205 resultados para Merleau Ponty


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Epistemological foundationalism has for centuries attempted to unify all scientific inquiry into the context of one grand science, the first philosophy. One of the most important tasks of this tradition has been to ground all knowledge on absolutely certain foundations. In this master s thesis I ask the following question: To what extent and under what conditions is it possible to achieve absolute certainty in the sense of the attempts of Cartesian foundationalism? By examining how the 20th century philosophers, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) and Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) interpret the epistemological methodology of René Descartes, I claim that the Cartesian achievement of absolute certainty rests on the implicit presupposition of an epistemologically prior form of faith in the world and trust (pistis) in other conscious beings. I show that knowledge is possible only within the context of a common world that is inhabited by several conscious beings that share a common linguistic system. This threefold element is shown to be the bedrock condition for any kind of philosophical inquiry. The main literature sources for this thesis are The Life of the Mind by Hannah Arendt, Le Visible et l invisible by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Meditationes de Prima Philosophiae by René Descartes and Erfahrung und Urteil by Edmund Husserl.


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Resumen: El presente trabajo busca clarificar (en polémica con el abordaje de Stephen Priest) el auténtico sentido del “subjetivismo” merleaupontyano con respecto al tiempo, según el cual solo existe tiempo como correlato de una subjetividad situada en él. En un marco más general, reponer esta tesis merleaupontyana permite colocar las reflexiones del fenomenólogo francés en diálogo con la tradición analítica sobre el tiempo (centrada en el debate entre las teorías “A” y “B”), y, en particular, en continuidad temática con el abordaje de la “paradoja de McTaggart” por parte de Michael Dummett


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Neste trabalho, o filósofo francês Maurice Merleau-Ponty é autor privilegiado na busca de uma compreensão fenomenológica da subjetividade. Na primeira concede-se relevo às análises sobre a corporeidade, a partir da qual se revela uma socialidade originária aberta pela experiência perceptiva. Se na parte I predomina o mundo natural, na parte II a experiência do mundo cultural é o principal tema. O caráter estrutural da experiência perceptiva não é aban-donado, mas retomado no intuito de explorar a tese de que a significação da experiência é desvinculada de uma consciência separada da existência. Fundamentada na percepção, parti-cularmente em seu aspecto antepredicativo, desenvolve-se uma análise fenomenológica da linguagem, bem como o lugar da praxis e da intersubjetividade na compreensão deste tema, explicitando ainda mais a dimensão social originária revelada pela corporeidade. O vínculo da dimensão subjetiva com a existência, mediante o corpo, é realçado a partir da noção de ex-pressão. A noção de expressão refere-se à transcendência do sujeito em relação à sua situação, sem prescindir dela e serve para mostrar que o sentido das coisas percebidas é abordado não como algo isolável, mas produto de uma articulação na ordem do sensível, dispensando, assim, a tese de um paralelismo entre a ordem positiva (a percepção do mundo) e a ordem da idealidade (o que é dito ou pensado sobre a experiência). A lógica da expressão, verificada no corpo, é sucedida pelo estudo da linguagem na obra de Merleau-Ponty, para obter sua concep-ção sobre a relação do sujeito com o instituído. Constata-se que a expressividade presente na linguagem, análoga ao gesto corporal, aponta para a transcendência do significado em relação aos significantes partilhados em determinada cultura e, portanto, para a liberdade do sujeito enquanto produtora de uma história, a partir das transformações operadas na situação em que se encontra. Se a linguagem permitiu conceber de que modo o sujeito pode instaurar novas significações a partir das que estão estabelecidas, o retorno, no fim da dissertação, ao tema da liberdade, desenvolvido na Fenomenologia da Percepção, demonstra que as teses presentes em seus últimos textos mantêm uma coerência com os primeiros. A influência da noção de estrutura em seu interesse pela antropologia, abordada no último capítulo da dissertação, con-firma que a função simbólica, presente ao longo do texto como lógica da expressão, expõe a dialética sem síntese característica da subjetividade.


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This dissertation carries out a dialogue between Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Nishida Kitarō concerning their theories of artistic expression and faith. Both philosophers go through remarkably similar trajectories in their philosophic projects: In their early works they focus on the motor-perceptual body of the artist, and as they move towards the mature articulation of their ontologies, the concept of faith becomes central. I propose the term “motor-perceptual faith” to bring these seemingly diverse sets of concerns into a conceptual continuity. My study explores this connection, and argues that the artist’s motor-perceptual expressive body, as colourfully and sometimes poetically articulated in their early works, enacts the form of faith developed more abstractly in their later writings. Exploring these relations fosters a mutual expansion of the early by the later works, thus thickening the concept of faith by seeing it as enacted by the artist, while enlarging the concept of artistic expression by understanding it as a practice of motor‐perceptual faith. Framing these philosophers as putting forth a traditionally religious concept as illustrated by way of artistic expression, offers a new articulation of both of their writings, an important conceptual bridge between the two, while challenging un-ambiguous distinctions between art, philosophy and religion, and ultimately philosophy East and West.


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In order to present visual art as a paradigm for philosophy, Merleau-Ponty investigated the creative processes of artists whose work corresponded closely with his philosophical ideas. His essays on art are widely valued for emphasising process over product, and for challenging the primacy of the written word in all spheres of human expression. While it is clear that he initially favoured painting, Merleau-Ponty began to develop a much deeper understanding of the complexities of how art is made in his late work in parallel with his advancement of a new ontology. Although his ontology remains unfinished and only exists as working notes and a manuscript entitled The Visible and Invisible, Merleau-Ponty had begun to appreciate the fundamental role drawing plays in the making of art and the creation of a language of expression that is as vital as the written or spoken word. Through an examination of Merleau-Ponty’s unfinished manuscript and working notes my thesis will investigate his working methods and use of materials and also explore how he processed his ideas by using my own art practice as the basis of my research. This research will take the form of an inquiry into how the unfinished and incomplete nature of text and artworks, while they are still ‘works in progress’, can often reveal the more human and carnal components of creative processes. Applying my experience as a practitioner and a teacher in an art school, I focus on the significance of drawing practice for Merleau-Ponty’s later work, in order to rebalance an overemphasis on painting in the literature. Understanding the differences between these two art forms, and how they are taught, can offer an alternative engagement with Merleau-Ponty’s later work and his struggle to find a language to express his developing new ontology. In addition, by re-reading his work through the language of drawing, I believe we gain new insights which reaffirm Merleau-Ponty's relevance to contemporary art making and aesthetics.


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Abstract This thesis is an investigation of Maurice Merleau-Ponty's notion of style via the individual, artwork, and the world. It aims to show that subject-object, self-other, and perceiver-perceived are not contrary, but are reverses of one another each requiring the other for meaningful experience. In experience, these cognitive contraries are engaged in relationships of communication and communion that render styles of interaction by which we have/are a world. A phenomenological investigation of Merleau-Ponty's notion of style via existential meaningfulness, corporeal and worldly understanding, stylistic nuances (with respect to the individual, the artwork, and the world), and the existential temporal dynamic provide the foundation for understanding our primordial connection with the world. This phenomenological unpacking follows Merleau-Ponty's thought from Phenomenology of Perception to "Cezanne's Doubt" and "Eye and Mind" through The Visible and the Invisible.


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Voici une réflexion sur le rapport entre le concept de « virtuel » et celui de « corps ». Le virtuel, pensé dans son sens le plus banal, à savoir en rapport avec les nouvelles technologies, met en crise l'idée cartésienne de corps comme chose placée dans l'enceinte d'un espace défini avec des abscisses et des ordonnées. Cette recherche relève d'un triple enjeu : redéfinir le concept de corps, approfondir la notion de virtuel et rendre compte du rapport entre les deux termes.


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Notre objectif est d’habiliter la conception merleau-pontienne de la connaissance de soi. La difficulté consiste en ce que Merleau-Ponty fait reposer tout savoir sur un contexte perceptif que le sujet est par principe incapable d’appréhender dans sa totalité. La connaissance s’appuie ainsi sur un contexte comportant des zones d’ombre qui éludent la réflexion. Nous éclairons d’abord cette affirmation générale à partir de deux principes fondamentaux empruntés à la Gestalttheorie, dont le premier stipule que la donnée de base de la perception est une figure sur un fond et le second que nos structures mentales cherchent l’équilibre. Nous appliquons ensuite ces prémisses au problème spécifique de la connaissance de soi. Cette présentation nous permet de cibler deux obstacles à notre prétention : l’irréductibilité du sujet à ce qu’il donne à voir dans l’effort réflexif, ainsi que sa liberté fondamentale, contaminant la vérité de son caractère arbitraire. Finalement, nous montrons que ces deux obstacles ne sont qu’apparents, à condition toutefois de renoncer à une connaissance de soi absolue, et de ménager un espace entre le déterminisme et la liberté.


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Nous nous proposons d’examiner et de comparer les analyses de Maurice Merleau-Ponty et d’Erwin Panofsky sur la question de la perspective linéaire. Merleau-Ponty, dans le sillage des analyses de Panofsky, soutient la thèse selon laquelle la perspective linéaire est non seulement une technique picturale qui nous présente une vision et une interprétation de l’espace et, plus généralement, du monde se constituant en rupture avec la perception naturelle, mais une « construction symbolique » qui nous fait proprement voir et concevoir le monde d’après les principes de la géométrie euclidienne. Quoiqu’ils partagent la même interprétation historique et symbolique de la perspective, Merleau-Ponty et Panofsky diffèrent pourtant quant à la signification philosophique qu’ils lui donnent. Alors que pour Panofsky la perspective témoigne de la vérité indépassable du criticisme kantien, elle est l’expression chez Merleau-Ponty d’une interrogation ontologique sur la perception irréductible à la conception de l’espace de la philosophie moderne.


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This research seeks to identify views of the body and learning the authors Boris Cyrulnik and Merleau - Ponty, thus tracing reflective for the educational field in several areas, with emphasis on physical education paths . We notice that the above authors present a wide collection of books, needing to develop this theoretical construct a limitation in their works. Therefore , on the theme of the body , were used mainly books The Sixth Sense , Boris Cyrulnik and Phenomenology of Perception , Merleau- Ponty , as both present in their organizational context a specific chapter on this subject . The phenomenological approach is included as path to be taken to devise this study because it is based on daily reflections that the human being perceives through his experiences with his peers and mainstream culture. The phenomenological reduction was carried out from the readings and interpretations of texts, writers and commentators, as well as approaching with life aspects of experience as a police officer and professor of ethics. The interpretation points to the understanding of body and learning that can be propagated within the Physical Education and as a way to understand and learn the constructs lived through sensitivity. The design of the body, feelings and affections of Boris Cyrulnik firm the empathetic bonds between human beings, bringing confidence to explore the world, learning through the new link with the other. This notion is close to the notion of expressive body Merleau Ponty, who holds intentions in their gestures (movements), entwining in time and space. Boris Cyrulnik and Merleau-Ponty expressed as the human being is enigmatic, lying embedded in a social and cultural world, so the experiences to traçarem existential trajetória and learning need in order to enaltercer freedom of expression as a mechanism that can be deployed in the appropriation of concepts and the criticality of the subject facing widespread theories (biological, social, anthropological , etc.) . From the reflections of the research is that recomneda Physical Education , as epistemological working area apprenticeships stemmed body movements should enable reflection on their practice, other do be done, but enabling the creation of different senses and meanings each body attitude


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Suivant notre intention générale qui est d'étudier longitudinalement l'utilisation que Merleau-Ponty fait de la notion de schéma corporel dans sa philosophie, nous nous consacrons dans cet article à ses cours à la Sorbonne. Ces cours font partie d'une période intermédiaire de son oeuvre. Le philosophe y amorce des discussions concernant la corporeité à partir de la psychologie de l'enfant et de la psychanalyse, en abordant le problème de l'intersubjectivité et la théorie du schéma corporel. Merleau-Ponty comprend que l'acquisition d'un schéma corporel unitaire, total, implique une décentralisation de soi, de façon que le corps propre, le corps d'autrui et le monde puissent s'entrelacer dans un tissu relationnel qui implique inextricablement visibilité et épaisseur intra-corporel. Nous considérons que dans ces études Merleau-Ponty effectue un grand pas vers la notion de chair telle qu'on la trouve dans ses textes plus tardifs.


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Neste artigo tratamos das análises do filósofo Maurice Merleau-Ponty acerca das teorias da psicogênese de Henri Wallon. Focalizamos os cursos que Merleau-Ponty dedicara à psicologia da criança entre 1949 e 1952. Para o filósofo, ao longo da psicogênese, a distinção do indivíduo em relação ao mundo e a outrem jamais é terminada. A infância jamais é liquidada radicalmente, pelo simples fato de que não abandonamos nossa condição corporal, nosso poder de retomar as condutas e expressões fisionômicas dos outros e das coisas. Merleau-Ponty encontra indicações neste sentido nas teorias de Wallon, principalmente nos conceitos de sociabilidade sincrética e de ultracoisas.