Two linear beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes

Autoria(s): MacLeod, J.M.; Moffat, Antje; Miwa, J.A.; Mark, A.G.; Mullins, G.K.; Dumont, R.H.J.; Contant, G.E.; McLean, A.B.



Two beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes are described. Both designs have the thermal stability of the Besocke beetle and the simplicity of the Wilms beetle. Moreover, sample holders were designed that also allow both semiconductor wafers and metal single crystals to be studied. The coarse approach is a linear motion of the beetle towards the sample using inertial slip–stick motion. Ten wires are required to control the position of the beetle and scanner and measure the tunneling current. The two beetles were built with different sized piezolegs, and the vibrational properties of both beetles were studied in detail. It was found, in agreement with previous work, that the beetle bending mode is the lowest principal eigenmode. However, in contrast to previous vibrational studies of beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes, we found that the beetles did not have the “rattling” modes that are thought to arise from the beetle sliding or rocking between surface asperities on the raceway. The mass of our beetles is 3–4 times larger than the mass of beetles where rattling modes have been observed. We conjecture that the mass of our beetles is above a “critical beetle mass.” This is defined to be the beetle mass that attenuates the rattling modes by elastically deforming the contact region to the extent that the rattling modes cannot be identified as distinct modes in cross-coupling measurements.



AIP Publishing



MacLeod, J.M., Moffat, Antje, Miwa, J.A., Mark, A.G., Mullins, G.K., Dumont, R.H.J., Contant, G.E., & McLean, A.B. (2003) Two linear beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes. Review of Scientific Instruments, 74(4), pp. 2429-2437.


Copyright 2003 American Institute of Physics


School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering; Science & Engineering Faculty


Journal Article