993 resultados para Translation training
This paper aims to highlight the role of translation quality assessment in translation training so as to develop students’ translation competence and skills to face translation problems. An analysis to assess literary translation quality is proposed before proceeding to discuss its pedagogical implementation.
Translator’s training and assessment has used more and more tools and innovative strategies over the years. The goals and results to achieve haven’t changed much, however: translation quality. In order to accomplish it, the translator and all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pre-translation and post-translation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance of collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation. In this paper we describe a case-study of a pilot experiment on the using of e-portfolios as a translation training tool and discuss their role in the definition of a clear set of objectives and phases for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development of eportfolios.
The aim of this paper is to describe the use that professional translators make of corpora as translation resources. First, we briefly review the literature on translation practitioners’ use of corpora in the contexts of both translation training and professional translation. Then we present our survey-based study, analyse the uptake of corpora among Spanish translators and describe the use of this kind of translation resource. The results show that even if corpora are not as frequently used as other kinds of resources, such as dictionaries, there are professional translators who do use corpora, in a variety of ways, in their work. Additionally, non-users do not seem entirely sceptical about corpora. Against that backdrop, translator trainers are invited to continue to report on how corpora can be used as translation resources.
This volume presents a comprehensive study of what constitutes Translation Competence, from the various sub-competences to the overall skill. Contributors combine experience as translation scholars with their experience as teachers of translation. The volume is organized into three sections: Defining, Building, and Assessing Translation Competence. The chapters offer insights into the nature of translation competence and its place in the translation training programme in an academic environment and show how theoretical considerations have contributed to defining, building and assessing translation competence, offering practical examples of how this can be achieved. The first section introduces major sub-competences, including linguistic, cultural, textual, subject, research, and transfer competence. The second section presents issues relating to course design, methodology and teaching practice. The third section reflects on criteria for quality assessment.
Translation training in the university context needs to train students in the processes, in order to enhance and optimise the product as outcome of these processes. Evaluation of a target text as product has often been accused of being a subjective process, which does not easily lend itself to the type of feedback that could enable students to apply criteria more widely. For students, it often seems as though they make different inappropriate or incorrect choices every time they translate a new text, and the learning process appears unpredictable and haphazard. Within functionalist approaches to translation, with their focus on the target text in terms of functional adequacy to the intended purpose, as stipulated in the translation brief, there are guidelines for text production that can help to develop a more systematic approach not only to text production, but also to translation evaluation. In the context of a focus on user knowledge needs, target language conventions and acceptability, the use of corpora is an indispensable tool for the trainee translator. Evaluation can take place against the student's own reasoned selection process, based on hard evidence, against criteria which currently obtain in the TL and the TL culture. When trainee and evaluator work within the same guidelines, there is more scope for constructive learning and feedback.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option formation
This paper aims to examine some challenges to translation training,particularly in the context of the discipline of translation theory, starting withthe belief in its impossibility. Other topics focused are the Italian adage traduttori,traditori, the opposition between theory and practice, the notion that thetranslator should not interfere in his/her work and the sacralization of the original text.
Il semble que peu d’importance ait été accordée à la langue générale dans la bibliographie sur la traduction économique bien qu’elle puisse en fait poser problème lors de sa traduction, tout au moins dans le cadre de la formation de traducteurs. Dans cet article nous traitons du comportement traductologique espagnol-français des locutions prépositionnelles. Nous nous pencherons d’abord sur les problèmes conceptuels de ce phénomène linguistique pour ensuite identifier et classer les locutions répertoriées dans notre corpus. Enfin, nous commentons leurs traductions. Les résultats peuvent être pris en considération, entre autres, dans l’enseignement de la traduction.
Metadiscurso y traducción en el lenguaje de los negocios: estudio basado en corpus (francés-español)
En este artículo estudiamos el concepto de metadiscurso, que puede entenderse, en esencia, como el conjunto de elementos retóricos utilizados según los objetivos de la comunicación. Nuestro objetivo es conocer, por una parte, el esquema metadiscursivo propio de los mensajes o cartas de presidentes en los informes anuales de las sociedades, y, por otra parte, el comportamiento traductológico francés-español de estos elementos microtextuales. Los resultados muestran que estos textos tienen su propio esquema metadiscursivo y que los traductores suelen respetar su estructura, si bien introducen nuevos tipos. Asimismo, los resultados pueden tenerse en cuenta en la enseñanza de la traducción y de la lengua de los negocios.
El presente artículo estudia la traducción de las colocaciones formadas a partir del término crise, aparecidas en un corpus especializado. Tras reseñar algunos trabajos previos sobre lenguaje económico y metáfora en tiempos de crisis, se clasifican las colocaciones originales identificadas en el corpus según diversos conceptos metafóricos. Por último, se analizan las estrategias de traducción y se valoran con el apoyo de un corpus comparable ad hoc. El análisis revela, por una parte, que las metáforas identificadas pueden asociarse a conceptos como, entre otros, alimentos, catástrofes, enfermedades, objetos o pozos, y, por otra parte, que existe una clara tendencia a la traducción literal, especialmente en el caso de las expresiones asociadas a las enfermedades, si bien también se dan en menor medida otras estrategias de traducción. Los resultados del estudio son de utilidad para la enseñanza de la traducción y el lenguaje económico o en la elaboración de repertorios fraseológicos.
El Libro blanco, título de grado en traducción e interpretación, publicado en 2004 por la ANECA, revela que "la especialización en traducción literaria es minoritaria". Así que ¿qué se puede hacer para formar adecuada y eficazmente a los estudiantes que quieren dedicarse a esta parcela tan particular? Para responder a tal cuestión, en primer lugar, estudiamos el proceso de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la traducción en la era de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. A continuación, describimos el entorno de trabajo que utilizamos para adaptarnos tanto al EEES como a las necesidades del mercado. Por último, damos a conocer una serie de actuaciones llevadas a cabo en el marco de un máster de traducción literaria.
As business translator trainers we have to encourage our students to practice translation into their mother tongue and into the foreign language. The aim of this paper is to present various types of exercises that we use in our classes in order to develop strategies in the practice of translation into the foreign language. These kinds of tasks are based on work previously carried out by translator trainers and researchers. First, references on teaching translation into the foreign language) will be reviewed. Then we show the kind of tasks focusing on mother tongue proficiency and translation technologies. Our experience tells us that our students seem to feel comfortable with the exercises and find them useful to face the practice of translation into non-mother tongue.
A mismatch exists in expectations about the requirements of translation between NAATI and those attempting the NAATI test, be they translation practitioners, graduates from translation training programs. This article will examine issues concerning NAATI accreditation for Translators at the professional level in terms of the relevant theoretical frameworks of translation, and assess translation practice in the real translation world, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the NAATI Translator test, its theoretical underpinnings and practical implications.
Este trabajo presenta la propuesta didáctica diseñada, implementada y sometida a evaluación en la asignatura Traducción y Traductología de la carrera de Traductor Público de Inglés de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo). Se trata de un método de enseñanza que busca integrar tareas de investigación y actividades de traducción. Se describen las etapas del diseño curricular y el tipo de evaluación implementada, que comprende la evaluación del alumno, a través de la verificación del grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados, y la evaluación del programa. Finalmente, se hace referencia a los principales aspectos del programa de la asignatura que se deberán optimizar.
In this paper we describe a casestudy of an experiment on how reflexivity and technology can enhance learning, by using ePorfolios as a training environment to develop translation skills. Translation is today a multiskilled job and translators need to assure their clients a good performance and quality, both in language and in technology domains. In order to accomplish it, for the translator all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pretranslation and posttranslation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance for collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation, namely in terminology management phases, for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development and usability of ePorfolios.