999 resultados para Tunneling (Physics)


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In this paper we study the effect of microwave absorption on the quantum relaxation rate of Mn12 molecular clusters. We have determined first the resonant frequencies of a microwave resonator containing a single crystal of Mn12-Acetate and measured initial isothermal magnetization curves while microwave power was put into the resonator. We have found that the tunneling rate changes one order of magnitude for certain frequencies. This suggests that the microwave shaking of the nuclear spin and molecular vibrational degrees of freedom is responsible for the huge increasing of the tunneling rate.


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Spatiotemporal chaos is predicted to occur in n-doped semiconductor superlattices with sequential resonant tunneling as their main charge transport mechanism. Under dc voltage bias, undamped time-dependent oscillations of the current (due to the motion and recycling of electric field domain walls) have been observed in recent experiments. Chaos is the result of forcing this natural oscillation by means of an appropriate external microwave signal.


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Dans ce mémoire, on étudie la désintégration d’un faux vide, c’est-à-dire un vide qui est un minimum relatif d’un potentiel scalaire par effet tunnel. Des défauts topologiques en 1+1 dimension, appelés kinks, apparaissent lorsque le potentiel possède un minimum qui brise spontanément une symétrie discrète. En 3+1 dimensions, ces kinks deviennent des murs de domaine. Ils apparaissent par exemple dans les matériaux magnétiques en matière condensée. Un modèle à deux champs scalaires couplés sera étudié ainsi que les solutions aux équations du mouvement qui en découlent. Ce faisant, on analysera comment l’existence et l’énergie des solutions statiques dépend des paramètres du modèle. Un balayage numérique de l’espace des paramètres révèle que les solutions stables se trouvent entre les zones de dissociation, des régions dans l’espace des paramètres où les solutions stables n’existent plus. Le comportement des solutions instables dans les zones de dissociation peut être très différent selon la zone de dissociation dans laquelle une solution se trouve. Le potentiel consiste, dans un premier temps, en un polynôme d’ordre six, auquel on y rajoute, dans un deuxième temps, un polynôme quartique multiplié par un terme de couplage, et est choisi tel que les extrémités du kink soient à des faux vides distincts. Le taux de désintégration a été estimé par une approximation semi-classique pour montrer l’impact des défauts topologiques sur la stabilité du faux vide. Le projet consiste à déterminer les conditions qui permettent aux kinks de catalyser la désintégration du faux vide. Il appert qu’on a trouvé une expression pour déterminer la densité critique de kinks et qu’on comprend ce qui se passe avec la plupart des termes.


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Self-sustained time-dependent current oscillations under dc voltage bias have been observed in recent experiments on n-doped semiconductor superlattices with sequential resonant tunneling. The current oscillations are caused by the motion and recycling of the domain wall separating low- and high-electric-field regions of the superlattice, as the analysis of a discrete drift model shows and experimental evidence supports. Numerical simulation shows that different nonlinear dynamical regimes of the domain wall appear when an external microwave signal is superimposed on the dc bias and its driving frequency and driving amplitude vary. On the frequency-amplitude parameter plane, there are regions of entrainment and quasiperiodicity forming Arnold tongues. Chaos is demonstrated to appear at the boundaries of the tongues and in the regions where they overlap. Coexistence of up to four electric-field domains randomly nucleated in space is detected under ac+dc driving.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy was performed on a (15,0) single wall carbon nanotube partially wrapped by Poly(3-hexyl-thiophene). On the bare nanotube section, the local density of states is in good agreement with the theoretical model based on local density approximation and remarkably is not perturbed by the polymer wrapping. On the coiled section, a rectifying current-voltage characteristic has been observed along with the charge transfer from the polymer to the nanotube. The electron transfer from Poly(3-hexyl-thiophene) to metallic nanotube was previously theoretically proposed and contributes to the presence of the Schottky barrier at the interface responsible for the rectifying behavior.


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We report the direct observation of electrochemical potential and local transport field variations near scatterers like grain boundaries, triple points, and voids in thin platinum films studied by scanning tunneling potentiometry. The field is highest at a void, followed by a triple point and a grain boundary. The local transport field near a void can even be four orders of magnitude higher than the macroscopic field, indicating that the void is the most likely place for an electromigration induced failure. The field build up for a particular type of scatterer depends on the grain connectivity. We estimate an average grain boundary reflection coefficient for the film from the temperature dependence of its resistivity.


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Two beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes are described. Both designs have the thermal stability of the Besocke beetle and the simplicity of the Wilms beetle. Moreover, sample holders were designed that also allow both semiconductor wafers and metal single crystals to be studied. The coarse approach is a linear motion of the beetle towards the sample using inertial slip–stick motion. Ten wires are required to control the position of the beetle and scanner and measure the tunneling current. The two beetles were built with different sized piezolegs, and the vibrational properties of both beetles were studied in detail. It was found, in agreement with previous work, that the beetle bending mode is the lowest principal eigenmode. However, in contrast to previous vibrational studies of beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes, we found that the beetles did not have the “rattling” modes that are thought to arise from the beetle sliding or rocking between surface asperities on the raceway. The mass of our beetles is 3–4 times larger than the mass of beetles where rattling modes have been observed. We conjecture that the mass of our beetles is above a “critical beetle mass.” This is defined to be the beetle mass that attenuates the rattling modes by elastically deforming the contact region to the extent that the rattling modes cannot be identified as distinct modes in cross-coupling measurements.


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It is known that the vibrational spectra of beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes with a total mass of ≈3–4 g contain extrinsic ‘rattling’ modes in the frequency range extending from 500 to 1700 Hz that interfere with image acquisition. These modes lie below the lowest calculated eigenfrequency of the beetle and it has been suggested that they arise from the inertial sliding of the beetle between surface asperities on the raceway. In this paper we describe some cross-coupling measurements that were performed on three home-built beetle-type STMs of two different designs. We provide evidence that suggests that for beetles with total masses of 12–15 g all the modes in the rattling range are intrinsic. This provides additional support for the notion that the vibrational properties of beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes can be improved by increasing the contact pressure between the feet of the beetle and the raceway.


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We study the tunneling density of states (TDOS) for a junction of three Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid wires. We show that there are fixed points which allow for the enhancement of the TDOS, which is unusual for Luttinger liquids. The distance from the junction over which this enhancement occurs is of the order of x=v/(2 omega), where v is the plasmon velocity and omega is the bias frequency. Beyond this distance, the TDOS crosses over to the standard bulk value independent of the fixed point describing the junction. This finite range of distances opens up the possibility of experimentally probing the enhancement in each wire individually.


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We report the destabilization of the charge ordered insulating (COI) state in a localized region of Pr0.63Ca0.37MnO3 single crystal by current injection using a scanning tunneling microscope tip. This leads to controlled phase separation and formation of localized metallic nanoislands in the COI matrix which have been detected by local tunneling conductance mapping. The metallic regions thus created persist even after reducing the injected current to lower values. The original conductance state can be restored by injecting a current of similar magnitude but of opposite polarity. We thus achieve reversible nanoscale phase separation that gives rise to the possibility to "write, read, and erase" nanosized conducting regions in an insulating matrix with high spatial resolution. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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(CH3)4NGeCl3 is prepared, characterized and studied using 1H NMR spin lattice relaxation time and second moment to understand the internal motions and quantum rotational tunneling. Proton second moment is measured at 7 MHz as function of temperature in the range 300-77 K and spin lattice relaxation time (T1) is measured at two Larmor frequencies, as a function of temperature in the range 270-17 K employing a homemade wide-line/pulsed NMR spectrometers. T1 data are analyzed in two temperature regions using relevant theoretical models. The relaxation in the higher temperatures (270-115 K) is attributed to the hindered reorientations of symmetric groups (CH3 and (CH3)4N). Broad asymmetric T1 minima observed below 115 K down to 17 K are attributed to quantum rotational tunneling of the inequivalent methyl groups.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies were carried out on single crystals of colossal magnetoresistive manganite Pr0.68Pb0.32MnO3 at different temperatures in order to probe their spatial homogeneity across the metal-insulator transition temperature TM-I(similar to 255 K). A metallic behavior of the local conductance was observed for temperatures T < TM-I. Zero bias conductance (dI/dV)v=(0), which is directly proportional to the local surface density of states at the Fermi level, shows a single distribution at temperatures T < 200 K suggesting a homogeneous electronic phase at low temperatures. In a narrow temperature window of 200 K < T < TM-I, however, an inhomogeneous distribution of (dI/dV)v=(0) has been observed. This result gives evidence for phase separation in the transition region in this compound.