982 resultados para Visual sense


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903 páginas, bibliografía en páginas 854-895, glosario en páginas 896-903


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The question of whether homing pigeons use visual landmarks for orientation from distant, familiar sites is an unresolved issue in the field of avian navigation. Where evidence has been found, the question still remains as to whether the landmarks are used independent of the map and compass mechanism for orientation that is so important to birds. Recent research has challenged the extent to which experiments that do not directly manipulate the visual sense can be used as evidence for compass-independent orientation. However, it is proposed that extending a new technique for research on vision in homing to include manipulation of the compasses used by birds might be able to resolve this issue. The effect of the structure of the visual sense of the homing pigeon on its use of visual landmarks is also considered.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Matemática no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Ce mémoire porte sur le recueil de poèmes La terre est ici d’Élise Turcotte. Il s’attache à analyser les modalités par lesquelles le foyer de perception des sujets poétiques engendre un déplacement de la notion de « paysage » dans l’œuvre de Turcotte. Le premier chapitre étudie l’énonciation afin de retracer comment les subjectivités de La terre est ici investissent le langage et construisent le réel qui les entoure pour en donner une perception singulière. Le second chapitre analyse la création de cet espace visuel unique qui se déploie autour de la notion de « détail », tandis que le troisième et dernier chapitre s’intéresse à la remise en cause du statisme de la vision engendrant un « art de faire » qui tend plutôt vers la mise en scène et le mouvement. L’étude de cette scène comme convocation des sujets dans le langage permet de développer la conception de l’espace comme lieu pratiqué, où les multiples perceptions des sujets composent un « paysage » à la fois visuel, tout en donnant lieu à une possibilité d’action.


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The centralised control rooms of large industrial plants have separated people from the processes they should control. Perception is restricted mainly to the visual sense. Only telephone or radio links provide narrow-band voice communication with maintenance personnel down in the plant. Multimedia equipment can perceptionally bring back the operator into the plant while bodily keeping him the comfortable and safe control room. This involves video and audio transmission from process components as well as sights and sounds artificially generated from measurements. Groupware systems support inter-action between operators, engineers, and managers in different plants. With support from the German government, the state of Hessen, and industrial companies the Laboratory for Systems Engineering and Human-Machine Systems at the University of Kassel establishes an Experimental Multimedia Process Control Room. Core of this set-up are two high-performance graphics workstations linked to one of several process or vehicle simulators. Multimedia periphery includes video and teleconferencing equipment and a vibration and sound generation system.


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Em conformidade com a dúvida de seu título, o difundido livro The New Brutalism: Ethic or Aesthetic? de Reyner Banham não é possível explicar o Brutalismo como manifestação artística coesa, dotada de consistência e reprodutibilidade formal. A citação de arquitetos famosos, porém divergentes, parece associar e comparar obras ásperas com a pretensão de reerguer uma arquitetura moderna considerada ascética, monótona e insuficiente e gera um teoricismo da aparência crua e do moralismo dos objetos. Discurso que oculta, ou desvia a atenção do retorno artístico à sublimidade e construção artesanal. O Brutalismo é aceito como evolução natural dos estágios modernos anteriores e sanciona artefatos toscos, pesados e inacabados como se fossem filiados ao processo moderno desinfestado. Esconde contradições e disfarça seu rompimento com o moderno para prolongar a expressão Movimento moderno. Mas o objeto claro, econômico e preciso é repudiado pelo consumidor e, por ser pouco representativo, o artista faz sua maquiagem com episódios contrastantes e monumentais na informalidade das cidades espontâneas. No entanto, parece possível suspender a noção positiva e corretiva do Brutalismo para entendê-lo como um recuo artístico vulgarizador que despreza aperfeiçoamento e afronta a atitude moderna com banalização conceptiva, exagero, figuralidade, musculação estrutural, grandeza tectônica, rudimento e rudeza. Assim, moralismo, retorno rústico e originalidade desqualificam a expressão International Style entendida como a culminação da arquitetura moderna do pós-guerra, ao depreciá-la como decadente, como produto imobiliário, comercial e corporativo a serviço do capital. Essa interpretação desvela uma crítica anti-industrial, portanto antimodernista e diversa da pós-modernidade, porém contestadora e realista para fornecer imagens à cultura e aos insensíveis à estrutura da forma moderna. Diverso da pós-modernidade pela dependência ao moderno e ausência de apelo popular. Tornada insignificante a configuração oportuna do artefato, o arquiteto tenta reter sua notabilidade artística, ou o prestígio que parece enfraquecer na aparência símile da especificação de catálogo, no rigor modular. Indispõe-se e repudia componentes, Standards e acabamentos impessoais da indústria da construção para insistir em autoria e inspiração, mas repete cacoetes estilísticos de época e o inexplicável uso intensivo de concreto bruto e aparente para sentir-se engajado e atualizado. Porém, é necessário distinguir obras de aparência severa concebidas pela atitude moderna mais autêntica das de concreto aparente em tipos ou configurações aberrantes. Para avançar na discussão do Brutalismo propõe-se entender este fenômeno com a substituição do juízo estético moderno de sentido visual postulado por Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) por um sentimento estético fácil e relacionado com a sensação da empatia, com a Einfühlung de Robert Vischer (1847-1933). Na época da cultura de massas, admite-se o rebaixamento das exigências no artefato e a adaptação brutalista com a transfiguração dos processos de arquitetura moderna. Assim, a forma é substituída pela figura ou pelo resumo material; a estrutura formal subjacente pelo ritmo e exposição da estrutura física; o reconhecimento visual pelo entusiasmo psicológico ou pelo impulso dionisíaco; a concepção substituída pelo partido, ou, ainda, pelo conceito; a sistematização e a ordem pela moldagem e a organização; a abstração e síntese pela originalidade e essencialidade, o sentido construtivo pela honestidade material; a identidade das partes pela fundição ou pela unicidade objetal e a residência pela cabana primitiva.


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For enhanced immersion into a virtual scene more than just the visual sense should be addressed by a Virtual Reality system. Additional auditory stimulation appears to have much potential, as it realizes a multisensory system. This is especially useful when the user does not have to wear any additional hardware, e.g., headphones. Creating a virtual sound scene with spatially distributed sources requires a technique for adding spatial cues to audio signals and an appropriate reproduction. In this paper we present a real-time audio rendering system that combines dynamic crosstalk cancellation and multi-track binaural synthesis for virtual acoustical imaging. This provides the possibility of simulating spatially distributed sources and, in addition to that, near-to-head sources for a freely moving listener in room-mounted virtual environments without using any headphones. A special focus will be put on near-to-head acoustics, and requirements in respect of the head-related transfer function databases are discussed.


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In this article, we take a close look at the literacy demands of one task from the ‘Marvellous Micro-organisms Stage 3 Life and Living’ Primary Connections unit (Australian Academy of Science, 2005). One lesson from the unit, ‘Exploring Bread’, (pp 4-8) asks students to ‘use bread labels to locate ingredient information and synthesise understanding of bread ingredients’. We draw upon a framework offered by the New London Group (2000), that of linguistic, visual and spatial design, to consider in more detail three bread wrappers and from there the complex literacies that students need to interrelate to undertake the required task. Our findings are that although bread wrappers are an example of an everyday science text, their linguistic, visual and spatial designs and their interrelationship are not trivial. We conclude by reinforcing the need for teachers of science to also consider how the complex design elements of everyday science texts and their interrelated literacies are made visible through instructional practice.


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This study investigates the influence of the built environment upon residents' sense of familiarity, concept of self and thus, their facilitation of place through the theory of "The Bondage of Imposed Visual Discourse". Simone de Beauvoir's theory "The Bondage of Feminine Elegance" provides the conceptual understanding of the visual discourse between the physicality of clothing and the wearer's personal identity. This fashion theory is transposed to explore the influence of the built environment's physicality upon aged care residents' personal identity. This paper presents findings from a study of professionals' opinions in reference to the built environment of permanent residential aged care for the 'oldest-old' of Australia. The researcher conducted qualitative interviews with four participants: an architect, occupational therapist, nursing home facility manager and an aged care lobbyist in the South-East Queensland. This study is structured towards proposing "place-focused" qualitative design principles to encourage residents' sense of place through the built environment. These proposed principles are addressed with reference to existing Standards and Principles outlined by the Australian Government.


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Machine vision represents a particularly attractive solution for sensing and detecting potential collision-course targets due to the relatively low cost, size, weight, and power requirements of the sensors involved. This paper describes the development of detection algorithms and the evaluation of a real-time flight ready hardware implementation of a vision-based collision detection system suitable for fixed-wing small/medium size UAS. In particular, this paper demonstrates the use of Hidden Markov filter to track and estimate the elevation (β) and bearing (α) of the target, compares several candidate graphic processing hardware choices, and proposes an image based visual servoing approach to achieve collision avoidance


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This paper presents a reactive Sense and Avoid approach using spherical image-based visual servoing. Avoidance of point targets in the lateral or vertical plane is achieved without requiring an estimate of range. Simulated results for static and dynamic targets are provided using a realistic model of a small fixed wing unmanned aircraft.


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Recovery is a highly contextualized concept amid divergent interpretations and unique experiences. There is substantial current interest in building evidence about recovery from mental illness in order to inform best practice founded in the ways people find to live productive and meaningful lives. This paper presents some accounts related to recovery and illness expressed by eight people through a Participatory Action Research project. The research facilitated entry to the subjective experiences of living in the community as an artist with a mental illness. The people in the research shared an integrated understanding of illness, recovery and identity. Their understanding provided insight into mental illness as an inseparable aspect of who they were. Further, specific issue was raised of recovery as a clinical term with a requirement to meet distinct conventions of recovery. This paper emphasizes that being ill and being well, for the person with a mental illness, is a dynamic and complex development not easily explained or transformed into uniform process or outcomes. Attempts to establish an integral or consensual approach to recovery has, to date, disregarded mental illness as a full human experience. This paper argues that broader frameworks for thinking and responding to the dynamic processes of mental illness and recovery are needed and require acknowledgment of competing and contradictory ideas.


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This work presents a collision avoidance approach based on omnidirectional cameras that does not require the estimation of range between two platforms to resolve a collision encounter. Our method achieves minimum separation between the two vehicles involved by maximising the view-angle given by the omnidirectional sensor. Only visual information is used to achieve avoidance under a bearing- only visual servoing approach. We provide theoretical problem formulation, as well as results from real flights using small quadrotors


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The article presents a study which investigated the reasons why advice related to the removal of mats or rags by older people with visual impairments had a low rate of acceptance. The researchers speculated that it may have been due to older people's need to maintain a sense of control and autonomy and to arrange their environments in a way that they decided or a belief that the recommended modification would not reduce the risk of falling. A telephone survey of subsample of the participants was conducted in the Visually Impaired Persons (VIP) Trial. All 30 interviewees had rugs or mats in their homes. Of the 30 participants, 20 had moved the rugs or mats as a result of recommendations, and 10 had not.