the ecology of resources (EoR) model for delivering language learning outcomes (in this case, English) through blended classroom environments that use contextually available resources. The author proposes the implementation of the EoR model in blended learning environments to create authentic and sustainable learning environments for skilling courses. Applying the EoR model to Indian skilling instruction contexts, the article discusses how English language and technology literacy can be delivered using contextually available resources through a blended classroom environment. This would facilitate not only acquisition of language and digital literacy outcomes, but also consequent content literacy gain to a certain extent. This would ensure satisfactory achievement of not only communication/language literacy and technological literacy, but also active social participation, lifelong learning, and learner autonomy.


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This article contributes to the discussion by analysing how users of the leading online 3D printing design repository Thingiverse manage their intellectual property (IP). 3D printing represents a fruitful case study for exploring the relationship between IP norms and practitioner culture. Although additive manufacturing technology has existed for decades, 3D printing is on the cusp of a breakout into the technological mainstream – hardware prices are falling; designs are circulating widely; consumer-friendly platforms are multiplying; and technological literacy is rising. Analysing metadata from more than 68,000 Thingiverse design files collected from the site, we examine the licensing choices made by users and explore the way this shapes the sharing practices of the site’s users. We also consider how these choices and practices connect with wider attitudes towards sharing and intellectual property in 3D printing communities. A particular focus of the article is how Thingiverse structures its regulatory framework to avoid IP liability, and the extent to which this may have a bearing on users’ conduct. The paper has three sections. First, we will offer a description of Thingiverse and how it operates in the 3D printing ecosystem, noting the legal issues that have arisen regarding Thingiverse’s Terms of Use and its allocation of intellectual property rights. Different types of Thingiverse licences will be detailed and explained. Second, the empirical metadata we have collected from Thingiverse will be presented, including the methods used to obtain this information. Third, we will present findings from this data on licence choice and the public availability of user designs. Fourth, we will look at the implications of these findings and our conclusions regarding the particular kind of sharing ethic that is present in Thingiverse; we also consider the “closed” aspects of this community and what this means for current debates about “open” innovation.


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Existe um crescente reconhecimento nacional e internacional do papel da Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE) no desenvolvimento e aprendizagem das crianças dos 3 aos 6 anos. As mais recentes orientações curriculares de diversos países para este nível de educação definem linhas de orientação para as aprendizagens das crianças que contemplam uma área das ciências. Em Portugal as Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar (OCEPE) constituem-se como eixo estruturante das práticas didático-pedagógicas dos educadores. Este documento integra várias áreas de conteúdo, sendo a sensibilização às ciências considerada na área de Conhecimento do Mundo. A perspetiva que defende a educação em ciências (EC) desde os primeiros anos de escolaridade tem vindo a consolidar-se, dados os resultados alcançados em diversas investigações que demonstram que esta tem tido um impacte positivo relevante na promoção da literacia científica (LC), bem como no desenvolvimento de atitudes positivas face à ciência e à aprendizagem das ciências. Várias investigações, um pouco por todo o mundo, conferiram uma nova abrangência e profundidade à EC, tendo-se vindo a consolidar a ideia de que as crianças conseguem fazer construções cognitivas, ainda que elementares, acerca de fenómenos e conceitos alegadamente difíceis pela sua abstração e que também são muito competentes em processos de descoberta científica. O conceito de competência tem vindo a conquistar uma relevância cada vez mais acentuada nos contextos educativos, constituindo um pilar central em documentos curriculares de diversos níveis de ensino. Tem-se revelado vital na caracterização da interação dos indivíduos nas suas esferas pessoal, social e profissional. Concomitantemente, o caráter eminentemente científico e tecnológico das sociedades atuais exige cidadãos competentes e cientificamente literados, capazes de interagir com o mundo, sendo essa LC imprescindível para que as sociedades continuem a evoluir. Assumindo-se que a EC se implementa através de atividades práticas, importa conhecer formas específicas de abordar os conceitos e explorar os fenómenos com as crianças, em contexto de EPE. Os educadores devem ter acesso a estratégias didáticas (ED) especialmente concebidas para este nível de escolaridade, que suportem práticas inovadoras neste domínio e promovam a mobilização de competências científicas pelas crianças, contribuindo para a promoção da LC. A presente investigação pretende ser um contributo para a operacionalização da EC em contexto pré-escolar. O percurso de investigação desenvolvido, de natureza qualitativa, incidiu em dois focos estruturais que se consubstanciam nas suas duas grandes finalidades: (1) o desenvolvimento de ED para operacionalizar a EC, e (2) o desenvolvimento do quadro teórico referente à mobilização de competências pelas crianças e relativo ao processo de conceção de ED. Assim, o percurso investigativo suportou-se numa metodologia de Investigação Baseada em Design que integrou 15 fases multicontextuais articuladas entre si, envolvendo especialistas da área educativa e científica em processos cíclicos de design, produção, validação, revisão e avaliação das ED. A avaliação dos processos e produtos desta investigação efetuou-se tendo por base a análise dos dados recolhidos e o seu tratamento através de diversos métodos, técnicas e instrumentos, tendo possibilitado: (1) identificar as limitações das OCEPE nas suas linhas de orientação para a EC; (2) desenvolver um conjunto de ED validadas como instrumentos de inovação curricular e como instrumentos de mobilização e desenvolvimento de competências pelas crianças; (3) definir um Quadro de referência conceptual que permite clarificar as interações das crianças em termos de mobilização de capacidades e atitudes/valores e construção de conhecimento; (4) definir Princípios de conceção de estratégias didáticas que permitem replicar o seu processo de desenvolvimento, e (5) clarificar orientações para uma perspetiva integrada de EC. Assumindo-se como um contributo para impulsionar a educação em ciências em contexto pré-escolar, esta investigação fundamenta a necessidade de nela se investir de forma intencional, sistemática e contextualizada neste nível educativo.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino da Educação Visual e Tecnológica no Ensino Básico


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One of the recommended principles for classroom practice from the Digital Rhetorics Project is ‘Teachers First’, emphasising the need to prioritise the requirements of teachers in learning new technologies and in understanding their relationship to literacy education (Lankshear, Green and Snyder 2000, p. 121). While most of my pre-service English Education students use digital technologies for their own purposes and understand the benefits of doing so, it is not always straightforward regarding how technology can be effectively utilised in their classroom and for what purposes. This article reports work conducted with pre-service English Education teachers in an elective unit that focuses upon digital technologies in secondary classrooms. Using Green’s 3D model of literacy as a way of understanding the complex interrelationships between the cultural, critical and operational aspects of literacy, the students experiment with digital technologies such as mobile phones, wikis and blogs.


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As academics we are often encouraged to “go online” by our institution, by either moving or supplementing our teaching in an online environment. We have several options. We could simply attempt to replicate our face-to-face teaching, in effect changing nothing; we can enhance our face-to-face teaching with the available technology; or we can transform our face-to-face teaching by the available technology. The approach we choose will be determined by several factors, one of which will be our existing knowledge of the technological environment we are using. In this paper I propose a simple framework which provides novice eTeachers in particular with a simple mapping from classroom activity to technological functionality, reducing the need to have extensive technological literacy of the learning environment when designing online activities initially.


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The increasing challenges presented by information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the need for English curriculum to prepare young adults for the digital world are raised in this work. Viewed from the standpoint of current theoretical debates on the subject among educators, it draws on a wide range of classroom and real-world experiences to explore how technology affects the instruction of English. Teachers' knowledge of these technologies and their practices in assimilating them into English curriculums are celebrated and exciting scenarios for the future are presented.


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The new communications environment of the 21st century offers unprecedented opportunities for multimodal meaning making, a transformed dynamics of social agency and divergence of discourses. Multi-literacies theory presents a set of educationally useable conceptual schemas and suggestions for an expanded repertoire of literacy practices as a response to these opportunities (Cope & Kalantzis, 2000a). The following discusses the theory and case study of a collaborative application if a set of schemas to address contemporary issues in multiliteracies pedagogy (Cloonan, 2008a).


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A “Digital Divide” in information and technological literacy exists in Utah between small hospitals and clinics in rural areas and the larger health care institutions in the major urban area of the state. The goals of the outreach program of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah address solutions to this disparity in partnership with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine—Midcontinental Region, the Utah Department of Health, and the Utah Area Health Education Centers. In a circuit-rider approach, an outreach librarian offers classes and demonstrations throughout the state that teach information-access skills to health professionals. Provision of traditional library services to unaffiliated health professionals is integrated into the library's daily workload as a component of the outreach program. The paper describes the history, methodology, administration, funding, impact, and results of the program.


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En este artículo se presenta una investigación que muestra la opinión de los futuros docentes sobre el diseño y creación de murales multimedia como recurso didáctico en el aula. Se ha recogido la opinión de alumnos de segundo curso del Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Alicante mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario online centrado en las dimensiones: usabilidad, motivación, satisfacción en los resultados que genera, ventajas y desventajas de la herramienta, y uso e importancia del recurso. Los resultados ponen de relieve la importancia de la alfabetización tecnológica a partir de la creación de e-contenidos.


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