874 resultados para strategic performance measurement


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This research studied the project performance measurement from the perspective of strategic management. The objective was to find a generic model for project performance measurement that emphasizes strategy and decision making. Research followed the guidelines of a constructive research methodology. As a result, the study suggests a model that measures projects with multiple meters during and after projects. Measurement after the project is suggested to be linked to the strategic performance measures of a company. The measurement should be conducted with centralized project portfolio management e.g. using the project management office in the organization. Metrics, after the project, measure the project’s actual benefit realization. During the project, the metrics are universal and they measure the accomplished objectives relation to costs, schedule and internal resource usage. Outcomes of these measures should be forecasted by using qualitative or stochastic methods. Solid theoretical background for the model was found from the literature that covers the subjects of performance measurement, projects and uncertainty. The study states that the model can be implemented in companies. This statement is supported by empirical evidence from a single case study. The gathering of empiric evidence about the actual usefulness of the model in companies is left to be done by the evaluative research in the future.


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Purpose – To investigate the impact of performance measurement in strategic planning process. Design/methodology/approach – A large scale survey was conducted online with Warwick Business School alumni. The questionnaire was based on the Strategic Development Process model by Dyson. The questionnaire was designed to map the current practice of strategic planning and to determine its most influential factors on the effectiveness of the process. All questions were close ended and a seven-point Likert scale used. The independent variables were grouped into four meaningful factors by factor analysis (Varimax, coefficient of rotation 0.4). The factors produced were used to build regression models (stepwise) for the five assessments of strategic planning process. Regression models were developed for the totality of the responses, comparing SMEs and large organizations and comparing organizations operating in slowly and rapidly changing environments. Findings – The results indicate that performance measurement stands as one of the four main factors characterising the current practice of strategic planning. This research has determined that complexity coming from organizational size and rate of change in the sector creates variation in the impact of performance measurement in strategic planning. Large organizations and organizations operating in rapidly changing environments make greater use of performance measurement. Research limitations/implications – This research is based on subjective data, therefore the conclusions do not concern the impact of strategic planning process' elements on the organizational performance achievements, but on the success/effectiveness of the strategic planning process itself. Practical implications – This research raises a series of questions about the use and potential impact of performance measurement, especially in the categories of organizations that are not significantly influenced by its utilisation. It contributes to the field of performance measurement impact. Originality/value – This research fills in the gap literature concerning the lack of large scale surveys on strategic development processes and performance measurement. It also contributes in the literature of this field by providing empirical evidences on the impact of performance measurement upon the strategic planning process.


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Organizations can use the valuable tool of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to make informed decisions on developing successful strategies, setting specific goals, and identifying underperforming activities to improve the output or outcome of performance measurement. The Handbook of Research on Strategic Performance Management and Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis highlights the advantages of using DEA as a tool to improve business performance and identify sources of inefficiency in public and private organizations. These recently developed theories and applications of DEA will be useful for policymakers, managers, and practitioners in the areas of sustainable development of our society including environment, agriculture, finance, and higher education sectors. All rights reserved.


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Many public organisations have been under great pressure in recent years to increase the efficiency and transparency of outputs, to rationalise the use of public resources, and to increase the quality of service delivery. In this context, public organisations were encouraged to introduce the New Public Management reforms with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance organisation through a new public management model. This new public management model is based on measurement by outputs and outcomes, a clear definition of responsibilities, the transparency and accountability of governmental activities, and on a greater value for citizens. What type of performance measurement systems are used in police services? Based on the literature, we see that multidimensional models, such as the Balanced Scorecard, are important in many public organisations, like municipalities, universities, and hospitals. Police services are characterised by complex, diverse objectives and stakeholders. Therefore, performance measurement of these public services calls for a specific analysis. Based on a nationwide survey of all police chiefs of the Portuguese police force, we find that employee performance measurement is the main form of measurement. Also, we propose a strategic map for the Portuguese police service.


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Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, kuinka tehokas suorituskykymittaristo voidaan parhaiten suunnitella pk-yrityksessä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda suorituskykymittaristo pienen kohdeyrityksen johtajien tarpeisiin. Päähuomion kohteena on yrityksen tilaus-toimitusketju ja arvoverkko. Työ on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen toimintatutkimus, joka noudattaa toiminta-analyyttista tutkimusotetta. Työn teoriaosassa selvitetään, kuinka suorituskyvyn mittaaminen sekä materiaali-, tieto- ja rahavirtojen hallinta on kehittynyt viime vuosina pk-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Mittariston suunnittelu aloitetaan kohdeyrityksen perusteellisella analyysilla. Tämän pohjalta määritellään yrityksen kriittiset menestystekijät, joista lopulta johdetaan suorituskykymittarit. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että yleinen asenne mittaamista kohtaan, strategian huomioinnin puute sekä tietojärjestelmien rajoitteet ovat päähaasteita pk-yrityksen suorituskyvyn mittaamisessa. Mittareiden tuleekin olla melko yksinkertaisia ja helppoja käyttää, jotta mittaamisen ei koettaisi kuluttavan rajallisia resursseja liikaa. Mittariston tulee kuitenkin antaa kokonaisvaltainen kuva yrityksen suorituskyvystä, johon vaikuttavat kaikki arvoverkon osapuolet ja heidän yhteistyö toistensa kanssa.


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Abstract Purpose: Several well-known managerial accounting performance measurement models rely on causal assumptions. Whilst users of the models express satisfaction and link them with improved organizational performance, academic research, of the realworld applications, shows few reliable statistical associations. This paper provides a discussion on the"problematic" of causality in a performance measurement setting. Design/methodology/approach: This is a conceptual study based on an analysis and synthesis of the literature from managerial accounting, organizational theory, strategic management and social scientific causal modelling. Findings: The analysis indicates that dynamic, complex and uncertain environments may challenge any reliance upon valid causal models. Due to cognitive limitations and judgmental biases, managers may fail to trace correct cause-and-effect understanding of the value creation in their organizations. However, even lacking this validity, causal models can support strategic learning and perform as organizational guides if they are able to mobilize managerial action. Research limitations/implications: Future research should highlight the characteristics necessary for elaboration of convincing and appealing causal models and the social process of their construction. Practical implications: Managers of organizations using causal models should be clear on the purposes of their particular models and their limitations. In particular, difficulties are observed in specifying detailed cause and effect relations and their potential for communicating and directing attention. They should therefore construct their models to suit the particular purpose envisaged. Originality/value: This paper provides an interdisciplinary and holistic view on the issue of causality in managerial accounting models.


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To achieve success in a constantly changing environment and with ever-increasing competition, companies must develop their operations continuously. To do this, they must have a clear vision of what they want to be in the future. This vision can be attained through careful planning and strategising. One method of transforming a strategy and vision into an everyday tool used by employees is the use of a balanced performance measurement system. The importance of performance measurement in the implementation of companies' visions and strategies has grown substantially in the last ten years. Measures are derived from the company's critical success factors and from many different perspectives. There are three time dimensions: past, present and future. Many such performance measurement systems have been created since the 1990s. This is a case study whose main objective is to provide a recommendation for how the case company could make use of performance measurement to support strategic management. To answer this question, the study uses literature-based research and empirical research at the case company's premises. The theoretical part of the study consists of two sections: introducing the Balanced Scorecard and discussing how it supports strategic management and change management. The empirical part of this study determines the company's present performance measurement situation through interviews in the company. The study resulted in a recommendation to the company to start developing the Balanced Scorecard system. By setting up this kind process, the company would be able to change its focus more towards the future, beginning to implement a more process-based organisation and getting its employees to work together towards common goals.


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Market orientation (MO) and marketing performance measurement (MPM) are two of the most widespread strategic marketing concepts among practitioners. However, some have questioned the benefits of extensive investments in MO and MPM. More importantly, little is known about which combinations of MO and MPM are optimal in ensuring high business performance. To address this research gap, the authors analyze a unique data set of 628 firms with a novel method of configurational analysis: fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. In line with prior research, the authors find that MO is an important determinant of business performance. However, to reap its benefits, managers need to complement it with appropriate MPM, the level and focus of which vary across firms. For example, whereas large firms and market leaders generally benefit from comprehensive MPM, small firms may benefit from measuring marketing performance only selectively or by focusing on particular dimensions of marketing performance. The study also finds that many of the highest-performing firms do not follow any of the particular best practices identified.


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This article presents some evidence on an aspect of the design of a strategic control system, at the microlevel, within a single organization. The research we report used an ethnographic approach to provide an understanding of strategy formulation. Our aim is to contribute to an area of literature which is of increasing significance, but relatively underdeveloped in terms of the application of in-depth, field-research techniques. We take an intensive look at the manner in which performance measures are formulated, at the microlevel, within a single organization. The article presents, as an in-depth case analysis, the experience of a fisheries holding company in New Zealand. The article recounts the experiences of managers within the organization of the process of identification of such things as critical success factors and key performance indicators (KPIs) and, more broadly, the formulation of a strategic performance measurement system.


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One of the most significant paradigm shifts of modern business management is that individual businesses no longer compete as solely autonomous entities, but rather as supply chains. Firms worldwide have embraced the concept of supply chain management as important and sometimes critical to their business. The idea of a collaborative supply chain is to gain a competitive advantage by improving overall performance through measuring a holistic perspective of the supply chain. However, contemporary performance measurement theory is somewhat fragmented and fails to support this idea. Therefore, this research develops and applies an integrated supply chain performance measurement framework that provides a more holistic approach to the study of supply chain performance measurement by combining both supply chain macro processes and decision making levels. Therefore, the proposed framework can provide a balanced horizontal (cross-process) and vertical (hierarchical decision) view and measure the performance of the entire supply chain system. Firstly, literature on performance measurement frameworks and performance measurement factors of supply chain management will help to develop a conceptual framework. Next the proposed framework will be presented. The framework will be validated through in-depth interviews with three Thai manufacturing companies. The fieldwork combined varied sources in order to understand the views of manufacturers on supply chain performance in the three case study companies. The collected data were analyzed, interpreted, and reported using thematic analysis and analysis hierarchy process (AHP), which was influenced by the study’s conceptual framework. This research contributes a new theory of supply chain performance measurement and knowledge on supply chain characteristics of a developing country, Thailand. The research also affects organisations by preparing decision makers to make strategic, tactical and operational level decisions with respect to supply chain macro processes. The results from the case studies also indicate the similarities and differences in their supply chain performance. Furthermore, the implications of the study are offered for both academic and practical use.


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