926 resultados para competitive neutrality


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O artigo discute o processo de reforma administrativa implementada na Nova Zel??ndia a partir de 1984, com a chegada do Partido Trabalhista ao poder, abordando seus principais desdobramentos nos anos 90. Parte de uma apresenta????o do modelo administrativo em vigor na Nova Zel??ndia antes das reformas empreendidas em 1984, delimitando dessa forma o quadro referencial para comparar a situa????o anterior com a atual, de maneira que proporcione uma avalia????o sobre os impactos das medidas empreendidas. Em seguida, apresenta uma descri????o dos objetivos e princ??pios norteadores da reforma tais como, separa????o das fun????es comerciais das n??o-comerciais; separa????o entre as fun????es administrativas e de assessoria; princ??pio do ???quem usa paga???, user pays; transpar??ncia na concess??o de subs??dios; neutralidade competitiva, descentraliza????o e aumento do poder discricion??rio do administrador; melhoramento da accountability, entre outros. A seguir, s??o apresentadas as principais medidas empreendidas pelo governo trabalhista entre 1984 e 1990, dando ??nfase ?? metodologia adotada para a implementa????o e accountability dos contratos de gest??o firmados entre os executivos- chefe e os ministros. Posteriormente, o autor apresenta as modifica????es introduzidas nas regras de contrata????o de pessoal no servi??o p??blico neozeland??s e, de um modo mais geral, na pol??tica de recursos humanos. Finalmente, ?? tra??ado um perfil da situa????o atual da Nova Zel??ndia, bem como ?? feita a apresenta????o sucinta daqueles que o autor considera como sendo os ???suportes conceituais da reforma???: o movimento gerencialista, a teoria do Public Choice e a teoria Principal-Agente.


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Kuntasektorin toimintaympäristön muutostenseurauksena kunnat ovat joutuneet etsimään uusia tapoja järjestää palveluita. Yksi uusista tilapalveluiden toteutusvaihtoehdoista on elinkaarimalli, jossa yksityinen sektori vastaa vähintään hankkeen suunnittelusta, rakentamisesta sekä kiinteistöpalveluista. Julkisen sektorin hankintoja säätelee hankintalaki, joka velvoittaa hyväksymään tarjouksista sen, joka on kokonaistaloudellisesti edullisin tai hinnaltaan halvin. Kaupungin näkökulmasta kokonaistaloudellisuuteen vaikuttavat tarjoushinnan lisäksi myös hankintamallien laadullisista eroista, riskien siirrosta sekä yksityisen ja julkisen sektorin välisistä kilpailueroista aiheutuvat taloudelliset vaikutukset. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli rakentaa toteutusmallien vertailuun laskentamalli, jossa huomioidaan elinkaarikustannusten lisäksi muut kokonaistaloudellisuuteen vaikuttavat elementit. Aiheesta julkaistuin kirjallisuuden perusteella rakennettua teoreettista laskentamallia sovelletaan Espoossa sijaitsevaan elinkaarimallilla toteutettuun tilapalveluhankkeeseen, Kaivomestariin. Vertailua varten rakennettavalla vaihtoehtoisella toteutusmallilla, verrokkilla, kuvataan Kaivomestarin kokonaisuutta vastaavan Espoon kaupungin tavanomaisen tuotannon kustannuksia. Työn tutkimustulosten perusteella elinkaarimalli näyttää hieman tavanomaista tuotantoa kalliimmalta vaihtoehdolta järjestää tilapalveluita julkiselle sektorille. Toisaalta molemmilla toteutusmalleilla saavutetaan useita sellaisia tekijöitä, joiden taloudellisia vaikutuksia ei ole huomioitu vertailussa. Yleisesti voidaankin todeta toteutusmallien vertailun olevan erittäin vaikeaa ja haastavaa, eikä tulosten perusteella toteutusmalleja voida täysin yksiselitteisesti ja luotettavasti asettaa kokonaistaloudelliseen edullisuusjärjestykseen.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on ensinnäkin selvittää, miten New Public Management (NPM) -doktriini ja muutokset yksityisen ja julkisen sektorin välistä kilpailuneutraliteettiongelmaa korjaavassa lainsäädännössä ovat vaikuttaneet kuntien toimintojen yhtiöittämiseen. Toisena tutkimuksen kohteena on selvittää erilaiset tavat yhtiöittää liiketoimintoja sekä niiden valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät. Empiirinen osio on toteutettu kvalitatiivisella ja deskriptiivisellä tutkimusmetodologialla. Yhtiöittämisiä tarkastellaan tapaustutkimuksina, johon on valittu tarkemman tutkimuksen kohteeksi kaksi toimialaa: tilahallinto ja satamateollisuus. Kyseisten yhtiöittämistapausten avulla pyritään tuomaan monipuolisesti esille erilaisia yhtiöittämisen taustatekijöitä ja yhtiöittämistapoja. On varsin helppo havaita ne tapaukset, joissa yhtiöittämisen taustalla on ollut tulevaan yhtiöittämisvelvollisuuteen varautuminen. Tähän ryhmään kuuluvat muun muassa lähes kaikki kuntien liikelaitosmuodossa toimivat satamat. Puolestaan kaikki tehokkuuteen, päätöksenteon nopeutumiseen ja muihin liikemaailmasta omaksuttuihin elementteihin perustuvat tavoitteet yhtiöittämisen taustalla on pääsääntöisesti helppo luokitella NPM-doktriiniin liittyviksi. Kuntien tilahallinnot kuuluvat tähän ryhmään, koska niitä ei pääsääntöisesti koske yhtiöittämisvelvollisuus. Yhtiöittämisessä on otettava huomioon useita eri aspekteja, ja myös yhtiöittämistapojen välillä on huomattavia eroja. Tämän vuoksi on tarpeen kartoittaa kaikki kulloiseenkin tilanteeseen vaikuttavat tekijät, jotta voidaan löytää optimaalisin yhtiöittämistapa.


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We study the transport properties of HgTe-based quantum wells containing simultaneously electrons and holes in a magnetic field B. At the charge neutrality point (CNP) with nearly equal electron and hole densities, the resistance is found to increase very strongly with B while the Hall resistivity turns to zero. This behavior results in a wide plateau in the Hall conductivity sigma(xy) approximate to 0 and in a minimum of diagonal conductivity sigma(xx) at nu = nu(p) - nu(n) = 0, where nu(n) and nu(p) are the electron and hole Landau level filling factors. We suggest that the transport at the CNP point is determined by electron-hole ""snake states'' propagating along the nu = 0 lines. Our observations are qualitatively similar to the quantum Hall effect in graphene as well as to the transport in a random magnetic field with a zero mean value.


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Little information is available concerning early specialization and competitive success in judo across the early training years. Thus, the present objective was to verify the stability of individual competitive performance of a state-level championship for judo athletes who had been previously successful. For this, 406 athletes from six age groups (9 to 20+ years old) of each sex were followed for 10 years. Using recorded data from the Sao Paulo State Judo Federation beginning in 1999, the scores and standings for these judo players were analyzed. The proportion of medal winners during this period was not constant, differing from the grand mean in all groups of both 204 males and 202 females. At the end of this period, only 7% of the male and 5% of the female athletes had maintained their competitive levels. Successful competitive performance in early judo competition was not associated with success later in adulthood.


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The current study is a piece from the original project entitled ""Diagnosis of the Developing Program of Artistic Gymnastics in Brazil"". Among other issues discussed in this main project, our objective was to investigate the development of the gymnast who are entering the intensive training and are potential to be representative to national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. Regarding methodology, we used a semi-structured interview and for data treatment we adopted the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2004). We could evidence that coaches have concern regarding many aspects of the children development, and have been trying to equate sports demands with gymnasts characteristics and needs.


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The 19-amino acid conopeptide (rho-TIA) was shown previously to antagonize noncompetitively alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptors (ARs). Because this is the first peptide ligand for these receptors, we compared its interactions with the three recombinant human alpha(1)-AR subtypes (alpha(1A), alpha(1B), and alpha(1D)). Radioligand binding assays showed that rho-TIA was 10-fold selective for human alpha(1B)- over alpha(1A)- and alpha(1D)-ARs. As observed with hamster alpha(1B)-ARs, rho-TIA decreased the number of binding sites (B-max) for human alpha(1B)-ARs without changing affinity (K-D), and this inhibition was unaffected by the length of incubation but was reversed by washing. However, rho-TIA had opposite effects at human alpha(1A)-ARs and alpha(1D)-ARs, decreasing KD without changing Bmax, suggesting it acts competitively at these subtypes. rho-TIA reduced maximal NE-stimulated [H-3] inositol phosphate formation in HEK293 cells expressing human alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibited responses in cells expressing alpha(1A)- or alpha(1D)-ARs. Truncation mutants showed that the amino-terminal domains of alpha(1B)- or alpha(1D)-ARs are not involved in interaction with rho-TIA. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of rho-TIA showed F18A had an increased selectivity for alpha(1B)-ARs, and F18N also increased subtype selectivity. I8A had a slightly reduced potency at alpha(1B)-ARs and was found to be a competitive, rather than noncompetitive, inhibitor in both radioligand and functional assays. Thus rho-TIA noncompetitively inhibits alpha(1B)-ARs but competitively inhibits the other two subtypes, and this selectivity can be increased by mutation. These differential interactions do not involve the receptor amino termini and are not because of the charged nature of the peptide, and isoleucine 8 is critical for its noncompetitive inhibition at alpha(1B)-ARs.


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The paper suggests a definition of the idea of topic-neutrality, and indicates some of the consequences of identifying logicality with topic-neutrality so defined.


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This study evaluated the effects of a micro cycle of overload training (1st-8th day) on metabolic and hormonal responses in male runners with or without carbohydrate supplementation and investigated the cumulative effects of this period on a session of intermittent high-intensity running and maximum-performance-test (9th day). The participants were 24 male runners divided into two groups, receiving 61% of their energy intake as CHO (carbohydrate-group) and 54% in the control-group (CON). The testosterone was higher for the CHO than the CON group after the overload training (694.0 +/- A 54.6 vs. CON 610.8 +/- A 47.9 pmol/l). On the ninth day participants performed 10 x 800 m at mean 3 km velocity. An all-out 1000 m running was performed before and after the 10 x 800 m. Before, during, and after this protocol, the runners received solution containing CHO or the CON equivalent. The performance on 800 m series did not differ in either group between the first and last series of 800 m, but for the all-out 1000 m test the performance decrement was lower for CHO group (5.3 +/- A 1.0 vs. 10.6 +/- A 1.3%). The cortisol concentrations were lower in the CHO group in relation to CON group (22.4 +/- A 0.9 vs. 27.6 +/- A 1.4 pmol/l) and the IGF1/IGFBP3 ratio increased 12.7% in the CHO group. During recovery, blood glucose concentrations remained higher in the CHO group in comparison with the CON group. It was concluded that CHO supplementation possibly attenuated the suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and resulted in less catabolic stress, and thus improved running performance.